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Abram Elam...Game Changer


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Local kid (Riviera Beach) done good...we all knew the kid could hit like Tyson but we all wondered about his mental game-in other words; we thought he wasn't too smart.

I watched a segment a couple of weeks ago on SNY with Revis and Rhodes and the other DB's all doing their homework together in somebody's apartment and there was Elam working, and studying film with them. I am becoming more and more impressed with him every week.

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Local kid (Riviera Beach) done good...we all knew the kid could hit like Tyson but we all wondered about his mental game-in other words; we thought he wasn't too smart.

I watched a segment a couple of weeks ago on SNY with Revis and Rhodes and the other DB's all doing their homework together in somebody's apartment and there was Elam working, and studying film with them. I am becoming more and more impressed with him every week.

He is a real starter, I hope he doesnt lose his job to Smith AGAIN...

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Everyone who bashed him coming into this season was foolish. The guy played very well last year for being signed off the street and thrown into the game. A lot of fans just wouldn't forgive him for running into Revis on a Losman-To-Evans deep ball that extended the Bills 6-3 lead to 13-3.

He is 10x better than Eric Smith and this year he is cementing himself as the starting safety for a long time opposite 25.

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Local kid (Riviera Beach) done good...we all knew the kid could hit like Tyson but we all wondered about his mental game-in other words; we thought he wasn't too smart.

I watched a segment a couple of weeks ago on SNY with Revis and Rhodes and the other DB's all doing their homework together in somebody's apartment and there was Elam working, and studying film with them. I am becoming more and more impressed with him every week.

Nice post!

It is nice story, his brother was recently shot and killed in Rivera Beach. For those who don't know Rivera Beach is a rough part of the woods.

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Everyone who bashed him coming into this season was foolish. The guy played very well last year for being signed off the street and thrown into the game. A lot of fans just wouldn't forgive him for running into Revis on a Losman-To-Evans deep ball that extended the Bills 6-3 lead to 13-3.

He is 10x better than Eric Smith and this year he is cementing himself as the starting safety for a long time opposite 25.

I was one of those Elam haters, but I don't care who you are, no one expected Elam to play this good.

I give him much credit.

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Nice post!

It is nice story, his brother was recently shot and killed in Rivera Beach. For those who don't know Rivera Beach is a rough part of the woods.

yea Riviera Beach is the kind of a place you don't want your car to break down in...it's seperated from the beach by a big bridge that goes over to Singer Island-nice snorkeling in that inlet that runs between Singer Island and Palm Beach Island too BBJ

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yea Riviera Beach is the kind of a place you don't want your car to break down in...it's seperated from the beach by a big bridge that goes over to Singer Island-nice snorkeling in that inlet that runs between Singer Island and Palm Beach Island too BBJ

Never heard of it.

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If Elam loses his job when Smith comes back then Smith must have some nasty pictures of Mangini with farm animals.

This is a no contest, Elam is a much better player than Smith. THis was a classic case of an organization favoring a draft pick of their's over a guy they signed off another team's practice squad. Elam from last year proved he is the better player, but the jets gave Smith every chance to prove them wrong and he hasnt/cant.

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Nice post!

It is nice story, his brother was recently shot and killed in Rivera Beach. For those who don't know Rivera Beach is a rough part of the woods.

Actually I he lost more than just his brother, the Elam family has been trouble with death for some years now. Elam wasn't the best kid either, I'm glad he turned it around and started to concentrate on football and stay out the BS. He's been playing very good and making big game changing plays. Props to Abram! Palm beach has really produced some really good football players.

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Actually I he lost more than just his brother, the Elam family has been trouble with death for some years now. Elam wasn't the best kid either, I'm glad he turned it around and started to concentrate on football and stay out the BS. He's been playing very good and making big game changing plays. Props to Abram! Palm beach has really produced some really good football players.

David Clowney is from Delray Beach:D

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If Elam loses his job when Smith comes back then Smith must have some nasty pictures of Mangini with farm animals.

This is a no contest, Elam is a much better player than Smith. THis was a classic case of an organization favoring a draft pick of their's over a guy they signed off another team's practice squad. Elam from last year proved he is the better player, but the jets gave Smith every chance to prove them wrong and he hasnt/cant.

I don't think Smith won the job from Elam. I think Elam lost the job because he missed a decent amount of camp and there were some rumblings that his head wasn't in the game when he got back. That's understandable considering what happened with his brother, but I think that's how Smith was starting. They weren't playing favorites last year when Elam took Coleman's job over Smith.

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I don't think Smith won the job from Elam. I think Elam lost the job because he missed a decent amount of camp and there were some rumblings that his head wasn't in the game when he got back. That's understandable considering what happened with his brother, but I think that's how Smith was starting. They weren't playing favorites last year when Elam took Coleman's job over Smith.

I agree

His brother was murdered the first week of camp. Not only was his brother murdered, but over the last couple of years he has had 2 brothers, and a sister murdered in gang related violence.

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Local kid (Riviera Beach) done good...we all knew the kid could hit like Tyson but we all wondered about his mental game-in other words; we thought he wasn't too smart.

I watched a segment a couple of weeks ago on SNY with Revis and Rhodes and the other DB's all doing their homework together in somebody's apartment and there was Elam working, and studying film with them. I am becoming more and more impressed with him every week.

initially i though ty law would keep himoff the field, but i like lowery as a dime back to help him a bit. Elam, and the whole jet defense is verry talented now. especially with Harris Back, Gholston....ouch!

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It would also be nice if someone else on the defense would force a turnover for a change as well...LOL....

yea I'm waiting for Kerry Rhodes to make a game-winning play at least once this season-maybe he's waiting for the playoffs...damn I just gave myself a chill...PLAYOFFS!!!!!!! THE JETS IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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good > Poteat > Elam > Barrett > Smith

Poteat obviously can't start, at least not there, so Elam it is. Winner of the pig contest is still a pig.


Just the simple fact the Eric Smith is cant stay on the field makes him the worst of that bunch. Elam in his short time has out played everyone of those guys and its not even close.

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Everyone who bashed him coming into this season was foolish. The guy played very well last year for being signed off the street and thrown into the game. A lot of fans just wouldn't forgive him for running into Revis on a Losman-To-Evans deep ball that extended the Bills 6-3 lead to 13-3.

He is 10x better than Eric Smith and this year he is cementing himself as the starting safety for a long time opposite 25.

The only thing I didn't like is he always went for the big hit. Instead of wrapping the guy up, he seems to have change that.

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If Elam loses his job when Smith comes back then Smith must have some nasty pictures of Mangini with farm animals.

This is a no contest, Elam is a much better player than Smith. THis was a classic case of an organization favoring a draft pick of their's over a guy they signed off another team's practice squad. Elam from last year proved he is the better player, but the jets gave Smith every chance to prove them wrong and he hasnt/cant.

His play the last few weeks has been excellent. He made THE play of the day yesterday.

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Poteat > Elam

Is this a serious post? Seriously what does Elam have to do to win some of you over?

He's hardly put a foot wrong this season and has been making BIG time plays in big time games. There's not much more you can ask from the guy. I was impressed with the potential he showed last season but was concerned about the boneheaded plays he would make once per game. He seems to have removed those plays and is actually living up to that potential. From what I've seen of him so far this season, he could be a stud.

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