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The Office Mafia Game Thread

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Clearly no one's coming forward. This is just a convenient out for you. If you didn't make up this item destroyer, he's coming for your item tonight. If you wanted to protect that thing, you played it terribly wrong.

Keep quiet about it, I don't care. I want you lynched and hopefully that item does have a 67% chance of getting (back?) into town's hands.

Actually, there was a hickup in how something was communicated to me by the mods.. not thier fault, I should've asked more questions, but by the time it was clarified I had already revealed...

My hope was to try and figure out who the item destroyer was, and if I couldn't, I'd give it away to protect it.. also, at the time I was the leading vote getter and felt like it was better to bring it up right away rather then wait till i was at L-1... doesn't matter now.. i voted ape out of the shoot today cause I didn't understand why I was targetted by this role instead of him last night.. you guys can wade through it tomorrow, or ignore it.. But i felt the information was good enough for a day 2 vote, particularly after he pinged me on day 1 by the distinct lack of omgus... you even said much earlier today, he's actually playing level headed or something.. which is out of character? (although today he's back to omgus happy monkey)

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^ you cut my post. Where I go on to joke about my Crystal Ball.

What I said early on D2 is I would like to item reveal at the end of D2 if we still have one left as I think it would help town. I'll reveal if I have to but would rather been D1. Feels like nobody is paying attention to the details.

OK...we are near the end of D2 and you still haven't revealed...

VOTE: Hess

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If PAC and the Chimp are both scum, and you're town, that'll prove to be quite the prophesy.

The idea that I'm acting the way I did as the GF a couple games is laughable. In that game, I let town tear each other apart. In this game, I'm in peoples faces. There's a clear and obvious difference. You're playing terrible this game.

Im not sure your in people faces. You mentioned a couple name but mostly you been pushing along the CTM/ Ape shuffle. By the way it's the perfect way to get town to tear itself apart. Just saying..

I will not have much time on the PC before four. I am switching my phones and internet at the office and my entire netowrk is in shambles. My router is old(sucky) and I have the I.T folks coming. Only my up front computer is online right now.

@mod? Any chance we can get the deadline pushed back till like 10pm? Would like to play this one out.

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Im not sure your in people faces. You mentioned a couple name but mostly you been pushing along the CTM/ Ape shuffle. By the way it's the perfect way to get town to tear itself apart. Just saying..

I will not have much time on the PC before four. I am switching my phones and internet at the office and my entire netowrk is in shambles. My router is old(sucky) and I have the I.T folks coming. Only my up front computer is online right now.

@mod? Any chance we can get the deadline pushed back till like 10pm? Would like to play this one out.

It's weird you keep saying Slats is pushing the Ape/CTM shuffle, but no mentioned of Jetcode doing the same. At least for Slats its not out of the ordinary that he would do what he's doing. Hell, last game both Slats and I shared the same perspective on DPR - all 3 of us town.

Jetscode never does what he's been doing this game. NEVER.

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As for CTM feigning concern and asking for the "item destroyer" to come forward... I've already explained why that is very unlikely to happen:

I can appreciate what you were trying to do... however, at this point IF the person who is the item destroyer is town, they know not to be drawn to a reveal at your request. Because you are entrenched in the scummiest mess of the game so far. Why would they hand themselves to you if they think you are scum?

This is why, no matter how much noise you make, this whole proposal of yours is flawed.

It doesn't matter if you are scum or town, at this point if the destroyer is town, they are NOT going to reveal because you asked them to. It puts them at risk in the next night phase, and for what? To satisfy your irrational suspicion of me? You said yourself I am roleless now. So, why would a roled townie come forward to save a roleless one? Not logical.

If the destroyer right now is scum. Well, its obvious why they are not coming forward.

This proposal is a lose-lose for me, because you are selling my alignment as immediately tied to the alignment of the destroyer and yet you propose a scenario to "figure out" the destroyer's alignment which just won't pan out. You should know this wouldn't have panned out. So you saying "no destroyer steps forward = destroyer is scum = Ape is scum" is a leap, the type of leap you never make.

I think you need to pump the breaks and look at the bigger picture. How did you really feel about that case you used about me slipping? You know it was garbage right? So, did you notice Jetscode was the only person to jump on it? I was surprised to see you just ignore that. Shelve the "must convince everyone Ape is scum" bit for a while and look at the rest of the game, please.

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ur slow this game.. what does matter is whether or not they would attempt to destroy, if a townie came forward and role revealed, i'd feel fairly comfortable that they wouldn't target it for destruction tonight. Capisce?

re: the bolded. How about gfy? I think I've played this game enough times to know when something may or may not be benefitial for scum to know. So quit role fishing scumball

"Quit role fishing" he says, the same guy asking the "item destroyer" to step forward. :rolleyes:

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Fair enough.

So you feel good about Kia Monkey being town?

I believed his reveal. After Day 2 it was confirmed. His role doesn't sound like scum but could be third party yet I'm leaning town on him at the moment.

I'm not trying to force you to slip up...my memory thought you said you knew it was stolen...just didn't have the post and already read too many back pages...just thought I'd ask for a little help from the source...though it is useful that you provided it...thanks.

@ Mod...was this in the rules of engagement...that if he stated he chose another item it would count as a reveal...because his reveal already stated he had an item...not sure talkin about choosing another item would count as a reveal if he doesn't state what the new item is...if that's the case why wouldn't Hess' half reveal count toward are reveal limit?

Nothing I have said or would say would have anything to do with the cop

OK...we are near the end of D2 and you still haven't revealed...

VOTE: Hess

I suggest you read the game a little closer. WHAT I've gone on and SAID was if we don't use them all up I would like to reveal something about an item. I've gone on to mention it's not a role but item multiple times. Lily asked me straight up if it was investigative and I answered that too. I've been warned multiple times now by the mod and yet here you are role fishing. If we have a reveal left I will mention it, nothing more or less.

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I actually think it makes more sense to bring Jetscode to reveal and make him explain himself a little. He has been my #1 all along on D2. Then decide who to lynch between him and CTM.



I don't like a single thing about CTM's play, but we've seen him play terribly as a townie before when he thinks he's outsmarted the game. I've never seen him abandon logic like this though. He made himself my #2.

Jetscode on the other hand is playing opportunistically and scummy.

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It's weird you keep saying Slats is pushing the Ape/CTM shuffle, but no mentioned of Jetcode doing the same. At least for Slats its not out of the ordinary that he would do what he's doing. Hell, last game both Slats and I shared the same perspective on DPR - all 3 of us town.

Jetscode never does what he's been doing this game. NEVER.

Slats stand out to me, Jetscode is one of the players I really never pay much attention too. Sorry. If i get a chance will go back and read.. Hopefully mods puch the deadline back.

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How do the reveals work in this game - if we lynch someone D2 and only used up 2 reveals, can we have a 3rd reveal take place during N2 because its part of the same day/night cycle?

@Hess if the answer to the question above is yes, I'd say wait until after the lynch unless your reveal can save someone you know is town.

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Slats stand out to me, Jetscode is one of the players I really never pay much attention too. Sorry. If i get a chance will go back and read.. Hopefully mods puch the deadline back.

You should probably read Jetscode at this point Crusher. It may not be reflected in vote count, but he's drawing as much suspicion as CTM. Not sure how you glaze over that - but I know you aren't lying about family weekend stuff. So get caught up! :)

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You should probably read Jetscode at this point Crusher. It may not be reflected in vote count, but he's drawing as much suspicion as CTM. Not sure how you glaze over that - but I know you aren't lying about family weekend stuff. So get caught up! :)

I didn;t really glaze over it, it just didn;t stand out to me. This is one of the problems for me,. I get staring and focusing on the argument (you and CTM) then a lot slips by me. Slats is someone I look at hard cause I still have his domination fresh in my mind.

I won;t have time to read much. Tuff today with only one on line computer at the office. gotta let the girls work. The PC at my desk is not on line. Hope the mods extend the deadline.

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I'm getting concerned about Hess's refusal to reveal despite being asked to do so repeatedly after he half-revealed. I don't like Jetscode's behavior either; he seems like he's scum pushing the hatefest between what I view to be townies in CTM and I-28.

However, Hess is my # 1 target right now.


Vote: Hess

You don't like JC's behavior but you're now doing the exact same thing. Figures you view CTM as townie, shocker.

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How do the reveals work in this game - if we lynch someone D2 and only used up 2 reveals, can we have a 3rd reveal take place during N2 because its part of the same day/night cycle?

@Hess if the answer to the question above is yes, I'd say wait until after the lynch unless your reveal can save someone you know is town.

Yep. There's no rush. And there's no rush lynching CTM right now either. I'm not dumb enough to think I have the whole thing figured out either but it's been fascinating watching CTM and 80 kinda stick up for each other the entire game. It's worth keeping an eye if/when one flips scum. so...we also have JC role-fishing and pushing more than I've ever seen him and you can cut it anyway you choose, Lily has been playing different/more detached the entire game.

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You don't like JC's behavior but you're now doing the exact same thing. Figures you view CTM as townie, shocker.

Yep. There's no rush. And there's no rush lynching CTM right now either. I'm not dumb enough to think I have the whole thing figured out either but it's been fascinating watching CTM and 80 kinda stick up for each other the entire game. It's worth keeping an eye if/when one flips scum. so...we also have JC role-fishing and pushing more than I've ever seen him and you can cut it anyway you choose, Lily has been playing different/more detached the entire game.

I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing it.

Top 3 for me: Jetscode, CTM and if CTM is scum, then JF80.

Alright, leaving for work - posting will be limited/sporadic unless I can hide in a conf room.

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Well Hell, if CTM is scum, he's playing one of the worst games in the history of Mafia. I'd love to think that we could catch scum that easy but I'm not at all getting that read on him. I think he's just playing stupid, not scummy.

IMO scum is just sitting back right now and letting town argue itself into a mess.

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Well Hell, if CTM is scum, he's playing one of the worst games in the history of Mafia. I'd love to think that we could catch scum that easy but I'm not at all getting that read on him. I think he's just playing stupid, not scummy.

IMO scum is just sitting back right now and letting town argue itself into a mess.

I'm not scum, so don't worry about these guys trying to attach you to me they're basically trying to threaten you into voting me. I see ape's top 3 for scum are the people questioning him, as usual. What a clown.

Anyway, I think ya'll should lynch me. The only mistake i made was rushing to announce my item before clarifying everything with the mod. i was resigned to being lynched and was excited when I found out what it wa, f me. In terms of how I opened day 2, still feel it was the right move. If the item destroyer is scum, like I'm assuming atm, there's a good chance ape is scum too imo..

Anyway, This is frustrating and not fun again. No way to spend leisure time.


vote CTM

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I'm not scum, so don't worry about these guys trying to attach you to me they're basically trying to threaten you into voting me. I see ape's top 3 for scum are the people questioning him, as usual. What a clown.

Anyway, I think ya'll should lynch me. The only mistake i made was rushing to announce my item before clarifying everything with the mod. i was resigned to being lynched and was excited when I found out what it wa, f me. In terms of how I opened day 2, still feel it was the right move. If the item destroyer is scum, like I'm assuming atm, there's a good chance ape is scum too imo..

Anyway, This is frustrating and not fun again. No way to spend leisure time.


vote CTM


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I think this Ape/CTM/slats thing (now more just CTM/slats) is too distracting for us. At least one is probably scum, as I can't see all of them being misguided townies.

I'm not scum, so don't worry about these guys trying to attach you to me they're basically trying to threaten you into voting me. I see ape's top 3 for scum are the people questioning him, as usual. What a clown.

Anyway, I think ya'll should lynch me. The only mistake i made was rushing to announce my item before clarifying everything with the mod. i was resigned to being lynched and was excited when I found out what it wa, f me. In terms of how I opened day 2, still feel it was the right move. If the item destroyer is scum, like I'm assuming atm, there's a good chance ape is scum too imo..

Anyway, This is frustrating and not fun again. No way to spend leisure time.


vote CTM


Don't do that, CTM. Not cool - self voting is never a good idea. I don't even like it as a scum tactic....if that's what this is, it's lame. Sorry. Please unvote yourself.

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How do the reveals work in this game - if we lynch someone D2 and only used up 2 reveals, can we have a 3rd reveal take place during N2 because its part of the same day/night cycle?

@Hess if the answer to the question above is yes, I'd say wait until after the lynch unless your reveal can save someone you know is town.

If it's part of the same cycle, then yes.

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The emo is strong in this game. Way to go JVOR.

I say we do a top 3 at this point. I've never seen CTM act this way and I dont think he'd pull this off as scum. Though I'd love to lynch CTM or the Ape just to get the distraction out of the way, I'm pretty confident both are town or at least would like to assume so at this time.

That said, I'd be perfectly comfortable with lynching JC, Slats or Pac, in that order.

Slats and Jetscode are all across the board this game. Nudging arguments and muddying the waters. Neither of their play strikes me as town friendly. I've never seen JC put this much effort into a game. Lots of long winded posts that is completely not his style. Slats is just out right confusing me and that makes me nervous.

Pac is a total metagaming hunch, he's playing totally different, which is why I have him last.

Unvote Pac

Vote Jetscode

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@mod? Any chance we can get the deadline pushed back till like 10pm? Would like to play this one out.

Sorry about that, i've got stuff going on the next two days. Pushing back the deadline means I might not get around to a scene until tomorrow. As it is I'm shooting to wrap up night phase by tomorrow evening, wouldn't want to drag into Wed. afternoon. I'll set the next deadline for later on in the day. You guys have had several days for this one.

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I'm not scum, so don't worry about these guys trying to attach you to me they're basically trying to threaten you into voting me. I see ape's top 3 for scum are the people questioning him, as usual. What a clown.

Anyway, I think ya'll should lynch me. The only mistake i made was rushing to announce my item before clarifying everything with the mod. i was resigned to being lynched and was excited when I found out what it wa, f me. In terms of how I opened day 2, still feel it was the right move. If the item destroyer is scum, like I'm assuming atm, there's a good chance ape is scum too imo..

Anyway, This is frustrating and not fun again. No way to spend leisure time.


vote CTM

Remember back a couple games where you told me you could get me to go emo in a game before you ever would? You lose. Perhaps your quest to make me crack has brought you to this point, after all I've been your ONLY focus for 2 games now.

I hate to see you not enjoying the game - but at the same time I don't believe you. You are on record with both me and Pac saying that you LOVE all the bickering. In fact after last game you said you have a better read on the game when all this noise is being made, it was part of the same conversation we had where I told you I didn't want to play crazy Ape style anymore.

If you are really upset, then I apologize in advance. However, I don't buy this for a second from you - one of the thickest skinned players in teh mafia.

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In case anyone didn't catch it the 357 times he said it, CTM thinks that if the item destroyer is scum, then so am I. :rolleyes:

Nevermind that he doesn't know the alignment of the item destroyer, or consider any other potential game mechanics, nevermind playing with the information you have versus the information you don't have... nevermind logic.

Bro, you really did become the Ape this game. Congrats, your avatar message is now true.

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To clarify: I'm not upset, my feelings aren't hurt and this isn't emo. There just comes a time where saying the same things over and over and over begins to feel more like work then fun. I know it's my own damn fault, but it doesn't change the fact that I've again spent way too much time unsuccesfully articulating my pov. Unfortunately the only way I can extract myself from it is throwing in the towel. I don't see what the big deal is, I was 99% getting lynched today anyway, and didn't want to spend all day bickering about it.

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To clarify: I'm not upset, my feelings aren't hurt and this isn't emo. There just comes a time where saying the same things over and over and over begins to feel more like work then fun. I know it's my own damn fault, but it doesn't change the fact that I've again spent way too much time unsuccesfully articulating my pov. Unfortunately the only way I can extract myself from it is throwing in the towel. I don't see what the big deal is, I was 99% getting lynched today anyway, and didn't want to spend all day bickering about it.

I was waiting for you to calm down and unvote yourself which you haven't yet.

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not buying the emo. ctm has pmd me in past games when i have a similar meltdown to bust my balls. looks like last ditch effort by scum

The only time I can recall emo of this nature from scum, was when you pulled the, I'm only being lynched because I'm Pac routine, when you were in fact, scum.

I'm buying it. I just wish we could all collectively move on. There has been plenty of lurkers this morning not contributing at all with a deadline looming. I'd like to go a different direction, specifically Jetcode but would be good with lynching Slats or you as well.

Who's your top 3?

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willing to discuss if item destroyer comes forward, so we can be assured scum won't destroy tonight... otherwise not worth discussing as it gives scum too much information..

in any event, this is a mistake but atleast town will know everything i said was true. hope they don't let you weasel around till end game like a few games ago, you're playing very similiar imo//

I think probably 2 of u/ape/pacMule are scum, so won't give satisfaction of a self vote, despite how much i'd like to put myself out of my misery

I'm not scum, so don't worry about these guys trying to attach you to me they're basically trying to threaten you into voting me. I see ape's top 3 for scum are the people questioning him, as usual. What a clown.

Anyway, I think ya'll should lynch me. The only mistake i made was rushing to announce my item before clarifying everything with the mod. i was resigned to being lynched and was excited when I found out what it wa, f me. In terms of how I opened day 2, still feel it was the right move. If the item destroyer is scum, like I'm assuming atm, there's a good chance ape is scum too imo..

Anyway, This is frustrating and not fun again. No way to spend leisure time.


vote CTM

Contradictions dont help much either you emo sob. :D

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