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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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I don't think there's. Scum team. I think it's town w/dexter vs the sk's. Works with source material and the mechanics of this sh*t show so far.

Vote: leelou

No more low liers pls

then how come CTM's report called him "scum" and no SK..


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I'm gonna be Apesque here and say I told you so about Brett. And SK Hess try to cast suspicion on me in the end. These are the remaining players:

1. Vic

2. Lily

3. Jetscode

4. Pac

5. SMC

6. Leelou

7. Crusher

8. Sharrow

9. Nolder

10. Song -- confirmed reviver

11. Verbal

CTM is the only known scum and this is his final vote train:

Official Day 1 Final Vote Count

CTM (9) - Sharrow, SMC, Song, Verbal, JC, Crusher, Hess, Leelou, Nolder

Smash (4) - Brett, Vic, Pac, AVM

Song (2) - Lily, Smash

Crusher (1) - Ape

Ape (1) - CTM

I'm leaning Nolder as CTM's scummate. Potentially Pac for his failure to hammer. They have to have more than a watcher. I think it's at least a 2 player scum team.

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Let me highlight this for you, post #1245:

Guys, I'm debating if I should do this, but I might as well get it out of the way so the cop doesn't out him or herself needlessly.

I'm a Miller. I'm 100% town, but I come up scum on investigation. You could lynch me if you like to confirm that, but just want to put it out there.

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Send me the link to your scum thread you faggot. 2 games in a row, Ape > CTMeltdown

Meltdown wasn't real porky, it just worked as well as your LD wifom... most powerful role in the game and the only thing you catch is a knife in the back..


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Yeah, so long as you're lynched next.

I'm ok with that as well

then I don't have to listen to pac trump himself up for nabbing a SK we all knew was a SK after his failure to lynch his mafia partner

Unvote: Verbal

Vote: SMC

SMC (4) - Leelou, Vic, Pac, Nolder

Nolder (1) - SMC

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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Meltdown wasn't real porky, it just worked as well as your LD wifom... most powerful role in the game and the only thing you catch is a knife in the back..


Seriously, you want to continue to argue while their trying to play?

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why does it sound like all SK's are done?

Night falls, and there is only one death tonight.

"I know what you are. I already nabbed one of you last night. And you're the last of them. You're the Trinity Killer."

"I regret that I didn't find you before you did me. You son of a bitch, one day you'll get what's coming to you. I got away with murder for over 30 years. How long have you been killing?"

"Enough to know what I'm doing."



Hess, aka Arthur Mitchell, aka "The Trinity Killer" (SK, kills three phases in a row, then skips two phases), is dead.

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I think Vic is scum.

Case: He didn't think there were scum, when CTM's coroner report clearly stated he was scum. And then he's basically been happy to go along with any lynch, without actually being forceful. In other words, he's riding coattails - a scumtell.

Vote: Vic

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