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Mets trying to land Jason Bay??


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It would definitely be a solid move for Omar but the Mets need to focus more on pitching. With their rotation right now they're not going to win anything. They're not even close to closing the gap between themselves and Philly rignt now but John Lackey and another arm could help significantly close the gap. Honestly I think they should have made a run at Randy Wolf but the Brewers snatched him up. Now other than Lackey, the FA pitching market offers nothing but a bunch of #4/5 starters.

The Mets got a pass last season for not spending when it was learned that the Wilpons lost money in the Madhoff scheme but it I'm not mistaken didn't it come out a couple of months ago that they were among the few that did not lose money and may have even possibly MADE money off of Bernie?

C'mon Mets, you have the world champs down the road, playing in the same market, with your very own TV network and brand new beautiful stadium. Time for the Mets FO to make some meaningful moves.

I'm a Yankee fan, but I think baseball (and this forum) is a lot more interesting when both teams are competitive.

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It would definitely be a solid move for Omar but the Mets need to focus more on pitching. With their rotation right now they're not going to win anything. They're not even close to closing the gap between themselves and Philly rignt now but John Lackey and another arm could help significantly close the gap. Honestly I think they should have made a run at Randy Wolf but the Brewers snatched him up. Now other than Lackey, the FA pitching market offers nothing but a bunch of #4/5 starters.

The Mets got a pass last season for not spending when it was learned that the Wilpons lost money in the Madhoff scheme but it I'm not mistaken didn't it come out a couple of months ago that they were among the few that did not lose money and may have even possibly MADE money off of Bernie?

C'mon Mets, you have the world champs down the road, playing in the same market, with your very own TV network and brand new beautiful stadium. Time for the Mets FO to make some meaningful moves.

I'm a Yankee fan, but I think baseball (and this forum) is a lot more interesting when both teams are competitive.


Unless Citii played to an absolute anomaly last season, the Mets organization has to radically change the types of ball players that they draft and recruit.

They will need to morph into the types of ball club that the Cardinals and Astros were in the 80's-teams that focused on speed, defense and pitching.

You can't hit home runs out of a cavernous ball park, and will only defeat your self in trying it. Build around that. Granted, you will still need some type of big bat (ala Jack Clark) to try to drive the rabbits home, but Jason Bay is not that type. You need more of an Adrian Gonzalez.

Based on how the ball park plays, it can take the Mets 5 years to fit that type of ball club.

Maybe I am wrong on that theory, and the park will [play differently, but you have to build the club in a different image.

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I dont know but NEVER count out the Yanks,. The sox are stupid as Bay is only going to get better. This is why the SOX are not going to beat the yanks this year, even Pedroia could have got a better deal on the free market., The sox might want to add to their stadium instead of it being only for 35k people.

They are too cheap and they will not be a factor in 2010, so I say Bay goes to NYC. With Damon.

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This was smoke and mirroras to try to sell tickets. Mets ticket sales are very slow and well behind last year. The Sawx offered Bay 4 years, $60 million.The Mets only offered 4 years, $65 million, and they did so the day all NY hockey and basketball teams just happened to be off so they could pretend they were doing SOMETHING and get the back pages of all the local papers because nothing else is happening. They KNEW Bay wasn't taking that, it was a PR stunt, nothing more. Bay would require a 5th eyars,a nd the Coupons weren't going to offer that.

Things are going to get ugly at Sh!tifield fast if the Phils get Halladay.

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This was smoke and mirroras to try to sell tickets. Mets ticket sales are very slow and well behind last year. The Sawx offered Bay 4 years, $60 million.The Mets only offered 4 years, $65 million, and they did so the day all NY hockey and basketball teams just happened to be off so they could pretend they were doing SOMETHING and get the back pages of all the local papers because nothing else is happening. They KNEW Bay wasn't taking that, it was a PR stunt, nothing more. Bay would require a 5th eyars,a nd the Coupons weren't going to offer that.

Things are going to get ugly at Sh!tifield fast if the Phils get Halladay.

Really a pathetic owner they have. If people didnt already know, they should by now, Wilpon IS A CHEAP BASTARD.

And not just with his baseball team, believe me on that.....

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I dont know but NEVER count out the Yanks,. The sox are stupid as Bay is only going to get better. This is why the SOX are not going to beat the yanks this year, even Pedroia could have got a better deal on the free market., The sox might want to add to their stadium instead of it being only for 35k people.

They are too cheap and they will not be a factor in 2010, so I say Bay goes to NYC. With Damon.

:rl: Obviously you know NOTHING about the Red Sox. Pity.

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Really a pathetic owner they have. If people didnt already know, they should by now, Wilpon IS A CHEAP BASTARD.

And not just with his baseball team, believe me on that.....

Wait, in some arguments you point to the Mets having the highest NL payroll, yet now you turn around and say they are cheap bastards.

Which is it?

I may not like the Wilpons, but you deserve to be called out on your line of thinking. Myopic again.

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This was smoke and mirroras to try to sell tickets. Mets ticket sales are very slow and well behind last year. The Sawx offered Bay 4 years, $60 million.The Mets only offered 4 years, $65 million, and they did so the day all NY hockey and basketball teams just happened to be off so they could pretend they were doing SOMETHING and get the back pages of all the local papers because nothing else is happening. They KNEW Bay wasn't taking that, it was a PR stunt, nothing more. Bay would require a 5th eyars,a nd the Coupons weren't going to offer that.

Things are going to get ugly at Sh!tifield fast if the Phils get Halladay.

You believe fans are naive enough to go out and buy tickets en masse based on rumors of signings alone? Really?

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Wait, in some arguments you point to the Mets having the highest NL payroll, yet now you turn around and say they are cheap bastards.

Which is it?

I may not like the Wilpons, but you deserve to be called out on your line of thinking. Myopic again.

They have a high payroll because they play in New York and the revenue that comes with the biggest market in the country. No other reason. He has excess revenues and still pinches pennies. Same thing as Woody Johnson.

Wilpon is a cheap jerkoff, known fact, on and off the field.

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They have a high payroll because they play in New York and the revenue that comes with the biggest market in the country. No other reason. He has excess revenues and still pinches pennies. Same thing as Woody Johnson.

Wilpon is a cheap jerkoff, known fact, on and off the field.

A fact is something that you can prove, Barton.

Go ahead and show us the Mets ledger.

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You believe fans are naive enough to go out and buy tickets en masse based on rumors of signings alone? Really?
I believe the Coupons are sly and cheap enough to announce an offer to Bay to pump up ticket sales than to actually make an offer Bay might accept, and to do so on a day when NOTHING else was much happeNing in NY sports to get some attention. WTF is the point to announcing your offer otherwise?

Yanks didn't say a damn thing about Granderson nor Pettitte until it was done. Mets are run like the Flushing Royals or the Willets Point Pirates. Hey, everyone-BUY TICKETS TO THIS JOKE OF A FRANCHISE.

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I believe the Coupons are sly and cheap enough to announce an offer to Bay to pump up ticket sales than to actually make an offer Bay might accept, and to do so on a day when NOTHING else was much happeNing in NY sports to get some attention. WTF is the point to announcing your offer otherwise?

Yanks didn't say a damn thing about Granderson nor Pettitte until it was done. Mets are run like the Flushing Royals or the Willets Point Pirates. Hey, everyone-BUY TICKETS TO THIS JOKE OF A FRANCHISE.

I will repeat, I don't think any fan, of any franchise, is naive enough to purchase a ticket based on rumors alone.

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I will repeat, I don't think any fan, of any franchise, is naive enough to purchase a ticket based on rumors alone.

purchase tickets? No. But the Mets were getting blasted in the media during and after the Winter Meetings for not doing anything and the ticket renewals are awful and Mets fans are bitching and moaning. It was 75% a PR move and 25% dipping their toes in the water to check the temperature. Mets needed some good press. And they finally got some.

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purchase tickets? No. But the Mets were getting blasted in the media during and after the Winter Meetings for not doing anything and the ticket renewals are awful and Mets fans are bitching and moaning. It was 75% a PR move and 25% dipping their toes in the water to check the temperature. Mets needed some good press. And they finally got some.

And for how long will that last ? They'd better do SOMETHING semi big and soon.

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And for how long will that last ? They'd better do SOMETHING semi big and soon.

Kelvim Escobar and the resiging of Elmer Dessens is about as big as this team is going to do...


I dont want Bay. The pitchers available are all... meh.

Outside of Holliday there isnt anything great that will really help this team.

Get used to the fact that the 2010 Mets are all but set.

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Kelvim Escobar and the resiging of Elmer Dessens is about as big as this team is going to do...


I dont want Bay. The pitchers available are all... meh.

Outside of Holliday there isnt anything great that will really help this team.

Get used to the fact that the 2010 Mets are all but set.

I'm hearing that a Bay signing by the Mets might come as early as this weekend. I guess no one else is banging his door down with a contract. Perhaps Seattle will come thru with an 11th hour deal.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This was smoke and mirroras to try to sell tickets. Mets ticket sales are very slow and well behind last year. The Sawx offered Bay 4 years, $60 million.The Mets only offered 4 years, $65 million, and they did so the day all NY hockey and basketball teams just happened to be off so they could pretend they were doing SOMETHING and get the back pages of all the local papers because nothing else is happening. They KNEW Bay wasn't taking that, it was a PR stunt, nothing more. Bay would require a 5th eyars,a nd the Coupons weren't going to offer that.

Things are going to get ugly at Sh!tifield fast if the Phils get Halladay.

Imagine the Mets extreme disappointment that this "smoke and mirrors" charade actually yielded them a player ;)

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Imagine the Mets extreme disappointment that this "smoke and mirrors" charade actually yielded them a player ;)

sometimes when you step in sh!t you come out smelling like roses.

I still dont believe the Mets were that interested in pursuing Bay, but when no one else stepped up and made a better offer, they made out.

I hope Im wrong about Bay not being the right player for the Mets and Citi Field.

I hope we do have a relatively injury free season so we can see whether our team is capable of competing.

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