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Wild West Mafia - Game Over


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unvote vote ape

I believe an ape lynch would be most informative actually, as I stated earlier I did not much trust you either and now out of the blue you up and jump ship?

LOL. You are voting me because you don't understand misdirection. Your D1 analysis sucks...

1.) I would never call this much attention to myself needlessly if I were scum. Completely unnecessary in a game this small and quiet.

2.) If I'm scum, what was my motivation for running JC to L1 and then suddenly changing course after letting him sit there? If he's my scummate then I put him at risk for no reason (plus, anyone that has been scum with me knows I slow-play busing teammates and usually only do it in a pinch, D1 hardly constitutes a situation I'd call a pinch). If he's town I would have just let him get hammered.

3.) Explain to me how I'm a more informative lynch than Christine or JC at this point?

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3.) Explain to me how I'm a more informative lynch than Christine or JC at this point?

he's peppered the thread with enough of an explanation for anyone paying attention. no need to quote posts for you, dickbreath.

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he's peppered the thread with enough of an explanation for anyone paying attention. no need to quote posts for you, dickbreath.

He's peppered the thread with obliviousness, like you have with your butthurt whining.

So this puts you on the record for thinking I'm scum, but not voting me... and now sticking up for EP and his assertion that I'm the most informative lynch, and yet still not voting me.

A town Pac agrees with the way I just responded to that nitwit. Here you are still defending yourself to me like the snotty little twat we all know you for... and still Pac is afraid to vote Ape. Gotta assume at this point its because he knows my alignment.

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actually, do you mind filling me in on what those day 1 tactics of mine are?

Not at all..

1) Vote CTM

2a) If I take it to serious, become convinced I'm scum and latch on like a rabid pitt bull

2b) If I don't take it serious enough, become convinced I'm scum and latch on like a rabid pitt bull

2c) If I take it just the right amount of serious, become convinced I'm scum and latch on like a rabid pitt bull

Smash employs a similiar day 1 stratergy

and lmao @ the pacMule vs gaype

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man everyone gets so touchy when I point suspicion, you ever hear of stirring the pot Ape. You ask me if I've heard of misdirection but then seem to be baffled by my stirring of the pot reactions are reactions no matter how I get them.

Nobody is getting touchy. You wanted a reaction. I gave you one, I asked you to explain your statement because it was not logical.

So the reaction you got was that Ape wants you to explain faulty logic.

While the rest of us see that your logic is flawed, AND instead of explaining it you are passing it off as "looking for reactions" (which is fine). Oh, the other part of what your post netted is Pac once again exhibiting that he only has eyes for me... at this point, I'd suggest any of the veteran JN players to go back and re-read Pac... with the way he's played, I can't see how he isn't scum.

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Not at all..

1) Vote CTM

2a) If I take it to serious, become convinced I'm scum and latch on like a rabid pitt bull

2b) If I don't take it serious enough, become convinced I'm scum and latch on like a rabid pitt bull

2c) If I take it just the right amount of serious, become convinced I'm scum and latch on like a rabid pitt bull

Smash employs a similiar day 1 stratergy

and lmao @ the pacMule vs gaype

Unvote Vote CTM

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at this point, I'd suggest any of the veteran JN players to go back and re-read Pac... with the way he's played, I can't see how he isn't scum.

So this puts you on the record for thinking I'm scum, but not voting me...

and I never said I thought you were scum spinderella. I said you're a douche - which we all know to be true. If you're not scum then I'm sure they're enjoying our little show. I know what I'm doing pig.

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The thing about my lynch is, a couple of people voted for me because of the last game. A couple of others started defending the bull of it, because really, lynching someone over a previous game is silly, but whatever.

The rest of us are just sitting here watching, and now that people are fighting over whether or not to lynch me, it has suddenly made me a good lynch target?

No, it really hasn't.

If I am town, then that makes JC the scum guy for lynching a town.

If I am scum, then that makes JC the scum guy for not being able to let last game go, and taking out a scum buddy by bussing them.

Either way, JC is probably going to get glared at, as is anyone that is having a hard look at me.

It just leaves it for everyone else to say, eh, whatever.

Y'all bitches be crazy. Let me know when I die. I got crap to do.

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The thing about my lynch is, a couple of people voted for me because of the last game. A couple of others started defending the bull of it, because really, lynching someone over a previous game is silly, but whatever.

The rest of us are just sitting here watching, and now that people are fighting over whether or not to lynch me, it has suddenly made me a good lynch target?

No, it really hasn't.

If I am town, then that makes JC the scum guy for lynching a town.

If I am scum, then that makes JC the scum guy for not being able to let last game go, and taking out a scum buddy by bussing them.

Either way, JC is probably going to get glared at, as is anyone that is having a hard look at me.

It just leaves it for everyone else to say, eh, whatever.

Y'all bitches be crazy. Let me know when I die. I got crap to do.

You are breaking my heart.

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Nobody is getting touchy. You wanted a reaction. I gave you one, I asked you to explain your statement because it was not logical.

So the reaction you got was that Ape wants you to explain faulty logic.

While the rest of us see that your logic is flawed, AND instead of explaining it you are passing it off as "looking for reactions" (which is fine). Oh, the other part of what your post netted is Pac once again exhibiting that he only has eyes for me... at this point, I'd suggest any of the veteran JN players to go back and re-read Pac... with the way he's played, I can't see how he isn't scum.

Oh Damn,, sh*t just got realz,, ape is referring to himself in the third person.

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So this puts you on the record for thinking I'm scum, but not voting me...

and I never said I thought you were scum spinderella. I said you're a douche - which we all know to be true. If you're not scum then I'm sure they're enjoying our little show. I know what I'm doing pig.

I'm saying I have a hard time believing you are not. I had my vote on you, moved it off - a large part of how I view your play is dependent upon learning the alignment of JC or Christine, the latter being the one that is more informative and frankly she's handled the pressure of her train worse than JC did his.

You did say you thought I was scum. You said I was pinging, along with a couple other OMGUS type jabs, since you had nothing else to say for yourself. At one point, and this is clear in the re-read because I pointed it out at at the time, you flat said you were leaning scum on me and yet kept your vote on Christine. Your actions contradicting your words.

You know what you are doing? Do you mean ignoring everything in the game other than when I mention your name? Yeah, I know what I'm doing to you dildo.

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Ape I said I found you and JC both scummy in the whole arguement between the 2 of you I've seen similar setups done where both scum mates stage an argument and then it turn into completely something else.

That being said it's usually not looked at critically until it's to late and atleast one townie has taken a lynch because of it. Right now the people I think are scum are Womby Ape and JC but like I said a lynch of Ape will tell the most based on all of the interactions he has had this game.

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The thing about my lynch is, a couple of people voted for me because of the last game. A couple of others started defending the bull of it, because really, lynching someone over a previous game is silly, but whatever.

The rest of us are just sitting here watching, and now that people are fighting over whether or not to lynch me, it has suddenly made me a good lynch target?

No, it really hasn't.

If I am town, then that makes JC the scum guy for lynching a town.

If I am scum, then that makes JC the scum guy for not being able to let last game go, and taking out a scum buddy by bussing them.

Either way, JC is probably going to get glared at, as is anyone that is having a hard look at me.

It just leaves it for everyone else to say, eh, whatever.

Y'all bitches be crazy. Let me know when I die. I got crap to do.

Worst defense ever? Possibly.

The "if/then" scenarios you laid out are faulty. By faulty I mean wrong. You flip town/scum and JC is automatically scum both ways? lol

People are stating you are the best lynch for information based on how people have maneuvered around your train. It started as a stupid train with dumb "last game" reasons for people voting you, your train grew when EP's stalled (making your train informative once we learn his alignment, and someone vice versa), when JC's train emerged your train stalled as people quickly got behind my bulldog case (making JC's train informative once we learn your alignment). There are a few other "if/then" scenarios that hold a lot more water than those you have given us here, all of which are most dependent on your alignment.

So, your lynch is not only informative - it feels good like we might just get scum on D1, because your defense is horrid.

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Ape I said I found you and JC both scummy in the whole arguement between the 2 of you I've seen similar setups done where both scum mates stage an argument and then it turn into completely something else.

That being said it's usually not looked at critically until it's to late and atleast one townie has taken a lynch because of it. Right now the people I think are scum are Womby Ape and JC but like I said a lynch of Ape will tell the most based on all of the interactions he has had this game.

Sigh yourself dimwit. I addressed the exact scenario you talked about in your firs sentence... its called scum busing teammates.

As for me being informative - typically people considered informative have received more than one vote on D1. Worst case I've ever seen anyone make for determine whether a lynch is informative.

Aye, aye-aye.

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well If you are scum which like I said I think you are, JC looks suspicious for your whole "misdirection" and on that note Chrissy would look more innocent. I could see you jumping JC then backing off just to clear his name of suspicion. As I said Apes are primitive creatures so they use primitive methods.

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well If you are scum which like I said I think you are, JC looks suspicious for your whole "misdirection" and on that note Chrissy would look more innocent. I could see you jumping JC then backing off just to clear his name of suspicion. As I said Apes are primitive creatures so they use primitive methods.

Your posts are like an unfathomable chronicle of the exponential growth of your stupidity.

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For just connecting the missing link on the connection between you and JC my outlook just changed. Information on Chrissy might give me what I want to know about you so unvote vote chrissy.


Anyone else have this guy penciled in as "clueless townie"?

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lol quick everyone jump on the Ape train!

It was a good effort you made, voting me to start a new train to pull votes off Christine.

That after you tried your hardest to analyze her train and point fingers there, while basically ignoring the JC train. Taking issue with people voting Christine for no reason, yet when people were voting you with no reason you didn't seem to take issue with it at all.

No, Christine's lynch is not informative at all.

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