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Everyone Recall The Bombers & Subs & Stand Down From DEFCON 1.

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Whoa everyone - There are only 6 teams in the league with 2-0 records, the fewest since 1997 if the stat I heard was correct. Yeah, we lost last week and it wasn't pretty, I get it. But two weeks ago we won and we were flying high with hope. Normally I'm ready to drop depth charges right alongside the season but not so fast. This was one week, in a stadium where we have traditionally not played well in. There are 4 things certain in life: Death, Taxes, the inability to win at Pittsburgh & the inability to win in Oakland. I agree with what Bit said......this game was a L when it hit the schedule. Sometimes you just have accept fate and factor it into the season. It's historical fact, backed by hard data - we consistently suck in PIT.

This team is not as bad as what we saw last week and the fact that I, of all people, am the one saying that should be shock enough to realize that. There's no reason we can't walk into our game against Miami and slap them silly. There's no reason next week can't be the beginning of a nice little rally.

Don't let one game, the 2nd of the season no less, bring us down.

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This is me. I'm medication free and as Alexander Haig once said, I'm in control here.

Gotta keep a level head here. I like Rex, I like Sporano and I like the direction I think this team is heading. We're 1-1, I'm not ready to jump to conclusions. I'm telling you that after this Sunday, we'll be 2-1 and things will be back in the right direction with our mental state.

Look at it this way, we weren't going 16-0. Maybe we have a chance at the division, maybe we don't...but we sure as hell have a chance at the playoffs. You gotta be in it to win it so let's worry about achieving that goal.

Losing sucks and we're so jaded from years of debacles that we're too quick to pull the ejection handle and bailout at MACH 2.0

No way at all we lose this weekend. We leave this weekend 2-1.

Our defense will be back with a vengeance. Our offense will get their act together and right the ship.

We'll be just fine.

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Whoa everyone - There are only 6 teams in the league with 2-0 records, the fewest since 1997 if the stat I heard was correct. Yeah, we lost last week and it wasn't pretty, I get it. But two weeks ago we won and we were flying high with hope. Normally I'm ready to drop depth charges right alongside the season but not so fast. This was one week, in a stadium where we have traditionally not played well in. There are 4 things certain in life: Death, Taxes, the inability to win at Pittsburgh & the inability to win in Oakland. I agree with what Bit said......this game was a L when it hit the schedule. Sometimes you just have accept fate and factor it into the season. It's historical fact, backed by hard data - we consistently suck in PIT.

This team is not as bad as what we saw last week and the fact that I, of all people, am the one saying that should be shock enough to realize that. There's no reason we can't walk into our game against Miami and slap them silly. There's no reason next week can't be the beginning of a nice little rally.

Don't let one game, the 2nd of the season no less, bring us down.

But we scored no preseason touchdowns!!!!! GAAAAHHHH!!!!!!

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I think most who are very upset are probably more-so because of how the team looked than the fact that they were 1-1.

Personally, I think we looked a hell of a lot better than we are in week 1 and a hell of a lot worse than we are in week 2.

This team is probably a 7-9 to 10-6 team. Not such a bold prediction, but there's still a lot of teams out there we aren't likely to beat, but we're good enough to get it done against the lower teams in the league. Tune hasn't changed much.

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Whoa everyone - There are only 6 teams in the league with 2-0 records, the fewest since 1997 if the stat I heard was correct. Yeah, we lost last week and it wasn't pretty, I get it. But two weeks ago we won and we were flying high with hope. Normally I'm ready to drop depth charges right alongside the season but not so fast. This was one week, in a stadium where we have traditionally not played well in. There are 4 things certain in life: Death, Taxes, the inability to win at Pittsburgh & the inability to win in Oakland. I agree with what Bit said......this game was a L when it hit the schedule. Sometimes you just have accept fate and factor it into the season. It's historical fact, backed by hard data - we consistently suck in PIT.

This team is not as bad as what we saw last week and the fact that I, of all people, am the one saying that should be shock enough to realize that. There's no reason we can't walk into our game against Miami and slap them silly. There's no reason next week can't be the beginning of a nice little rally.

Don't let one game, the 2nd of the season no less, bring us down.

GOB is gonna kick your ass when he finds out you hacked his account

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