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What does Schotty have to do to get fired....


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The loss isn't entirely on him, but the comeback coming up short definitely is. At this point I think he needs to go. He's coached well in the first two rounds of the playoffs for two years now, but dropped the ball in the second half of the AFC Championship for two years. It's just time for a change at this point. He's clearly not the guy to get the offense to a championship level at this point and that's really all that matters.

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I don't know if Rex has a better option on O. I doubt he knows many O guys. I want schottenheimer gone but who so we hire? Callahan? He's never been an oc? Cavanagh?


During his tenure as not only head coach but also offensive coordinator for the Raiders, the Raider offense led the league in rushing in 2000 and led the league in passing in 2002. In 2002, the Raiders became the first team to win games in the same season while rushing at least 60 times (against Kansas City in a 24-0 win) and passing at least 60 times (against Pittsburgh in a 30-17 win). The Raider offense also set many franchise records during this period, including fewest sacks allowed (28) in 2000, a mark that was broken the following year (27).

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I don't know if Rex has a better option on O. I doubt he knows many O guys. I want schottenheimer gone but who so we hire? Callahan? He's never been an oc? Cavanagh?

He basically lets you run the entire offense. Any ex-HC should want a shot at that. What's Childress doing? Wasn't he a good OC?

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During his tenure as not only head coach but also offensive coordinator for the Raiders, the Raider offense led the league in rushing in 2000 and led the league in passing in 2002. In 2002, the Raiders became the first team to win games in the same season while rushing at least 60 times (against Kansas City in a 24-0 win) and passing at least 60 times (against Pittsburgh in a 30-17 win). The Raider offense also set many franchise records during this period, including fewest sacks allowed (28) in 2000, a mark that was broken the following year (27).

Yes and no. Callahan was the Raiders' OC as much as Pettine is the Jets' DC. Neither stood around doing nothing, but each was clearly following the lead of their HC on that side of the football.

And for the record I'd be OK with Callahan if he brought in a new WR coach. Unless full arm extension is necessary, no one on this team catches the football with his hands.

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he probably will.. keep screaming, woody listens.

And props to him for doing so. As a Knick and Met fan I can't even begin to tell you how infuriating it is to not have a owner listen to the obvious when your entire fanbase is screaming for it. Woody's a breath of fresh air. Firing Mangini took balls and it wound up being the best decision ever for this franchise.

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he probably will.. keep screaming, woody listens.

Lets hope Woody Listens and lets hope Rex screams. I can't go through another season watching obvious idiotic play calling on a team that is loaded with talent that can win games both running and passing knowing that at some point this IDIOT will sh*t the bed at a crucial point in a game vs Top notch opponents. In the playoffs you can't always get by with pure talent. The coaches that get to the playoffs every year will figure out a way to beat you and you better have a counter scheme in mind.

When we drove the football down to the 3 yard line and had first and goal the play calling was so bad it made me sick to my stomach. How Shonn Greene was not on the field was stupid enough but since we ran the ball so well that whole drive how we threw the ball 2 times right into the teeth of their defense was inexcuseable. They were playing us tight so what happened to the fades to Santonio or Braylon that have worked to near perfection down the stretch and in the first 2 games ??? Oh wait !! I get it, sh*tty was gonna fool em all and not go to the bread and butter play thats next to impossible to defend if the ball is on target. Then on 4th down how once again he runs the small LT right down the middle into the teeth of the defense cost us the chance at going to a SB.

More fun facts.... how in the hell do you NOT go into Hurry up with 9 minutes left down 14 points ?? Sure its no time to panic, but we lost valuable Minutes going on an 8 minute drive that could have lasted half as long. Not only that but staying in Hurry up effects the defense and tirees them out since its hard to substitute. This was not a regular season football game this was the AFCCG and huddling up at the end was beyond stupid. Were we in the mode that we expected to score ?? Just like we Expected to Stop people on defense so no need to call time outs during the season to keep some time on the clock for the offense ?

I knew in my heart Shottenheimer would slip up I think a lot of us did and it ate away at me. I didnt know exactly when but I was convinced he would. I hated the fact I was right and thats what makes losses like this so hard to take. I hated it in the 80's with "just one more year" of Joe Walton I hated it with Herm and I hate it Since Shott has been here.

Rex Ryan has changed the atmosphere around here in a very positive and confident way but when it comes to coaching the Jets always seem to fall short in some way. Its been happening since the early 80's and its happening now with sh*tty. Do we have to put up with this Just one more year ? How long does the window stay open to win a SB ? Its very rare its stays open very long and when you have talent like the Jets do its hard to watch it get under utilized or misused.

This is NOT the SOJ's when it comes to the players but its right up there when it comes to coaches like Brian Shottenheimer.

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No Doubt the Jets got caught off guard in the first half but they Adjusted and we should have won this football game in the second half. I think we had the Steelers Defense on the ropes just like they did to us in the first half and we could not land the big punch but they did. if we score on that 1st and goal from the 3 this game was ours.

And BTW we didnt play bad defense in the first half due to Scheme we played abd because of missed tackles. Big Difference compared to mornic offensive calls at the 3 yard line when we ran the ball down their throats on that drive with SG

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Yes and no. Callahan was the Raiders' OC as much as Pettine is the Jets' DC. Neither stood around doing nothing, but each was clearly following the lead of their HC on that side of the football.

And for the record I'd be OK with Callahan if he brought in a new WR coach. Unless full arm extension is necessary, no one on this team catches the football with his hands.

And Dustin Keller is King Alligator arms himself. The guy can show us flashes but he is horribly inconsistent and IMHO a change needs to be made. I don't want to pay a TE who won't extend over the middle. He cuts off routes because hes a pussy and people wonder why he dissapears for entire portions of the season.

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And Dustin Keller is King Alligator arms himself. The guy can show us flashes but he is horribly inconsistent and IMHO a change needs to be made. I don't want to pay a TE who won't extend over the middle. He cuts off routes because hes a pussy and people wonder why he dissapears for entire portions of the season.

I hate keller

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And Dustin Keller is King Alligator arms himself. The guy can show us flashes but he is horribly inconsistent and IMHO a change needs to be made. I don't want to pay a TE who won't extend over the middle. He cuts off routes because hes a pussy and people wonder why he dissapears for entire portions of the season.

I'm still trying to figure out how he couldn't stretch that one catch to the marker. Effing Cumberland could have managed that one.

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And Dustin Keller is King Alligator arms himself. The guy can show us flashes but he is horribly inconsistent and IMHO a change needs to be made. I don't want to pay a TE who won't extend over the middle. He cuts off routes because hes a pussy and people wonder why he dissapears for entire portions of the season.

Im the biggest Keller fan ever...but **** HIM NOW!

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I'm still trying to figure out how he couldn't stretch that one catch to the marker. Effing Cumberland could have managed that one.

Did you see the play up the seam vs the Pats ? Sanchez made a beautifull throw and Keller just pulled his arms back and braced for the hit from the safety. I really hope the Jets are paying attention to the film because this guy Is like Johnny Mitchell Jr. Wonder why the Jets had so many TE's on the roster ? heres your answer.... he can't block either.

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Did you see the play up the seam vs the Pats ? Sanchez made a beautifull throw and Keller just pulled his arms back and braced for the hit from the safety. I really hope the Jets are paying attention to the film because this guy Is like Johnny Mitchell Jr. Wonder why the Jets had so many TE's on the roster ? heres your answer.... he can't block either.

He got destroyed in the trenches today. Then again, who didn't.

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He got destroyed in the trenches today. Then again, who didn't.

Sharrow in the second half we kicked the Steelers a$$ just like they kicked ours in the first half and we should have won that football game. I agree in the first half we got destroyed on many levels but the key was we made adjustemnts and came out the second half ready to take control. If not for some poor offensive play calling I think the outcome would have been different.

One of the key plays I saw at the end was the last Steeler first down. Rapist was heading for the sidelines and Pace was 5 yards upfield directly in front of him (no doubt spying the possibility of him running), as Rapist neared the sideline he had to throw the football or go out of bounds yet for some strange reason Pace never jumped to block the pass. Really stupid play on his part that could have been a great play. Instead the ball was thrown right over his shoulder. WTF was he doing ? At the very least he could have disrupted Bens Vision by jumping and the momentum would have taken him out of bounds or the persuit from behind would have smashed him.

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Shotty isn't going anywhere. I personally don't think Rex has the balls to fire him this year and if he did who would come in? A whole new system and terminology will only set sanchez's development back not to mention probably less weapons than this year!!!

It's not the balls...it's the lack of coaching talent in the league + the CBA situation + the QB and that whole situation.

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No matter what you say about sh*tty he wasnt resposible for Mendenhalls 100+ yard game....

I think he was partly responsible. The offense didnt sustain any drives in the first half. We had 4 drives other than the field goal to end the half. Drive 1 was 7 plays, the other 3 were 3 and outs.

Drive 1 time 3:55

Drive 2 time 1:55

Drive 3 time :48

Drive 4 time :30 didnt matter as it was the fumble returned for the TD and we got the ball back.

Cant expect the D to be on the field for the entire first half and not get tired. Offense needed to move the ball and contribute and help slow the Steelers momentum. The Jets offense never scores or moves the ball in the first half of the game. It seems as though they only play the second half.

Weatherford's 30 yard punts didnt really help either.

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