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Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer's Red Christmas: Finder's Keepers, Loser's Die


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Meh, that's ok with me don't have energy for a big defense and I outlived pac and ape, so it was a productive game in my book

Im thinking since you have outlived the APE and PAc you are either, useless to town,,,,, or scum,,,,,, really can't go wrong with a vote on CTM here

Vote CTM

Its snowing I love the snow

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Im thinking since you have outlived the APE and PAc you are either useless to town or scum really can't go wrong with a vote on CTM here

Vote CTM

Its snowing I love the snow

I'll just say I'm roleless now, no big reveal coming..

I'd look at smash and jf80 tomorrow

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Definitely interesting to see how this played out, and I'm kind of curious to see where this all leads. I definitely got the case on JC and his reactions seemed very peculiar and out of the ordinary for him (particularly towards CTM), so I was still thinking of going that way before his reveal. I also found some of Crush's comments on the subject earlier to be a little odd as well and definitely thought if JC came up scum that he'd be one to look at. That said, JC's reveal is certainly interesting. While there's always a chance he stuck with a SK-themed reveal to cover up his earlier comments that some considered to be a slip when referring to the Ape kill as a SK kill, it could also be true and I think at this point if he's lying, he's probably more likely SK than scum (as I don't think he would've tied himself into a SK situation if scum), which kind of goes against the original case, so I think it makes sense to go in another direction and see how things play out with that.

I see CTM is gaining some heat, but I honestly don't see much there just yet. Part of that is admittedly is having been on scum teams multiple times with CTM, I can't see any way that if he and Ape were on the same scum team, they aren't going all out at each other from day one. The other part is as I mentioned earlier, I'm not really loving the reactions from JC and Crusher earlier that started that train to begin with. If anything I'm most curious of some of those usually talkative folks who have been uncharacteristically quiet this game, which is a big part of why I really wanted to keep from rushing into a JC lynch yesterday before hearing from a lot of people.

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Haha.. yes, you were the beneficiary of crushers obsession.. But you played it well at the end ftw.. i believe you and i squared off, and you won the battle... but if not for crusher, I would;ve bussed your a$$ to :D

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Haha.. yes, you were the beneficiary of crushers obsession.. But you played it well at the end ftw.. i believe you and i squared off, and you won the battle... but if not for crusher, I would;ve bussed your a$$ to :biggrin:

Oh, there's no doubt Crusher was a big key to victory, but in the end we went head to head and I still won. :-P

Let's be honest, our entire strategy throughout the game was just great. We outed the cop on day one, converted him, then kept counter-claiming and lynching each other every few days while leading a few bogus lynches in between just to make sure we stayed ahead. And then of course, taking JiF out in all of 2 seconds after he had his rebirth too. That final standoff between us was really just a battle between which member of the scum team was going to walk away with the victory. :-D

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Oh, there's no doubt Crusher was a big key to victory, but in the end we went head to head and I still won. :-P

Let's be honest, our entire strategy throughout the game was just great. We outed the cop on day one, converted him, then kept counter-claiming and lynching each other every few days while leading a few bogus lynches in between just to make sure we stayed ahead. And then of course, taking JiF out in all of 2 seconds after he had his rebirth too. That final standoff between us was really just a battle between which member of the scum team was going to walk away with the victory. :-D

this is all true.. but EY cursed me with the scum traitor role, so technically i lost.. if not for that, it would probably be my best game :D

I don't remember if I admitted it to you or not, but i think we agreed may the best scum win :D

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Ok, I caught up, finally.

JC, I won't vote you due to your claim. You were coming off as if you are the sk. Since this is my first game here I'm not sure if this is normal pace or not, but the votes did pile up quickly.

I'm leaning towards a vote on CTM but would like to go back and look at a few things tonight/tomorrow morning before voting.

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this is all true.. but EY cursed me with the scum traitor role, so technically i lost.. if not for that, it would probably be my best game :biggrin:

I don't remember if I admitted it to you or not, but i think we agreed may the best scum win :biggrin:

Yeah, once me and you were the last scum standing, I saw you trying to set me up for a bus a few times near the end and I was kind of trying to avoid that. I didn't know you were a traitor, I just knew how much you liked to bus teammates and I wanted no part of it. So I think when you realized I wasn't going to go down willingly, you put the cards on the table and we decided to go head to head knowing whoever won between the two of us would likely sail to victory. And thanks in large part to Crusher, I won that standoff despite you claiming a guilty investigation on me as the uncountered cop. lol

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Vote CTM

Roleless or lying, 1 scum down early makes it a good lynch.

PS. What I just did to Hess in Fantasy Football could be an entire episode of SVU. Good luck in the playoffs, you guys will need it.

I have absolutely no clue what makes you so impressed with yourself about that one rather ordinary win, but good for you.

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Oh, and as far as the game goes, this CTM train definitely reeks to me. After getting no interest from anyone but JC (who was near lynch for the past day) and Crusher until just recently, suddenly the train is appearing from out of nowhere, and I haven't seen a case made for this flurry of voters yet. At least for JC there was a case that was used as a basis for most of those votes, and I still didn't like how quick it was going, but this is just as quick without any of the justification for it.

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I have absolutely no clue what makes you so impressed with yourself about that one rather ordinary win, but good for you.

Fact is, the most genius move made this season in our FF league was Hess drafting Nick Novak when he was a backup for the Jets.

2nd most genius move was me drafting Helu, waiting patiently all season, and now he is hot sh*t and is going to carry me to the 'ship. I needed a win this week to salvage my injury plagued year, and I got it off my own genius roster management. Boom.

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Fact is, the most genius move made this season in our FF league was Hess drafting Nick Novak when he was a backup for the Jets.

2nd most genius move was me drafting Helu, waiting patiently all season, and now he is hot sh*t and is going to carry me to the 'ship. I needed a win this week to salvage my injury plagued year, and I got it off my own genius roster management. Boom.

Ah, so you're sucking yourself off and already celebrating a championship victory on the basis of one player who's had 2 good games? Seems reasonable.

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