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****The Official New York Jets vs New Orleans Saints Gameday Thread****


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Schotty is truly bad. I said it before and I'll say it again, he does not put his QB in a position to succeed. And he doesn't put the offense in a position to succeed too. TJ is terrible, he can only run through wide open gaping holes with nobody around him once a game. He doesn't make anything happen. If you want to be a running team, you need to put in a guy that can run for first downs.

Greene NEEDS to start/share with Leon. The Jets need to run more screens. The Jets need to play every game on offense as if they're down 2 scores, at least until the 4th quarter, when if the Jets are up by 3 scores they need to play like that instead. The Saints were playing like they were down huge all game long, going for it on 4th down even though the Jets D was shutting them down.

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Typical response from you. The offense sucked today. Deal with it. Your defense is great. Hang your hat on that.

I haven't seen you post much at all for like two weeks. Then you show up 5 minutes after the first loss of the season, at a time you must know everyone is going to be all pissy. Not trying to be a dick, but why the timing?

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You know your being ridiculous when you are all of a sudden blaming an OC 4 weeks into the season. It wasn't his best play calling but come on.

Sanchez had all the time in the world with NO ONE to throw to.

alot of us have hated schottenheimer for a while now. it's not just this season.

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You know your being ridiculous when you are all of a sudden blaming an OC 4 weeks into the season. It wasn't his best play calling but come on.

Sanchez had all the time in the world with NO ONE to throw to.

I'm going on his body of work, going into 4 years now. I don't like this guy, I've been saying it for awhile, including this season. He is not a good OC, and he is frequently just bad. At best I think he is an average guy. If average was all you're looking for, Chad Pennington and Mangini were doing fine for that, but I'd rather see excellence.

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I haven't seen you post much at all for like two weeks. Then you show up 5 minutes after the first loss of the season, at a time you must know everyone is going to be all pissy. Not trying to be a dick, but why the timing?

she was here all game. unfortunately.....:D

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yeah brady played so well

a dropped pass and an idiot running out of endzone from being 1-3

keep on keeping on, Skippy. The Pats d is getting better and better and so isn't Tommy - who's about 50% now. The trick is to PROGRESS.....not REGRESS. :)

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I haven't seen you post much at all for like two weeks. Then you show up 5 minutes after the first loss of the season, at a time you must know everyone is going to be all pissy. Not trying to be a dick, but why the timing?


Bite me. You ought to take it as well as you give it.

Just bustin'. Pay back - LOL!

I'll stop now.

Go lick your wounds. If you are going to lose a game, an out of conference loss on the road is the way to go.

BTW - everyone of you should sign a petition to 1) utilize Washington more and 2) screen...screen...screen....

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You know your being ridiculous when you are all of a sudden blaming an OC 4 weeks into the season. It wasn't his best play calling but come on.

Sanchez had all the time in the world with NO ONE to throw to.

I never liked the ****er. He's awful.

Sanchez had all the time in the world? Seriously?

They were collapsing the pocket consistently.

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You guys act like this is the worse loss in the world. Take a look at your next four games. Miami, Buffalo Oakland and Miami again. You'll be 7-1 going into the bye.

Not if Sanchez spots the other team 2 TDs every game and goes 3 and out every offensive series. I don't expect that to happen either, but the Jets need to take a serious look at things. Sanchez of course needs to work on ball security, looking off WRs, and the OC needs to put Sanchez in a position to succeed. TJ needs to be benched as well.

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You guys act like this is the worse loss in the world. Take a look at your next four games. Miami, Buffalo Oakland and Miami again. You'll be 7-1 going into the bye.

at worst 6-2......but i don't see a real loss there. our defense should abuse henne. sanchez might have a stinker against the raiders though.

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Not if Sanchez spots the other team 2 TDs every game and goes 3 and out every offensive series. I don't expect that to happen either, but the Jets need to take a serious look at things. Sanchez of course needs to work on ball security, looking off WRs, and the OC needs to put Sanchez in a position to succeed. TJ needs to be benched as well.

You're over-reacting. Give the Sainst D some credit. I almost guarantee that the Jets d will score three td's off of Miami, Buff and Oakland.

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My thoughts:

1) Can we get Schotty out of here? I've never liked him as an OC. Once again, he pulls his third and one shotguns. What the ****? Who does that? With a QB with 3 turnovers at this point, why? Why can't we call some outside runs for Leon? Why no screens to Leon? Why do we even attempt screens to Thomas Jones?

2) Thomas Jones played horrible. Other than that one run, he did his best Kevin Barlow impression today. Always falls down on first contact...just disappears into the pile. Greene should take his carries, he bursts through the hole and I was impressed with his patience on a few runs, waiting for the play to develop. Hopefully his injury is nothing serious.

3) Our offensive line has to play much better than that, on both passing and running plays. D'Brick had a horrible game. You can't let them get so much pressure on a rookie QB like that. Hopefully Woody's injury is nothing serious.

4) We need Clowney, or someone with speed, on the field to stretch the D. Stuckey does not get open because he doesn't have the speed to break away on #2 CBs. Clowney might. We need somebody here. Keller so far hasn't succeeded in taking the pressure off Cotch, let's see what happens from here on out.

5) Once again, our defense was very impressive, especially with three starters out. Hopefully that continues with Pace and Strick/Sheppard back next week.

6) We need to stop with those turnovers. I believe our offense has given up near as many points as our defense so far this year. Not good at all. Sanchez has to take better control of the ball, and he can't force all those throws. Someone has to let him know that he's allowed to throw the ball out of bounds when out of the pocket if no one's open. He needs to improve his pocket presence, especially with those blind-side guys somehow.

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I say get rid of his thread making abilities again.

As for next week, who starts the thread? You want it?

It isn't so much that I want it, more that the Jets need me.

As a wise man once told me, with great power, comes great responsibility. :-P

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I haven't seen you post much at all for like two weeks. Then you show up 5 minutes after the first loss of the season, at a time you must know everyone is going to be all pissy. Not trying to be a dick, but why the timing?

Because in the end, a troll is a troll!!! Come here to criticize and tell us that the Jets suck and their teams are great and try to make it a cute comment by adding a ;). Screw the trolls!!

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