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Karate Kid Mafia - Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy


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Update.  Mrs Crusher dragged my fat stubborn ass to the ER last night at 9pm.  Turns out was not the flu.  I have systemic kidney infection.  Damn temp was 104.3 when we got there.  They hooked me up with nice medicine so I was out of pain for the first time since Saturday.   Doc told me if I went another 36-42 hours I could have went into renal failure and needed dialysis. Luckily we got it on time.  Gave me antibiotics and Im starting to feel better. Love you all, but mostly JiF.

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Update. Mrs Crusher dragged my fat stubborn ass to the ER last night at 9pm. Turns out was not the flu. I have systemic kidney infection. Damn temp was 104.3 when we got there. They hooked me up with nice medicine so I was out of pain for the first time since Saturday. Doc told me if I went another 36-42 hours I could have went into renal failure and needed dialysis. Luckily we got it on time. Gave me antibiotics and Im starting to feel better. Love you all, but mostly JiF.

Damn, thank you Mrs. Crusher. Take care of yourself. :)

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Wow, Crusher, that's crazy.  So glad Mrs. Crusher took you to ER and you're doing better.  Thank God for over protective spouses.


That saved my boss a few years back.  He was feeling chest pains and decided to go to work anyway, but his wife said he was crazy and drove him to the hospital.  He went into cardiac arrest in the ER and actually flatlined, but then was revived and he's doing well today.

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I think people that voted CTM and didn't waiver are more likely scum. CTM endorses busing, and though he would never say so in the thread, he knows damn well that the pragmatic thing to do was lynch him in that challenge. I'm sure that he had mates voting him with confidence.


Best thing you posted all game ...I skipped all the rest

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Update.  Mrs Crusher dragged my fat stubborn ass to the ER last night at 9pm.  Turns out was not the flu.  I have systemic kidney infection.  Damn temp was 104.3 when we got there.  They hooked me up with nice medicine so I was out of pain for the first time since Saturday.   Doc told me if I went another 36-42 hours I could have went into renal failure and needed dialysis. Luckily we got it on time.  Gave me antibiotics and Im starting to feel better. Love you all, but mostly JiF.


GeeZ Crush Im glad your doing ok bud. Next time you get a fever you go to DOC. Fever equals infection that normaly gets worse without treatment.

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Yet you've voted me all day. I've never felt so sure about a GF on D2 ever. My god man.


you shut your mouth ...Im no GF I told ya I started the new job and I have a sh*t load of stuff to process right now/ I voted you and have not been back till now. I have alot to catch up on so to stop you from crying all over the place I will unvote you.


Unvote Baby Hess



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you shut your mouth ...Im no GF I told ya I started the new job and I have a sh*t load of stuff to process right now/ I voted you and have not been back till now. I have alot to catch up on so to stop you from crying all over the place I will unvote you.

Unvote Baby Hess


Why? You completely contradicted yourself. I obviously waffled on the CTM lynch yet you are completely in support of Ape's thoughts that scum would have done the opposite.

If you thought I was scum for waffling, fine, but you can't have it both ways.

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BG (6) - Nolder, AVM, SMC, JiF, Ape, 80

Hess (5) - Verb, Leelou, Hess, BG, Smash

Wombat (1) - Sharrow

Ape (1) - JVoR

Sharrow (1) - Dan

Leelou (1) - Wombat


Not Voting (1) - Crusher

With 16 players alive, it takes 9 roundhouse kicks to knock out.



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Wow, Crusher, that's crazy.  So glad Mrs. Crusher took you to ER and you're doing better.  Thank God for over protective spouses.


That saved my boss a few years back.  He was feeling chest pains and decided to go to work anyway, but his wife said he was crazy and drove him to the hospital.  He went into cardiac arrest in the ER and actually flatlined, but then was revived and he's doing well today.




Word to that.  I really thought it was the flu.  

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