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Would you resign if your Idzik?


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When you say "relied on his coaches". dont you mean relied on REX? Who has drafted 0 starting pro-bowlers.


If this is true, then IDZIK should take any suggestion by REX, and immediately throw that in the toilet, as obviously Tanny listening to Rex didnt result in a prosperous ending for Tanny, did it?



your blind hatred of Rex is also blinding you to reality. Tanny was GM while Mangini was here, too, hence the decent picks from 2006-2008. and stop with this zero starting pro-bowlers crap. it is an entirely subjective process. anyone who knows football at all knows Wilkerson and Richardson should have been pro-bowlers. Rex should give Idzik his input, but that's as far as it should go. and as I said, Tanny was ultimately responsible for putting a team together, but he had no eye for personnel and wasn't smart with money. He is NOT a good GM, and obviously the rest of the league recognizes this.

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your blind hatred of Rex is also blinding you to reality. Tanny was GM while Mangini was here, too, hence the decent picks from 2006-2008. and stop with this zero starting pro-bowlers crap. it is an entirely subjective process. anyone who knows football at all knows Wilkerson and Richardson should have been pro-bowlers. Rex should give Idzik his input, but that's as far as it should go. and as I said, Tanny was ultimately responsible for putting a team together, but he had no eye for personnel and wasn't smart with money. He is NOT a good GM, and obviously the rest of the league recognizes this.

OK, fair enough.

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When you say "relied on his coaches". dont you mean relied on REX? Who has drafted 0 starting pro-bowlers.


If this is true, then IDZIK should take any suggestion by REX, and immediately throw that in the toilet, as obviously Tanny listening to Rex didnt result in a prosperous ending for Tanny, did it?

Lulza. T0m is so excited about his mind-altering trolling abilities.

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Must be nice to have eternal optimism. I envy you.

IDK if its enteral optimism lol i mean Geno has never had a set in place personnel all season with all the injuries at WR. So its kinda hard to develop chemistry if u dont know who ur throwing it to in a week 2 week bases. I just think alot of Jet fans are used to jumping ship early. Don't u get tired of changes? Like it seemed like yesterday we were in the Mangini era lol This team is not far off as people think it is

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IDK if its enteral optimism lol i mean Geno has never had a set in place personnel all season with all the injuries at WR. So its kinda hard to develop chemistry if u dont know who ur throwing it to in a week 2 week bases. I just think alot of Jet fans are used to jumping ship early. Don't u get tired of changes? Like it seemed like yesterday we were in the Mangini era lol This team is not far off as people think it is

Of course I get tired of change, but I also get tired of watching this team play offense. It is just painful every Sunday to watch the same old crap over and over. I watched Sanchez for 4 years, and it was like root canal surgery, then we got Geno and I said Wow, maybe it will change, but if anything it got worse, so I must deduce that it really doesnt matter who's under center for this offense, it will always be the same. That is why I want a change.


Look, maybe I'm selfish but just once, have a sytem where we open it up, sling it around, and have some fun. Rooting for some 1960's offense is just impossible to do anymore. Its time for a change. Obviously thats not happening, and I'm still a Jet fan, but unlike you, I have no "eternal optimism"

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Of course I get tired of change, but I also get tired of watching this team play offense. It is just painful every Sunday to watch the same old crap over and over. I watched Sanchez for 4 years, and it was like root canal surgery, then we got Geno and I said Wow, maybe it will change, but if anything it got worse, so I must deduce that it really doesnt matter who's under center for this offense, it will always be the same. That is why I want a change.


Look, maybe I'm selfish but just once, have a sytem where we open it up, sling it around, and have some fun. Rooting for some 1960's offense is just impossible to do anymore. Its time for a change. Obviously thats not happening, and I'm still a Jet fan, but unlike you, I have no "eternal optimism"

Old timer i see, i deff understand how the optimism is lacking. Being a 90's baby, i've seen my share of Jet disapointments, the '98 championship loss or the 04 div loss to Pittsburgh, '08 collapse etc. But for being young, comes creativity.


Look, i know how you guys go back at Rex's two years and saw what is happening now. Compare Sachez's first year and Geno's. If Geno pulls it off sunday, he's is one win off of Sanchez' 9 wins. Sanchez surrounding talent blows aways Geno's. The fact we reached the AFC Championship in '09 was fools gold. 2010 was a good year yes. but in Sanchez's defense, the surrounding talent declined the next 2 years and he was exposed. The Tebow circus surely didn't help and Sanchez mental couldn't recover. Tanny = canned. Now lets take present time, yes we didn't make the playoffs and in some ways thats a good thing. Geno was handicapped with practice squad talent and inconsistent personel. But you saw moments during the season that show he can be a quality NFL QB (MNF @ATL). Plus the fact of new years free agency and draft gives me the idea that well be fine.

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If Woody, FORCED you to take on Rex for at least 1 more year and possibly more with an extension, would you resign, knowing you basically have little to no power in the organization when it comes to the MAJOR decisions?

I would in a heartbeat.

He's making millions as an NFL GM, it's a little different for him. Making a lateral move as a fry cook is easy

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This is proof that Idzik believes Rex should be back. I have been saying this for a long time. Not sure why there would be conspiracy theories about this. Idzik hearts Rex.



I agree.  Whether one is pro or anti Rex, it is a positive that this gets put to bed as early as possible.  Its altogether possible that Idzik used this "lost season" to get a handle on Rex's specific deficiencies and game plan for making corrections through organizational structure, hires/fires and management going forward. Look for Rex to have far less leeway in shopping for groceries and having say so in any area other than coaching the team.  In other words, pay attention to your job, shut up and coach. It is going to be much less collaborative in Jets-land, and the focus that this hopefully brings should be a good thing.

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I agree.  Whether one is pro or anti Rex, it is a positive that this gets put to bed as early as possible.  Its altogether possible that Idzik used this "lost season" to get a handle on Rex's specific deficiencies and game plan for making corrections through organizational structure, hires/fires and management going forward. Look for Rex to have far less leeway in shopping for groceries and having say so in any area other than coaching the team.  In other words, pay attention to your job, shut up and coach. It is going to be much less collaborative in Jets-land, and the focus that this hopefully brings should be a good thing.

Does this mean we wont be drafting a D-lineman in the 1st round?

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IF you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

"If—" is a poem by British Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling, written in 1895 and first published in Rewards and Fairies, 1910.

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I agree. Whether one is pro or anti Rex, it is a positive that this gets put to bed as early as possible. Its altogether possible that Idzik used this "lost season" to get a handle on Rex's specific deficiencies and game plan for making corrections through organizational structure, hires/fires and management going forward. Look for Rex to have far less leeway in shopping for groceries and having say so in any area other than coaching the team. In other words, pay attention to your job, shut up and coach. It is going to be much less collaborative in Jets-land, and the focus that this hopefully brings should be a good thing.

So, Rex gets to hide in the defensive meeting room, pat his players on the ass occasionally, and then point the finger at Mornhinweg if the team doesn't score enough points. Good plan.

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yeah, so that's why you don't give one away


when is the last time that happened, anyway ?

Hmmm, that a GM resigned? Good question. I'm sure someone on this forum will know right off the top of their heads, as I find it amazing the wealth of knowledge on this forum. Things you think no one would know, and then someone pops right up with the answer. I look fot TOm to be able to answer this, but I do know, its pretty rare. right?

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Hmmm, that a GM resigned? Good question. I'm sure someone on this forum will know right off the top of their heads, as I find it amazing the wealth of knowledge on this forum. Things you think no one would know, and then someone pops right up with the answer. I look fot TOm to be able to answer this, but I do know, its pretty rare. right?


casserly "resigned" after the fans revolted he didn't take bush or young. 


73 year old buddy nix "resigned" from the bills after his younger protégé had a succession plan included in his contract


Peterson "resigned" from the chiefs after losing to the chargers to end the season


so GM's have to fall on the sword


not time for idzy to do the slide of shame


he gets 2 more drafts

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Yeah, just ask Mike Tannenbaum about GM Jobs, Rex "coached" his career curve basically into oblivion.

Wait, wait. Hold on a minute. Are you saying that Tannenbaum was a good GM who was taken down by Rex? Is that your position?

Okay. Wow.

I agree. Whether one is pro or anti Rex, it is a positive that this gets put to bed as early as possible. Its altogether possible that Idzik used this "lost season" to get a handle on Rex's specific deficiencies and game plan for making corrections through organizational structure, hires/fires and management going forward. Look for Rex to have far less leeway in shopping for groceries and having say so in any area other than coaching the team. In other words, pay attention to your job, shut up and coach. It is going to be much less collaborative in Jets-land, and the focus that this hopefully brings should be a good thing.

Rex will be a better coach in a sharply defined role such as this. His input into the draft should be little more than a discussion about what he feels the team needs. The scouts should scout, and the GM should make the final calls. Rex can suggest specific free agents, but the GM has to make the determination whether they're worth going after - and at what cost. As in, if Rex suggests going after Nnamdi Asomugha, the GM needs to be able to say it makes no sense to pursue him with Revis, Cromartie, and another first round CB on the roster. I don't think Rex is alone in the coaching world with an extravagant wish list, but the GM needs to be able to say no. This was one of Tannenbaum's biggest failures.

I'm not getting the impression from recent stories that it's gonna be shut up and coach, though. I think Idzik actually likes Rex, and has seen that he's a smart coach who the players respond to. I think they'll collaborate, but that Idzik will be the boss that Tannenbaum never was. Again, provided the rumors that Rex is indeed returning are true.

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Wait, wait. Hold on a minute. Are you saying that Tannenbaum was a good GM who was taken down by Rex? Is that your position?

Okay. Wow.

Rex will be a better coach in a sharply defined role such as this. His input into the draft should be little more than a discussion about what he feels the team needs. The scouts should scout, and the GM should make the final calls. Rex can suggest specific free agents, but the GM has to make the determination whether they're worth going after - and at what cost. As in, if Rex suggests going after Nnamdi Asomugha, the GM needs to be able to say it makes no sense to pursue him with Revis, Cromartie, and another first round CB on the roster. I don't think Rex is alone in the coaching world with an extravagant wish list, but the GM needs to be able to say no. This was one of Tannenbaum's biggest failures.

I'm not getting the impression from recent stories that it's gonna be shut up and coach, though. I think Idzik actually likes Rex, and has seen that he's a smart coach who the players respond to. I think they'll collaborate, but that Idzik will be the boss that Tannenbaum never was. Again, provided the rumors that Rex is indeed returning are true.

Yeah, all the great coaches in history required a babysitter and disciplinarian.

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