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So, anything positive we can pull from this game?

Bleedin Green

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Forgot about Wilson. Guy is shutting bitches down. Very good to see.

Like I said above, forgot about Wilson...he's looking studly too. The defense is still very good. Our Dline is sick and has a lot of depth.

There you go.

Agreed, the DL and CBs are both in damn good shape, both in terms of starters and depth. The defense really was quite impressive outside of a certained unnamed player who continues to prove you and I correct in our analysis of him.

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I'm impressed that you bothered to even keep the game on at all. After a while in the second half I flipped over to my PS3 and played a quick game of Madden just so I could actually see the Jets offense score a TD. It was exhilirating.

Haha I did the same thing!

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Oh, I got another one! I had 2 or 3 different opponents in fantasy football this week who were dumb enough to actually start one or more Jets offensive players, so that helped me to secure some victories there. It's actually games like yesterday why I absolutely refuse to ever have any Jets on my fantasy teams, the last thing I need is more reasons to be pissed at this team, and for it to be costing me money, on top of everything else.

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Kenrick Ellis will help, hopefully, against the Pats. Muhammad Wilkerson is already getting snaps.

Unfortunately, I don't think the Jets will beat the Pats in this upcoming game, for a couple of reasons:

1/ What happened last season in the Divisional playoffs.

2/ The Pats are just better right now, their leaky D notwithstanding.

The Jets are currently looking at an 8-8 season (holding serve at home, and losing on the road). To make the playoffs, they are going to have to continue to hold serve at home, and break through at least a couple of times on the road (10-6 MIGHT get a wild card). I don't think the New England game is where the Jets will break through on the road.

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Here is an economic positive. Bed Bath & Beyond will make a few bucks off me. The wife is heading over there to buy some Spacebags. Most of my Jets jerseys are going on a vacuum-sealed sabbatical. Namath, Chrebet and Walker will stay in rotation since the locals don't know enough to heckle me when I wear these. Authentic Reyes and Beltran jerseys will also be going to Spacebag heaven. I may be next.

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In an effort not to repeat what has already been mentioned, I'd like to see Connor get the ball 2-4 times a game like he did last night. That one 13-yard run he had up the middle was the most success we had through the teeth of the Raven defense all night, primarily because they were caught off guard.

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In an effort not to repeat what has already been mentioned, I'd like to see Connor get the ball 2-4 times a game like he did last night. That one 13-yard run he had up the middle was the most success we had through the teeth of the Raven defense all night, primarily because they were caught off guard.

I agree, we need to give him some burn. I think we caught them over-pursuing more than anything else, since Conner hasn't shown a lot carrying the ball so far. In any event, it is worth a shot. What we are doing doesn't work, so change it up.

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Wilkerson, Wilson, Mcknight which have already been mentioned and rightfully so. So i won't go there.

What i loved about the JETS was their ability to not give up. After the kind of first quarter the JETS had yesterday most defenses would cave. But we did not let Flacco complete a single throw in the 2nd quarter. And we were right back in the game in the 3rd quarter with the strip sack of Flacco.

This team could go a long long way with some imaginative play calling and half way decent O-Line play.

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So I've been thinking of Wilkerson as Darnell Dockett 2.0 lately. I think he's going to get him some sacks one of these days.

Really came back to compliment Kyle Wilson, who looks good. I could have told you he would, but it's best to see these things anyway, since that makes it real.

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So I've been thinking of Wilkerson as Darnell Dockett 2.0 lately. I think he's going to get him some sacks one of these days.

Really came back to compliment Kyle Wilson, who looks good. I could have told you he would, but it's best to see these things anyway, since that makes it real.

i agree Wilson has looked good so far. This week he will most likely be on Weller (If Welker Plays) That will be a major test

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There's a ton of sh*t to be talked about this team and it's all pretty much accurate. The offense is an absolute train-wreck from OL to QB, and that's just on the field. However, there's enough other threads crapping on this team and very little to disagree with it on, so I figured let's present ourselves with something a little more challenging to accomplish. So the question is are there are any nuggets of positivity to pull out of this mess? Obviously the defense as an entire unit showed a MAJOR turnaround from last week, and put on one hell of a performance, but beyond just that, I was thinking more specifically. Two items in particular I thought of:

1. Joe McKnight has clearly shown that he's come to play. After an awful start to his rookie year, a lot of people questioned pretty much everything about the guy and whether he was even cut out for the NFL. Fast forward a year and while the guy doesn't get a ton of chances to get on the field, he sure seems to make a whole lot out of them. His blocked punt week 1 obviously got a lot of publicity and now this week he forced a fumble on the opening kickoff (although Baltimore recovered), returned his first KR for a TD, applied the pressure that forced Flacco's INT on a blitz and then threw a block for Harris on the return. The kid is working his a$$ off for sure and frankly, with how much of a mess this offense is, I can't think of a single reason why the Jets shouldn't get him the ball on offense and see if he can do anything with it. He certainly can't do any worse than the current Jets running game.

2. Aaron Maybin might be one hell of a steal for the Jets. His first week on the Jets regular season roster ends with his first active game with the team, and in that game, he outproduced Gholston's 3 years here and his own 2 years back in Buffalo, tallying a strip sack while getting at least one other pressure. The kid is fast as hell off the snap, significantly more so than any other player on the Jets, and keeps on hustling at full speed, even when he gets pushed out wide or over-pursues. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's suddenly some great answer for the Jets as a starter, but he certainly brought something from a pass rush standpoint that the Jets simply haven't had on this roster in a very long time.

Thoughts on this? Any other kernels of corn to pull out of this heaping pile of sh*t?

Well, there's Revis. lol I think Calvin Pace has been a forgotten man of sorts and he is playing well, getting into the backfield and picking up a little slack in the pass rush department. Pass rush isnt nearly as brutal as is was last year.

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i agree Wilson has looked good so far. This week he will most likely be on Weller (If Welker Plays) That will be a major test

He's exactly the kind of athlete who can handle Welker. He's smaller and quicker than Cromartie would be, and almost as quick in his actions as Revis. The only issue might be strength, which admittedly I haven't paid attention to.

I expect we'll be switching Revis and Wilson on Welker depending on the situation...Ocho Cinco is alright but there's no need to stick Revis on him the whole time.

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