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Enough with the stupid pink already


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To the person who crated this thread, "Enough with the STUPID pink already", it's more than obvious you've never lost a loved one to breast cancer. Have mercy on your soul. This thread just goes to show, what type of heart you really have.

That is completely irrelevant and I knew a bunch of people would come with that emotional garbage. I've lost 2 relatives to 2 different types of cancers, so you can shut the **** up now. My point was the venue that they promote it, obviously I was semi joking about the manly men and all that. If they want to promote cancer that's fine, but why just breast cancer, and why by selling pink MERCH that makes THEM money. Why promote BREAST cancer in a sport dominating by men and a male fanbase? What about my uncle who's currently suffering from prostate cancer? Does he not matter? Guess not, it's just about breast cancer. There's other diseases and major issues. How many men are fully aware of the dangers of pancreatic cancer. Stuff like that never sees the light of day. I'm pretty certain that just about every single woman in America is aware of breast cancer and getting mammograms now. If it's just about awareness, then why limit it to something that only affects women in a male dominated industry? Rotate the cause or do something. When I watch football the last thing I want to think about is cancer.

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Great thread totally read my mind the last 2 years...I've noticed players are starting to not wear as much and thats good. Pink doesnt belong on the football field, except for maybe if its Brady, hes the exception to that rule. Put the small pink ribbon on the back of the helmets and leave it at that.

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Great thread totally read my mind the last 2 years...I've noticed players are starting to not wear as much and thats good. Pink doesnt belong on the football field, except for maybe if its Brady, hes the exception to that rule. Put the small pink ribbon on the back of the helmets and leave it at that.


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You sir are an ignorant person. My wife is a Breast Cancer survivor, and I give thanks every day that she is alive and cancer free...... AND don't you realize that MEN get Breast Cancer also. I truly wish you would see the light and join the fight against ALL cancer.

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You sir are an ignorant person. My wife is a Breast Cancer survivor, and I give thanks every day that she is alive and cancer free...... AND don't you realize that MEN get Breast Cancer also. I truly wish you would see the light and join the fight against ALL cancer.

And I've lost loved ones to cancer as well my friend. And wearing a color on a football field really doesnt find a cure, it makes your team look gay.

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I'm almost afraid to put my 2 cents in because I've read "shut the f**k up" about 15x over, and feel that the naysayers are going to say the same thing. It's sad how for some here on the board there is a disconnect from people's personal and family struggles and dismiss that surviving cancer as not a big deal (Should I insert here my mother is a survivor?). It's a friggin color and a choice that players themselves make to support breast cancer awareness month -- deal with it. I'm curious though where else do you see breast cancer awareness, or any types of cancer awareness anywhere in sports or in the media? Maybe I'm naive or don't watch TV but the NFL does smack it in the face and let it be know that they're supporters of it...even though there are def publicity benefits to it.

The "this is a manly sport", rah rah crap should quit it because there are plenty of women who watch and enjoy football, and not because teams have cute jerseys. Who are we to judge their reasoning for wearing it -- and it is a good thing because it encourages women to get checked and aware of a disease that takes millions of lives each year, would've taken my mother's if she didn't catch it early. Plus who are we to speak of the players who wear the items too? How do you know they weren't affected by the loss of a loved one or hell donate a percentage of their game checks for the month to a cancer society? Some people need to get off their high horses and stop being negative Nancys behind a computer screen ... since I could only hope you wouldn't have the audacity to air what has been said before me to a cancer patient or loved one who passed in person.

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Wow, shocked at this thread really. Seems pretty harmless to me.

I saw this called a trendy cause - so what? I'm sure every cause has the goal to become trendy. I'd say that means you're doing pretty well and getting closer to reducing the numbers by spreading the word. Good for them. Great for society.

Why Breast Cancer? I may be mistaken and I'm being lazy to look it up, but is it not the most common form of Cancer? Seems like a good place to start. Hopefully other common Cancers catch on as well. And there are more events held and awareness raised so that thire color becomes as identifiable as pink w/ Breast Cancer. Also need to consider the demographic of the league. How many were raised in single family homes which are typically raised by a female parent? From a personal note, seeing my mother going through treatment was the most difficult time of my life. You never want to see your mother in that condition. It's horrifying. It was different for my Father w/ prostate, because he's Pops. Was always confident he was going to beat it. Even though Cancer had taken numerous members of my extended family. Pops never let you see the pain.

Maybe I'm the only one but I really dont see pink as just Breast Cancer awareness. For me its more symbolic of the disease as a whole. The way I see it, making you aware of Breast Cancer and how preventable it can be by getting regular check ups, naturally increase the awareness of other Cancers as well. Thats a good thing. If wives start going regularly for Breast, their husbands are going to go more regularly for Prostate.

For those of you that are annoyed by it, how does a player wearing pink change your game day experience?

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Wow, shocked at this thread really. Seems pretty harmless to me.

I saw this called a trendy cause - so what? I'm sure every cause has the goal to become trendy. I'd say that means you're doing pretty well and getting closer to reducing the numbers by spreading the word. Good for them. Great for society.

Why Breast Cancer? I may be mistaken and I'm being lazy to look it up, but is it not the most common form of Cancer? Seems like a good place to start. Hopefully other common Cancers catch on as well. And there are more events held and awareness raised so that thire color becomes as identifiable as pink w/ Breast Cancer. Also need to consider the demographic of the league. How many were raised in single family homes which are typically raised by a female parent? From a personal note, seeing my mother going through treatment was the most difficult time of my life. You never want to see your mother in that condition. It's horrifying. It was different for my Father w/ prostate, because he's Pops. Was always confident he was going to beat it. Even though Cancer had taken numerous members of my extended family. Pops never let you see the pain.

Maybe I'm the only one but I really dont see pink as just Breast Cancer awareness. For me its more symbolic of the disease as a whole. The way I see it, making you aware of Breast Cancer and how preventable it can be by getting regular check ups, naturally increase the awareness of other Cancers as well. Thats a good thing. If wives start going regularly for Breast, their husbands are going to go more regularly for Prostate.

For those of you that are annoyed by it, how does a player wearing pink change your game day experience?


Ya welcome.

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