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Young Guns Mafia


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I said you're probably town. Also said you're better off dead. Never claimed any logic, just personal preference. Keep making the case that I'm scum, lol, then pretend it didn't happen when you're proven wrong again. Like the dead thread in the Dodgeball game where you crashed in there dead certain I saw scum - only to find out I was the doc.

Anyway, leave me alone while I continue to buddy up to Vic.

I FOS'ed you on D1, drama queen.

You either can't get over it, OR you went the route of invoking the stuff with Max and creating the "does Slats really hate Ape" discussion to side-step me.

I actually think it's more respectable if you are just being a baby, rather than resorting to bad form to evade pressure.

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I FOS'ed you on D1, drama queen.

You either can't get over it, OR you went the route of invoking the stuff with Max and creating the "does Slats really hate Ape" discussion to side-step me.

I actually think it's more respectable if you are just being a baby, rather than resorting to bad form to evade pressure.

Haha! After I voted you, OMGUS queen. Same as you did with Wombat. Then you accuse both me and Wombat of doing the same to you, which is your entire M.O. You whine and cry, then accuse others of whining and crying. You huff and puff, then accuse others of huffing and puffing. Except you do it over and over, ever more loudly and frequently, until you're simply a wall of delusional noise making it nearly impossible to play this game.

The only one debating whether I really can't stand you is you, but you're delusional, so I get it.

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I miss the good ol days when it was just Ape and CTM arguing incessantly

Then as the list of those who constantly argue with Ape in mafia games grew on and on, he's always sure to let the rest of us know why it's all the other person's fault. The truth of the matter is we are all, without exception, a bunch of douches who act like varying degrees of douchey douche nozzles.

And the JN mafia world goes round.

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Then as the list of those who constantly argue with Ape in mafia games grew on and on, he's always sure to let the rest of us know why it's all the other person's fault. The truth of the matter is we are all, without exception, a bunch of douches who act like varying degrees of douchey douche nozzles.

And the JN mafia world goes round.

That, and the fact that he FOS'd them first.
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Haha! After I voted you, OMGUS queen. Same as you did with Wombat. Then you accuse both me and Wombat of doing the same to you, which is your entire M.O. You whine and cry, then accuse others of whining and crying. You huff and puff, then accuse others of huffing and puffing. Except you do it over and over, ever more loudly and frequently, until you're simply a wall of delusional noise making it nearly impossible to play this game.

The only one debating whether I really can't stand you is you, but you're delusional, so I get it.

I'm very aware of what I do Slats, as is everyone else, you don't have to applaud yourself as though you cracked the Davinci code. I find irony amusing, and I am quite deliberate about it. It makes me laugh when you start patting yourself on the back for figuring out what has been quite obvious to everyone else for a long time.

As for the volume of my posts... I don't think the "dumbest" of players here have trouble sifting through dialogue, so I'm not sure why the most over-hyped intellectual here can't do the same.

For someone that doesn't have the energy for me, you seem to be pretty hell bent on getting the last word. Your turn...

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Then as the list of those who constantly argue with Ape in mafia games grew on and on, he's always sure to let the rest of us know why it's all the other person's fault. The truth of the matter is we are all, without exception, a bunch of douches who act like varying degrees of douchey douche nozzles.

And the JN mafia world goes round.

Yes. I totally agree... that said, if anyone takes offense to this, totally BGs fault. He practically put the words in my mouth.

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The guy I really want to vote is Hess...makes the most sense on the re-read...unvote, vote Hess.

Could also vote Heavy Fog, AVM, or Vic.

Get busy living or get busy dying.

I always thought Hess was the one that made the least sense. In fact, he never makes any sense.

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The guy I really want to vote is Hess...makes the most sense on the re-read...unvote, vote Hess.

Could also vote Heavy Fog, AVM, or Vic.

Get busy living or get busy dying.

What does Shawshank Ape have to do with this?

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I'm 93% certain Sharrow is still scum this game.

Unfortunately, I won't be around tonight to blind hammer anybody near the deadline. Makes me sad. I was hoping it could have happened yesterday, but no one had the balls to put someone at L1.

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The guy I really want to vote is Hess...makes the most sense on the re-read...unvote, vote Hess.

Could also vote Heavy Fog, AVM, or Vic.

Get busy living or get busy dying.

Magic 8 ball?

What was that song about last night btw?

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Vic is a hard call this early. I find him a lot easier to read when he starts to make plays as scum later in the game. Early on he does a nice un-concerned townie. Always one to watch.

I could go Smashmouth. Not sure his lack of effort is due to his new job or not? Yet pretty sure he is still doing background stuff and not working yet. Let's put some pressure on him

vote smash

Im here and there Crush but I have strep throat and it really sucks so most of my time the last few days has been in bed. Glad they have not given me a start date as of yet cause I have a pretty bad case of it. I thought we were going to run up Heavyfag but in true retard fashion the votes dropped off so no reveal no nothing might as well string up the APE or Slats :)

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Im here and there Crush but I have strep throat and it really sucks so most of my time the last few days has been in bed. Glad they have not given me a start date as of yet cause I have a pretty bad case of it. I thought we were going to run up Heavyfag but in true retard fashion the votes dropped off so no reveal no nothing might as well string up the APE or Slats :)


Hope you feel better. Maybe hanging might sretch your neck and help that strep throat?

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Magic 8 ball?

What was that song about last night btw?

If you listened to the first verse..."It's foggy outside, all the planes have been grounded." I was leaning Heavy Fog last night...could still go there...but liked Hess more after the re-read...are you skimming? I told AVM to listen. Let me guess. You thought I was talking about Sharrow? I'm glad it got him back to the Mafia Forum. Must have some kind of filter that flags when that song is posted. But whatever. Don't like when you dumb down. Unbecoming, plus its make you appear scummy. Purposely trying to change your Day 1 strategy or you really scum?

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If you listened to the first verse..."It's foggy outside, all the planes have been grounded." I was leaning Heavy Fog last night...could still go there...but liked Hess more after the re-read...are you skimming? I told AVM to listen. Let me guess. You thought I was talking about Sharrow? I'm glad it got him back to the Mafia Forum. Must have some kind of filter that flags when that song is posted. But whatever. Don't like when you dumb down. Unbecoming, plus its make you appear scummy. Purposely trying to change your Day 1 strategy or you really scum?

I did listen last night, but had to turn up speakers so i guess i missed the verse you are talking about or it was lost on me.

In what way am I dumbing down? I'm not sure I'm following you there. Can you explain?

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Lol @ Pac whining about him being an easy lynch then turning around and voting me.

The whole ape vs slats thing is hard for me to read because some of it reads as driven from personal feelings.

Didn't be any response outside of 80's LOL I DUNNO on heavyfog

Haven't heard from Verbal and he's on the roster


Vote verbal

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I did listen last night, but had to turn up speakers so i guess i missed the verse you are talking about or it was lost on me.

In what way am I dumbing down? I'm not sure I'm following you there. Can you explain?

Do you know how to keep a dingbat in suspense?

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Lol @ Pac whining about him being an easy lynch then turning around and voting me.

The whole ape vs slats thing is hard for me to read because some of it reads as driven from personal feelings.

Didn't be any response outside of 80's LOL I DUNNO on heavyfog

Haven't heard from Verbal and he's on the roster


Vote verbal

Verbal is sick, he should be on today at some point.

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Lol @ Pac whining about him being an easy lynch then turning around and voting me.

The whole ape vs slats thing is hard for me to read because some of it reads as driven from personal feelings.

Didn't be any response outside of 80's LOL I DUNNO on heavyfog

Haven't heard from Verbal and he's on the roster


Vote verbal

Leelou said he was sick. Then again, a blind lynch of Verbal while he's sick would be the ultimate douche move, so naturally I might get behind that.

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