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Indiana Jones and the Stairway To Heaven Mafia - DAY 1 ( part 1 and 2- town wins)


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47 minutes ago, Arsis said:

What's the vote count. I'm in regional meetings all day today and tomorrow. I can change my vote.. Who are we going with?


Is it me?


Unvote vote Arsis

Like they're getting away with something and that everyone is a sucker for letting them.

First you Ninja me, then you follow me on my vote.


Sick Get Away GIF by Rooster Teeth

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2 hours ago, jgb said:

Hold on. 80 said every day ends in a lynch haven without the votes… 

If you meant the latter:  Each day ends in a lynch, so yes, someone will get strung up.  If we don't come to a consensus vote by the deadline (none is established yet, but I imagine there will be one, and potentially an inconvenient one that occurs over the weekend because its Nolder, lol) its up to the Mod's discretion of what happens next.  Either a random player dies or the highest vote-getter at the time dies.”

I don’t read the rules, but this is up to the mod.

“No Lynch” is a play where we don’t lynch and pass into night phase… I figured that was what Barry was accusing me of wanting, so I assumed it was in the rules as a possibility.

Another scenario is more often called “going random”, wherein we fail to reach consensus, so the moderator kills someone randomly.


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2 hours ago, Pac said:

I never hide as scum you pig ape. 

I'm busy and I detest playing in a phone which is only way I can access during the day. 

Yes, you do.

2 hours ago, Barry McCockinner said:

Don't mistake my pointing out your repeated attempts to discredit the mod confirmed deputy as crying. I have challenged several people in this game, please do not think you're special. You came right out of the gate with it, without even having any content for me to challenge - so spare me the bs. I don't believe it's true that I crater on you every game either but maybe I just don't remember.

There is nothing special about your play that confuses me. I have never been one to find much value in a 90 page D1. I think most people, myself included need to see some dead bodies and other game actions before anything begins to make sense. It's over simplistic, yes, but we just need a damn dead body on D1. Might as well shoot darts once there's been some reasonable amount of activity.

It’s really kinda gross how you said you didn’t even know you were deputy, but now acting as if molders scene is mod confirmation. 

You're cratering in the only one smart enough to challenge the bad logic. Go figure. Not scummy at all.

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6 minutes ago, Greenseed4 said:

@Jetsfan80 What is the case on Smash?

1. Because he voted for JGB, who is playing at a suspiciously high level, and...

2. Because he admitted he's going to work, and this way he'll be really pissed off when he returns


This is hilarious, but I can join the blood thirsty mob... after a vote count


Dirty ^*

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7 minutes ago, Greenseed4 said:

@Jetsfan80 What is the case on Smash?

1. Because he voted for JGB, who is playing at a suspiciously high level, and...

2. Because he admitted he's going to work, and this way he'll be really pissed off when he returns


This is hilarious, but I can join the blood thirsty mob... after a vote count



There is no case lol

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1 hour ago, JiFields said:

Moving to jgb who has zero votes, isnt wasting your vote, but voting Pac is?



1 hour ago, Verbal said:


Didn't you say he was active in the football forum, though?



Scum almost always want a lynch simply because the chances are it's usually a mislynch.

Yup. Him coming in saying he never hides as scum is gross.

1 hour ago, Verbal said:


I don't get what you mean with the "spirit of the game" type argument.  Somebody who is actively avoiding this thread should rightfully garner suspicion.  Me taking the opportunity to slank after losing my vote 100% should get suspicion, and 80 was correct (I hate admitting that) for doing it.


This feels like you're defending him, but not trying to look like you're defending him.  How close am I?

All I meant was using real life as cover for inactivity. His excuse changed now.

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50 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Hey! Who wants to blind lynch Smash before he gets back? unvote vote Smash


16 minutes ago, Beaver said:

Well fudge it.......unvote


Vote Smash


10 minutes ago, Greenseed4 said:

@Jetsfan80 What is the case on Smash?

1. Because he voted for JGB, who is playing at a suspiciously high level, and...

2. Because he admitted he's going to work, and this way he'll be really pissed off when he returns


This is hilarious, but I can join the blood thirsty mob... after a vote count



3 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

^^ dirty 


3 minutes ago, The Crusher said:

Dirty ^*


Its A Trap Movie GIF by Star Wars

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

So Verbal can't vote, Smash dropped a lone vote and disappeared, Barry has a very important HOA meeting come up and Pac is technologically illiterate.  

That about sum up today?

Smash didn’t immediately OMGUS vote me. He played it off cool. Concerns me. Town smash usually confronts votes on him with audacity.

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35 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

@jgb going forward maybe don't vote the same guy I do immediately after me.

Oops this was supposed to go in the scum chat my bad

I can hear it now...

in scum chat, 80 says something to the effect of.... ok guys I gotta really get out in front of this so people stop thinking im coaching up JGB, so I am going to joke about it in game, hoping people buy it.



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Day 1 Vote Count

  • Smash (4) - Pac, ape, jgb, Beaver
  • Greenseed (3) - Barry, JiF, 80
  • Pac (2) - Hal, jvill
  • Arsis (1) - Arsis
  • Lurker (1) - stark
  • JGB (1) - smash

Not Voting (4) - Crusher, Peen, Verbal*, Lurker

With 16 players alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline is Wednesday, 7 PM EST (TODAY)

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Just now, Integrity28 said:

Snash, pac, beaver and gseed all feel juicy.

80, GS, Arsis, JGB, Beaver is kind of where I am at

the lurker vote didn't get any attention other than gs saying to vote for me. I thought it might draw some type of comments


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1 minute ago, Stark said:

80, GS, Arsis, JGB, Beaver is kind of where I am at

the lurker vote didn't get any attention other than gs saying to vote for me. I thought it might draw some type of comments

Interesting that we all agree on the Beaver.  Kind of a hairy situation if you ask me.  

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1 minute ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Day 1 Vote Count

  • Smash (4) - Pac, ape, jgb, Beaver
  • Greenseed (3) - Barry, JiF, 80
  • Pac (2) - Hal, jvill
  • Arsis (1) - Arsis
  • Lurker (1) - stark
  • JGB (1) - smash

Not Voting (4) - Crusher, Peen, Verbal*, Lurker

With 16 players alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline is Wednesday, 7 PM EST (TODAY)

Hate to do this, because it usually makes a mess when you try to catch all the scum in one fell swoop… but low-effort, hiding pac slipping in and voting smash feels like distancing. Those 2 are my top choices.

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5 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Day 1 Vote Count

  • Smash (4) - Pac, ape, jgb, Beaver
  • Greenseed (3) - Barry, JiF, 80
  • Pac (2) - Hal, jvill
  • Arsis (1) - Arsis
  • Lurker (1) - stark
  • JGB (1) - smash

Not Voting (4) - Crusher, Peen, Verbal*, Lurker

With 16 players alive it takes 9 to lynch.

Deadline is Wednesday, 7 PM EST (TODAY)

@Verbal I didn't know you were a Patriots fan.

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