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Meanwhile, Ryan Tannehill.....


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knew this thread was coming but if anything it actually makes last weeks win look better. Miami is not nearly as awful as we were led to believe.

Are you gonna continue to stick by Sanchez, you incessant homer? 4 games under 50 % comp %. Hasn't happened since the 60s. 103 yards, an INT and a fumble yesterday. We can't move the ball while sh*tty rookies are hammering good defenses. It's getting ridiculous, wouldn't you admit?

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Fear not, I have no doubt that Tannehill will reassure us that he actually really sucks ass. Perhaps not Sanchez level of sucking, but sucking nonetheless.

Sure but at least he's shown what he's capable of. Can't help but think maybe Miami has finally found their first legit QB since Marino after a performance like that.

* Vomits *

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Sure but at least he's shown what he's capable of. Can't help but think maybe Miami has finally found their first legit QB since Marino after a performance like that.

Bah, it's one game. There's plenty of awful QBs out there who have had one game that made people think that maybe they didn't suck so much after all, but they still did. As Jets fans, we should know this as well as anyone.

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Bah, it's one game. There's plenty of awful QBs out there who have had one game that made people think that maybe they didn't suck so much after all, but they still did. As Jets fans, we should know this as well as anyone.

Many QB's (Sanchez in particular) are incapable of throwing for 500 yards over the course of 2 games, much less one. Any time a QB does that it's damn impressive. Plus he did it in Arizona, against a team whose front 7 and CB Patrick Peterson have been giving everyone fits.

I was one of the idiots who thought the Jets D would rattle Tannehill the previous week and it didn't happen. That was as surprising as anything.

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Are you gonna continue to stick by Sanchez, you incessant homer? 4 games under 50 % comp %. Hasn't happened since the 60s. 103 yards, an INT and a fumble yesterday. We can't move the ball while sh*tty rookies are hammering good defenses. It's getting ridiculous, wouldn't you admit?

It's been ridiculous but Tanny has made the siuation unmanageable from a contractual and back up stand. The other options are unappealing and his contract dictates he'll be part of the QB situation for this year and next. Not much we can do.

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.....Threw for 491 yards against a 4-0 Cardinals team, nearly breaking Cam Newton's rookie record set just last year. With Brian Hartline getting 235 of them. BRIAN F***ING HARTLINE.

Sure wish we had one of those good young QB's out there.


Tannehill is being coached by the same guy who coached Aaron Rogers.

There is a reason why coaches in the NFL are paid so well, they are worth their weight.

Although I would also argue that the Miami running game is so far superior to the Jets running game it is not even funny.

I have an idea, let's draft a new QB and keep Rex as the HC, and Sparano now as OC.

Then we can all say how bad our new QB is, while keeping Rex around because he went to back to back AFCC games.

Coaching is incredibly important.

Don't underestimate the value of good coaching for a young QB

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Tannehill is being coached by the same guy who coached Aaron Rogers.

There is a reason why coaches in the NFL are paid so well, they are worth their weight.

Although I would also argue that the Miami running game is so far superior to the Jets running game it is not even funny.

I have an idea, let's draft a new QB and keep Rex as the HC, and Sparano now as OC.

Then we can all say how bad our new QB is, while keeping Rex around because he went to back to back AFCC games.

Coaching is incredibly important.

Don't underestimate the value of good coaching for a young QB

It's not coaching. He just isn't good. Why is this so hard for some people to understand?

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No idea what this means.

He called you grotesque and I wondered if he was talking about your Sanchez love or your physical appearance... You were in the picture that spawned the :akf: , no?

Eff you for making me explain my witty insults (unless, of course, you weren't in that picture and/or it didn't take place in Jax).

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It's not coaching. He just isn't good. Why is this so hard for some people to understand?

How do you know this?

I mean seriously, how do you know this?

Vinny T was considered a huge bust for the longest time.

He was considered way too dumb to play QB.

Then all of the sudden the light bulb went on.

Do you know what he attributed that to?

He said when he was with the bucks, nobody ever tought him how to watch film to read a defense. He did not learn that until he played for Belicheck.

Imagine if Vinny T had good coaching from the get go, who knows how great he might have been.

His 98 season with the Jets was incredible.

And my point is not to wait that long for Mark, my point is that good coaching is absolutely critical to bringing up a good QB, and I honestly don't believe he was coached properly.

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Many QB's (Sanchez in particular) are incapable of throwing for 500 yards over the course of 2 games, much less one. Any time a QB does that it's damn impressive. Plus he did it in Arizona, against a team whose front 7 and CB Patrick Peterson have been giving everyone fits.

I was one of the idiots who thought the Jets D would rattle Tannehill the previous week and it didn't happen. That was as surprising as anything.

Makes you wonder how the hell we beat Miami? LOL

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He said when he was with the bucks, nobody ever tought him how to watch film to read a defense. He did not learn that until he played for Belicheck.

The guys in Tampa probably figured that he lacked the mental acumen to operate a VCR. Belichick enlisted this ballboy named Mangini to work the remote.

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How do you know this?

I mean seriously, how do you know this?

Vinny T was considered a huge bust for the longest time.

He was considered way too dumb to play QB.

Then all of the sudden the light bulb went on.

Do you know what he attributed that to?

He said when he was with the bucks, nobody ever tought him how to watch film to read a defense. He did not learn that until he played for Belicheck.

Imagine if Vinny T had good coaching from the get go, who knows how great he might have been.

His 98 season with the Jets was incredible.

And my point is not to wait that long for Mark, my point is that good coaching is absolutely critical to bringing up a good QB, and I honestly don't believe he was coached properly.

You don't think they tell him to hold on to the ball when he moves around in the pocket? You don't think they tell him not to miss wide open WR's or throw behind them on routes? You don't think they tell him to get his screen passes over the DL? This is utter crap. Coaching can make players better but you have to have a baseline of physical ability and mental toughness. He has neither. How much longer will people like you accept the worst performance from the QB position in the NFL and make excuses.

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