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Anyone catch the first episode?  So much action last year I just assumed someone was going to die in this episode.  That dam Jon Snow is probably going have some witch sex soon   :winking0001:

I like that it is starting to move away from the books a little, so things are more of a surprise.  Kind of a tame 1st episode.

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I could't help myself but watch the leaked episodes. Don't worry, no spoilers from me. Other than to say the red women has a GREAT BODY. 

We already knew that.  Now that Khaleesi is keeping her cloths on, the Red Woman is going to pick up the slack I think.

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Anyone catch the first episode?  So much action last year I just assumed someone was going to die in this episode.  That dam Jon Snow is probably going have some witch sex soon   :winking0001:


While her character is bleh... her body is dope, the more witch sex, the better I say!!! 

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While her character is bleh... her body is dope, the more witch sex, the better I say!!! 

I always though she was bleh too but when 2 seasons ago when she got naked to seduce Gendry I was like WHOA.  Now every time she appears on scree I am waiting for her to do something sexy lol.   

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If everyone wants I will edit the title so people know spoilers.  I could do that.  


Can we just use the other thread which already says "Beware Spoilers"? That way there's less clutter on the boards with new threads for different shows, and we can generate more discussion on a variety of shows all at once. Just a thought.

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Can we just use the other thread which already says "Beware Spoilers"? That way there's less clutter on the boards with new threads for different shows, and we can generate more discussion on a variety of shows all at once. Just a thought.



We could.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stannis the f*cking Mannis.


Rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms and Father of the Year.


They did a great job that episode of making Stannis likable.  He is who he is.  Stone cold, unflexible, stick up his a$$.  And, for the love of the 7 gods, don't F with his KID!!


And... pretty much confirmed... John Snow is NOT Ned's kid.

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They did a great job that episode of making Stannis likable.  He is who he is.  Stone cold, unflexible, stick up his a$$.  And, for the love of the 7 gods, don't F with his KID!!


And... pretty much confirmed... John Snow is NOT Ned's kid.


They've butchered Stannis' book character until this season, to the detriment of the show. I know a lot of people who didn't care for him at all when he's probably one of top two or three most loved character from the books. I guess they decided they couldn't keep portraying him as a dick when he's about to try and take out the most evil family in the series. Been the best thing about this season thus far by a distance.


Jon is the son of HODOR. It is known.

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From what i hearing from people who have read the books this season is progressing very fast and some interesting characters are getting left out. So the book readers are not completely satisfied.




They've pretty much skipped a book in some areas, most of Feast for Crows was cut seemingly. Some other storylines are pretty much entirely caught up. They were obviously going to have to cut something but I think they've filtered out some of the wrong stuff. 

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They've pretty much skipped a book in some areas, most of Feast for Crows was cut seemingly. Some other storylines are pretty much entirely caught up. They were obviously going to have to cut something but I think they've filtered out some of the wrong stuff. 


Yup, that's pretty much what i have been told. Most people think HBO want's to finish this up quickly.

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i have been rooting for stannis from the beginining. he is the rightful heir and a great leader.  this episode with his daughter was great. disapointed with the actresses portraying the sand snakes.  heard they were badass from book readers but the actresses did not leave a good first impression.  aweomse episode tho, especially the ending

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