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A-Rod on 60 Minutes Tonight...


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A-Rod: I've Never Used Steroids

Talks To Katie Couric For 60 Minutes Profile

(CBS) While former player and admitted steroid user Jose Canseco was saying the Mitchell Report was "laughable" because it did not accuse Alex Rodriguez of using steroids, Rodriguez was telling Katie Couric he has never used them and has been tested numerous times for them.

Rodriguez speaks to Couric in a 60 Minutes interview to be broadcast Sunday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

Asked by Couric whether he has ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance, "No," says Rodriguez. He gave the same answer to Couric's follow-up on whether he had ever been tempted to use them.

Replying to former Sen. George Mitchell

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Your husband is a lucky man...wish my wife was into sports only a fraction of what you are. My wife brings a book to sporting events.

That's very sweet! The last book I brought to a sporting event was Football for Dummies. I prefer baseball, love my Yanks, but am really getting into this football thing. ha ha

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I'm looking forward to A-rod's interview.

Me too Bob...only problem is, no matter how he comes off, the baseball world whether it's the media or the fans will trash the guy. Personally, I like the guy and refuse to join the mob mentality of thinking that he's the sole reason why the Yanks haven't won the big one of late. Hell, if that were the problem (blaming it all on one guy), Mickey Mantle who played 18 seasons in the Bronx would have more than 7 rings...and he was never voted the WS MVP.

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I honestly have no use for him . I wish he would've left, even if it made us a worst team. Why ? He is a me me me individual. We are stuck with him for a decade to come, so I can only hope he can find some post season spark in his bag of tricks. It's nice to see he has distanced himself a bit from Scott Bore-ass in some of his comments. I will hold out and give him yet another chance to take us to the promised land.

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A-rod is a *****in liar. I saw the two microexpressions he made right after denying he used steroids. Not saying he's a complete steroid abuser like Bonds or McGwire but he definitely must have dabbled in it over the years.

If you're gonna lie at least rehearse your bs answer in the mirror before you go on national TV.

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Where did you get your facial expression analyzation degree from asshat ?

I was in an active duty MI unit in the Army. Plus I know a bunch of cops and detectives local, NY State and NYPD. Asslover.

Arod had two microexpressions on his face immediately after being asked if he ever used steroids. He was lying.

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A-rod is a *****in liar. I saw the two microexpressions he made right after denying he used steroids. Not saying he's a complete steroid abuser like Bonds or McGwire but he definitely must have dabbled in it over the years.

If you're gonna lie at least rehearse your bs answer in the mirror before you go on national TV.

He actually shook his head yes when he said no. I was like WTF.

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Terrible interview btw. How about asking him about the Jeter stuff? Ask him how he feels playing on Jeter's team, something to get a rise out of him.

He never answered the why he hasn't done well in the postseason question either.

(I like ARod, just thought the interview was crap).

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OMG !! He was in the military and he knows cops. =D>

There is a reason even polygraph tests aren't admited in court. That being said , Couric is not a sports reporter, so I didn't expect much out of her. She's only good at killing ratings and hating Bush.

He was in Military Intelligence. Do you know what falls under that? Interrogation. I am sure he just pulled microexpressions out of his ass. :rolleyes:

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We leave being a clever retard up to you around here.

It is hard to believe that you come from a family of lawyers. Since you are so terrible at having a debate. You resort to name calling. Maybe things will change when you hit 16 but until then, your immaturity is all that we see.

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A-rod is a *****in liar. I saw the two microexpressions he made right after denying he used steroids. Not saying he's a complete steroid abuser like Bonds or McGwire but he definitely must have dabbled in it over the years.

If you're gonna lie at least rehearse your bs answer in the mirror before you go on national TV.

LMFAO. I love how A-Rod is a steroid user because of "microexpressions" but when David Ortiz comes out and says something like, "Yeah I stay away from stuff like protein shakes in the Dominican because I don't know what's in them sometimes. I could've taken something without even knowing it," no one thinks for two seconds about it. It's incredible the immense hatred for this guy. (And for the record, NO, I do not believe David Ortiz took steroids. But if there was as much hoopla about him as there was for A-Rod's "look" or "pause," he would be in jail already.

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LMFAO. I love how A-Rod is a steroid user because of "microexpressions" but when David Ortiz comes out and says something like, "Yeah I stay away from stuff like protein shakes in the Dominican because I don't know what's in them sometimes. I could've taken something without even knowing it," no one thinks for two seconds about it. It's incredible the immense hatred for this guy. (And for the record, NO, I do not believe David Ortiz took steroids. But if there was as much hoopla about him as there was for A-Rod's "look" or "pause," he would be in jail already.

The hatred for A-Rod because the man just seems so "hollow" . He does not seem genuine in anything that he says and it all appears to be some fabricated front that he wants us to believe.

I deny the man no quarter as to to talent that he displays.

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I dont hate A-Rod at all. In fact, he donated $10M to UMiami even though he didnt even go to school there. He's a heckuva baseball player, even if he hasnt come up big in the post-season.

But he did look like he was lying in response to that question from the little I saw. If he was lying about it, then yes, it's safe to assume he did take them at some point.

And there is a large amount of very interesting reading about body language and non-verbal communication. It's all about not taking what people say at face value, and knowing that most people will lie when they have a good reason to do so.

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He was in Military Intelligence. Do you know what falls under that? Interrogation. I am sure he just pulled microexpressions out of his ass. :rolleyes:

Yep. He was in military intelligence. It must be true. He said it on an Internet messageboard.

I'm convinced. You bet.

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Terrible interview btw. How about asking him about the Jeter stuff? Ask him how he feels playing on Jeter's team, something to get a rise out of him.

He never answered the why he hasn't done well in the postseason question either.

(I like ARod, just thought the interview was crap).

I like ARob, but thought the interview was useless. We didn't learn anything new about him, what a waste of time. There was a slight hesitation when asked about steroids, my gut tells me there must be more going on there. There has to be.

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I like ARob, but thought the interview was useless. We didn't learn anything new about him, what a waste of time. There was a slight hesitation when asked about steroids, my gut tells me there must be more going on there. There has to be.




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I work for the BS section of the ICUP portion of the CIA. We do deep studies on human skin motions and I saw a gentleman on 60 minutes make a motion that set off our sensors. I think he was making an fraudulent statement because my 10 years at US MAIL college told me so. I also saw him fart during the interview. How do I know this. I have speciual Sphinkter powers that let me know things of this nature. :cool:

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