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For my 6,666th post...


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OK so...

What was your MOST embarrassing moment? - JoeBaby said he has a good one for us...

What was your WORST sexual experience? - This one is always good...

Are you one of Sooths split personalities? :lol:

All JetNation members are encouraged to answer one or more of these questions...

Just wanted to make this extra creepy post count even more special... feel free to join in...

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lol, i love how everyone just disregarded most of his thread, and just busted his balls about how much he posts.

time to bust your balls for not posting enough. come on joebaby, you need to really step it up. they did install that adult thread, right? that's the only feature i'd be willing to pay $55 for.

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time to bust your balls for not posting enough. come on joebaby, you need to really step it up. they did install that adult thread, right? that's the only feature i'd be willing to pay $55 for.

true, i do have a pretty pathetic post count for someone who has been here since 4/05. The adult section on this board has caused a lot of arguements between me and the creative forces of JN (Maxxx). I just do not agree with his assumption that a lot of members of a sports fan board would be interested in gay porn.

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true, i do have a pretty pathetic post count for someone who has been here since 4/05. The adult section on this board has caused a lot of arguements between me and the creative forces of JN (Maxxx). I just do not agree with his assumption that a lot of members of a sports fan board would be interested in gay porn.

technically trasvestite porn is a differnt sub-category than gay porn. just didn't want any misnomers and/or misconceptions floating around here, right oktaren? ;)

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technically trasvestite porn is a differnt sub-category than gay porn. just didn't want any misnomers and/or misconceptions floating around here, right oktaren? ;)

Regardless of all that, i just feel that Maxxx's personal tastes in erotica are not within the norm for the target demographic of this board.

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C'mon, ecurb...just give the ball to the ref. No need to dance around or pull out a sharpie. You're a veteran, just act like you've been here before. ;)


I was just making an effort to make the offseason a little more interesting with some stories... but hey if it takes a thread joking about my insane post count to get people talking... I can take it... fire away... lol

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I initially thought the title of the thread said 66,000 posts and I didn't bat an eyelash because it seemed reasonable.


I would actually have to not sleep... that would be 344 posts a day! :spin:

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What was your MOST embarrassing moment? -

Ok, in keeping with the spirit of the thread, here is a story i wrote in a blog, totally true.

Link to my blog here

A HandJob with Mom

Here is another of my old blogs, rewritten since being lost by the myspace hall-monitors.

As most of you know from reading my blogs, or just personally knowing me, I am a cancer survivor. I spent the better part of the year at the age of 19 undergoing intensive chemo and radiation treatment for a very well advanced bout of Hodgkin's, stage 3b. I was probably sick for over a year, and had over 30 masses spread from my neck to my thighs, and was probably about a week or two from going in my sleep from the largest tumor which was 4.5x2 inches attached to my heart compressing my breathing tube and veins to and from the heart. As I have said before, as much as terrible as the illness and treatment was, it was also the greatest life changing experience in my life. I have plenty of stories from that year, some funny, some scary, some that are mostly uninteresting to anyone but me. Here is one that is kind of funny, and will probably be made into some kind of porn movie short, maybe starring me. Now who will play my girlfriend???? I have an idea or two.

It is three days since i found a bulge like a baseball popping out of my left armpit. In those three days I underwent a biopsy, and every test possible at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute. The great haste that the doctors moved with in finding out exactly what I had only reinforced the s##t I had gotten myself into now. In those three days I went from walking into the hospital on my own, to being wheeled around like a cripple. Once the team of doctors nailed down my illness and course of action, I was brought into the room, with mom in tow of course, to discuss what it all meant. I remember the doctor going through what was up, and remember the look on my mothers face which made me feel much worse for her than for myself. I also remember not really ever thinking my life was in danger, that I had something that could conceivably kill me. I guess I just shrugged it off like it was mono or something. The only question I had was what were my chances of losing a limb, and was told that really wasn't something that happened with this cancer. The doctor also informed me that I would be sterile from the whole ordeal. I asked if I could maybe see someone about putting some of my baby-batter on ice, and the doctor set it up.

Now, before I jump into where the story gets funny, or at least really awkward, I need to explain some things. First, through the course of my treatment, and through the course of my life in general, my mom has always been there for everything. For better or worse, she took me every day for treatment, and sat there listening to me be the smart-@ss that nobody can be quite as well as me. We were comedy relief for the doctors and nurses, and we would regularly get doctors who would come in to "observe" my checkups, but I call bulls@@t, it was just because word spread about this 19 year old punk and his off the wall crazy mom, and I later found out this actually was the case. The second thing, I was just about to turn 19 when this happened, and I had a girlfriend for about a year when this happened. MY mom, bless her soul and her naivety, decided she should move into the house and, get this, into my room to take care of me! I always have had a great appetite for sex, and have been known to be a bit of a sexual deviant, so live-in p#### sounded good to me. S##t, it was reason enough to get cancer to begin with as far as I was concerned! The fact that I was next to dead from what my body was growing inside of me did nothing to deter my labito, and 3 days into her moving in we had sex at least a dozen times. I even parlayed my misfortune into way more backdoor action then I got on average, score!!!!

So anyway, I get up the morning of the appointment with Dr Sperminator, and quietly make my way downstairs, hoping to escape the house before what I knew would be inevitable, mom grabbing her keys and coming along for a nice day of embarrassment and humiliation.. Well, no luck, I didn't make it halfway down the stairs when mom came barreling out of her room ready to escort her first born to his whackoff session, of course with my girlfriend along to boot!

We arrive at the repro lab, which was in a really nice brownstone on the upper-east side of NYC, and I can feel the knot in my gut as I open the door. We walk in and mom proceeds to inform the receptionist that her son is her to deposit some sperm, to which the two gay gentlemen waiting to sell their sperm to the bank looked over and snickered. After waiting for a few minutes and thinking about all the possible germs from the crazy amount of masturbation that takes place here, the doctor calls me in. I get up hoping that mom will just stay put, but oh no, there is much more humiliation in store. Mom, girlfriend, and I walk into the office, and the doctor scrambles to find a third chair to seat us, clearly he doesn't get many group consultations. He goes over everything, and says that I will need to come back in 2 days to actually stir my vanilla into a cup. Mom looks perplexed, and is anxious to get my chemo started, so she asks why I can't just do it now. The doctor informs her that it is best for me not to have any ejaculation for 48 hours, to which my mom just blows up, stating "he has cancer for Christ's sake, he is home, he isn't doing anything." I look over at girlfriend, and she is giving me an absolute look of shear horror and terror as she is waiting to see what absurdity may pour out of my mouth in an attempt to rattle my mother. Little did mom know that just that morning, I woke up at 4am and then at 7am and banged the snot out of girlfriend and that at that moment while we were sitting in the office, the digestive acids in girlfriends stomach were working on digesting a monster load of my dna-pudding, say word nugga! Mom kept pressing the issue, but I knew if I had to drop a load in the cup right now, it would be clear as water and about as useful for insemination as a wad of spit. I cracked the smirk on my face that told girlfriend it was going to get ugly, but just as I was about to tell mom that I may actually need a lot more than 48 hours to recoup from that night/morning's session, the doctor stepped in and made a bulls##t reason up why he couldn't do it today anyway.

Two days later we make the trip back, and all I can think about in the waiting room is getting out of there, getting home, and getting some @ss. Hey I was 18 with a potential life-ending disease, I was f$$$ing like I was heading for the chair. The nurse comes into the waiting room with a plastic jar and calls my name. I get up to go and my f@@@ing mother gets up to follow me. Before I can even say what the f***, the nurse tells her that I will need to do this on my own. I walk into the peep booth, and am pretty impressed. It is a really swanky room, with mahogany paneled walls, nice mood lighting, and a stylish leather reclining chair. The only thing out of place is the f!!!ing doctor paper that they put over the exam tables. I plop down with the baby-food jar, and start to flog the cyclops. I look down at a stack of mags and all i can think of is all the f***ing c@@k-germs infesting the pages of those magazines from all the other guys who come in there and flip through them will jacking. I then start to think of everything I have touched in that room and how there is probably c**k-germs everywhere. There was probably more dna evidence in that room than a Duke Lacrosse team party! Then I start to think how my mother and girlfriend are sitting in the other room waiting for me to jerk off, and that they KNOW I am in here beating-off. IT is probably worse that your mother knows and is waiting for you to finish than it is for her to unexpectedly walk in on you doing it. That had to be the longest jacking i have ever done. I finally get the job done, slap the top on the jar and head out to hand in my spunk. Just as I open the door to the room to step out, someone opens the door to the waiting room and my mom looks through and our eyes meet. She then moves her eyes down to my hands and the jar of cum I am standing there holding. It is at that point that I just wanted to shoot myself.

Well anyway, I went home, f$$$ed the girlfriend like a champ, and beat the cancer.

Keep looking at this page, a little later this week we will put up some hottt pics from our shoot last week with Hailey Young, you definitely will want to see this!


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that is a 3 footer right there!

You know a girl is "hot" when a candid shot from most likley in the woods 100 yards away provides a great picture... with no crew... no lighting... ect ect...

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Ok, in keeping with the spirit of the thread, here is a story i wrote in a blog, totally true.

Link to my blog here

A HandJob with Mom

Here is another of my old blogs, rewritten since being lost by the myspace hall-monitors.

As most of you know from reading my blogs, or just personally knowing me, I am a cancer survivor. I spent the better part of the year at the age of 19 undergoing intensive chemo and radiation treatment for a very well advanced bout of Hodgkin's, stage 3b. I was probably sick for over a year, and had over 30 masses spread from my neck to my thighs, and was probably about a week or two from going in my sleep from the largest tumor which was 4.5x2 inches attached to my heart compressing my breathing tube and veins to and from the heart. As I have said before, as much as terrible as the illness and treatment was, it was also the greatest life changing experience in my life. I have plenty of stories from that year, some funny, some scary, some that are mostly uninteresting to anyone but me. Here is one that is kind of funny, and will probably be made into some kind of porn movie short, maybe starring me. Now who will play my girlfriend???? I have an idea or two.

It is three days since i found a bulge like a baseball popping out of my left armpit. In those three days I underwent a biopsy, and every test possible at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute. The great haste that the doctors moved with in finding out exactly what I had only reinforced the s##t I had gotten myself into now. In those three days I went from walking into the hospital on my own, to being wheeled around like a cripple. Once the team of doctors nailed down my illness and course of action, I was brought into the room, with mom in tow of course, to discuss what it all meant. I remember the doctor going through what was up, and remember the look on my mothers face which made me feel much worse for her than for myself. I also remember not really ever thinking my life was in danger, that I had something that could conceivably kill me. I guess I just shrugged it off like it was mono or something. The only question I had was what were my chances of losing a limb, and was told that really wasn't something that happened with this cancer. The doctor also informed me that I would be sterile from the whole ordeal. I asked if I could maybe see someone about putting some of my baby-batter on ice, and the doctor set it up.

Now, before I jump into where the story gets funny, or at least really awkward, I need to explain some things. First, through the course of my treatment, and through the course of my life in general, my mom has always been there for everything. For better or worse, she took me every day for treatment, and sat there listening to me be the smart-@ss that nobody can be quite as well as me. We were comedy relief for the doctors and nurses, and we would regularly get doctors who would come in to "observe" my checkups, but I call bulls@@t, it was just because word spread about this 19 year old punk and his off the wall crazy mom, and I later found out this actually was the case. The second thing, I was just about to turn 19 when this happened, and I had a girlfriend for about a year when this happened. MY mom, bless her soul and her naivety, decided she should move into the house and, get this, into my room to take care of me! I always have had a great appetite for sex, and have been known to be a bit of a sexual deviant, so live-in p#### sounded good to me. S##t, it was reason enough to get cancer to begin with as far as I was concerned! The fact that I was next to dead from what my body was growing inside of me did nothing to deter my labito, and 3 days into her moving in we had sex at least a dozen times. I even parlayed my misfortune into way more backdoor action then I got on average, score!!!!

So anyway, I get up the morning of the appointment with Dr Sperminator, and quietly make my way downstairs, hoping to escape the house before what I knew would be inevitable, mom grabbing her keys and coming along for a nice day of embarrassment and humiliation.. Well, no luck, I didn't make it halfway down the stairs when mom came barreling out of her room ready to escort her first born to his whackoff session, of course with my girlfriend along to boot!

We arrive at the repro lab, which was in a really nice brownstone on the upper-east side of NYC, and I can feel the knot in my gut as I open the door. We walk in and mom proceeds to inform the receptionist that her son is her to deposit some sperm, to which the two gay gentlemen waiting to sell their sperm to the bank looked over and snickered. After waiting for a few minutes and thinking about all the possible germs from the crazy amount of masturbation that takes place here, the doctor calls me in. I get up hoping that mom will just stay put, but oh no, there is much more humiliation in store. Mom, girlfriend, and I walk into the office, and the doctor scrambles to find a third chair to seat us, clearly he doesn't get many group consultations. He goes over everything, and says that I will need to come back in 2 days to actually stir my vanilla into a cup. Mom looks perplexed, and is anxious to get my chemo started, so she asks why I can't just do it now. The doctor informs her that it is best for me not to have any ejaculation for 48 hours, to which my mom just blows up, stating "he has cancer for Christ's sake, he is home, he isn't doing anything." I look over at girlfriend, and she is giving me an absolute look of shear horror and terror as she is waiting to see what absurdity may pour out of my mouth in an attempt to rattle my mother. Little did mom know that just that morning, I woke up at 4am and then at 7am and banged the snot out of girlfriend and that at that moment while we were sitting in the office, the digestive acids in girlfriends stomach were working on digesting a monster load of my dna-pudding, say word nugga! Mom kept pressing the issue, but I knew if I had to drop a load in the cup right now, it would be clear as water and about as useful for insemination as a wad of spit. I cracked the smirk on my face that told girlfriend it was going to get ugly, but just as I was about to tell mom that I may actually need a lot more than 48 hours to recoup from that night/morning's session, the doctor stepped in and made a bulls##t reason up why he couldn't do it today anyway.

Two days later we make the trip back, and all I can think about in the waiting room is getting out of there, getting home, and getting some @ss. Hey I was 18 with a potential life-ending disease, I was f$$$ing like I was heading for the chair. The nurse comes into the waiting room with a plastic jar and calls my name. I get up to go and my f@@@ing mother gets up to follow me. Before I can even say what the f***, the nurse tells her that I will need to do this on my own. I walk into the peep booth, and am pretty impressed. It is a really swanky room, with mahogany paneled walls, nice mood lighting, and a stylish leather reclining chair. The only thing out of place is the f!!!ing doctor paper that they put over the exam tables. I plop down with the baby-food jar, and start to flog the cyclops. I look down at a stack of mags and all i can think of is all the f***ing c@@k-germs infesting the pages of those magazines from all the other guys who come in there and flip through them will jacking. I then start to think of everything I have touched in that room and how there is probably c**k-germs everywhere. There was probably more dna evidence in that room than a Duke Lacrosse team party! Then I start to think how my mother and girlfriend are sitting in the other room waiting for me to jerk off, and that they KNOW I am in here beating-off. IT is probably worse that your mother knows and is waiting for you to finish than it is for her to unexpectedly walk in on you doing it. That had to be the longest jacking i have ever done. I finally get the job done, slap the top on the jar and head out to hand in my spunk. Just as I open the door to the room to step out, someone opens the door to the waiting room and my mom looks through and our eyes meet. She then moves her eyes down to my hands and the jar of cum I am standing there holding. It is at that point that I just wanted to shoot myself.

Well anyway, I went home, f$$$ed the girlfriend like a champ, and beat the cancer.

Keep looking at this page, a little later this week we will put up some hottt pics from our shoot last week with Hailey Young, you definitely will want to see this!


Glad to hear that you beat the Cancer ,I wish my brother would have beat it as well but it didn't happen .He lost his right arm and the doctors thought that they had stopped it ,but that was not the case ,it spread to his stomach and he Passed 2 weeks Later RIP ROB.But I would like to thank you Joe for posting this B/c it's good to know that thier are people out there that beat this life taking disease,plus it takes a real guy to put this out there like that.I respect that Joe for real.

Joe, I know your a little hip to music of all types but if you get a chance ,check out the Paid In Full Album by Ericb & Rakim there is a photo in the bottom left hand corner and there is a picture of my Brother Rob he is wearing an all black Leather RunDMC type outfit with a black hat.He should me the good and Bad things in life and for that I will always try my hardest to tell people that they can Beat this disease that so many people are afraid of.Your a brave dude ,Way to Be Strong!!!

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Glad to hear that you beat the Cancer ,I wish my brother would have beat it as well but it didn't happen .He lost his right arm and the doctors thought that they had stopped it ,but that was not the case ,it spread to his stomach and he Passed 2 weeks Later RIP ROB.But I would like to thank you Joe for posting this B/c it's good to know that thier are people out there that beat this life taking disease,plus it takes a real guy to put this out there like that.I respect that Joe for real.

Joe, I know your a little hip to music of all types but if you get a chance ,check out the Paid In Full Album by Ericb & Rakim there is a photo in the bottom left hand corner and there is a picture of my Brother Rob he is wearing an all black Leather RunDMC type outfit with a black hat.

Hey dude, sorry if that story brought back any sad memories, and sorry about your loss.

I will dig out my copy of the cd and check that out dude.

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You know a girl is "hot" when a candid shot from most likley in the woods 100 yards away provides a great picture... with no crew... no lighting... ect ect...

well dude, my reply to the pic was that she was a three footer, i think i should explain. See, for nasty ugly chicks there has always been a pretty scientific and logical way to grade them, the beer score. You pretty much look at the pig and snicker at your boy, "damn, i would need to drink 8 beers to hit that." But how do you put a score to a hottt girl? I have the inch scale, or for super hottties, it is expressed in feet. Say you see the hottest girl ever, you would love more than anything to hit it, well, you express how many inches (or feet) of s##t you would eat to get to her @ss.

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well dude, my reply to the pic was that she was a three footer, i think i should explain. See, for nasty ugly chicks there has always been a pretty scientific and logical way to grade them, the beer score. You pretty much look at the pig and snicker at your boy, "damn, i would need to drink 8 beers to hit that." But how do you put a score to a hottt girl? I have the inch scale, or for super hottties, it is expressed in feet. Say you see the hottest girl ever, you would love more than anything to hit it, well, you express how many inches (or feet) of s##t you would eat to get to her @ss.


Good Stuff

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I came back to this thread to check out her @ss, just wanted to let everyone know.

I have a cuple times already too... find a model that good looking and you will take Heffner out of business...

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Wonder what I should do for my 66,666th post... its coming soon... :lol:

I'm going to ban you before you pass me...plus you have to take puberty into consideration...it's eventually gonna happen Ecrub and then you will be interested in girls ...hopefully.

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I'm going to ban you before you pass me...plus you have to take puberty into consideration...it's eventually gonna happen Ecrub and then you will be interested in girls ...hopefully.

POTW nom! :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl:

And I have to wait to rep ya Smizzy,but you're gonna get it! :lol:

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I'm going to ban you before you pass me...plus you have to take puberty into consideration...it's eventually gonna happen Ecrub and then you will be interested in girls ...hopefully.

Ill never pass a whore like you... ;)

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