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The Max Family Kick Ass thread


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Hey, I've been thru same scenario and family/friends giving encouragement and making you smile really does help. When I had C diagnosis/surgery/recovery, when my family supported me and made me chuckle it gave me strength and boosted my morale. 

So lets show our love and fondness for the leader of this motley pack of posters, who basically like Moses, led the JI refugees thru the desert to JN :)


I'll start:


" Be off with you, you ThugTurd Cancer. Leave forever the Sullivan Clan and return to your cave of darkness"

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It's (Cancer's) ass is already kicked - it didn't know who it was fooling with ~

                                                                                                              Sun Tzu Murphy

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That's the best news you can get about this!  Now you know you've got the odds with you.


The outlook is very good.  The tumor was graded as being very aggressive though.  They are doing a 2nd surgery next week to make sure they got it all.  Once that happens she is technically cancer free.  Unfortunately though since it was graded as being so aggressive they are doing a 22 week chemo treatment.  (16 treatments over 22 weeks).  Then Radiation....


But her spirits are good and she is looking forward to being 100% healthy again very soon.


Thanks everyone.

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The outlook is very good. The tumor was graded as being very aggressive though. They are doing a 2nd surgery next week to make sure they got it all. Once that happens she is technically cancer free. Unfortunately though since it was graded as being so aggressive they are doing a 22 week chemo treatment. (16 treatments over 22 weeks). Then Radiation....

But her spirits are good and she is looking forward to being 100% healthy again very soon.

Thanks everyone.

Kick that tumors ass!!!

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