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3 plus primetime games and another black friday game wnext uear!

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Nobody better be talking even playoffs- in the organization or fans. The Jets are an absolute disgrace of a professional franchise. Hopefully no prime time at all, (not just because I hate them, I need to be up every morning at 4:30) because prime times slots are supposed to be for teams that have earned them. But alas, you’re probably right- there will be many fans with amnesia- and the team as always- loves to tell you how good they’re - rather than work hard and show you.

Jets are garbage- always have been- always will be. 

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Let them play the Black Friday game on the road.  Wasn’t it embarrassing enough that a bomb threat was called into the mall and lots couldn’t open on time?   That’s not even including the whooping they took.  

I rarely miss home games but missed Black Friday.  Looks like I’ll be missing at least one game a year from now on.  

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8 hours ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Get ready jet fans!!!!!!!!  Not only will we be talking super bowl this august, but we will have a bunch of primetime games next year as well.  

Get excited jet fans!!!!!!!!!  Big time season upcoming!!!!


We taking no prisoners. Lets Go Rodgers! 


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12 hours ago, Joe W. Namath said:

Get ready jet fans!!!!!!!!  Not only will we be talking super bowl this august, but we will have a bunch of primetime games next year as well.  

Get excited jet fans!!!!!!!!!  Big time season upcoming!!!!



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