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I'd like to see Mark Sanchez with Bill Callahan instead of Schotty


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callahan is responsible for the oline... which has been a god damn disgrace this year. For real.. A big part of the reason for Sanchez struggling is the complete lack of a running game, and constant pressure.. Callahan should be fired tomorrow

yeah..."THIS YEAR". His track record can afford it. Schotty however has never been good.

You seem to have some type of hatred toward Sanchez, as if he's not doing well under a coordinator who is historically "good".

The majority of the time you make sense, im going to simply chalk up your over the top tirade of Mark and obsessiveness with Manning as simply a byproduct of you losing 2 grand tonight.

I'd be pissed too bro. Real Talk

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yeah..."THIS YEAR". His track record can afford it. Schotty however has never been good.

You seem to have some type of hatred toward Sanchez, as if he's not doing well under a coordinator who is historically "good".

The majority of the time you make sense, im going to simply chalk up your over the top tirade of Mark and obsessiveness with Manning as simply a byproduct of you losing 2 grand tonight.

I'd be pissed too bro. Real Talk

It's not the first time, This is just one of those bets that I was very confident in. To seem them go right down and score a TD out of the second half had me banking my winnings already.

But for real, Sanchez was god awful last night. Had nothing to do with Schotty either, he was inaccurate and missing open guys and making poor reads. Worst game I've seen from him in awhile

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I'd like to see Mark Sanchez working the night shift at Chili's.

F#ck that! I dont need a cook having a good night, then BAM! He undercooks my meat, throws my garlic shrimp onto the wrong plate, and then falls over and drops everything on the floor when he ladles the gravy on my mashed potatoes.

I need someone consistent getting me my food. I dont need a great cook, I just need someone who works well with the system.

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F#ck that! I dont need a cook having a good night, then BAM! He undercooks my meat, throws my garlic shrimp onto the wrong plate, and then falls over and drops everything on the floor when he ladles the gravy on my mashed potatoes.

I need someone consistent getting me my food. I dont need a great cook, I just need someone who works well with the system.

It's not the cooks fault, it's the head chef that's the real problem!! His system is backwards

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It's not the cooks fault, it's the head chef that's the real problem!! His system is backwards

A lot of us gave Rex a pass on things that make a head coach a "GOOD" head coach because he came in here and transformed our defense but if you look at the big picture that so called great defense has failed on many occasions and never stepped up in the big games like great defenses so often do.

year one vs the Colts AFCCG Jets take a 17 -6 lead Defense gives up A huge TD before the half and cant stop a nose bleed in the second half.

year 2 Offense gets off to a slow start vs Pitt and the defense gets totally shredded in the first half by getting bullied and beat down. Team comes back in the second half despite thier idiot Offensive Coordinator and once again at the end of the game the Defense cant get the big stop.

This year the defense has been good at times and totally horrible at times losing all the consistency they once had. They have also gone away from their identity of blitizing a large percentage of the time which is what made them good in the first place.

So now that Rex is failing on an even larger scale the fans are beginning to turn because the guy wont STFU. The handling of personnel has been absolutely horrible and his blatent disregard for his offense and his QB becomes more apparent by the week. This guy is going to have a nervous breakdown because of his own mouth and he looks emmbarressed because of it to be honest.

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Why is Callahan getting the Teflon free pass this season? Our offensive line has only one new starter and yet it has been terrible for a majority of the year in both pass blocking and run blocking.

D'brickashaw Ferguson's play has gone way downhill. He never excelled as a run blocker, but he had been elite in pass protection the last few years, but he's been getting beat at a much higher rate this season.

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Bill has taken a team to the Super Bowl and had one of the most prolific passing teams in NFL history. Is it just me or doesnt it make sense to give him the reigns and see what he can do??? I agree with a lot of you something hardcore has to be done, but i still want Sanchez as the QB. He is not being given the proper guidance. The offense shouldnt be having to depend on the defense at this point and be winning games.

Also Wayne Hunter needs to be benched. Is there a reason why he hasnt yet?

Bill Callahan was never OC of that team. It was Gruden's O, and when he left, he was the brainchild behind not changing their calls in the SB against Gruden. I'll pass. He went to Nebraska and failed miserably offensively.

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F#ck that! I dont need a cook having a good night, then BAM! He undercooks my meat, throws my garlic shrimp onto the wrong plate, and then falls over and drops everything on the floor when he ladles the gravy on my mashed potatoes.

I need someone consistent getting me my food. I dont need a great cook, I just need someone who works well with the system.

Yeah, but one time, last winter, the cook made me decent Fajitas. If he could just make all his meals like those Fajitas, we'd have great dinners.

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Conversely, when we actually got McKnight in space, he was quick. Honestly, since Leon Washington left, I've forgotten what someone fast on offense looks like.

The sad part is while some of those plays actually went pretty well, you couldn't help but sit there and think that the only reason they were running them with McKnight was because Greene was hurt. I have no doubt if he wasn't, the play calls would have been absolutely identical, but simply with Greene in the game.

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The sad part is while some of those plays actually went pretty well, you couldn't help but sit there and think that the only reason they were running them with McKnight was because Greene was hurt. I have no doubt if he wasn't, the play calls would have been absolutely identical, but simply with Greene in the game.

You know what you gotta love? WR screen, bitches. Cause that play goes all of -2 yards per attempt.

Or draws that we only run on 3rd and long.

or the fact that when Mulligan motions to the right or left, the run will go there 9 times out of 10.

I'm just happy he's cut down on the fake revers...nope he's run them again this year.

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You know what you gotta love? WR screen, bitches. Cause that play goes all of -2 yards per attempt.

Or draws that we only run on 3rd and long.

or the fact that when Mulligan motions to the right or left, the run will go there 9 times out of 10.

I'm just happy he's cut down on the fake revers...nope he's run them again this year.

They'll never see any of it coming!! I mean, what team would ever run a WR screen without a single blocker out in front? Or run the ball on 3rd and 14? Or constantly run the ball behind the same player every time he's on the field? Nobody, that's who... so if the Jets do it, the opposition will be all like "OMG I can't believe they just did that!" Genius.

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It's not the first time, This is just one of those bets that I was very confident in. To seem them go right down and score a TD out of the second half had me banking my winnings already.

But for real, Sanchez was god awful last night. Had nothing to do with Schotty either, he was inaccurate and missing open guys and making poor reads. Worst game I've seen from him in awhile

You're right on that, Sanchez was off, but I started to see his inaccuracies once he started to get destroyed by Denvers Dline. I think what did it for Sanchez is when he realized that the refs werent calling the late hits.

You cant even hit brady let alone a late hit without a million flags hitting the field. 2 or 3 times I seen Sanchez release the ball and get drilled. He's not comfortable with that offensive and its justified.

Im not making an excuse for him....he had a terrible game, but what im saying is what section of the offense had a good game last night (outside of McKnight)?

Sanchez needs an offensive line to protect him, and the guys up front was getting owned....for the 2nd week in a row.

10 sacks by 3 guys in 2 weeks imo shows me that this oline is terrible. averaging less than 100 yards a game rushing shows me that this oline (and run play design) is terrible.

CTM, we're asking for Sanchez to be unbelievably brilliant when he's simply a good QB. He's not great. He needs the others to do their job so he can do his.

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