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Ryan Blew It, Not Sanchez


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It was the perfect opportunity to put the Sanchez-Tebow hypothesis to the test yet he backed out for fear of Sanchez's psyhce and a media storm. You have a tough, mean ass defense staring at you, yet you leave the biggesst, toughest guy on your team, Tebow, on the sidelines.

What the hell did he come to the Jets for? This was the time to use him, instead he backed off. This season was supposed to be fun, Sanchez starting and Tebow coming in as the wildcard. I mean sh*t man, how many times do you get to see a quarterback who will run at the Steelers. Even Tebow haters got to love that, a man that will go straight up against those guys.

It could have been a fun season, now the Quarterback controversy solely rests on Mark's shoulders. He has to win or it will be trouble. If Tebow comes in for plays now and scores it will be viewed as he is the savior instead of an action player. It didnt have to be that way. Ryan should have played it the way that said they would in the preseason.

Disappointed in Ryan.

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It was the perfect opportunity to put the Sanchez-Tebow hypothesis to the test yet he backed out for fear of Sanchez's psyhce and a media storm. You have a tough, mean ass defense staring at you, yet you leave the biggesst, toughest guy on your team, Tebow, on the sidelines.

What the hell did he come to the Jets for? This was the time to use him, instead he backed off. This season was supposed to be fun, Sanchez starting and Tebow coming in as the wildcard. I mean sh*t man, how many times do you get to see a quarterback who will run at the Steelers. Even Tebow haters got to love that, a man that will go straight up against those guys.

It could have been a fun season, now the Quarterback controversy solely rests on Mark's shoulders. He has to win or it will be trouble. If Tebow comes in for plays now and scores it will be viewed as he is the savior instead of an action player. It didnt have to be that way. Ryan should have played it the way that said they would in the preseason.

Disappointed in Ryan.

Your point is fair, and is the entire reason why I refuse to support the Tebow signing. Because no matter what happens it will be a negative. If he comes in and scores it will be a controversy. If he doesnt do well it was a stupid move. If he isnt used thats questioned. Even if Sanchez plays poorly and gets pulled halfway through the season, Tebow isnt taking us anywhere anyway.

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Your point is fair, and is the entire reason why I refuse to support the Tebow signing. Because no matter what happens it will be a negative. If he comes in and scores it will be a controversy. If he doesnt do well it was a stupid move. If he isnt used thats questioned. Even if Sanchez plays poorly and gets pulled halfway through the season, Tebow isnt taking us anywhere anyway.

I think that is going to happen now but had he let Tebow play more during the Pitt game the concept of using Tebow as an action player would have had gained credibility. I dont think Snachez would have minded in the least. Tebow would have had fun, and I would have enjoyed seeing someone run at those guys. Always hated the Steelers.

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It was the perfect opportunity to put the Sanchez-Tebow hypothesis to the test yet he backed out for fear of Sanchez's psyhce and a media storm. You have a tough, mean ass defense staring at you, yet you leave the biggesst, toughest guy on your team, Tebow, on the sidelines.

What the hell did he come to the Jets for? This was the time to use him, instead he backed off. This season was supposed to be fun, Sanchez starting and Tebow coming in as the wildcard. I mean sh*t man, how many times do you get to see a quarterback who will run at the Steelers. Even Tebow haters got to love that, a man that will go straight up against those guys.

It could have been a fun season, now the Quarterback controversy solely rests on Mark's shoulders. He has to win or it will be trouble. If Tebow comes in for plays now and scores it will be viewed as he is the savior instead of an action player. It didnt have to be that way. Ryan should have played it the way that said they would in the preseason.

Disappointed in Ryan.

So the season can no longer be fun because the Jets lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender on their home opener which they havent lost in 10 years because the Jets didnt use Tebow enough?

Got it. **** this season sucks. Hate being 1-1 with the Dolphags up next and the Patriots facing Baltimore. THIS SEASON IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!

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So the season can no longer be fun because the Jets lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender on their home opener which they havent lost in 10 years because the Jets didnt use Tebow enough?

Got it. **** this season sucks. Hate being 1-1 with the Dolphags up next and the Patriots facing Baltimore. THIS SEASON IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!

Depends on how you rate fun.
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So the season can no longer be fun because the Jets lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender on their home opener which they havent lost in 10 years because the Jets didnt use Tebow enough?

Got it. **** this season sucks. Hate being 1-1 with the Dolphags up next and the Patriots facing Baltimore. THIS SEASON IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!

Good point. Sports is alot about getting up after getting knocked down. I stand corrected. Learn from the mistake and move on. Go Jets! Go Sanchez! Go Tebow!

Go Rivers and R. Wilson (Im an NC State grade)

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I think that is going to happen now but had he let Tebow play more during the Pitt game the concept of using Tebow as an action player would have had gained credibility. I dont think Snachez would have minded in the least. Tebow would have had fun, and I would have enjoyed seeing someone run at those guys. Always hated the Steelers.

I dont like Sanchez on 1st and 10. I am hardly going to like him on 2nd and 16. I like Sanchez on 3rd and 4. But non-throwing Tebow is not much good on 2nd and 16 either. I don't get it. Tebow can throw for the broncs in the playoffs but he cannot throw for the Jets in game 2. This is one crazy organization.

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Your point is fair, and is the entire reason why I refuse to support the Tebow signing. Because no matter what happens it will be a negative. If he comes in and scores it will be a controversy. If he doesnt do well it was a stupid move. If he isnt used thats questioned. Even if Sanchez plays poorly and gets pulled halfway through the season, Tebow isnt taking us anywhere anyway.

Are you saying the Jets are that much worse than last years Broncos?

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I actually agree with the OP. Tebow is a Steeler killer. Sanchez, for whatever reason, wasn't getting it done after they scored the field goal. What would be the downside of leaving Tebow in the game and running the spread option in the 2nd half? It might have worked, it might not have worked but it had to be better than what the offense was doing with Sanchez.

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I'm looking at this differently than I did a couple hours ago. It was apparent that the Sanchez pass and hand-off playbook was getting squashed by the Steelers for different reasons so why not spread it out? Maybe not for the rest of the game but for at least a few sets of downs. As an aside - The Tebow run for 22 worked great but I could have gotten at least 15 through the hole that was opened there.

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I'm looking at this differently than I did a couple hours ago. It was apparent that the Sanchez pass and hand-off playbook was getting squashed by the Steelers for different reasons so why not spread it out? Maybe not for the rest of the game but for at least a few sets of downs. As an aside - The Tebow run for 22 worked great but I could have gotten at least 15 through the hole that was opened there.

A lot of that is making the right read, the hole was huge straight ahead so he kept it, but if he had handed it off they could have lost yards, one reason why the read option is so dangerous. The offense will always have at least even odds if the correct read is made.

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I actually agree with the OP. Tebow is a Steeler killer. Sanchez, for whatever reason, wasn't getting it done after they scored the field goal. What would be the downside of leaving Tebow in the game and running the spread option in the 2nd half? It might have worked, it might not have worked but it had to be better than what the offense was doing with Sanchez.

Perhaps we don't have a Tebow contingency plan except for when he's pressed into duty a la injury?

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They played ultra conservative which is against what makes Rex a great coach. I think they figured that if they don't turn the ball over, the defense would bail them out. Problem was, they could not tackle Ben at all and the DBs outmuscled our WRs. That, and we don't have the horses at wr or the accurate enough qb to run spread the whole game and pick the steelers D apart.

All i ask from sanchez at this point is to not turn the ball over and to stop having so many ****ing 3 and outs. He's getting a little better at both.

Don't think the way they are using Tebow is optimal. I don't think they trust him to throw, which is pretty much the problem with the wildcat in general. There's not really a threat throwing-wise to keep defenses honest. Tebow also seems to me more comfortable running from a normal offensive set and in the 4th quarter when teams play soft coverage to not get burned.

Shonn greene should never get the ball and have to make a move that requires him to catch the ball or move laterally. Mcknight should get more touches out of the wildcat since he's the type to make people miss.

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I'm looking at this differently than I did a couple hours ago. It was apparent that the Sanchez pass and hand-off playbook was getting squashed by the Steelers for different reasons so why not spread it out? Maybe not for the rest of the game but for at least a few sets of downs. As an aside - The Tebow run for 22 worked great but I could have gotten at least 15 through the hole that was opened there.

I've seen you run, no way you get more than 10 there.

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So the season can no longer be fun because the Jets lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender on their home opener which they havent lost in 10 years because the Jets didnt use Tebow enough?

Got it. **** this season sucks. Hate being 1-1 with the Dolphags up next and the Patriots facing Baltimore. THIS SEASON IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!

I think what he meant was using Tebow the way they said they would. That would have been fun. Rather than being afraid to play him because your afraid to hurt Marks feeling or give the media a giant boner. Tebow looked great on 2 outta the 3 plays he had. Why stop there

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I think what he meant was using Tebow the way they said they would. That would have been fun. Rather than being afraid to play him because your afraid to hurt Marks feeling or give the media a giant boner. Tebow looked great on 2 outta the 3 plays he had. Why stop there

Put Tebow and Powell in the backfield and let Pitt figure out how to stop them. Forget Shonn vagina Greene.

Tebow gashed the Steelers for 15 yards.

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So the season can no longer be fun because the Jets lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender on their home opener which they havent lost in 10 years because the Jets didnt use Tebow enough?

Got it. **** this season sucks. Hate being 1-1 with the Dolphags up next and the Patriots facing Baltimore. THIS SEASON IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!

its not the loss. it was looking completely non-competitive while losing. we didn't even give the steelers a fight. and they were without polamalu and harrison. and their o-line is banged up. the tackling deficiency is alarming

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its not the loss. it was looking completely non-competitive while losing. we didn't even give the steelers a fight. and they were without polamalu and harrison. and their o-line is banged up. the tackling deficiency is alarming

WTF are you talking about??? lmfao. They lead for a quarter and half of play and were only down 10 until 3 minutes to go in the game. It was a 2 possession ball game for 2 1/2 quarters of play and the offense couldnt move the ball.

Jeeezzusss with this sh*t.

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WTF are you talking about??? lmfao. They lead for a quarter and half of play and were only down 10 until 3 minutes to go in the game. It was a 2 possession ball game for 2 1/2 quarters of play and the offense couldnt move the ball.

Jeeezzusss with this sh*t.

did you watch the game? was there any point in time that it looked like the jets were actually competitive? cause all i saw was the steelers dominating us defensively and their offense goingon 10 minute gutwrenching drives against our "vaunted" defense"

ok the first drive of the game we looked good and then the rest of the game we looked defeated. the lone bright spot were a few tackles for losses

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did you watch the game? was there any point in time that it looked like the jets were actually competitive? cause all i saw was the steelers dominating us defensively and their offense goingon 10 minute gutwrenching drives against our "vaunted" defense"

ok the first drive of the game we looked good and then the rest of the game we looked defeated. the lone bright spot were a few tackles for losses

I think I watched it. I mean, maybe I was dreaming but I think at one point, the Jets were like, winning the game. So, like, that would make them competitive and stuff. Also, Sanchez missed a wide open Holmes that could have made it even more of a lead but yeah, that doesnt matter nor make the competitive. The 3 straight 3 and outs the defense forced only down 10 with almost 2 full quarters left to play, definitely wasnt competitive either.

You're right bro, my bad. Jets were never even in the game. Especially when they were winning it.

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So the season can no longer be fun because the Jets lost on the road in one of the toughest places to play in the league vs. a potential SB contender on their home opener which they havent lost in 10 years because the Jets didnt use Tebow enough?

Got it. **** this season sucks. Hate being 1-1 with the Dolphags up next and the Patriots facing Baltimore. THIS SEASON IS NOT FUN AT ALL!!!

Just another fan who joined the site after the Tebow trade. Pay them no mind.

At Pitt was not a game we were likely to win in week #2.

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I think I watched it. I mean, maybe I was dreaming but I think at one point, the Jets were like, winning the game. So, like, that would make them competitive and stuff. Also, Sanchez missed a wide open Holmes that could have made it even more of a lead but yeah, that doesnt matter nor make the competitive. The 3 straight 3 and outs the defense forced only down 10 with almost 2 full quarters left to play, definitely wasnt competitive either.

You're right bro, my bad. Jets were never even in the game. Especially when they were winning it.

yeah the very beginning of thegame and then thats it. you might be the only person who felt good about the rest of that game,.

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yeah the very beginning of thegame and then thats it. you might be the only person who felt good about the rest of that game,.

After they werent competitive with the lead and lost that noncompetitive lead, the Jets were down by and insurmountable 3 points at half time getting the ball in the 2nd half.

But, you're right. Totally noncompetitive and were never in the game.

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After they werent competitive with the lead and lost that noncompetitive lead, the Jets were down by and insurmountable 3 points at half time getting the ball in the 2nd half.

But, you're right. Totally noncompetitive and were never in the game.

yep then ryan and sparano puissed out with 1 min and 2 timeouts....came ou tin the 3rd quarter and did NOTHING!!!!!

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