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Braylon Edwards Situation


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I started a new thread with this because I want to take it in another direction so hear me out.

Braylon is obviously having major issues getting signed. It has been stated, one of the main reasons the Jets did not persue him any longer was due to salary demands and it also seems other teams are taking this stance as well.

With that being said if no one is showing any interest in Braylon what would be the smart thing for him to do ? What Im thinking is if Braylon signs a one year deal, the smart move would be to sign it with the Jets (if they agree) since he is already familiar with the Offense and Mark Sanchez. This will give him the chance to perform, get his act together with the off field crap, and get his career back on track. If he goes to another team he could damage the perception of his ability hurting his leverage even further having to deal with learning a new offense and timning with a new QB. If he comes to the Jets under these circumstances and lights it up, it gives us the time to work a deal and not have to sign what will then be a 35 year old Plaxico.

Any thoughts.

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I started a new thread with this because I want to take it in another direction so hear me out.

Braylon is obviously having major issues getting signed. It has been stated, one of the main reasons the Jets did not persue him any longer was due to salary demands and it also seems other teams are taking this stance as well.

With that being said if no one is showing any interest in Braylon what would be the smart thing for him to do ? What Im thinking is if Braylon signs a one year deal, the smart move would be to sign it with the Jets (if they agree) since he is already familiar with the Offense and Mark Sanchez. This will give him the chance to perform, get his act together with the off field crap, and get his career back on track. If he goes to another team he could damage the perception of his ability hurting his leverage even further having to deal with learning a new offense and timning with a new QB. If he comes to the Jets under these circumstances and lights it up, it gives us the time to work a deal and not have to sign what will then be a 35 year old Plaxico.

Any thoughts.

Thoughts, hmmmm, to many EGO's not enough footballs if you sign BE, remember we are a run first team. JMHO thou I could be wrong I usually am

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Thoughts, hmmmm, to many EGO's not enough footballs if you sign BE, remember we are a run first team. JMHO thou I could be wrong I usually am

If that somehow happens we should cease being a run-first team and Sanchez should have no less than 4000 passing yards and 30 touchdowns if he's half the QB that so many here think he is.

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If that somehow happens we should cease being a run-first team and Sanchez should have no less than 4000 passing yards and 30 touchdowns if he's half the QB that so many here think he is.

I could not agree more...BTW what do you think of Sanchez?

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Guys part of the reason I want Braylon in here is because of his run blocking abilities. We can still be a short passing posession type football team with 4 good WR's on the roster. When New orleans won the SB they were set up in a similar fashion with a top 3 rushing attack and west coast type passing attack. Whats worng with following that scenario ? Either way i think a 1 year deal makes sense and Braylon may have to be the one to even initiate the idea.

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If that somehow happens we should cease being a run-first team and Sanchez should have no less than 4000 passing yards and 30 touchdowns if he's half the QB that so many here think he is.

Whether or not we become the next passing mecca of the NFL or not, I would still like to see BE resigned. I am very nervous about Plaxico staying healthy. Look at Revis last year with a couple of weeks off. I know i know... plax worked out his lower legs in jail and while I know jail house gyms are always top notch, I'm just not sure. It bothers me that we're depending on a guy who's been in jail for 2 years.


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I think that Tannenbaum and Rex are probably more thickheaded than you are... so no matter how many threads you start, your still not getting your way.

Thanks for continuing to be an idiot . If you didnt want to discuss the topic you did have another option. BTW how many threads did I start on this subject ? 1

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Thanks for continuing to be an idiot . If you didnt want to discuss the topic you did have another option. BTW how many threads did I start on this subject ? 1

I'm an idiot because you've spent the weekend beating a dead horse? Got it.

Pretty sure I'm the one that stayed level headed and said, "be patient, trust in the FO" while you stomped your feet and wrung your hands all weekend because of how obvious it is that you know better than the people in charge of the Jets roster.

Also, I think you started only 1 thread on this, while there are probably about 20 threads going... way to be so self-centered that you think yours is different than the others.

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I'm an idiot because you've spent the weekend beating a dead horse? Got it.

Pretty sure I'm the one that stayed level headed and said, "be patient, trust in the FO" while you stomped your feet and wrung your hands all weekend because of how obvious it is that you know better than the people in charge of the Jets roster.

Also, I think you started only 1 thread on this, while there are probably about 20 threads going... way to be so self-centered that you think yours is different than the others.

never stated I knew better than the people who run the Jets roster. You came in here once again looking for an agruement. Its OBVIOUS Braylon is having Major issues getting signed. If this is the case and no one signs him he will begin to panic and the smart option for him at that point is to go to the team he is familar with and ask for a one year deal. This thread is FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE. The Jets would probably even turn it down .

In your case you fine with a 34 year old WR who has not played in 2 years while there is the slight possibility that works out Im not willing to bet a SB contender on it.

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never stated I knew better than the people who run the Jets roster. You came in here once again looking for an agruement. Its OBVIOUS Braylon is having Major issues getting signed. If this is the case and no one signs him he will begin to panic and the smart option for him at that point is to go to the team he is familar with and ask for a one year deal. This thread is FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE. The Jets would probably even turn it down .

In your case you fine with a 34 year old WR who has not played in 2 years while there is the slight possibility that works out Im not willing to bet a SB contender on it.

I wasn't looking for an argument. You started a new thread, to keep pushing an already established argument. All I did was maintain my perspective in the already ongoing dialogue in a new thread.

Argument isn't even how I'm looking at it either. I'm being positive and faithful, and you are being a SOJ fan over-reacting to every bit of news and non-news you come across. I'm reacting to the realities of the situation, while you are continually tell the sky to be pink, Braylon's not becoming a Jet again, but you continue to beat the dead horse. That's not an argument, that is one person pointing out that another is thickheaded and delusional.

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Guys part of the reason I want Braylon in here is because of his run blocking abilities. We can still be a short passing posession type football team with 4 good WR's on the roster. When New orleans won the SB they were set up in a similar fashion with a top 3 rushing attack and west coast type passing attack. Whats worng with following that scenario ? Either way i think a 1 year deal makes sense and Braylon may have to be the one to even initiate the idea.

Plaxico came from the steelers. He is a very good run blocker. He is also the size of a tight end. I looked it up and could not believe how big that sum bitch is. HUGE!!!!! I love Braylon but he would have to sign for nothing. I did mention a one year deal was eminent a day or so ago.

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I could not agree more...BTW what do you think of Sanchez?

I think he's got a lot of talent. The height thing I think is way overblown. He's plenty tall enough to play QB and to play it at a superstar level. He's also got more than enough arm to play in any weather and make any throw. Also he's got a great head on his shoulders, is fantastically personable and likable, and clearly commands the respect of the entire team and coaching staff. Despite some occasional mopey faces or hot dog eating prior to the first game of last season, I think the kid's a born leader and I just flat-out like him.

So everything is in place that should be except for one tiny thing: he just hasn't been particularly good at consistently completing passes to his own receivers. His completion percentage is woefully low and that's with like 30% of his completions caught by his backs. Speaking objectively and not as a Jets (or Sanchez) fan, of which I am both, he sucks as often as he performs. Putting aside the debate of whether it's an unofficial or even a worthwhile stat, the guy's thrown a motherload of interceptions right at defenders that they simply dropped, much to my pleasure. I've watched a lot of football and never seen a QB get bailed out of so many picks by the opposing team just flat-out dropping them. I'll take that every time over a ball bouncing off his own receiver's hands and falling into a defender's, but I know what I saw. And

His best quality is a penchant for making the big throw in crunch-time, and for the most part plays better as the games get more important. That's far from nothing to build on, as most QB's - even ones who go to multiple pro bowls or get inducted into Canton - never, ever develop that. So I'm optimistic, but a lot of those comebacks are only necessary in the first place because he's so God-awful for half a game or more. No, Brian Schottenheimer isn't the cat's meow of OC's. But he doesn't call for Sanchez to throw interceptions or throw behind his receivers or pull the trigger late on guys who are wide open.

However, he's still extremely young and there are HOF QB's who were certainly worse heading into season 3 statistically, to say nothing of showing up in playoffs as Sanchez has. But the reality is that for all the criticism thrown at other individuals on the offense, Sanchez was the weakest link on that side of the ball last year and the year before. While wins trump stats 100% of the time, there's no reason for him to have such a poor stat line with the talent level of the other 10 guys he has at his disposal on the offense.

If history is an indicator then there's a good chance he takes an enormous leap from year 2 to 3. I'm in off-season mode so it's all optimism so far. Ask me again in September, lol.

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Plaxico came from the steelers. He is a very good run blocker. He is also the size of a tight end. I looked it up and could not believe how big that sum bitch is. HUGE!!!!! I love Braylon but he would have to sign for nothing. I did mention a one year deal was eminent a day or so ago.

yep I think you did mention the one year deal and its beginning to look more and more like thats what Braylon is going to wind up with. Crush I agree Plax is a very good all around WR I wanted him back when the Giants grabbed his a$$ but hes 34 man and that really worries me going into the playoffs.

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It's painfully obvious that the Jets rank the defense ahead of the offense. That they feel CB is perhaps the most important position on the team (Revis + Nnamdi Cro), and that the WR position can be maintained with a band-aid (Plaxico). Minus Pool and JT, the defense has pretty much maintained status quo - or maybe even improved when you consider the draft and Pitoitua coming back.

Offense is secondary here. Too bad you don't like Holmes, because we're damn lucky to still have him with these guys running the show.

But with Cro signing for 4/$32M, there's just no money left to sign Braylon even if they wanted to (and they don't).

Improvement on offense rests with Sanchez getting better, and he's going to have to do that without BE.

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yep I think you did mention the one year deal and its beginning to look more and more like thats what Braylon is going to wind up with. Crush I agree Plax is a very good all around WR I wanted him back when the Giants grabbed his a$$ but hes 34 man and that really worries me going into the playoffs.

I think it worries everyone. Would be helpful to find out his injury history. I do member him being out for about 5 games before the playoffs when he was with the Steelers. he got back in time for the playoffs. Only time will tell Smash. I just think Braylon may have dug himself into a hole with his off field antics. Be it fair or right it's become an issue apparently.

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It's painfully obvious that the Jets rank the defense ahead of the offense. That they feel CB is perhaps the most important position on the team (Revis + Nnamdi Cro), and that the WR position can be maintained with a band-aid (Plaxico). Minus Pool and JT, the defense has pretty much maintained status quo - or maybe even improved when you consider the draft and Pitoitua coming back.

Offense is secondary here. Too bad you don't like Holmes, because we're damn lucky to still have him with these guys running the show.

But with Cro signing for 4/$32M, there's just no money left to sign Braylon even if they wanted to (and they don't).

Improvement on offense rests with Sanchez getting better, and he's going to have to do that without BE.

Seems at this point no one does. Looks like TO and Moss are gonna take up with a team before him as well. Not that he was going back to Cleveland anyhow. LOL

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It's painfully obvious that the Jets rank the defense ahead of the offense. That they feel CB is perhaps the most important position on the team (Revis + Nnamdi Cro), and that the WR position can be maintained with a band-aid (Plaxico). Minus Pool and JT, the defense has pretty much maintained status quo - or maybe even improved when you consider the draft and Pitoitua coming back.

Offense is secondary here. Too bad you don't like Holmes, because we're damn lucky to still have him with these guys running the show.

But with Cro signing for 4/$32M, there's just no money left to sign Braylon even if they wanted to (and they don't).

Improvement on offense rests with Sanchez getting better, and he's going to have to do that without BE.

The offense is pretty much set in stone....defensively you need more depth. The offense is going to rely on guys getting better. There wasn't really anything left to do on offense except resign Holmes/Braylon....and its pretty obvious the organization hated BE.

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The offense is pretty much set in stone....defensively you need more depth. The offense is going to rely on guys getting better. There wasn't really anything left to do on offense except resign Holmes/Braylon....and its pretty obvious the organization hated BE.

Why doesn't the offense need depth? :lol:

Personally, I would've preferred the band-aid at CB and resigned Edwards, but that's not the thinking here. They had five FA priorities at the end of last season: Holmes, Cro, Edwards, Harris, and BSmith. They franchised Harris, tried to significantly upgrade Cro, and let BE and BS walk. It's not a judgment, just an observation that these guys clearly put defense first.

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Why doesn't the offense need depth? :lol:

Personally, I would've preferred the band-aid at CB and resigned Edwards, but that's not the thinking here. They had five FA priorities at the end of last season: Holmes, Cro, Edwards, Harris, and BSmith. They franchised Harris, tried to significantly upgrade Cro, and let BE and BS walk. It's not a judgment, just an observation that these guys clearly put defense first.

Peresonally I think the loss of B Smith on special teams will be obvious early season until someone can step up. I know he was a luxury but he will be missed, guy was a special team beast. Personally I liked BE but can see Plax filling in nicely as long as his old azz can hold up.

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Why doesn't the offense need depth? :lol:

Personally, I would've preferred the band-aid at CB and resigned Edwards, but that's not the thinking here. They had five FA priorities at the end of last season: Holmes, Cro, Edwards, Harris, and BSmith. They franchised Harris, tried to significantly upgrade Cro, and let BE and BS walk. It's not a judgment, just an observation that these guys clearly put defense first.

I understand your position and all other things being equal I might agree. But with an inconsistent passer and a defensive-minded head coach - a great one at that - it goes with the territory. With a lesser defensive mind at the helm then I might think spending this much on a 2nd CB was overkill (and still kind of do). But I'll just have to go with Rex's judgment on this. On the balance sheet he's been pretty good so far on that side of the ball.

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You really can't afford to have 4 WRs that do not play special teams, and with Holmes/Plax/Edwards/Cotchery except for 1 of the 4 maybe returning punts, that's what you'd have.

That depends on the roster the Rams did it. The Saints do it. The Pats do it.

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I understand your position and all other things being equal I might agree. But with an inconsistent passer and a defensive-minded head coach - a great one at that - it goes with the territory. With a lesser defensive mind at the helm then I might think spending this much on a 2nd CB was overkill (and still kind of do). But I'll just have to go with Rex's judgment on this. On the balance sheet he's been pretty good so far on that side of the ball.

whats funny is its been the Defense thats sh!t the bed in the last 2 AFCCG.

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That depends on the roster the Rams did it. The Saints do it. The Pats do it.

Inform me when Sanchez starts passing like an all-time great and then we'll talk, lol. In the meantime let's see him complete a whopping 60% of his passes for more than 2 consecutive games first. Then we can start drawing parallels to offenses led by Kurt Warner and Drew Brees and Tom Brady in their primes.

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I understand your position and all other things being equal I might agree. But with an inconsistent passer and a defensive-minded head coach - a great one at that - it goes with the territory. With a lesser defensive mind at the helm then I might think spending this much on a 2nd CB was overkill (and still kind of do). But I'll just have to go with Rex's judgment on this. On the balance sheet he's been pretty good so far on that side of the ball.

Those factors would lead me to believe that the personnel need is on the offensive side of the ball, while coaching can get them thru on defense. I think a stronger, more independent GM might operate that way, too. Instead, Tanny seems to go out and get what the coach wants - which I really can't say is a bad thing either, I guess. As long as it works out on the field. And it has for the most part the last couple years.

fwiw, I do think that Plax should make for a quality band-aid.

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I understand your position and all other things being equal I might agree. But with an inconsistent passer and a defensive-minded head coach - a great one at that - it goes with the territory. With a lesser defensive mind at the helm then I might think spending this much on a 2nd CB was overkill (and still kind of do). But I'll just have to go with Rex's judgment on this. On the balance sheet he's been pretty good so far on that side of the ball.

This defense constantly sh*ts the bed, especially in AFCC games and the offense always takes the blame. If you're going to take the route that defense is so much more important than offense and should get the lion's share of draft picks and salary, then you can't then demand this offense go out there and consistently score say 24 points or so. 17 points from the offense should pretty much be a guaranteed win every time.

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whats funny is its been the Defense thats sh!t the bed in the last 2 AFCCG.

Not because of the coaching/gameplan.

Against Indy clearly we were lacking in the DB dept talent-wise.

Against Pittsburgh the gameplan was solid. Our guys were in position to make tackles on every play and whiffed or got juked. A RB can't break tackles unless there's a defender in position to get his arms or body on him. Plus the defense gave up 17 points in the first half, not 50. The other 7 points Pittsburgh scored were from Sanchez. But our guys were in position on running plays and Roethlisberger had trouble finding receivers all game.

So again, I'll defer to our defensive guru HC as to what the defense needs even though my gut tells me most teams become more dangerous with two #1-type WR's than two #1-type CB's.

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This defense constantly sh*ts the bed, especially in AFCC games and the offense always takes the blame. If you're going to take the route that defense is so much more important than offense and should get the lion's share of draft picks and salary, then you can't then demand this offense go out there and consistently score say 24 points or so. 17 points from the offense should pretty much be a guaranteed win every time.

Now you're just being silly. The Jets defense under Ryan most certainly does not "constantly" sh*t the bed. And besides, Cromartie didn't sh*t the bed in either AFCCG. Our lack of a legit corner opposite Revis (plus a 3rd who wasn't awful) - roles that were supposed to be filled by Sheppard and Strickland - is what did us in against Indy.

And it was Sanchez, not the defense, that put the game effectively out of reach against Pittsburgh. If giving up 17 points to the other team in the first half means the game is out of reach then we'd have been in the superbowl 2 years ago. Indy gave up 17 to us. But they didn't get blanked in the first half and our offense did in the 2nd half.

17 points of offense should be a guaranteed win? Maybe when we're playing the Against a Colts team that averages 26ppg and a Steelers team that averages almost 24?

Give me the number for your crack dealer. I want what he's selling you.

If Sanchez needs 4 starting-caliber WR's plus a WR-type TE to put points, in addition to top-5 ground game, up then we badly need a new QB.

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Those factors would lead me to believe that the personnel need is on the offensive side of the ball, while coaching can get them thru on defense. I think a stronger, more independent GM might operate that way, too. Instead, Tanny seems to go out and get what the coach wants - which I really can't say is a bad thing either, I guess. As long as it works out on the field. And it has for the most part the last couple years.

fwiw, I do think that Plax should make for a quality band-aid.

Hey I agree completely. Sanchez is only entering his 3rd season. Few QB's in years 1 or 2 have good enough teams around them to advance as far as the Jets have. Usually top-5 pick QBs who start that early are starting on bad teams. Their growing pains are more easily accepted since the team wasn't going anywhere anyway. So perhaps Sanchez is getting some unfair criticism to an extent, but at some point he has to become a consistent passer. There is plenty of talent around him. Plenty.

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Regarding Braylon, I don't think the DUI last season is enough to get shut out this offseason the way he is. He was in a 4 am accident a couple weeks ago where apparently he was the only vehicle involved. Now I am only speculating, but I think that there has to be more to that story than we know. Not so much that there's more to come down the line but more in the sense that I think Bray might have gotten a free pass from an officer that night. If he did, NFL front office guys would find that out eventually. It's not that they are worried he would be disciplined because if it since (again alot of assumption here)it hypothetically was swept under the rug. It's just that, if that's truly the case, it would be obvious Bray hasn't learned his lesson and is a huge risk. I'm just saying, how many people get into accidents at 4am with no other vehicles involved? It's not like he was going to work.

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Regarding Braylon, I don't think the DUI last season is enough to get shut out this offseason the way he is. He was in a 4 am accident a couple weeks ago where apparently he was the only vehicle involved. Now I am only speculating, but I think that there has to be more to that story than we know. Not so much that there's more to come down the line but more in the sense that I think Bray might have gotten a free pass from an officer that night. If he did, NFL front office guys would find that out eventually. It's not that they are worried he would be disciplined because if it since (again alot of assumption here)it hypothetically was swept under the rug. It's just that, if that's truly the case, it would be obvious Bray hasn't learned his lesson and is a huge risk. I'm just saying, how many people get into accidents at 4am with no other vehicles involved? It's not like he was going to work.

I kind of assumed from the minute that was reported that the officer let him go. I'm sure the entire organization rolled their eyes when they heard about that.

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Yeah, Sanchez wasn't to blame in that Pittsburgh game. At all.

Considering the countless awful situations Schotty forced him into, it's a miracle he didn't commit more turnovers than he did. But yeah, lets blame him for a guy coming through unblocked on a 3rd and 17 with a minute left in the half. Genius play call.

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