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The Steelers Game


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It doesn't much matter with the Jets being 1 and 8 but what the hell. How would you try to attack the Steelers. That defense is rough. They only give up 12 points a game. And they are # 1 in fewest yards allowed. 161 passing (1st) and 76 rushing (4th).

The Jets aren't going to be able to run the ball. The Steelers will blitz Clemens early and often. Honestly short of Big Ben throwing 3 picks and the Jets scoring 10 points on defense I don't see anyway the Jets can win this game.

The Steelers are going to own both lines, the Jets will be blown off the ball all day long. All that being said how will they attack? How should they attack?

I see them playing the same defense and not being aggressive -- keeping people deep. Giving up lots of yards and being happy with giving up field goals instead of touchdowns.

On offense -- short passing. But they have to take some shots down the field. I really don't see anything close to a balanced rush\passing attack happening here. Because they are going to average like 2 YPC. So Kellen will try to run the same kind of offense. Lots of movement before the snap. Short passing.

Hopefully this time with all the presnap movement they can find a mismatch and try to exploit it (doubtful). But it is worth a shot.

That always frustrates me. They move all these guys around. You spread the HB out wide and he has a LB on him. Great, what's the point. They never seem to attack any of it.

Oh and I would like to see a few good old fashioned BOMBS. Kenny O'Brien to Wesley Walker style. Straight down the sideline. The Steelers are agressive so find some one on one matchups and go for it.

What's the worst thing that can happen? They go 1 and 9. Big deal, at this point it doesn't much matter.

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It doesn't much matter with the Jets being 1 and 8 but what the hell. How would you try to attack the Steelers. That defense is rough. They only give up 12 points a game. And they are # 1 in fewest yards allowed. 161 passing (1st) and 76 rushing (4th).

The Jets aren't going to be able to run the ball. The Steelers will blitz Clemens early and often. Honestly short of Big Ben throwing 3 picks and the Jets scoring 10 points on defense I don't see anyway the Jets can win this game.

The Steelers are going to own both lines, the Jets will be blown off the ball all day long. All that being said how will they attack? How should they attack?

I see them playing the same defense and not being aggressive -- keeping people deep. Giving up lots of yards and being happy with giving up field goals instead of touchdowns.

On offense -- short passing. But they have to take some shots down the field. I really don't see anything close to a balanced rush\passing attack happening here. Because they are going to average like 2 YPC. So Kellen will try to run the same kind of offense. Lots of movement before the snap. Short passing.

Hopefully this time with all the presnap movement they can find a mismatch and try to exploit it (doubtful). But it is worth a shot.

That always frustrates me. They move all these guys around. You spread the HB out wide and he has a LB on him. Great, what's the point. They never seem to attack any of it.

Oh and I would like to see a few good old fashioned BOMBS. Kenny O'Brien to Wesley Walker style. Straight down the sideline. The Steelers are agressive so find some one on one matchups and go for it.

What's the worst thing that can happen? They go 1 and 9. Big deal, at this point it doesn't much matter.

if coles comes back we would have a chance to spread the ball. by using spread formation and draw play. jets can't power through them so we would have to out finess them

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i'd like to see a game plan of, our first 5 plays (assuming we complete 1 of the first 3) to be long bombs. I'm talking straight go routes. Tell j-mac to run the left side, cotch on the right, and smith do a post in the middle.

I want to see kellen come out firing, no play action, no gimics, just go deep. The jets have not gone after any deep attmepts with any consistancy in forever. I'd love to see the steelers try to defend it. If they can...good for them, if not, at least we will have some friggen momentum for once.

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Put Chad back in when they are throwing into the wind. That might be enough to get it done!

I don't like your attitude mister...:box:

come on Max, you know its all about the tailgate at this point...we are coming up for this game, don't ask me why, gonna have to bring my thermals I guess

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I don't like your attitude mister...:box:

come on Max, you know its all about the tailgate at this point...we are coming up for this game, don't ask me why, gonna have to bring my thermals I guess

It will time to get the bourbon shots going to warm you up Al.

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The Steelers are going to own both lines, the Jets will be blown off the ball all day long.

What's the worst thing that can happen? They go 1 and 9. Big deal, at this point it doesn't much matter.

Until the Jets resume building the OL, and get serious about remaking the DL, they cant seriously compete with strong teams.

1-9, and more experience for Clemens, if he can stay healthy. He got beat up pretty bad in both games he started.

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It doesn't much matter with the Jets being 1 and 8 but what the hell. How would you try to attack the Steelers. That defense is rough. They only give up 12 points a game. And they are # 1 in fewest yards allowed. 161 passing (1st) and 76 rushing (4th).

The Jets aren't going to be able to run the ball. The Steelers will blitz Clemens early and often. Honestly short of Big Ben throwing 3 picks and the Jets scoring 10 points on defense I don't see anyway the Jets can win this game.

The Steelers are going to own both lines, the Jets will be blown off the ball all day long. All that being said how will they attack? How should they attack?

I see them playing the same defense and not being aggressive -- keeping people deep. Giving up lots of yards and being happy with giving up field goals instead of touchdowns.

On offense -- short passing. But they have to take some shots down the field. I really don't see anything close to a balanced rush\passing attack happening here. Because they are going to average like 2 YPC. So Kellen will try to run the same kind of offense. Lots of movement before the snap. Short passing.

Hopefully this time with all the presnap movement they can find a mismatch and try to exploit it (doubtful). But it is worth a shot.

That always frustrates me. They move all these guys around. You spread the HB out wide and he has a LB on him. Great, what's the point. They never seem to attack any of it.

Oh and I would like to see a few good old fashioned BOMBS. Kenny O'Brien to Wesley Walker style. Straight down the sideline. The Steelers are agressive so find some one on one matchups and go for it.

What's the worst thing that can happen? They go 1 and 9. Big deal, at this point it doesn't much matter.

To put it simply:

We're screwed. Big Time!!!!

The only way we win this game is if Leon returns every kick to the house, Including Nuge's onsides!!!!:roll:

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Guys you really think we're going to do anything to Big Ben???

We wont, here's why:

1) We wont get near him

2) When we do get near him we wont bring him down

3) They will probably have a total of 3 pass attempts when they realise the other option may result in a record 400yrds rushing

4) Dewayne Robertson aka - :pooh:

Nuff said.

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Until the Jets resume building the OL, and get serious about remaking the DL, they cant seriously compete with strong teams.

1-9, and more experience for Clemens, if he can stay healthy. He got beat up pretty bad in both games he started.

I think after they lose this one they will actually be 1 and 10. No way they give up Thanksgiving and take the trip to Dallas. Mangini is going to make it an off day and take the L.

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Wait a second. Theres going to be actual games played on 11/18, 12/9 and 12/30? Interesting. I was just coming to tailgate and watch Kellen Clemens chuck the ball down the field.:)

Well the tailgate is pretty much all there is at this point. The Clemens thing is just a bonus!

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In recent years the formula for beating the Steeler D has been to run the spread O for much of the game. But now our personel is upgraded enough where we can man up on just about anyone and still get after the QB. I think you will notice Troy Polamalu in coverage alot more than in years past as well. Tomlin and Lebeau made some adjustments here and there, one being using Troy more as a coverage safety. They'll still blitz him, just not as much. They limit him over-persuing. One of the other adjustments is that occasionally they will line up 4 D linemen, mostly passing situations. Denver and Arizona had success with rollouts and quick slants however.

IMO, the key to containg the Steeler O is to shut down Willie Parker and try to contain Ben inside the pocket. It'll prolly be more important to keep him in the pocket than try to sack him. He can really make plays when he gets outside the pocket. That usually gives the WR's a chance to gain seperation and Ben is seeing the whole field better than i've ever seen so far in his career.

One area of weakness is the Steelers punt coverage team, that has hurt us in the past. A ST score could help the Jets a hellova lot. Thats how we lost to the Cardinals.

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"He has all the physical talent," Tomlin said yesterday. "He's big. He's strong. He's mobile. He can make any throw on the field. He's a smart guy.

"He looks like the 11th pick in the draft. Those guys have all the physical skills. Then the question is: Do they have the intangibles? That's what I was interested in and that's what I've been impressed with thus far from him."

Coach Tomlin on Ben.

-That's because you guys know how to draft. Our top picks apparently don't have all the physical tools.

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paul, do you see pittsburgh beating NE?

I can't really say for sure my Steelers will beat em'. But i can say that Tomlin offers us Steelers fans much more hope against them. For starters, Belly will soon realize that his D will have to defend the entire field rather than just the LOS. Under Cowher, we were a predictable running team. Well now we can still run the ball well, but we'll take our shots deep too. Also, Tomlin isn't overly emotional like Cowher was. The team has a calm about em' that i really like. I think both D's match up really well. I still say whichever QB has the ball last will prolly win.

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I can't really say for sure my Steelers will beat em'. But i can say that Tomlin offers us Steelers fans much more hope against them. For starters, Belly will soon realize that his D will have to defend the entire field rather than just the LOS. Under Cowher, we were a predictable running team. Well now we can still run the ball well, but we'll take our shots deep too. Also, Tomlin isn't overly emotional like Cowher was. The team has a calm about em' that i really like. I think both D's match up really well. I still say whichever QB has the ball last will prolly win.

imagine if you guys still had Plaxico and Randel El. you'd be even better.

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BTW, Max started this damn thread so he gets blame. How the F am i gonna have competitive banter with you guys next week if youre all screaming u-n-c-l-e ???

Any given sunday! :P

StillerPaul we have watched the Jets all year unlike you -we know what to expect from them unfortunately.

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