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Chat Questions For Rich Cimini


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first question should be a very open-ended one:

What's your take on the whole situation; what do you think REALLY happened & your opinion on it?

then what he leaves out we can get more specific with regard to:

-compensation adequate?


-league getting involved? if so by our hand or not?

-opinion about bradway?

-the Jets brass feelings about 'dinger and DH and Westhoff

-other obvious stuff, like who are the jets looking at as HC options

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What is the players reaction to Herm leaving that he is sensing

Is Bradway in any trouble of losing his position also?

Does he think the Jets will trade down from the 4th pick and if not what buzz does he hear the players they like picking there?

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What direction does the team go from here? What's the word you're hearing as far as drafting #4? Are they going to keep the pick? I think I would prefer to see a defensive minded head coach and a new offensive coordinator. I don't think Hiemerdinger is the guy...especially when the wideouts don't have the blazing speed and without a quarterback who can get it that far downfield.

The defense is going to win us games. Stick with it. I say, let's draft an eye-raising draft pick (i.e. Vince Young; if he comes out...have you heard?); someone that will spark a lackluster offense anyway. Then, regroup and go from there. :roll:

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Ask him is he agrees or diagrees w/ this statement:

The day Woody Johnson took over the Jets was a dark day for the Jets franchise as unfortunately, I think he's one of those rich philanthropists who's more interested in seeing his name on a donated building (or a taxpayer funded stadium) than he is in running a football team.

Not saying if I'm pro or con on this statement, but it has illicited some interesting convo amongst my Jet fan friends.

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Ask him is he agrees or diagrees w/ this statement:

The day Woody Johnson took over the Jets was a dark day for the Jets franchise as unfortunately, I think he's one of those rich philanthropists who's more interested in seeing his name on a donated building (or a taxpayer funded stadium) than he is in running a football team.

Not saying if I'm pro or con on this statement, but it has illicited some interesting convo amongst my Jet fan friends.

NussGreen welcome to the site- great question to put Cimini on the spot- he has given his honest amswers in previous chats so I await this one

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Whats the inside scoop on Drobs knee? And how overweight was he playing these past 2 years?

Terrell Owens? Any chance these rumors are true? Could the Jets really be interested in TO?

Tell me that James Reed/Lance Legree will not be starters for us next year, but that they will be off the team completely.

Rich, who would you take at #4 if the 1st 3 picks in the draft are Bush, Leinart and Young? Assume you cannot trade down.

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