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Marvel vs. DC Mafia


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Smash and I are your number 1 and 2 reads. Even though we're cop and vig. Seems scummy to me.

I put my faith in Pac's vote then told Crusher I would follow his lead and they both crapped the bed. *shrugs

You could be a super crazy smart SK. I am still hoping you are. Would be epic.i personally couldn't resist getting to kill people though.

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I put my faith in Pac's vote then told Crusher I would follow his lead and they both crapped the bed. *shrugs

You could be a super crazy smart SK. I am still hoping you are. Would be epic.i personally couldn't resist getting to kill people though.

Nah, this is my 5th game or something. I just did what I could to make it to the end.

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Watching Hess and Arsis discuss strategy is like watching 2 mongoloids play Trivia Pursuit...  just shut up.


It's gotta be JC or Crush...  I should have stuck with JC as he was my hot lead right off the bat but I let Smash's terrible play distract me.

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Watching Hess and Arsis discuss strategy is like watching 2 mongoloids play Trivia Pursuit... just shut up.

It's gotta be JC or Crush... I should have stuck with JC as he was my hot lead right off the bat but I let Smash's terrible play distract me.

I'm actually really good at trivial pursuit and I'm only 1/4 mongoloid.

Smash has a clean read on you crush and jc. You believe hess is the bomb?

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Watching Hess and Arsis discuss strategy is like watching 2 mongoloids play Trivia Pursuit...  just shut up.


It's gotta be JC or Crush...  I should have stuck with JC as he was my hot lead right off the bat but I let Smash's terrible play distract me.

your an idiot ... if you are a doc could be one of the worst displays I have ever seen...


Good job guys

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I'm actually really good at trivial pursuit and I'm only 1/4 mongoloid.

Smash has a clean read on you crush and jc. You believe hess is the bomb?


Leaning yes but could very well be a hail mary play as scum.  If we're playing it by the book Hess has to be the lynch tomorrow.  If we're playing by feel, I'd rather lynch JC.

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your an idiot ... if you are a doc could be one of the worst displays I have ever seen...


Good job guys


You were pretty much worthless the entire game and started the day by casting aspersions my way despite the fact you had an innocent on me.  Made zero sense which is why you had to be destroyed.


Figure it this way..  vetting you helps everyone.  If there is no GF then Hess or Arsis must be scum.  Period.


Since I'm inclined to believe Arsis' day 1 reveal then Hess must be scum...  Hess has already graciously offered to self hammer, which come to think of it was odd timing, so we should be safe.


If there is a GF then you were worthless and your rantings about gettng me (the Doc) lynched were far more detrimental than simply killing you.

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Leaning yes but could very well be a hail mary play as scum. If we're playing it by the book Hess has to be the lynch tomorrow. If we're playing by feel, I'd rather lynch JC.

If we're still playing tomorrow and I'm the lynch town loses. Lynch JC instead. Or Crusher I guess.

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It's summer time man..  people get busy and chit..  My slower participation has to do with my focus being elsewhere..  Proud to report that all has been purchased and is currently en route. 


This Friday or Sat I'll be kicking the LF and Tubbs the Pug out of the house so I can set up my new toys.  Which I didn't over pay for like some others in this thread may have for theirs.


Smash when you need to purchase new audio or visual components in the future please send me a PM.  I could save you $ and headache.

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As night broke the heroes were flabbergasted.  Beyond belief that things had gotten to where they were.  Only five remained and now these were the most dire of times.


There was The Arsonist, the young hotshot (and charter member of The League of Chaos), whom had made some mistakes during the game but was thinking rationally – doing his best to save the world he had come to love.


There was Hess AKA Nick Fury AKA Shaft AKA everyone's favorite tennis shop pro AKA the man NASCAR fears most, whom many had thought long dead, that had stepped in when things seemed their darkest.


There was the Magical JC, whom many were skeptical of, who had seemed lost at times but seemed to get a good grip on things towards the end – finally cementing his beliefs.


There was the beloved Crusher, perhaps the strongest hero in the entire universe, who at times stood alone amongst a herd of lost heroes.


And finally, there was Pac-Man – the savvy veteran, of which much was expected.


Amongst these five were pure evil.  Also amongst these five were the hopes of the universe.


One hero had secretly been stepping in to protect heroes at night.  While the others slept he stayed awake to fight off their foes.  He knew that tonight was important, so he chose his protection carefully.









He chose wrong.


For when his back was turned as he went to protect one of his fellow heroes, the red and blue blur swept in behind him to snap his neck.  The bastard even took Wonder Woman’s rope back.


Pac-Man, Captain America (town doc) was dead!!!!


But that wasn’t all.  Next was Pac-Man’s intended target – The Arsonist.


He was a jokester, a prankster, and all around a pretty good guy.  Though he had the most diverse skill set of all the heroes, when the two villians showed up he was no match.  No amount of regenerative powers nor unmatched snark could save him this time.


The Arsonist, Deadpool (town vig) was dead!!!!


And that left the universes true hero…The Crusher.


When Hess AKA Nick Fury AKA Shaft AKA everyone's favorite tennis shop pro AKA the man NASCAR fears most (Superman, DC Universe scum goon) and The Magical JC (Batman, DC Universe scum Godfather) stood before him he knew he had no shot.  Still…he pressed on for the world.


Hess, the red and blue blur raced towards him with great speed only to bounce off, leaving no damage.  The Crusher smirked.  As The Magical JC threw everything imaginable out of his belt buckle at the hero until nothing was left, the two were astonishing that NOTHING would stick.  The Crusher was impenetrable – nothing could even leave a scratch!!!


Finally The Crusher attacked with a crippling body slam onto the Magical JC, leaving him useless in the fight while only The Crusher and Hess remained.  It was then that Hess thought back to the words of wisdom his father had bestowed upon him so many years ago – “When in doubt, my son, use the earthlings most crippling weakness…bacon.”  So in a flash the villain disappeared and was back with what seemed like endless bacon, shoving it down The Crushers throat.


At first it seemed to be backfiring as The Crusher only gained strength…but the endless bacon was…well…endless.  After hours, NAY! DAYS! of bacon gorging…The Crusher gave out.  So full of the thing he loved most his stomach burst.


It would seem that some time ago the great hero in his haste had swallowed whole one of the great heroes of this world.  Their powers combined had made quite the formidable foe…but no more.


The Crusher (The Crusher) along with Ms. Marvel (vanilla town) were dead!!!


And with that came the dawn of a new age upon the universe.  A twisted, evil age…where The DC Universe Scum walked unchallenged ever again.  For no man, hero or not, dare challenge their strength.


GAME OVER – SCUM (JetsCode, HessStation/Nolder, Hallia, and Leelou) WINS!!!! 

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Quick thoughts before I go for my night run:


I have never, as long as I've played on this site, seen a time when both sides (scum and town) thought they had lost the game.  Not sure what to think about that.


I'm beyond shocked scum never used their safe claims -- though apparently they didn't need them.  I'm impressed no one felt the need to mass claim, honestly...but felt it would come into play.  Well done to all.


Crush -- phenomenal.  There was a point where you were the lone townie with the correct vision screaming at the lost masses.  This is aside from the fact that, as I told you via PM, somehow you found a level even funnier than your normal self.  The condom role claim may be my favorite ever.  (No, that's a lie...it's definitely my favorite ever).


I think guys like Smash and Arsis started to figure it out in the end, it was just too late..


The pace of the game, which was MUCH slower than we're used to (or that I'm used to in my previous 2 games modding), undoubtedly had an effect on the outcome -- in what way I'm not sure.  For that, I apologize, as I take responsibility for slowing the game down with my absence then setting no deadlines.  I just didn't feel right setting deadlines when I myself was gone for an extended period.  Next time at the beginning of the game I'll plan on set times for each phase, with changes being the exception not the rule.


The scum team in general played well together.  Quickly bussing Leelou as they did opened the door for the Pac v. Smash battle that insued on the games last day.


Now you're all free to debate balance, length of phases, etc, while I go run.  Regardless, I had a blast and for that I thank you.

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  1. AVM great game.  Thank you.
  2. Crusher, you are the immovable object of JN mafia.  Awesome reads throughout, had me dead to right.
  3. JF80, wow.  I step away for awhile and you enter mafia beast mode.  Great reads and insight, especially in the dead thread...glad we sent you there early.
  4. Fantastic job from Nolder, Leelou and Hallia for killing townies and a special call out to Hess for leading us to victory!
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I told you that bomb claim was bullsh*t. Pac going after smash really killed us.


what really killed us was me protecting you instead of myself.  I can't believe they shot at me.  Oh well.


JC was my strongest scum read but smash cleared him...  then smash inexplicably came after me despite the fact Hess/Nolder wasn't investigated.  It was a bizarre sequence that really threw me off.

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Not up to my usual standards so I'll take some heat for that.  I did plan on voting Hess or JC and would have voted the other when the first died.. 


still can't believe they shot at me, lol..  No one was vetted and I would have bet anything they'd think I was self protecting.

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