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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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Ok folks, I'll apologize in advance for going completely off topic here, but something pretty damn cool just happened here at work and I'm kind of pumped about it, but I really can't discuss it with anyone else here, so you're the best options I've got at the moment.

So my boss came to me this morning "off the record" to let me know, before the position was even listed, that there was just approval to hire a new senior level position for our team. She told me she thought I should update my resume this weekend and apply for the position right away. This is also in spite of the fact that I'm the youngest person on the team (insert obligatory old man jokes here) and have been here less time than any of my coworkers (only one or two of which have a "senior" level position). Don't get me wrong, I knew my boss has been happy with my work, but that's pretty damn cool to have that happen, and it certainly can't hurt my chances when one of the two people who would be involved in the decision-making is the one telling me she wants me to apply for it.

Cool man. Finally, you'll have a title that matches your age, Senior!

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I have never met anyone from here. Only person I met is Warfish from the other board. Watch dozen games with him and Nick Mangolds grandmother at the Wing Factory near my home. Thats it.

You need to drag your ass up for a game and go to one of the tailgates (same goes for the rest of you btw). I've gone to one each of JI's & JN's and met a ton of people from these boards in the process (also met up with RJF down in NO a few years back). Plus I've met that EY guy a time or two too.

Outside of Sooth, who I already thought was a complete dick by the time I met him, everyone is really cool, even those people you've argued with endlessly on these boards.

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Ok folks, I'll apologize in advance for going completely off topic here, but something pretty damn cool just happened here at work and I'm kind of pumped about it, but I really can't discuss it with anyone else here, so you're the best options I've got at the moment.

So my boss came to me this morning "off the record" to let me know, before the position was even listed, that there was just approval to hire a new senior level position for our team. She told me she thought I should update my resume this weekend and apply for the position right away. This is also in spite of the fact that I'm the youngest person on the team (insert obligatory old man jokes here) and have been here less time than any of my coworkers (only one or two of which have a "senior" level position). Don't get me wrong, I knew my boss has been happy with my work, but that's pretty damn cool to have that happen, and it certainly can't hurt my chances when one of the two people who would be involved in the decision-making is the one telling me she wants me to apply for it.

Make sure you bang her after the promotion.
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Ok folks, I'll apologize in advance for going completely off topic here, but something pretty damn cool just happened here at work and I'm kind of pumped about it, but I really can't discuss it with anyone else here, so you're the best options I've got at the moment.

So my boss came to me this morning "off the record" to let me know, before the position was even listed, that there was just approval to hire a new senior level position for our team. She told me she thought I should update my resume this weekend and apply for the position right away. This is also in spite of the fact that I'm the youngest person on the team (insert obligatory old man jokes here) and have been here less time than any of my coworkers (only one or two of which have a "senior" level position). Don't get me wrong, I knew my boss has been happy with my work, but that's pretty damn cool to have that happen, and it certainly can't hurt my chances when one of the two people who would be involved in the decision-making is the one telling me she wants me to apply for it.

Good luck!

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You need to drag your ass up for a game and go to one of the tailgates (same goes for the rest of you btw). I've gone to one each of JI's & JN's and met a ton of people from these boards in the process (also met up with RJF down in NO a few years back). Plus I've met that EY guy a time or two too.

Outside of Sooth, who I already thought was a complete dick by the time I met him, everyone is really cool, even those people you've argued with endlessly on these boards.

Honestly of all the message board people Sooth really seems like the biggest douche, case in point I had signed up as a "VIP" over there a few years back. It was like $30, you get a t-shirt and mug and you help out the site which at the time I was cool with. So months go by and I'm no longer a VIP status yet the $30 or whatever it was is still being deducted from my credit card. I PM'd Sooth saying, hey it's cool keep the money but just make sure I still get the VIP status. He was so indifferent and short in his answers, never fixed the problem either. He just kept blaming it on pay pal.

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Thanks guys.

And I definitely agree with SMC's point about the convenience of Sharrow's reveal and how it's a role that can explain him never getting killed off while being very unlikely to ever be countered (as opposed to a doctor reveal). Definitely feel good about this for a D1 lynch.

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Honestly of all the message board people Sooth really seems like the biggest douche, case in point I had signed up as a "VIP" over there a few years back. It was like $30, you get a t-shirt and mug and you help out the site which at the time I was cool with. So months go by and I'm no longer a VIP status yet the $30 or whatever it was is still being deducted from my credit card. I PM'd Sooth saying, hey it's cool keep the money but just make sure I still get the VIP status. He was so indifferent and short in his answers, never fixed the problem either. He just kept blaming it on pay pal.

You gave that site your money? F***ing rich people. You probably throw cash in a blender just for fun.

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Thanks guys.

And I definitely agree with SMC's point about the convenience of Sharrow's reveal and how it's a role that can explain him never getting killed off while being very unlikely to ever be countered (as opposed to a doctor reveal). Definitely feel good about this for a D1 lynch.

To me, the lack of fight was also telling. Not that he's a chatterbox, but what i expect from sharrow is sharp insight and at least a spirited defense. Honestly, i was just probing in the beginning to get him to talk more but his reaction was lackluster to the point where I feel okay with my vote.

Now if Pac could stop fiddling with weeds we can get on with it.

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Honestly of all the message board people Sooth really seems like the biggest douche, case in point I had signed up as a "VIP" over there a few years back. It was like $30, you get a t-shirt and mug and you help out the site which at the time I was cool with. So months go by and I'm no longer a VIP status yet the $30 or whatever it was is still being deducted from my credit card. I PM'd Sooth saying, hey it's cool keep the money but just make sure I still get the VIP status. He was so indifferent and short in his answers, never fixed the problem either. He just kept blaming it on pay pal.

Yeah, pretty much the identical thing happened to me, which was the beginning of the end of my time at JI, actually a few months back before the great migration. Except in my case, he didn't even bother responding to my PMs at all, while I was still being charged. Then camp comes around and I couldn't read any of the camp reports, which was pretty much the only thing worth a damn we were getting for the money. After being ignored about it a dozen times over, I finally got myself some attention (and nearly got banned in the process) for calling him out on it in thread, at which point he gave a list of bullsh*t excuses (while I had to explain to him, like he was a child, the basic responsibilities that coincide with taking on paying customers) before finally fixing it.

I then met Sooth at a tailgate just a few weeks later at the home opener. Needless to say, we didn't have a lot to talk about. lol

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To me, the lack of fight was also telling. Not that he's a chatterbox, but what i expect from sharrow is sharp insight and at least a spirited defense. Honestly, i was just probing in the beginning to get him to talk more but his reaction was lackluster to the point where I feel okay with my vote.

Now if Pac could stop fiddling with weeds we can get on with it.

Agreed. It was definitely his reactions (or lack thereof) once he started to get more pressure that made me feel the most comfortable going that direction.

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congrats BG... Be careful about hoping into management, you'll find your tangible skills eroding very quickly. Polack got called about transaction log problems on db and recommend a course of action that hasn't worked since sql 2005...

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polack finds the continued explaining of sharrow votes interesting....

The guy pretty much had to be lynched at some point, Really just had to happen, wasn't going to get shot, couldn't be investigated. We were 11 hrs from deadline, no explanation needed imo

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polack finds the continued explaining of sharrow votes interesting....

The guy pretty much had to be lynched at some point, Really just had to happen, wasn't going to get shot, couldn't be investigated. We were 11 hrs from deadline, no explanation needed imo

And yet you just did

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polack finds the continued explaining of sharrow votes interesting....

The guy pretty much had to be lynched at some point, Really just had to happen, wasn't going to get shot, couldn't be investigated. We were 11 hrs from deadline, no explanation needed imo

Agreed, and is your PR for only 1 day? If not you need to be lynched tomorrow.

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For someone getting their ass kicked, Sharrow remained surprisingly calm.

“I don’t see what the big deal is guys”…

“Save it a-hole”

The punches and kicks continued to rain down, getting more violent by the minute.

“eh hem.. guys… I’m a.. I’m a looking glass”

“A wut”?

“a looking gl… a mirror. You know like mirror, mirror on the wall”

“Is that like a rubber and glue thing? Like whatever I say or do to you bounces off and comes back to me”?


“What does that have to do with us kicking your lilly white ass”?!


With that the mob surrounded him and continued pummeling until there was nothing left but a bloody Pittsburgh Penguins jersey covering an unrecognizable lump of red flesh…

Sharrow, (aka Shoeshine Johnson – roleless townie) is DEAD!


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congrats BG... Be careful about hoping into management, you'll find your tangible skills eroding very quickly. Polack got called about transaction log problems on db and recommend a course of action that hasn't worked since sql 2005...

Thanks man. It wouldn't really be management level as much as more project lead type stuff (which my boss had already started having me do a lot more of over the past few months anyway). Basically would be moving up to one step below real management level.

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LOL, great scene, Pac. So we were right, Sharrow lied about his role, but he ended up being town.

This is true. I also think this lynch was informative. As has been mentioned already, scum would want Sharrow out of the game after going 3/3 as the vig last game. Therefore, we take a close look at his lynch pool tomorrow.

Sharrow (12) - AVM, 80, Verb, JVoR, SMC, JiF, DPR, Tina, Smash, BG, CTM, Hess

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LOL, great scene, Pac. So we were right, Sharrow lied about his role, but he ended up being town.

Three things, BG:

1) Congrats!

2) Good luck!

3) Your boss is a chick?

1) Thanks!

2) Thanks!

3) Yep, pretty much every boss (at least as far as direct reports are concerned) I've ever had outside of my first job have always been women. What can I say? The ladies just can't get enough of me.

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1) Thanks!

2) Thanks!

3) Yep, pretty much every boss (at least as far as direct reports are concerned) I've ever had outside of my first job have always been women. What can I say? The ladies just can't get enough of me.

Thats rare in IT.

LOL @ Sharrow's fake reveal. Why even try? lmfao

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Exactly - I play tennis and I'm not filthy rich. We should play sometime. No homo.

Yes we should! I really stopped playing in mid teens but the 6 or 7 times I have I can still play. It's the same with basketball, just need a couple games to remember how eye hand coordination works.
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Thats rare in IT.

LOL @ Sharrow's fake reveal. Why even try? lmfao

That it is. Although a little less rare in my current situation considering she's off the boat asian. At my old job though I still have no clue where those broads came from.

And yeah, I don't get what the point of that reveal was.

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