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Rex getting more national praise


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It was true in 1982 also.

yea... a bit before my time though.,, 1985 is the first year I semi remember, 1986 is the first year I was really into the game and the team.. I remember tracking key stats during the game by hand cause there was no Internet and the local paper didn't post stats till later in the week for some reason ..

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yea... a bit before my time though.,, 1985 is the first year I semi remember, 1986 is the first year I was really into the game and the team.. I remember tracking key stats during the game by hand cause there was no Internet and the local paper didn't post stats till later in the week for some reason ..

God bless you for hanging in there.

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Or course.  If you dont' know that how are you qualified to comment on the O'Brien era Jets?  Lost to another of my favorite secondaries - Hanford Dixon and Frank Minnifield.  Whenever I was on a team where I couldn't get 27 I would take 31 for Minnifield and Marion Barber (Jr not III) a great special teamer and (not so great) FB.


FWIW, beer is not unbearable.  Talking about the latest IPA?  Walking a thin line there. 

Have you had the most recent Stone Enjoy By? 2.14.14 It's on tap at a bunch of places around the city. Great fruity and citrus notes. It's not the best Enjoy By I've had as I think it has a bit more malt than some, but it's quite good.

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Rex Ryan.  Laughed.  At Chad Pennington.



"I remember being benched when it wasn't really my fault."




And then this:




Yeah, what a swell guy Pennington is.


some real brilliant reasons here to hate Chad Pennington


Lets just keep bashing QB's in Jets world yet do little or nothing to improve what amounts to one of the worst offenses in football over the past decade.


Just hoping it will be different with Idzik

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yea... a bit before my time though.,, 1985 is the first year I semi remember, 1986 is the first year I was really into the game and the team.. I remember tracking key stats during the game by hand cause there was no Internet and the local paper didn't post stats till later in the week for some reason ..




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been watching the Jets for almost 30 years.. 3 times I've thought we were the best or second best team in football at some point past mid season...

1986 , 1998 and 2008 ... that's it

yeah because when we beat Peyton Manning and the Colts in 2002   41-0  there was nothing to get excited about with Chad at the helm.


Stop acting like you had some pre conceived notion Chads career would go down the sh*tter for numerous reasons you had no way of knowing at the time


The Raiders kicked our ass that year because they manhandled our skill players who were basically Jags that Pennington actually made look much better than they actually were.

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some real brilliant reasons here to hate Chad Pennington


Lets just keep bashing QB's in Jets world yet do little or nothing to improve what amounts to one of the worst offenses in football over the past decade.


Just hoping it will be different with Idzik

Considering that it is directly tied to amongst the worst QB play over that same span, it would seem the entire point is acknowledging the need to do something about it, including at the most important position in football.  Something, that is, other than making an endless list of excuses why it's inexplicably not in any way their fault when they fail miserably.  Even if you want to try to use that crap for Sanchez, it doesn't even begin to hold up for a guy who had the league's best OL, a HOF RB, and multiple WRs who went on to the Pro Bowl and/or were much more productive when playing with other QBs.



Also, while I agree with the general concept that the nonsense in those videos doesn't mean much of anything, you've really got no room to judge when you were one of the most guilty parties who went on for years and years and years....... and years, about why Penny supposedly being such an aw shucks swell guy somehow had dick to do with him as QB of the Jets.  It is in response to all of that which is why anyone ever even feels the need to point out the reality that Chad was kind of an ass.

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yeah because when we beat Peyton Manning and the Colts in 2002   41-0  there was nothing to get excited about with Chad at the helm.


Stop acting like you had some pre conceived notion Chads career would go down the sh*tter for numerous reasons you had no way of knowing at the time


The Raiders kicked our ass that year because they manhandled our skill players who were basically Jags that Pennington actually made look much better than they actually were.


Your posts about Chad today might be even more absurd than they were 6 years ago.  Do you realize that in order to attempt to excuse Chad from a single shred of blame in even one game in which he was absolutely awful, you actually had to go as far as to categorize a HOFer, 3 Pro Bowlers, and Mr. Third Down himself as "basically Jags"?  Wow, that really says something, doesn't it?

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As I recall, that was his first year starting and he was trying to step up for his teammates against the press.  He said the writers should consider it an honor to cover the Jets, not that they should consider it an honor to talk to him personally.  And after that one time,  for years the writers liked Pennington and got along with him a great deal.

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to Dorian Boose...who says hi to Rick Mirer...who waves hi to James Farrior wasting away on the bench...who in turn waves goodbye to Orlando Pace or Walter Jones so we could have Terry Day, Leon Johnson, Dedric Ward, and Chuck Clements.

Sent the franchise into the Dark Ages.

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He said it was a privilege to be covering an NFL franchise. If that's your chosen profession it kind of is.. get access to the biggest names in sports, free tickets to warm press box seats, and the reporters themselves become pseudo celebrities.

You hate Chad Pennington because he's the kind of guy that banged every girl in high school you pathetically obsessed over. While you sat listening to Bryan Adams and shuffling through yearbook photos - wondering what could be, guys like Chad and I were out there hittin' skins.

Get over it.

You have a strange obsession with poor quarterback's sexual prowess.

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