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I love Rex but..

Ken Schroy

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I just can't understand this compulsion to open his mouth. He told the team after the game, "Don't worry we will beat them again in the playoffs, just like last year". He also said it in his presser. We aren't even guaranteed to make the playoffs. Do I think we get in? Sure. But why say this sh*t? It makes me sick, as a matter of fact I'm still sick from Sunday night. ](*,)

Sorry if you all think it's a lousy thread. I'm like done.

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Well maybe you misunderstand me. I like the bravado, but theres a limit. We just got our butts kicked by the Pats and we should believe that it we would be beat them in the playoffs? I also wonder if Rex does get this team over confidant with this crap too. Does anyone think that the Jets were NOT over confident going into Sunday nights game? I think the Coaches took the Pats way to lightly, and it showed.

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I don't think they were any less confidant going into New England last year for the playoffs and it worked out fine.

I know what your saying though but its just a case of after a loss then we just tend to think that everything we did leading up to the game was wrong. I don't think just because we lost it means we took them to lightly either. They just got the best of us this time in game plan and execution. It happens. It doesn't mean they will again next time.

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I just can't understand this compulsion to open his mouth. He told the team after the game, "Don't worry we will beat them again in the playoffs, just like last year". He also said it in his presser. We aren't even guaranteed to make the playoffs. Do I think we get in? Sure. But why say this sh*t? It makes me sick, as a matter of fact I'm still sick from Sunday night. ](*,)

Sorry if you all think it's a lousy thread. I'm like done.

I agree with you 100%.

I think Rex is a helluva defensive coach, but he lacks "class", which is not a good quality to lack as a head coach at any level.

I wish he'd be more professional in the way he conducts himself, keep his mouth shut and just coach the team.

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You're right to begin with, this is a lousy thread. Be that as it may, Rex is Rex and will always be Rex. He says what he thinks, sometimes to motivate the team and/or the fans. Right or wrong, what you see is what you get. Rex can say whatever he wants..this is America. Even though he doesn't have Paterno's class!

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I just can't understand this compulsion to open his mouth. He told the team after the game, "Don't worry we will beat them again in the playoffs, just like last year". He also said it in his presser. We aren't even guaranteed to make the playoffs. Do I think we get in? Sure. But why say this sh*t? It makes me sick, as a matter of fact I'm still sick from Sunday night. ](*,)

Sorry if you all think it's a lousy thread. I'm like done.

I agree with you 100%.

I think Rex is a helluva defensive coach, but he lacks "class", which is not a good quality to lack as a head coach at any level.

I wish he'd be more professional in the way he conducts himself, keep his mouth shut and just coach the team.


Also his press conference was horrible for other reasons as well. They were asking him questions and his responses were "Geez I dont know" and "im not sure why" huh ? Sorry but 2-3 12 men on the field penalties per game is enough for me to realize this team is NOT organized and thats ALL on the coaches. If players are not executing on such a minimal fundemental level something is very wrong. Sure teams get 12 men on the field penalties but I would be willing to bet the Jets lead the league in that category.

Also with all the Shooty noise in recent years, no matter how damn bad Shooty is I blame Rex for not stepping up and doing something. He blamed Sanchez for the timeout when all Sanchez probably heard in his helmet was mass confusion from the way Rex explained it, and when your on the 2 yard line about to score, sure you would like to run some time off, but the TD is WAY more important then botching a play so in that case Sanchez was reading more into the coaches confusion than he was worried about the clock. Too many times it seems Sanchez is frustrated by plays not getting in quick enough so in this case once again I blame the coaches.

When it comes to the QB and the WR not being on the same page (which we have also seen alot of this season) there comes a time you have to step in and fix it, weather its Sanchez fault or the WR's it happens at an alarming rate and it needs to be fixed yet it continues every week.

im not sure how to place blame here but when you have these issues the biggest blame has to go on the head coach because hes responsible for his team being prepared. Once again weather its the players or the OC something needs to happen and its not happening. This inconsistency is what hurts this team more than anything, we beat ourselves more often than not.

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I just can't understand this compulsion to open his mouth. He told the team after the game, "Don't worry we will beat them again in the playoffs, just like last year". He also said it in his presser. We aren't even guaranteed to make the playoffs. Do I think we get in? Sure. But why say this sh*t? It makes me sick, as a matter of fact I'm still sick from Sunday night. ](*,)

Sorry if you all think it's a lousy thread. I'm like done.

Maybe you shouldnt look for his press conferences.

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I agree with you 100%.

I think Rex is a helluva defensive coach, but he lacks "class", which is not a good quality to lack as a head coach at any level.

I wish he'd be more professional in the way he conducts himself, keep his mouth shut and just coach the team.

I agree with this.

Mouthing of like a goon on the playground after getting embarrassed isn't a respectable quality in a leader of men. Be humble. Work harder.

I was fine with him trying to pump the team full of confidence, but he has digressed of late to empty boasts that he routinely doesn't back up, and that have become more personal and less about gamesmanship. I'm beginning to hate listening to his press conferences... and have actual concerns that he'll lose the team eventually.

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I like Rex saying what he thinks to the team, its gotta be much easier to play for a guy like that than a closed lipped emotional statue. Football is an emotional sport, and Rex seeds and harvests that emotion very well for the most part. He gets his guys to play loose and with emotion. The possibility of lapses in control is there at times, but not enough to find his ways a hindrance to the team. He puts it right in the front window for all to see, and the players have no doubts about the task at hand. The players hold themselves accountable in such instances, and they want to play better/loose because they all know what needs to happen on the field. They werent playing loose vs the Patriots, and it just so happens the team was pretty quiet all week before hand.

I dont really mind what he says to the press either, its just the press. Who cares really.

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