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You’re old enough to remember SB 3. Can you deal with another tear down/rebuild?

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This thread is more for the older guys here than the young bucks who have plenty of years left to hope things change here. This OP is where I’m at right now, I’m wondering how many of you my age feel the same way I do now about the Jets.

I’ve followed this team for over 55 years now, and I’m not getting any younger. This team and organization is a mess and I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s beginning to dawn on me that not only is it unlikely I’ll see another Super Bowl, at this rate I might not see another home playoff game. It’s been so bad for so long now I’ve found myself betting the under win total (9.5 this year) the past 6 years, and now I’ve been betting against the Jets every game this season. My thinking is I might as well cash in on their ineptitude.

I’m a Mets, Jets, Rangers and Knicks fan, so I don’t expect to see my teams win championships, but I hate how the Jets have soured me so much that I take a perverse pleasure seeing them implode every year. I feel like they deserve it after all the aggravation they’ve given me. Am I alone here feeling this way?

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I know this was for the older fellas, but as a guy with the same fandoms who was born just after the Rangers last won, I'm feeling worn down too.

None of these teams have won in my lifetime. Maybe I'm the curse? I can't help but feel like if I at least saw a ring from each of these franchises, I could live with the bad times...

Anyway yeah, I bet against the Jets too. The perverse pleasure is real. At least the Mets and Rangers can bring some joy now and again.

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7 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

This thread is more for the older guys here than the young bucks who have plenty of years left to hope things change here. This OP is where I’m at right now, I’m wondering how many of you my age feel the same way I do now about the Jets.

I’ve followed this team for over 55 years now, and I’m not getting any younger. This team and organization is a mess and I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s beginning to dawn on me that not only is it unlikely I’ll see another Super Bowl, at this rate I might not see another home playoff game. It’s been so bad for so long now I’ve found myself betting the under win total (9.5 this year) the past 6 years, and now I’ve been betting against the Jets every game this season. My thinking is I might as well cash in on their ineptitude.

I’m a Mets, Jets, Rangers and Knicks fan, so I don’t expect to see my teams win championships, but I hate how the Jets have soured me so much that I take a perverse pleasure seeing them implode every year. I feel like they deserve it after all the aggravation they’ve given me. Am I alone here feeling this way?

I was 9 years old watching that game on my 13" black & white Zenith, constantly adjusting the rabbit ears for a better picture. 

And yes... this team DESERVES the embarrasment and humiliation it is getting.  The owner earned every drop of it for how he has handled the team since the day he put a bid on it to the Hess Estate.    

Yeah, I can watch another failed attempt at a rebuild.  When Woody Johnson makes choices, they are always wrong.

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16 minutes ago, Mr. Rogers said:

I know this was for the older fellas, but as a guy with the same fandoms who was born just after the Rangers last won, I'm feeling worn down too.

None of these teams have won in my lifetime. Maybe I'm the curse? I can't help but feel like if I at least saw a ring from each of these franchises, I could live with the bad times...

Anyway yeah, I bet against the Jets too. The perverse pleasure is real. At least the Mets and Rangers can bring some joy now and again.

It’s sad to see someone as young as you has reached this point, but I totally understand it.

When the Rangers finally won a Cup after 54 years, I felt satisfied. That famous “Now I can die in peace” banner summed it up for me as far as the Rangers go.

The Mets and  Knicks have had bad owners and dry spells, but at least there have been times when they’ve been competitive, and I’ve never soured on them the way the Jets have.
The Jets just seem like the Washington Generals of the NFL.

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I think I've just succcumbed to a combination of "Groundhog Day" syndrome and the Gambler's Fallacy.  Keep showing up every year thinking things will be different.  Keep betting red after 55 straight blacks...  

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my dad (rip to the greatest guy I know and biggest jet fan) had tickets since the franchise started-we saw literally hundreds of games together.

He was just starting out in life when the superbowl 3 happened and he said he simply could not afford to go but he said to himself I will just go next time and next time never happened for him-he always joked saying if he knew decades later they would not have gone to another one he would have sold his blood to buy tickets lol

I hear Giant fans cry about their trash team(it is trash ) but they have tasted sweet victory more than once-I just want one ring and to go to one superbowl they can suck for the  rest of eternity after that





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2 hours ago, Green Ghost said:

This thread is more for the older guys here than the young bucks who have plenty of years left to hope things change here. This OP is where I’m at right now, I’m wondering how many of you my age feel the same way I do now about the Jets.

I’ve followed this team for over 55 years now, and I’m not getting any younger. This team and organization is a mess and I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s beginning to dawn on me that not only is it unlikely I’ll see another Super Bowl, at this rate I might not see another home playoff game. It’s been so bad for so long now I’ve found myself betting the under win total (9.5 this year) the past 6 years, and now I’ve been betting against the Jets every game this season. My thinking is I might as well cash in on their ineptitude.

I’m a Mets, Jets, Rangers and Knicks fan, so I don’t expect to see my teams win championships, but I hate how the Jets have soured me so much that I take a perverse pleasure seeing them implode every year. I feel like they deserve it after all the aggravation they’ve given me. Am I alone here feeling this way?

For 50+ years I did.........

I slowly over the last 8 years or so have started weening myself off of this team. I used to be so diehard, buy all the memoralbilia, I had a massive Jets man cave at the house, car license plates were Jets and I walked around even in the darkest times wearing the colors with pride.

I traveled to the games if they came to bordering states and went to every game when they came to phoenix. I paid for expensive tv packages so I wouldnt miss a single preseason or regular season game because there were no playoffs and this was my only chance to see my beloved team play. Everyone in my family, friends, neighbors....if you had a baby, you were getting a NY Jets onsie. PERIOD.

Every uniform change, qb change, coach change, gm change and free agent signing I convinved mysend this would finally be the thing that turns the tide and we will to go the big game. I tried to indoctrinate my kids into being Jets fanes and deluded myself into thinking this team matters and cares enough about the fans to fix this thing. 


I am burnt out, beat down and apathetic now whether they win or lose. When my fried ask me about the game I honesly can say I dont know and really just are not that vested in this team anymore. I used to think that I should just switch teams to a stable and winning organization but my psychosis has convinced me that if I switch that new team will start losing too and I will be in the same place all over again. 

I barely watch the game and find the comments on this site more interesting than actually watching. On most game days I leave mid game (or earlier) to go to the gym or go hiking because I feel like sitting there is now wasting precious minutes of my rapidly fading life and its not worth wasting the few years I have left. This site is the last thing I am holding onto as a Jets fan until I just give up entirely.

It's a lot happier this way

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