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Where IS Preston Howley III Anyway?


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what did Jet Mo do? couldn't be anything political in nature could it?;)

Nope, not political. Someone referenced him in a thread, and he replied with some sort of insult and then they went back and forth I think. The posts were deleted by the time we made it to the scene.

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Nope, not political. Someone referenced him in a thread, and he replied with some sort of insult and then they went back and forth I think. The posts were deleted by the time we made it to the scene.

i must have gotten laid that day and slept all day.

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Jet Mo got a 30 day suspension.

Sorry to hear it wasn't longer.

what did Jet Mo do? couldn't be anything political in nature could it?;)

Actually it wasn't for once.

Surprisingly no. It was much worse IMO.

It was bad. The kind of thing that makes me change my opinion of someone forever. True colors always come shining through.

But just like Jetcane, people will forget and not care in time and all the nasty **** that spews from some hateful, hurtful souls will be welcomed back with open arms.

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Sorry to hear it wasn't longer.

Actually it wasn't for once.

It was bad. The kind of thing that makes me change my opinion of someone forever. True colors always come shining through.

But just like Jetcane, people will forget and not care in time and all the nasty **** that spews from some hateful, hurtful souls will be welcomed back with open arms.

who was exchange with??

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Sorry to hear it wasn't longer.

Actually it wasn't for once.

It was bad. The kind of thing that makes me change my opinion of someone forever. True colors always come shining through.

But just like Jetcane, people will forget and not care in time and all the nasty **** that spews from some hateful, hurtful souls will be welcomed back with open arms.

Kinda like GOB huh? :lol:

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