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As bad as it sounds: Browns win first, 6-3 over Bills


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Eric Mangini is the absolute BEST coach in the league at stopping an offense.

Unfortunately, it's HIS offense he stops.

Too true. He ran Lewis off tackle at least 25 times while last week's star, Jerome Harrison - a dynamic player, sits.
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Too true. He ran Lewis off tackle at least 25 times while last week's star, Jerome Harrison - a dynamic player, sits.

Even funnier is that he said he loved James Davis, and barely used him. It's like he purposely chooses which player to hold back. Initially he was stubbornly using Lewis. Lewis gets injured, so then he ignores Davis and uses Harrison. Harrison then gets injured, so he immediately goes back to Lewis and ignores Harrison. You can't make this stuff up.

I've heard people classify Davis as a RB1, Harrison as RB2, and Lewis as RB3. If you go by some rule that you can't play who you think your best player is on the depth chart, then you can understand how Mangini thinks.

Also, DA is terrible. I thought Quinn was bad, but 2 completions in a game is a new level of crappiness.

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This was literally the worst football game I have ever seen.

On Mike and Mike a little while ago they were saying that game was so bad that it set the league back years...hell, even my son who watches EVERYTHING (including some pre-season games-TWICE) turned it off, saying it was lousy game.

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You must have missed the Giants vs Raiders.


that one was like watching steam coming off a pile of dog crap in the snow-you glance, say eww and keep going. What's un-frickin-believable though is that Oakland had Russell throw only 13 times and they are losing by 30 points

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that one was like watching steam coming off a pile of dog crap in the snow-you glance, say eww and keep going. What's un-frickin-believable though is that Oakland had Russell throw only 13 times and they are losing by 30 points

It was worse than watching paint dry.

Is there a team worse than the Raiders? Maybe the Chiefs?

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It was worse than watching paint dry.

Is there a team worse than the Raiders? Maybe the Chiefs?

have we ever seen it this bad? I mean every year there's one team who totally sucks but this year there are 5 or 6...the Raiders, Bucs, Rams, Lions, Chiefs, Bills, Titans....oh yea and how could I forget the Browns

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Hey, stop complaining about having to watch that game on TV.

I had to suffer through it, LIVE!

That was brutal. It was entertaining though in my seats. My buddies and I were just making fun of everything happening and how bad both teams are. It just got funny.

To top it off, the Bills are down 2 more LBs, Mitchell and Buggs are done for the season. It just keeps snowballing, haha.

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Hey, stop complaining about having to watch that game on TV.

I had to suffer through it, LIVE!

That was brutal. It was entertaining though in my seats. My buddies and I were just making fun of everything happening and how bad both teams are. It just got funny.

To top it off, the Bills are down 2 more LBs, Mitchell and Buggs are done for the season. It just keeps snowballing, haha.

Well, at least you have a positive attitude about it. I've been there before...the only thing you can really do is laugh. Getting angry over a team being just flat-out bad is completely unproductive. This is why Lions fans are some of the funniest people you'll ever meet.

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Well, at least you have a positive attitude about it. I've been there before...the only thing you can really do is laugh. Getting angry over a team being just flat-out bad is completely unproductive. This is why Lions fans are some of the funniest people you'll ever meet.

I've never met a Lions fan. :(

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looks like peter king is about to go medieval on mangnini


I'd planned to write 800 words or so on the Browns and where they stand in the wake of their three big deals this year -- trading Kellen Winslow, the draft day trade-down that netted the Jets Mark Sanchez, and trading Braylon Edwards -- but decided to save it for the top of the Tuesday column instead, barring major news breaking. There are some interesting developments in Cleveland, with the scratch-and-clawing 6-3 upset of the Bills Sunday, following Adam Schefter's report on ESPN that the Browns willingly allowed a rookie running back, James Davis, to practice recently without pads against fully padded defensive players, resulting in a season-ended shoulder injury for Davis. Hopefully we'll get to that tomorrow.

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