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Can we please cut Kyle Wilson? Please?


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I stated he got owned on a stalk block and burnt for several receptions. How does that not support my argument? It's on tape. It happened just last night. How is that baseless and unsubstantiated? Conjecture and vague statements? I stated he has stiff hips and bad instincts. Thats pretty specific as far as statements go. So to recap. I stated he did a poor job in coverage and got owned against the run when Brandon LaFell stalk-blocked him across the field and right out of the play.

Then, after making a specific and supported argument, I asked that you support the argument that he's a good player by giving examples. Instead you argued that my post was wrong. No support for your argument whatsoever. Which tells me you can't support Wilson. Because he has done nothing to hold up as a positive example.

So sorry, I forgot to mention that after a dozen posts of vague "he sucks" statements with no basis for it whatsoever, you provided 1 play from a preseason game (a game which he admittedly didn't play well in) that you think somehow proves your point. If your entire basis for Wilson's NFL career, and the fact that he should be cut, is last night's preseason game, then there's really no point in having this conversation. You're not trying to make the argument that Wilson makes some occasional bad plays, you're arguing that he's worse than the Jets #6 CB and should be cut, and you have provided absolutely nothing worth a damn to support that asinine stance. The fact that you continue to try to change the argument others are making really tells the whole story of how you have absolutely no leg to stand on.

That you don't even understand that 99% of a successful performance by a CB has absolutely no means of measurement whatsoever, be it Wilson, Revis or any other CB in the league, shows how little you know about CB play. But just so you know, according to FO, Wilson's success rate was 54% in the NFL, good for 35th in the league. Revis and Cromartie were ranked 11th and 17th respectively.

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So sorry, I forgot to mention that after a dozen posts of vague "he sucks" statements with no basis for it whatsoever, you provided 1 play from a preseason game (a game which he admittedly didn't play well in) that you think somehow proves your point. If your entire basis for Wilson's NFL career, and the fact that he should be cut, is last night's preseason game, then there's really no point in having this conversation. You're not trying to make the argument that Wilson makes some occasional bad plays, you're arguing that he's worse than the Jets #6 CB and should be cut, and you have provided absolutely nothing worth a damn to support that asinine stance. The fact that you continue to try to change the argument others are making really tells the whole story of how you have absolutely no leg to stand on.

That you don't even understand that 99% of a successful performance by a CB has absolutely no means of measurement whatsoever, be it Wilson, Revis or any other CB in the league, shows how little you know about CB play. But just so you know, according to FO, Wilson's success rate was 54% in the NFL, good for 35th in the league. Revis and Cromartie were ranked 11th and 17th respectively.

Okay. You want more than a preseason game. Fair enough. Kyle Wilson was a first round draft pick in 2010 aquired to play #2 corner. This is a fact. He was given the starting job, which he lost due to poor performance. Antonio Cromartie was therefore re-signed to play the #2 corner spot on Aug 1st 2011 for $32 million. Wilson was reduced to nickel. The Jets biggest coverage issues have not been with WR's, but Slot receivers and Tight Ends. Wilson's job. He has 53 tackles and 2 interceptions in two full seasons. He does not return punts or kicks as originally advertised.

Now. I have again provided information, both long and short term, based on recent performance and past performance, and included the circumstances in which his role was reduced and at what cost to the team, and added that as a nickel, he provides little by was of special teams, which is unusual for his position. And all I ask for the third time is that you tell what he's done to substantiate the claims that he's a solid corner. I can argue that Sanchez won a buch of comeback games in 2010, I can argue that Hunter played several years as a journeyman backup and played well during that time, I can argue that Eric Smith led the team in tackles last year, I can make an argument for just about any player, no matter how good or bad, to support them if asked to. And so I ask you. Has he shown he's a competent NFL CB. If so, how?

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I did some work with corner valuations and ran some numbers on Wilson. http://nyjetscap.com/2012_Articles/cornervalue.php

I did a second one that also split success as slot vs outside receiver so his numbers might improve since the slot has a slightly higher success rate, but I think its tough to argue that hes been anything but below average thus far. Hes young though so you never know and it is one of those positions that take time, but I cant imagine Rex playing him much if he looks like he did the last two weeks once the real games start.Here was the writeup on the Jets players and Wilson:

For whatever reason Revis does not get the same respect in coverage others get. Maybe it’s the scheme and he is far more man on than others. Maybe it’s the grading system used. Maybe its just that many more grade A assignments, Asomugha only gets picked on 8.7% of the time he is on the field while Revis is over 15%. I think that’s far too much respect given to Asomugha, but that’s how teams are approaching his zones on the field.

I think there is still a way to utilize both charts. If you happen to play in a pass happy division, where you have 6 games guaranteed against teams flinging the football, the actual play failure chart is more valuable. You would rather have players causing a failure then allowing the play to go to someone else. I think that’s the trap the Raiders fell into when they gave Asomugha all that money. Plays just went elsewhere and were successful. If you take someone from the first list in that scenario you are best suited to pair him up with another big time player. This is what the Jets have done with Revis and Cromartie and what the Eagles did last season. The Jets is probably overkill since both Revis and Cromartie do stand out individually, but both are really wrecking games.

Now if you play in the division that doesn’t throw the ball, has bad QB play or only 1 passable receiver per team, say the NFC West or AFC South, maybe it pays to go for broke and bring in a guy like Asomugha. The fact that teams don’t throw at him might really hurt them. Revis, Taylor, Grimes, etc… all fit against any competition. But you cant even think of building a defense around someone like Asomugha. Maybe he needs to do more like Revis and at times try to bait someone into throwing the ball and then making a play on it.

For the other Jets players Cromartie ranked 5th out of 66 players and a failure rate of 26.05%. Based on the first criteria he was number 12. That’s pretty excellent. He was near the bottom of the NFL in plays that went for scores, though so his receptions do come at the worst time. Kyle Wilson ranked 58th and 59th in the two charts with negative failure rates of 3.2% and 16.6. That’s pretty terrible. Drew Coleman, who the Jets are showing interest in, was 63rd and 64th. He was a -22.5% and -27.4%, which is brutal. I can’t see any reason why the Jets would revisit that."

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Okay. You want more than a preseason game. Fair enough. Kyle Wilson was a first round draft pick in 2010 aquired to play #2 corner. This is a fact.

Kyle Wilson was drafted with Revis and Cromartie already on the roster and locked in at #1 and #2. THAT is the actual fact. Nice try though.

He was given the starting job, which he lost due to poor performance.

Wait... what? You can't possibly be serious with this, can you? This has got to be the joke. You mean the starting job he was given when Revis was in the midst of his holdout? The job that he lost due to Revis returning to the team, and not due to poor performance. Are you suggesting that he wasn't able to keep Revis' starting job is evidence to support the idea that he should be cut? I think this pretty much successfully invalidates your entire argument, so thanks for that.

Antonio Cromartie was therefore re-signed to play the #2 corner spot on Aug 1st 2011 for $32 million. Wilson was reduced to nickel. The Jets biggest coverage issues have not been with WR's, but Slot receivers and Tight Ends. Wilson's job. He has 53 tackles and 2 interceptions in two full seasons. He does not return punts or kicks as originally advertised.

Now. I have again provided information, both long and short term, based on recent performance and past performance, and included the circumstances in which his role was reduced and at what cost to the team, and added that as a nickel, he provides little by was of special teams, which is unusual for his position. And all I ask for the third time is that you tell what he's done to substantiate the claims that he's a solid corner. I can argue that Sanchez won a buch of comeback games in 2010, I can argue that Hunter played several years as a journeyman backup and played well during that time, I can argue that Eric Smith led the team in tackles last year, I can make an argument for just about any player, no matter how good or bad, to support them if asked to. And so I ask you. Has he shown he's a competent NFL CB. If so, how?

Well I've already just shown multiple statements you made about his early NFL career were blatant lies, so no, that doesn't really help your case. The fact that you then tried to continue to blame the Jets woes covering TEs on Wilson shows how little merit your argument has, given the Jets issue there has been almost entirely with their slow LBs and crappy safeties in coverage.

All you've really shown here is you're pissy because Wilson was a first round pick and hasn't turned into a top level NFL starter. That's fine and your right to feel that way, but there's a massive difference between that and him being worse than the Jets #6 CB and deserving to be cut. You just need to accept the fact that his draft spot no longer means a damn thing and while he may not be what we had hoped he'd be when he was picked, he still holds a lot of value to this team as its nickel CB. As I already mentioned, FO's charting stats had Wilson ranked 35th in success rate. Certainly not All-Pro, but not too damn bad to get out of your nickel corner.

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Kyle Wilson was drafted with Revis and Cromartie already on the roster and locked in at #1 and #2. THAT is the actual fact. Nice try though.

wrong. as I stated, Cromartie was RE-signed. RE. As in: was on the open market after 2010. RE-signed in 2011. Man, I even gave you a specific date and salary. Nice try, though.

Wait... what? You can't possibly be serious with this, can you? This has got to be the joke. You mean the starting job he was given when Revis was in the midst of his holdout? The job that he lost due to Revis returning to the team, and not due to poor performance. Are you suggesting that he wasn't able to keep Revis' starting job is evidence to support the idea that he should be cut? I think this pretty much successfully invalidates your entire argument, so thanks for that.

No. I'm suggesting he was brought in to be a starter, but after his inability to be effective, the team decided to re-sign Cromartie. They did not give him the starting job in 2011.

Well I've already just shown multiple statements you made about his early NFL career were blatant lies, so no, that doesn't really help your case. The fact that you then tried to continue to blame the Jets woes covering TEs on Wilson shows how little merit your argument has, given the Jets issue there has been almost entirely with their slow LBs and crappy safeties in coverage.

Wilson covers TE's and slot receivers. He covers TE's more when they play a zone or when they blitz. Covers? No, sorry. Fails to cover. And I never, at any time, blamed the Jets woes covering TE's squarely on Wilson. You say I did because you wish I did. That's a very weak argumentive technique. I stated that he is ineffctive in coverage and the proof is that those he most often covers are also those who have the most success. ie: slot receivers and TE's.

All you've really shown here is you're pissy because Wilson was a first round pick and hasn't turned into a top level NFL starter. That's fine and your right to feel that way, but there's a massive difference between that and him being worse than the Jets #6 CB and deserving to be cut. You just need to accept the fact that his draft spot no longer means a damn thing and while he may not be what we had hoped he'd be when he was picked, he still holds a lot of value to this team as its nickel CB. As I already mentioned, FO's charting stats had Wilson ranked 35th in success rate. Certainly not All-Pro, but not too damn bad to get out of your nickel corner.

See: prior post where he's ranked in the bottom fifth of the league's corners. Jason is arbitrary and has no dog in this fight. But his numbers show Wilson has been awful

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wrong. as I stated, Cromartie was RE-signed. RE. As in: was on the open market after 2010. RE-signed in 2011. Man, I even gave you a specific date and salary. Nice try, though.

Too bad none of this actually does anything to prove your initial statement that Wilson was drafted to be a starter considering both Revis and Cromartie were under contract. So you're actually the one who is wrong.

No. I'm suggesting he was brought in to be a starter, but after his inability to be effective, the team decided to re-sign Cromartie. They did not give him the starting job in 2011.

So is your entire argument that Cromartie is better than Wilson and they chose him over Wilson after the 2010 season? If so, you're not going to get any argument out of me. Too bad your original statement was that Wilson was handed a starting job that he proceeded to lose, which only occurred around the time of Revis' holdout and subsequent return. So again, you are not only wrong, but blatantly lying and changing the argument as you go along as means to try to justify your stance. That's usually a good indicator of how little validity an argument has when you need to do that.

Wilson covers TE's and slot receivers. He covers TE's more when they play a zone or when they blitz. Covers? No, sorry. Fails to cover. And I never, at any time, blamed the Jets woes covering TE's squarely on Wilson. You say I did because you wish I did. That's a very weak argumentive technique. I stated that he is ineffctive in coverage and the proof is that those he most often covers are also those who have the most success. ie: slot receivers and TE's.

Squarely or otherwise, the truth is you are attempting to use the Jets issues with TEs as a means to justify your idiotic stance on Wilson, but it is flatly wrong. It's not even a point of debate, because not only can you not prove that Wilson even covers TEs with regularity, you certainly can't prove that in the instances when he is covering them aligns with when the Jets have troubles there. You have absolutely no leg to stand on there whatsoever. You have a problem with the Jets covering of slot WRs? That's fine, and Wilson is going to be the first guy you look to in that case, but the TEs crap is another desperate attempt to lie your way to justifying your nonsensical position.

See: prior post where he's ranked in the bottom fifth of the league's corners. Jason is arbitrary and has no dog in this fight. But his numbers show Wilson has been awful

This is my favorite part of your past, because it is here you have blatantly admitted that in your entire argument, you dismiss absolutely anything that doesn't support your stance while embracing anything that does. That's the true sign of someone who's letting nothing but emotion drive their opinions and then are so completely desperate to justify those opinions afterward, regardless of how little factual support there may be for them. The funny thing is, even if we just assume Jason's numbers are gold and everything else meaningless, there's still absolutely nothing about that which comes even close to justifying the laughably pathetic argument that he's worse than the Jets #6 CB. So you're still wrong anyway.

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This thread kind of makes sense, considering people dog Cromartie on this site.

Cro did look good last night.

I agree with OP about Wilson though.

A lot of similarities with Gholston, coaching staff and front office continually saying how much he's progressing, regardless of how bad he looks on the field. Then once contract is up he's gone. They don't like to admit their mistakes.

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Too bad none of this actually does anything to prove your initial statement that Wilson was drafted to be a starter considering both Revis and Cromartie were under contract. So you're actually the one who is wrong.

So is your entire argument that Cromartie is better than Wilson and they chose him over Wilson after the 2010 season? If so, you're not going to get any argument out of me. Too bad your original statement was that Wilson was handed a starting job that he proceeded to lose, which only occurred around the time of Revis' holdout and subsequent return. So again, you are not only wrong, but blatantly lying and changing the argument as you go along as means to try to justify your stance. That's usually a good indicator of how little validity an argument has when you need to do that.

Squarely or otherwise, the truth is you are attempting to use the Jets issues with TEs as a means to justify your idiotic stance on Wilson, but it is flatly wrong. It's not even a point of debate, because not only can you not prove that Wilson even covers TEs with regularity, you certainly can't prove that in the instances when he is covering them aligns with when the Jets have troubles there. You have absolutely no leg to stand on there whatsoever. You have a problem with the Jets covering of slot WRs? That's fine, and Wilson is going to be the first guy you look to in that case, but the TEs crap is another desperate attempt to lie your way to justifying your nonsensical position.

This is my favorite part of your past, because it is here you have blatantly admitted that in your entire argument, you dismiss absolutely anything that doesn't support your stance while embracing anything that does. That's the true sign of someone who's letting nothing but emotion drive their opinions and then are so completely desperate to justify those opinions afterward, regardless of how little factual support there may be for them. The funny thing is, even if we just assume Jason's numbers are gold and everything else meaningless, there's still absolutely nothing about that which comes even close to justifying the laughably pathetic argument that he's worse than the Jets #6 CB. So you're still wrong anyway.

Alright final post on this since, to be quite frank, you've become quite angry and insulting as this discussion has progressed, and I don't really have the time or desire to be insulted for a football opinion. I will make certain concessions, however, though not due to any argument you've made for Wilson being a good defensive back. Because you haven't made any. You state that My issues with Wilson are based on the fact that I flat don't like the guy. Never argued against that fact. I've seen nothing to warrant his draft pick and nothing that leads me to believe he can be a starting corner in this league (which is the only reason you take a corner in round one.) My dislike for him is also based on the fact that I've been dissapointed in Tannenbaum and that entire draft was a pile of crap. Should he actually be cut outright? Perhaps that's hyperbole. But he sucks and has sucked. Last night he showed no signs that he's maturing or improving or even competent in the nickel role. There will be better corners on the street by opening day, and there are DB's who can contribute as much or more (special teams) already on this team. So I wouldn't shed a tear to see him go. He's cheap enough to hang around and I believe thats all he's doing. No way he gets re-signed. He's the Vlad Ducasse of the defense. And as you rage one, understand that I am not alone in my assessment. From posters on this board, to commentators on the radio (Joe Beningo: "My god he's just awful") there are others who share my opinion. You aren't one of them. We disagree. Yet you will not see me use the words "idiotic, desperate, liar, pathetic, nonsensical" to describe you or your posts. I prefer to argue my stance, not sling mud. I'll stop here. I prefer to avoid pissing contests, particularly because the best you can't hope for is wet socks.


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Alright final post on this since, to be quite frank, you've become quite angry and insulting as this discussion has progressed, and I don't really have the time or desire to be insulted for a football opinion. I will make certain concessions, however, though not due to any argument you've made for Wilson being a good defensive back. Because you haven't made any. You state that My issues with Wilson are based on the fact that I flat don't like the guy. Never argued against that fact. I've seen nothing to warrant his draft pick and nothing that leads me to believe he can be a starting corner in this league (which is the only reason you take a corner in round one.) My dislike for him is also based on the fact that I've been dissapointed in Tannenbaum and that entire draft was a pile of crap. Should he actually be cut outright? Perhaps that's hyperbole. But he sucks and has sucked. Last night he showed no signs that he's maturing or improving or even competent in the nickel role. There will be better corners on the street by opening day, and there are DB's who can contribute as much or more (special teams) already on this team. So I wouldn't shed a tear to see him go. He's cheap enough to hang around and I believe thats all he's doing. No way he gets re-signed. He's the Vlad Ducasse of the defense. And as you rage one, understand that I am not alone in my assessment. From posters on this board, to commentators on the radio (Joe Beningo: "My god he's just awful") there are others who share my opinion. You aren't one of them. We disagree. Yet you will not see me use the words "idiotic, desperate, liar, pathetic, nonsensical" to describe you or your posts. I prefer to argue my stance, not sling mud. I'll stop here. I prefer to avoid pissing contests, particularly because the best you can't hope for is wet socks.


Funny you say that, considering I chose not to even read this post for a while because I didn't even want to bother continuing this with you. This entire discussion has been you dismissing every single point made against you and then claiming none were made, while never actually validating anything you've said. It's all a bunch of baseless conjecture that you claim victory in because of it's lack of being disproven since there's nothing of legitimacy provided to even try to disprove. This post is more of the same. That alone is more than enough evidence to support that you're wrong.

Truth be told, if you take such great offense to being called out on what you're trying to pull, then you shouldn't pull it. I will apologize if you're bothered by my calling your points "idiotic", but it's not even a point of debate that you've blatantly lied through the course of this debate, changing your story ever time something you say is proven to be wrong. I'm sorry, but I have absolutely no respect for people who choose to debate (if you can even call it that) in that way. The fact that you insist on changing other people's arguments, immediately dismissing and ignoring anything that doesn't fit your agenda, and then catching a attitude about how your unsubstantiated claims are right simply because you say so, is the direct cause of this argument turning into what it has. Try to remember that in the future before you try to play the innocent victim shtick.

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One of the highest rated nickel backs in the league, a bust guard, the best return man in the league and a starting FB.

Could have been worse.

McKnight cant get on the field. I dont know about Wilson being one of the best nickel backs in the league. And drafting a fullback is idiotic.

I wont even get into Ducasse.

Go look at some of the guys picked right after the Jets made their choices, it isnt pretty.

We all loved Rex more back then and trusted he knew what he was doing so he sold us on the "Rex loves his corners and needs corners" stuff...and now we have an offense that'c cant get out of its own way.

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McKnight cant get on the field.

Best return man in the league. Pretty important when your offense blows.

I dont know about Wilson being one of the best nickel backs in the league.

Someone posted the stats from last year, he was ranked very high. When you consider how much he gets picked on with who we have on the outside, he stacks up pretty well. 3rd corner on the league best secondary.

And drafting a fullback is idiotic.


I wont even get into Ducasse.

Whats there to get into? lol

Go look at some of the guys picked right after the Jets made their choices, it isnt pretty.

I have done this numerous times and asked you to do the same when we've had this debate. You clearly havent because everyone taken in the 2nd round or 3rd round of that draft on the OL is terrible. And the same can be said about Wilson, he's better than every player on the list taken after him till you get to Gronk.

We all loved Rex more back then and trusted he knew what he was doing so he sold us on the "Rex loves his corners and needs corners" stuff...and now we have an offense that'c cant get out of its own way.

Offense sucks. Agreed.

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Funny you say that, considering I chose not to even read this post for a while because I didn't even want to bother continuing this with you. This entire discussion has been you dismissing every single point made against you and then claiming none were made, while never actually validating anything you've said. It's all a bunch of baseless conjecture that you claim victory in because of it's lack of being disproven since there's nothing of legitimacy provided to even try to disprove. This post is more of the same. That alone is more than enough evidence to support that you're wrong.

Truth be told, if you take such great offense to being called out on what you're trying to pull, then you shouldn't pull it. I will apologize if you're bothered by my calling your points "idiotic", but it's not even a point of debate that you've blatantly lied through the course of this debate, changing your story ever time something you say is proven to be wrong. I'm sorry, but I have absolutely no respect for people who choose to debate (if you can even call it that) in that way. The fact that you insist on changing other people's arguments, immediately dismissing and ignoring anything that doesn't fit your agenda, and then catching a attitude about how your unsubstantiated claims are right simply because you say so, is the direct cause of this argument turning into what it has. Try to remember that in the future before you try to play the innocent victim shtick.

You never stated why Kyle Wilson is a good corner. Things that make a good corner: tight coverage. Good against the run. Solid tackler. Ball hawk. Closing speed. Good instincts. Good hands. Solid in man coverage. Fluid hips. fast change of direction. I'm sure there are a few more. But through the smokescreen of furious foot stomping and insults, you must have forgotten to say what makes him good. And as for playing the innocent victim: that is not the case. I'm not a victim. Nor am I a liar. You've taken a topic and gone too far with the anger and insults and all to defend Kyle Freaking Wilson. I call you out. Not the other way around, BG.

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One of the highest rated nickel backs in the league, a bust guard, the best return man in the league and a starting FB.

Could have been worse.


And Wilson was drafted so we wouldn't have to give Cro $8 mil plus. That's the cost of missing on a first rounder--you end up plugging the hole with a pricey vet. He's not terrible, though. He's this generation's Anthony Becht.

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And Wilson was drafted so we wouldn't have to give Cro $8 mil plus. That's the cost of missing on a first rounder--you end up plugging the hole with a pricey vet. He's not terrible, though. He's this generation's Anthony Becht.

I thought he was drafted because they felt he was BAP at that point, which if you look at who was selected after him (and before in some cases) in that sh*tty draft, its not too far-fetched.

Guys a very solid player and would be a #2 corner on a lot of teams in the NFL.

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You never stated why Kyle Wilson is a good corner. Things that make a good corner: tight coverage. Good against the run. Solid tackler. Ball hawk. Closing speed. Good instincts. Good hands. Solid in man coverage. Fluid hips. fast change of direction. I'm sure there are a few more. But through the smokescreen of furious foot stomping and insults, you must have forgotten to say what makes him good. And as for playing the innocent victim: that is not the case. I'm not a victim. Nor am I a liar. You've taken a topic and gone too far with the anger and insults and all to defend Kyle Freaking Wilson. I call you out. Not the other way around, BG.

You're the one who's making an outrageous claim and failing to substantiate it at all. The onus is on you to support your claim, not the other way around.

Repeatedly saying "he sucks" or "is awful" does not qualify as support for your argument. The fact that you've failed to do so is all that really needs to be pointed out. The counterpoints that have been made have been dismissed and ignored, what others have said being manipulated by you (e.g., your repeated insistence that Wilson be proven as "very good", otherwise that somehow makes you right), and your own statements being changed the moment they're proven wrong. I've said from the very beginning, Wilson is a solid all around CB who provides the Jets a quality option at nickel. I've certainly admitted that he struggles at times with consistency and isn't what the Jets were initially hoping for, but there's a massive difference between that and claiming he's a worse player than the man sitting three spots below him on the depth chart.

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Wilson is ok I guess. He doesnt suck ass. He hasnt made a play realy since he's been here though. The one thing anyone really remembers about Wilson is that Roethlisberger pass boucning off of his face.

His pick vs the Chargers was pretty key, but I can definitely see what you're saying for the most part there.

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hahah wow you want to cut kyle wilson already.. holy sh*t that might be one of the dumbest things ive ever heard of on this site

It won't be long before you guys start saying the same about The Prince. Already has "bust" written all over him. I would keep Wilson until his contract is up, then bid him a fond farewell. He clearly isn't the guy they thought we was.

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