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How about some positives?


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Here are just a few things that I thought went well.

-Revis played very well against Randy Moss, whether it was the conservative play calling or the inexperienced QB had anything to do with it aside, I thought he was very effective in making Moss a non-factor. Lowery I thought played well too, and between those two we have the makings of a borderline great secondary.

-Kris Jenkins is a man-child and played very well I thought, the one play where he pushed the Pats o-lineman into the running back causing him to fall down was awesome.

-Stuckey looks like he could be a really good receiver really soon. And if he gets a good rapport with Favre, that can only be a good thing.

-Keller's catch and run was impressive and it could be a sign of things to come for him.

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Here are just a few things that I thought went well.

-Revis played very well against Randy Moss, whether it was the conservative play calling or the inexperienced QB had anything to do with it aside, I thought he was very effective in making Moss a non-factor. Lowery I thought played well too, and between those two we have the makings of a borderline great secondary.

-Kris Jenkins is a man-child and played very well I thought, the one play where he pushed the Pats o-lineman into the running back causing him to fall down was awesome.

-Stuckey looks like he could be a really good receiver really soon. And if he gets a good rapport with Favre, that can only be a good thing.

-Keller's catch and run was impressive and it could be a sign of things to come for him.

Yes indeed Jenkins looked VERY good as did Revis, Keller and Stuckey who does seem to have good timing with Favre. 2 games, 2 TD's

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It seems to me the Jets have five all-pro calibre players on defense: Jenkins, Pace, Harris, Rhodes and Revis. Thomas has stepped up, Lowery is a comer, they are getting solid physical play from Elam/Smith/Barton/Coleman. So, the defense seems to be in very good shape. Though the big test will come next week in SD.

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Here are just a few things that I thought went well.

-Revis played very well against Randy Moss, whether it was the conservative play calling or the inexperienced QB had anything to do with it aside, I thought he was very effective in making Moss a non-factor. Lowery I thought played well too, and between those two we have the makings of a borderline great secondary.

-Kris Jenkins is a man-child and played very well I thought, the one play where he pushed the Pats o-lineman into the running back causing him to fall down was awesome.

-Stuckey looks like he could be a really good receiver really soon. And if he gets a good rapport with Favre, that can only be a good thing.

-Keller's catch and run was impressive and it could be a sign of things to come for him.

1st, at what age do you stop being a 'man-CHILD'? Just wondering, because I assume Jenkin's has probably reached that plateau at this point.

More importantly, your last point is exactly why this was such a poorly called game, are you kidding me with Dustin Keller? 1 look all game, against a team with old LBs and a not so great secondary? Really?

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Two positives I took from this game:

-Revis is a stud plain and simple. Aside from the one play where Moss beat him he pretty much held the best receiver in the league in check and even on that play he receovered enough to break it up, aided by Cassells terrible pass.

-Jenkins was once again a beast and was the main reason for our defense doing a good job against the run. We did softed up towards the end but I attribute a fair amount of that to the fact that the defense was on the field all day. Its a wonder they didn't give up more points considering the Pats started almost every drive in our territory.

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Posted this in another thread:

The O-line - The O-line IMO was outstanding in pass protection for the most part, something we simply didn't have last season. Faneca had one rough moment but aside from that he was solid. Some penalties again drag them down but in terms of performance I was impressed. I was expecting them to struggle big time. Brick has came on leaps and bounds, looks like a stuf out there.

The D showed glimpses - Unfortunately that's all it was - Glimpses. Revis owned Moss most of the day but was lucky not to get absolutely roasted. Pace is a solid player, the 15 yard penalty was cosly though. Bryan Thomas is the main positive IMO, I forgot he was alive at times last season and have directed a lot of **** his way. He has been outstanding so far this season though. Kerry Rhodes as always was brilliant, was excellent in run support. Our D wore down toward the end of the game, which is understandable. Remember the Pats started in our half like 4 times, they did well enough to cope, they just need to be more consistent. Sutton needs to be more aggressive IMO.

We have time - Yup, it's still only week 2. Next week could be rough and no doubt there will be more suicide type posts if we lose. IMO the game we NEED to win is Arizona in week 4, if we can make it into the bye 2-2 then we're in good shape. The season's not over guys. It's week 2 and we're .500. Things were never going to click right away. It was always going to take some more time for our O to gel. Be patient.

A lot went wrong. But we're 1-1, not 1-8. Right now...We need to calm down and try and look ahead. It could be worse, we could be the Rams.

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Rhodes, Pace and Thomas all played well, too. Despite Sutton, I don't think defense will be much of a problem this year. One out of three ain't bad. :)

I also think the D will be very good down the line. I was not happy with Rhodes remark that the Pats could not run against their base D but did well when they spread out in the 4th quarter. See, this is why I do not buy the Mangini comparisons to Belichick. They are alike in only one way: they tell the press and their fans nothing. As a coach you have to be prepared, and you have to take risks. Belichick and BP always threw the ball when they were ahead. Threw it on the goal line. And they had answers for crap like Lamont Jordan piling up yards in the 4th quarter. That was too important a part of the game for your defense to turn into a sieve, and for you as a coach to have no adjustments. Having said that, I still think that by season's end, injuries permitting, we win 10 games. But I am expecting improvement. What happened yesterday just will not stand. The team that was on the field yesterday might win 6 games.

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Posted this in another thread:

You and i did not see the same game. Faneca is stealing money from the Jets. The line was adequate (its certainly fun to see them create running lanes for Thomas Jones). But they primarily run right, behind Mangold, Moore and Woody. And Faneca can no longer pull as a lead blocker at this level. He whiffed virtually every time. Also, he got pasted by Seymour. Had Seymour gotten a more clean shot at Favre then Faneca would have gone down in Jets history with the much same ignominity as his predecesor, Adrien Clarke.

To me, Favre gets so much of the credit for the better 'pass protection.' The guy is incredible at throwing with a guy hanging off him; his foot work is also amazing - he never gives up, always sidestepping the rush and getting rid of the ball. And he is adept at avoiding the big hit. Win or lose, the Jets are so much more fun this year for having Favre. He is a human highlight reel. The play is never over.

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are you kidding me with Dustin Keller? 1 look all game, against a team with old LBs and a not so great secondary? Really?

You can't get more than 1 look if you are only in on one play. I am sure he was, but I really don't recall seeing him. I saw my fill of the worthless Bubba Franks.

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You can't get more than 1 look if you are only in on one play. I am sure he was, but I really don't recall seeing him. I saw my fill of the worthless Bubba Franks.

You don't get it DM - we're saving Keller for an important game.

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