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I guess I just don't get it. What's everyone's obsession with this hot garbage? I grabbed breakfast at McDonald's this morning and since they bend you over the counter if you get anything but coffee with your combo meal I decided I would give it a try. It's just as awful as I remember it from 5 years ago. AWFUL...and hot!! If I'm going to get second degree burns in my mouth, the stuff should at least taste good. :smilies2_puke:

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I guess I just don't get it. What's everyone's obsession with this hot garbage? I grabbed breakfast at McDonald's this morning and since they bend you over the counter if you get anything but coffee with your combo meal I decided I would give it a try. It's just as awful as I remember it from 5 years ago. AWFUL...and hot!! If I'm going to get second degree burns in my mouth, the stuff should at least taste good. :smilies2_puke:

Well youngun, some sage advice:

Thats why they have horse races ;)

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I guess I just don't get it. What's everyone's obsession with this hot garbage? I grabbed breakfast at McDonald's this morning and since they bend you over the counter if you get anything but coffee with your combo meal I decided I would give it a try. It's just as awful as I remember it from 5 years ago. AWFUL...and hot!! If I'm going to get second degree burns in my mouth, the stuff should at least taste good. :smilies2_puke:

Using McDonald's coffee as an indicator of what it should taste like is the same as using a Quarter Pounder as a guage of what a hamburger hould taste like. :Nuts:

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Using McDonald's coffee as an indicator of what it should taste like is the same as using a Quarter Pounder as a guage of what a hamburger hould taste like. :Nuts:

Believe me, I've had Starbuck's coffee too and it tastes like garbage. It just costs alot more.

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Starbucks coffee is definitely not the coffee to go for.

Did you try Dunkin Donuts?

No, I can't even remember the last time I went to a Dunkin Donuts. And are you telling me that millions and millions of people are wrong about Starbucks coffee?

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No, I can't even remember the last time I went to a Dunkin Donuts. And are you telling me that millions and millions of people are wrong about Starbucks coffee?

No. I think people mainly go there for there frapppuccinos and lattes etc.

The regular coffee from starbucks is very bitter. - doesn't tase as good DD or heck, even quick check coffee.

Dunk Donuts has really good coffee, imo.

Also, are you drinking your coffee black?

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No. I think people mainly go there for there frapppuccinos and lattes etc.

The regular coffee from starbucks is very bitter. - doesn't tase as good DD or heck, even quick check coffee.

Dunk Donuts has really good coffee, imo.

Also, are you drinking your coffee black?

Yes, I'm drinking it black. One of my rules in life is that if you have to put something in your drink to make it taste good then it isn't worth drinking in the first place. :lol:

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Exactly what unsweetened beverage are you drinking for its great taste?

You only drink water, milk and juice?

I drink unsweetened iced tea and love the taste. And yes about 80% of what I drink in a day is water.

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Coffee is the single greatest invention ever. How anyone can HATE coffee is beyond me. How anyone can function without a few cups in the morning, is WAY beyond me. I LOVE COFFEE.

Alk, try a cappuccino. That's Italian girlie-coffee. I call it the Pau Gasol of Coffees. It's a soft way of introducing yourself into the wonderful world of coffee beans.

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Coffee is the single greatest invention ever. How anyone can HATE coffee is beyond me. How anyone can function without a few cups in the morning, is WAY beyond me. I LOVE COFFEE.

Alk, try a cappuccino. That's Italian girlie-coffee. I call it the Pau Gasol of Coffees. It's a soft way of introducing yourself into the wonderful world of coffee beans.

No offense but f#ck a cappuccino. I'd rather just have a hot chocolate. :lol: Every time we go to a Starbucks I joke that I'm going to get an orange mocha frappuccino just because of the whole Zoolander thing but I've never worked up the courage to actually do it.

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Consumer Reports had McDonalds beating Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts

McDonald's coffee beats Starbucks, says Consumer Reports

The Associated Press

SEATTLE -- Consumer Reports has declared McDonald's coffee the winner of a taste test against three rivals, including coffeehouse giant Starbucks.

After sampling four leading brewed coffees for its March issue, the magazine said McDonald's premium roast coffee bested competing cups from Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks, the world's largest specialty coffee retailer.

The tastings were led by a professional tester, and included staffers from Consumer Reports' food-testing division, spokeswoman Heather Joy Thompson said.

The group tasted medium cups of coffee -- no cream or sugar -- at two locations from each company in November. They rated McDonald's premium brand the best, calling it "decent and moderately strong" although lacking "subtle top notes."

Others didn't fare so well. Dunkin Donuts' coffee was deemed "inoffensive, but it had no oomph." Starbucks was labeled "strong, but burnt and bitter." Burger King's offering resembled coffee, "but tasted more like hot water," the magazine said.

Consumer Reports said McDonald's was the least expensive, at $1.40 per cup on average. Dunkin' Donuts was the priciest, at $1.65.

In response, Starbucks spokeswoman Sanja Gould said taste is subjective and pointed to the Seattle-based company's sales.

"The 44 million customer visits to our stores per week globally indicate that many people enjoy our premium coffee," Gould said in a statement.

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Consumer Reports had McDonalds beating Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts

McDonald's coffee beats Starbucks, says Consumer Reports

The Associated Press

SEATTLE -- Consumer Reports has declared McDonald's coffee the winner of a taste test against three rivals, including coffeehouse giant Starbucks.

After sampling four leading brewed coffees for its March issue, the magazine said McDonald's premium roast coffee bested competing cups from Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks, the world's largest specialty coffee retailer.

The tastings were led by a professional tester, and included staffers from Consumer Reports' food-testing division, spokeswoman Heather Joy Thompson said.

The group tasted medium cups of coffee -- no cream or sugar -- at two locations from each company in November. They rated McDonald's premium brand the best, calling it "decent and moderately strong" although lacking "subtle top notes."

Others didn't fare so well. Dunkin Donuts' coffee was deemed "inoffensive, but it had no oomph." Starbucks was labeled "strong, but burnt and bitter." Burger King's offering resembled coffee, "but tasted more like hot water," the magazine said.

Consumer Reports said McDonald's was the least expensive, at $1.40 per cup on average. Dunkin' Donuts was the priciest, at $1.65.

In response, Starbucks spokeswoman Sanja Gould said taste is subjective and pointed to the Seattle-based company's sales.

"The 44 million customer visits to our stores per week globally indicate that many people enjoy our premium coffee," Gould said in a statement.

IN YOUR FACE BOOZER!! Yeah...coffee is still hot garbage though. :lol:

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IN YOUR FACE BOOZER!! Yeah...coffee is still hot garbage though. :lol:

I never said go to starbucks, their coffee tastes like a$$holes. DD is too mild for me. I prefer kona and jamaican blends that I make at my house. The only coffee I will buy upon occasion is a skim milk latte, which is essentially 2 shots of espresso and frothed skim milk.

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I never said go to starbucks, their coffee tastes like a$$holes. DD is too mild for me. I prefer kona and jamaican blends that I make at my house. The only coffee I will buy upon occasion is a skim milk latte, which is essentially 2 shots of espresso and frothed skim milk.

So basically what you are saying is that you don't like coffee either unless they give it a fancy name and give it two shots of breast milk. :lol:

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You have any Italians in Kansas? Find the cafe where the mobsters hang out and go have an espresso. It's nice. Like getting slapped in the face by a really hot chick. You don't drink it for the taste.

I really can't stand coffee at all, only time you will ever ever see me drink it is if I am way tired and need to stay awake no matter what. So maybe I drink 4 cups a year, seriously. I think I am sensitive to very bitter foods, some say it is a trait from long ago, like moving your ears, which I can also do. Anyway, I just hate the stuff, give me a diet pepsi for breakfast any day over that crap. Now, having said that, the stuff in italy is actually passable, I can stand to drink a cup or two of that every now and then, so I assume it is much better there since I can drink it without having to dump a quarter pound of sugar into it. The sad thing is, everything pretty much tastes better there, better fresher ingredienst, well, everything except a burger that is.

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I drink unsweetened iced tea and love the taste. And yes about 80% of what I drink in a day is water.

I don't like my iced tea unsweetened, but I'm sure more than 80% of what I drink is water.

I really can't stand coffee at all, only time you will ever ever see me drink it is if I am way tired and need to stay awake no matter what. So maybe I drink 4 cups a year, seriously. I think I am sensitive to very bitter foods, some say it is a trait from long ago, like moving your ears, which I can also do. Anyway, I just hate the stuff, give me a diet pepsi for breakfast any day over that crap. Now, having said that, the stuff in italy is actually passable, I can stand to drink a cup or two of that every now and then, so I assume it is much better there since I can drink it without having to dump a quarter pound of sugar into it. The sad thing is, everything pretty much tastes better there, better fresher ingredienst, well, everything except a burger that is.

Aren't there some places that serve a decent espresso in Manhattan? There are certainly a few on 18th Ave in Brooklyn. I know my mother in law makes a nice cup, but I try to avoid Shao Lin. Burgers aren't bad here, but you have to make them yourself. They have the chopped meat for ragu, so you just mix 'em up and throw 'em on the grill.

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I don't like my iced tea unsweetened, but I'm sure more than 80% of what I drink is water.

Aren't there some places that serve a decent espresso in Manhattan? There are certainly a few on 18th Ave in Brooklyn. I know my mother in law makes a nice cup, but I try to avoid Shao Lin. Burgers aren't bad here, but you have to make them yourself. They have the chopped meat for ragu, so you just mix 'em up and throw 'em on the grill.

I lived in Little Italy for 8 years, and it is all the same crap, but like i said, I am not a coffee person to begin with.

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Alk, if your intent is to like espresso???? well, do this: go to some higher end lounge and order an espresso martini. You will like it. I guarantee it.

I think Alk's actual intent is to not drink coffee because he thinks it tastes like ass. My guess is that next time he'll pony up the extra $2 for an 8 oz OJ.

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I never drink Mcdonalds coffee. you should try eight-o-clock bean coffee made from 100% arabica beans. freshly ground and it will make your morning ritual happen almost immediately.

What's the name of the super market chain in Pigsnuckle, Kansas called? Schnucks? or something like that? :lol: see if they have it there.

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Coffee and jetnation are the only things getting me through this deployment. I get 4 hours of sleep most days..... I tried some latte frappe with 4 shots of coffee from this shop in the middle east they call green bean, they charge 5 bucks dam it.....rip off, but it wakes my ass up real quick without the bitter coffee taste.

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Do me one favor. Go to Burger King and order a BK Mocha Joe. If you don't like it I will personally mail a check for the amount you spent. BTW It's an iced drink so good for summer and will definitely get you wired. I've made around 2 dozen people get the drink, no one has had ONE bad thing to say about it. That's from people who run the gamit of daily to rare coffee drinker.

Coffee is good stuff.

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