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Fight Club Mafia - May your ass be kicked


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What do you mean camping on Crusher? Do you mean something like "get behind the Crusher"? Just looking for clarification. When I say "camping" I mean someone putting their vote someone and leaving it, and 80 didn't vote Crusher he voted JIF.

Yeah, polack meant camp on as in joining crusher's position on him... not meant to imply staying there.

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So wombat is guilty because on-thread I'm advocating we "trust him"?

Or is this just double OMGUS because Wombat and I have mentioned your name a couple times?

I'm trying to influence a scenario that forces people to take a position, so that later we have substance to evaluate.

No, the point was fairly clearly made that he's simply nowhere close to not guilty because you're advocating we trust him. Truth be told, there's no basis whatsoever for us to do so, especially since it's fairly blatantly obvious he's been lying. Of course that begs the question, if you do trust Wombat as you claim, than you should now be convinced CTM is actuality innocent, right? Yet I have this funny feeling that's not the case.

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I was suspicious of 80 yesterday and I agree that the way he voted JiF feels off. That said I felt scummy vibes from JiF yesterday too. For now vote 80.

I would like some clear answers from Wombat. I won´t just follow him otherwise.

I´m a bit unsure of the other ladies. Leelou joke voted me yesterday and then she stayed there. I know she has been busy but she has popped in to say hi some times but haven´t said anything about the game except that she thinks 80 is scummy. Christine is laying low and Dan has not posted much either. From what I have seen earlier that seems to be the way Dan play but we usually hear more from Christine and Leelou.

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I just missed you, Tina. :) No, I was debating on jumping on the Sharrow train, but I didn't really feel like it was the right move when I had the time to go back over the game and then he was lynched.

I can vote 80 since his vote on JiF just does not sit right with his reasoning.

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Honestly Tina, and this is gonna make me look bad, but I kind of got behind in the game, skimmed through about 20 pages, and now I am a bit lost. So, I'm just skating at the moment, listening to everyone else's reasoning, before I make a move. I can't really make any arguments myself, as I wasn't paying attention.

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Honestly Tina, and this is gonna make me look bad, but I kind of got behind in the game, skimmed through about 20 pages, and now I am a bit lost. So, I'm just skating at the moment, listening to everyone else's reasoning, before I make a move. I can't really make any arguments myself, as I wasn't paying attention.

That doesn't make you look bad

Anyone who actually bothers to read the pile of sh*t these people post deserves what they get imo

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Game Notes:

Nolder and Wombat making usual nonsensical comments. Useless.

Ape/CTM epic battle never ends. Pointless.

Vote Tina - She's posting in the classic "trying to look like I'm helping, but not committing any major sins" mode.

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Hey Wombat - do you favor an SMC vs. 80 competing train scenario?

Not sure but leaning no as I think 80 is most likely town. I think his blatant rolefishing would be too blatant and WIFOMy for him to pull as scum right after doing a pussy move like sheeping Crusher while expressing reluctance.

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Wow, Vic, Hess, and Sharrow are dead in 2 days?

That's like killing off an army's command structure.

Vic, Hess and Sharrow are good, but I find the omission of Dan and CTM (and to a lesser extent, Ape) here to be suspicious. It's like he knows Dan and CTM aren't town.

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Vic, Hess and Sharrow are good, but I find the omission of Dan and CTM (and to a lesser extent, Ape) here to be suspicious. It's like he knows Dan and CTM aren't town.

You find the omission of currently alive players amongst the list of dead to be suspicious? What the **** is wrong with you?

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1) JiF - no read

2) CTM - mixed read

3) Hess (Town Mason NK'd N1)

4) DPR - no read

5) Wombat - town

6) Vic (Town Bomb Nk'd N1)

7) SMC - scum

8) Crusher - town

9) Nolder - scum read

10) BG - no read

11) AVM - no read

12) Sharrow (roleless townie lynched Day 1)

13) Tina - no read

14) Ape - mixed read

15) Verb - scum read

16) 80 - town read

17) Dan X - no read, pressure

18) Leelou - no read

19) JVoR - no read

20) JC - no read

21) Smash - no read

22) Christine - no read

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You find the omission of currently alive players amongst the list of dead to be suspicious? What the **** is wrong with you?

Sorry, I explained that poorly. It is not the fact that he didn't mention them that makes me suspicious so much as the fact that he made such a comment while they were still alive. Dan and CTM are good town leaders imo, so saying the town was decapitated seems odd to me.

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I think a train on Wombat would be more enlightening. As long as you're going to go all Pied Piper on our asses, you may a well cough up your own info.

unvote Tina - vote Wombat

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Official Vote Count:

Wombat (5) - Verb, Nolder, SMC, BG, DPR

BG (1) - Dan

Verb (1) - AVM

DPR (1) - JiF

JiF (3) - Blob, JetFat, JC

SMC (1) - Wombat

JetFat80 (4) - JiF, CTM, Tina, Leelou

Nolder (1) - Smash

With 19 alive, it takes 10 punches to get knocked out.

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Vic, Hess and Sharrow are good, but I find the omission of Dan and CTM (and to a lesser extent, Ape) here to be suspicious. It's like he knows Dan and CTM aren't town.

Sorry, I explained that poorly. It is not the fact that he didn't mention them that makes me suspicious so much as the fact that he made such a comment while they were still alive. Dan and CTM are good town leaders imo, so saying the town was decapitated seems odd to me.

This is beyond stupid. I was talking about dead players only.

Sharrow, Vic, and Hess aren't "good town leaders," they're great players overall. That was the point. Vic is a mediocre townie, but uber good as scum, which raises his overall rating. Sharrow is in his own stratosphere, and Hess is a mad genius.

CTM is garbage leading town. He's known as the Pied Piper for a reason. If you think I would ever credit him as being a "good town leader" or list him as one of the top players in this game you are sadly mistaken.

Dan is excellent, but again, I was talking about dead people.

My vote on you stands. It's not Oh My God You Suck, it's Oh My God, What Stupid sh*t Is This Guy Trying to Pull, or OMGWSSITGTTP?

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This is beyond stupid. I was talking about dead players only.

Sharrow, Vic, and Hess aren't "good town leaders," they're great players overall. That was the point. Vic is a mediocre townie, but uber good as scum, which raises his overall rating. Sharrow is in his own stratosphere, and Hess is a mad genius.

CTM is garbage leading town. He's known as the Pied Piper for a reason. If you think I would ever credit him as being a "good town leader" or list him as one of the top players in this game you are sadly mistaken.

Dan is excellent, but again, I was talking about dead people.

My vote on you stands. It's not Oh My God You Suck, it's Oh My God, What Stupid sh*t Is This Guy Trying to Pull, or OMGWSSITGTTP?

Doesn't fly. You said the kills were like killing of an army's command structure. Why would that be the case if Dan were still alive and town?

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CTM is garbage leading town. He's known as the Pied Piper for a reason. If you think I would ever credit him as being a "good town leader" or list him as one of the top players in this game you are sadly mistaken.

well that was uncalled for...

u blockhead

polack feel better now

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Doesn't fly. You said the kills were like killing of an army's command structure. Why would that be the case if Dan were still alive and town?

I get were you are coming from here, vic not being a particularly good townie (by SMC's own admission) def contradicts his original point that they took out the command structure.. (also surprised jif hasn't jumped on this yet, this is the scum tell ape was talking about, jifHomo's most favorite)

Polack can move over to SMC very easily...

I also don't know how you have a town read on 80, he's not acting like 80 usually acts as town, imo.. He's also reckess enough as scum to role fish, especially cause a couple people seemed incline to run you up and force you to claim prior to his post.

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Official Vote Count:

Wombat (5) - Verb, Nolder, SMC, BG, DPR

BG (1) - Dan

Verb (1) - AVM

DPR (1) - JiF

JiF (3) - Blob, JetFat, JC

SMC (2) - Wombat, JVoR

JetFat80 (4) - JiF, CTM, Tina, Leelou

Nolder (1) - Smash

With 19 alive, it takes 10 punches to get knocked out

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Doesn't fly. You said the kills were like killing of an army's command structure. Why would that be the case if Dan were still alive and town?

Are you really this dumb?

Sharrow, Vic, and Hess were all townies. They're dead. Vic and Hess were NKd. Scum or SK knew they were not aligned with themselves, hence they killed them. The three of the best players have been killed. Fact.

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With so many beating already having been handed out, It's time for this city to show some heart..

Everyone PM me the name of the person, other than yourself, that you'd like to extend some mercy to. They may just become a little more difficult to knock out, (aka lynch).

Continue voting and playing but there will be no lynch until everyone has voted or someone has clinched it.

As was the case with the punches, please keep who you voted for private.

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(also surprised jif hasn't jumped on this yet, this is the scum tell ape was talking about, jifHomo's most favorite)

Not exactly. That seemed more like a general statement than the mock surprise/shock that I look for, but I could see it where you would think it fits under a similar category.

My top 3 right now are JF80, DPR, and Leelou.

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No, the point was fairly clearly made that he's simply nowhere close to not guilty because you're advocating we trust him. Truth be told, there's no basis whatsoever for us to do so, especially since it's fairly blatantly obvious he's been lying. Of course that begs the question, if you do trust Wombat as you claim, than you should now be convinced CTM is actuality innocent, right? Yet I have this funny feeling that's not the case.

I'm sorry, there's really nothing about this post that actually makes sense to me... "fairly clearly" and "fairly blatantly" are both contradictory statements. Clearly and blatantly insinuate certainty. Fairly stipulates a lack of certainty. Statements like this resonate as "really but not really" and undermine whatever point you are trying to make.

As for the conclusion you've reached that I "trust" Wombat, you sound that much more silly. You've played with me before, I rarely trust anyone, but I am always willing to let some stuff play out and even support someone I don't totally trust as I feel it's more likely to garner info... like the time I made the head-fake move when Christine and Jetscode had competing trains. Curse me in your QT for making you guess what I'm really thinking.

The only thing this post seems designed to do is undermine myself and Wombat, but without logic or even rationale.

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