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Simms and Florio: Jets keeping Zach because they are afraid some other team will develop them and they will look bad

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16 hours ago, Jetsplayer21 said:

Zach should have been a 4th round draft pick. But in league starving from qbs and a very weak class following Lawrence he was picked way higher due to desperate gm. You can’t teach or “ develop “ a qb to have “ balls “ or get a focused attitude. I doubt Zach will ever grow into a man, but there is no rush to dump him yet.

There's no reason to believe Wilson will have one of those rare turnarounds, but the bolded part simply is untrue.

Geno Smith had a focused attitude with the Jets? Brett Favre with the Falcons (and early with Green Bay)? 

Balls is subjective, but if anything the biggest initial problem with Wilson was too much balls for his own good (i.e. too much "hero ball") on too many plays instead of taking what was there (not to mention running around instead of throwing it away), maddening teammates and fans alike. Does Andy Dalton satisfy anyone's idea of a "balls" QB? Not likely, but he'll probably surpass 40K yards this season. First time I thought "balls" with regards to Alex Smith was when he came back from that broken leg they almost amputated.

People have come back from horrid starts. It's far from the norm, though.

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47 minutes ago, Sperm Edwards said:

There's no reason to believe Wilson will have one of those rare turnarounds, but the bolded part simply is untrue.

Geno Smith had a focused attitude with the Jets? Brett Favre with the Falcons (and early with Green Bay)? 

Balls is subjective, but if anything the biggest initial problem with Wilson was too much balls for his own good (i.e. too much "hero ball") on too many plays instead of taking what was there (not to mention running around instead of throwing it away), maddening teammates and fans alike. Does Andy Dalton satisfy anyone's idea of a "balls" QB? Not likely, but he'll probably surpass 40K yards this season. First time I thought "balls" with regards to Alex Smith was when he came back from that broken leg they almost amputated.

People have come back from horrid starts. It's far from the norm, though.

Lol ugh farve only threw 4 passes for Atlanta. Farve was a 2nd round pick, they got a first back.. We have seen plenty of Wilson, sure there is a small chance he turns it around. We sure are not waiting 10 yrs for him like geno lol. Wilson issues are mostly in his head, which are harder to fix. He is petrified NFL of pass rushers. And they now know how to easily rattle little Zach. 

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10 minutes ago, Jetsplayer21 said:

Lol ugh farve only threw 4 passes for Atlanta. Farve was a 2nd round pick, they got a first back.. We have seen plenty of Wilson, sure there is a small chance he turns it around. We sure are not waiting 10 yrs for him like geno lol. Wilson issues are mostly in his head, which are harder to fix. He is petrified NFL of pass rushers. And they now know how to easily rattle little Zach. 

Favre only threw 4 passes for Atlanta because he had his head so far up his ass he could taste fresh stomach bile.

Favre's focused attitude:



He arrived at meetings with alcohol on his breath, and on one occasion was sent home by the coaching staff. “I went into a meeting and he was sound asleep,” Glanville said. “And I went to go over and raise all kinds of difficulties and the closer I got to him, I could tell why he was asleep.” Sometimes he reached the facility on time. Usually he was late. Favre’s understanding of the playbook was at a kindergarten level; his waistline continued to expand. “He absolutely could not run a 40-yard dash,” says Glanville. “It was a joke.”


If there’s one moment that encapsulates Brett Favre’s Falcons existence, it is the annual official team photograph at the Suwanee training facility. On this day Favre was nowhere to be found. He skidded into the parking lot nearly an hour after the photo shoot ended, spotted Glanville’s van pulling out, caught his attention and explained he was stuck behind an awful traffic accident and then he got lost and ... and ... and—it was all garbage. Favre had been out partying late into the night, and failed to set the alarm. “I was hung over,” he said. “I tell people I played for Atlanta, and if they get the team picture they say, ‘What a liar. You didn’t play for them.’” Favre was fined $1,500.

For Glanville, it was the last of the last straws.

“I got trapped behind a car wreck,” Favre told the coach.

“You are a car wreck,” Glanville replied.


Ken Herock steeled himself for a conversation he did not wish to have.

Throughout the year Glanville’s weekly Favre reports broke his heart. They were usually entertaining, but always negative. “I’d be on the road three or four days a week during the season, scouting,” says Herock. “I’d come back Friday and it’d be, ‘You should see what your boy did this week. Oh, he was drunk at a meeting. Oh, that son of a bitch is 20 pounds overweight.’ They showed me one tape and they go, ‘Watch this! You’ve gotta watch what he did in practice! Watch this ball! We’ve never seen a ball curve before. This guy can’t play.’ ”



Geno's "journey" as it happened doesn't mean it had to be that way. Had he sat or if he was forced to win the job (and win over teammates) perhaps it wouldn't have taken 10 years. Once he flamed out here, people were surprised to see him still in the league even 2-3 years later as a backup. Once he was laid out by a teammate then it was going to take several years for any coach to tell the rest of his team "This is your leader. Follow him into battle." Even then it took balls for Carroll to do it, and he's the same one who benched his new FA QB for a 3rd round rookie who broke the rule that QBs couldn't be under 6' tall. Had he landed with Carroll (or a similarly 100% job security HC) years earlier it may not have taken 6 years to get his 2nd chance.

When Wilson got here he wasn't petrified of pass rushers; he just thought he could out run/shuffle everybody long enough to play pitch & catch with ease, like he was playing against Louisiana Tech.

I'm not advocating they wait around for him either. I'm not even advocating for them to keep him (though I'm not for outright cutting him; at least wait & hope for some type of pick to get someone to absorb his gtd salary). I just don't agree with either concept of "balls" or "focused attitude" as judged from a fan's perspective.

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Everything the Jets do at QB is the opposite of what they should be doing.
It's MW they should be trying to keep for this reason, not ZW.
Behind an OL that can protect him, MW with McVay or Shanahan easily throws for 4K and wins a lot of games.

Stop .. behind a decent OL every QB is better .. including Zach. The headless chicken appeared when the OL broke down.

Broken OL and the headless chicken or Mr glass show up.

Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

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On 3/2/2023 at 7:45 PM, jetspenguin said:

So Zack's waterboy is still making excuses for him and pointing the finger at anyone other than the back pedaling, dirt chucking playboy?

Well, there's a shocker.

Sent from the NY Jets /Zack Wilson Suicide Watch desk.

Chris Simms reputation got flushed in the toilet with Zach Wilson.  You'd think he'd admit he was wrong and try to get next year's qb predictions right but instead he's quadrupling down on the worst quarterback bust since Ryan Leaf.

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On 3/3/2023 at 4:04 PM, Jetsplayer21 said:

Lol ugh farve only threw 4 passes for Atlanta. Farve was a 2nd round pick, they got a first back.. We have seen plenty of Wilson, sure there is a small chance he turns it around. We sure are not waiting 10 yrs for him like geno lol. Wilson issues are mostly in his head, which are harder to fix. He is petrified NFL of pass rushers. And they now know how to easily rattle little Zach. 

Wilson's issues are talent.  It's not just mental.  His footwork which supposedly according to Chris Simms and a bunch of other clowns was perfect coming out of BYU is not there.  He can't read defenses.  He doesn't have prototypical size.  This is in addition to the litany of mental mistakes he is prone to making.  He can throw a tight spiral and that's about it.  The Wilson groupthink in the media from a couple years ago was beyond parody.

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20 minutes ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Wilson's issues are talent.  It's not just mental.  His footwork which supposedly according to Chris Simms and a bunch of other clowns was perfect coming out of BYU is not there.  He can't read defenses.  He doesn't have prototypical size.  This is in addition to the litany of mental mistakes he is prone to making.  He can throw a tight spiral and that's about it.  The Wilson groupthink in the media from a couple years ago was beyond parody.

Are you saying you know more about QB than Chris Simms?

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37 minutes ago, Rich Thornburgh said:

Wilson's issues are talent.  It's not just mental.  His footwork which supposedly according to Chris Simms and a bunch of other clowns was perfect coming out of BYU is not there.  He can't read defenses.  He doesn't have prototypical size.  This is in addition to the litany of mental mistakes he is prone to making.  He can throw a tight spiral and that's about it.  The Wilson groupthink in the media from a couple years ago was beyond parody.

You are right about he can’t read defenses, and he telegraphs his passes worse than a 12 yr old in pop Warner.. But I don’t get it, is he a retard ? We hear “ no one studies harder “ etc. There is a long list of what he does horribly or insanely wrong, not much in the good column.

I know Douglas wants to pull the miracle turnaround with him to make himself look better. If I’m woody I will make it clear though stick that kid with the practice squad and keep him as the qb 3. Zach Wilson was forced on us last yr because Douglas purposely didn’t want a backup who would beat him out. The number 3 qb had to be elevated to the 2 and finally Saleh had no choice but to put Mike White the 3 in. Woody can’t let Douglas sabotage another playoff contending team by allowing Douglas to have Zach next guy up if rodgers, Carr , whoever gets hurt.

And this Oline may take some time to patch up it’s ability to keep qbs from taking murderous rib shots

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:13 PM, Sperm Edwards said:

Balls is subjective, but if anything the biggest initial problem with Wilson was too much balls for his own good (i.e. too much "hero ball") on too many plays instead of taking what was there (not to mention running around instead of throwing it away), maddening teammates and fans alike. Does Andy Dalton satisfy anyone's idea of a "balls" QB? Not likely, but he'll probably surpass 40K yards this season. First time I thought "balls" with regards to Alex Smith was when he came back from that broken leg they almost amputated.

Funny, when Zach was injured and Herbert played with injured ribs Zach was a pussy for being out with a sprained knee.

All that Herbert did was forgotten when Mike White missed time with his rib injury, the bar for balls was raised depending on who who liked apparently. 

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2 hours ago, Jet Nut said:

Funny, when Zach was injured and Herbert played with injured ribs Zach was a pussy for being out with a sprained knee.

All that Herbert did was forgotten when Mike White missed time with his rib injury, the bar for balls was raised depending on who who liked apparently. 

Yeah being a pussy isn't the same as being a bad QB. A pussy doesn't scramble around trying to extend plays; a pussy just throws it away as soon as he sees pressure.

Wilson has plenty of problems, but I don't think that's one of them.

He isn't too small either. No it isn't prototypical size, for sure, but 6'2" isn't a shrimp. FFS Rodgers is that height; so is Garoppolo; . Mahomes is 1" taller (as is Carr). Russell Wilson's 3" shorter and has thrown 300+ TDs so far. Never mind it doesn't matter how tall a QB is to the top of his head. How high off the ground are his eyes and how high off the ground are his shoulders -- why should I gaf how tall a guy is if he's got a huge Peyton Manning forehead? 

e.g. Carr is 1" taller than Wilson. His eyes are probably the same height off the ground, though: 


Wilson's got other big problems with his footwork & processing speed, which is a disastrous combination to put onto the field (as Jets fans have seen firsthand for plenty of games). The rest of this is just looking to pile on. The truth about him is damning enough. 

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:13 PM, Sperm Edwards said:

There's no reason to believe Wilson will have one of those rare turnarounds, but the bolded part simply is untrue.

Geno Smith had a focused attitude with the Jets? Brett Favre with the Falcons (and early with Green Bay)? 

Balls is subjective, but if anything the biggest initial problem with Wilson was too much balls for his own good (i.e. too much "hero ball") on too many plays instead of taking what was there (not to mention running around instead of throwing it away), maddening teammates and fans alike. Does Andy Dalton satisfy anyone's idea of a "balls" QB? Not likely, but he'll probably surpass 40K yards this season. First time I thought "balls" with regards to Alex Smith was when he came back from that broken leg they almost amputated.

People have come back from horrid starts. It's far from the norm, though.

Good points. The whole ball aspect means he hasn’t learned how to play the game. It’s amazing that he can make many ohmigod type throws but then can’t execute a pass to the flat or a screen.

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So where is the market for Zach. What teams would trade for him. So far we’ve heard few positive words about Zach from anyone either reporters former players NFL executives etc. what you do hear is that he’s a non factor. Off the charts. I watched him play and don’t think it’s all bad. Kick out the Patriots and Jax games and not terrible. What about Seattle, the Colts, Houston, the Raiders (probably not even though LV closest NFL team to where he’s from). I wonder what Belichick thinks about Zach since his defenses worked big time against him. He couldn’t figure it out. Not alone in that category among NFL QBs. Does BB think he sucks, too. 

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1 hour ago, Sperm Edwards said:

Yeah being a pussy isn't the same as being a bad QB. A pussy doesn't scramble around trying to extend plays; a pussy just throws it away as soon as he sees pressure.

Wilson has plenty of problems, but I don't think that's one of them.

He isn't too small either. No it isn't prototypical size, for sure, but 6'2" isn't a shrimp. FFS Rodgers is that height; so is Garoppolo; . Mahomes is 1" taller (as is Carr). Russell Wilson's 3" shorter and has thrown 300+ TDs so far. Never mind it doesn't matter how tall a QB is to the top of his head. How high off the ground are his eyes and how high off the ground are his shoulders -- why should I gaf how tall a guy is if he's got a huge Peyton Manning forehead? 

e.g. Carr is 1" taller than Wilson. His eyes are probably the same height off the ground, though: 


Wilson's got other big problems with his footwork & processing speed, which is a disastrous combination to put onto the field (as Jets fans have seen firsthand for plenty of games). The rest of this is just looking to pile on. The truth about him is damning enough. 

All good points.  The whole Zach’s short routine is pretty funny.  As you said same height as Rodgers.  Same as Favre, Marino, Namath etc.   It’s fodder for those who read stat sheets without watching the game, just need just another silly stat to point to

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