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TV Land Mafia Game Thread


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You remember when I cast that lone vote for WoodyPaige?

That wasn't an accident.

Care to tell us why?

For now I'll unvote Thor. The connection between him and RJF is obviously now not a Mafia one. It's ****ing awesome that a Mafia member got randomly lynched and unbelievably lucky.

I'm still a little suspicious of CTM but I really want to hear EY's explanation for WoodyPaige. I trust that he made a good call on Thor so I'm interested into what he has to say.

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Care to tell us why?

For now I'll unvote Thor. The connection between him and RJF is obviously now not a Mafia one. It's ****ing awesome that a Mafia member got randomly lynched and unbelievably lucky.

I'm still a little suspicious of CTM but I really want to hear EY's explanation for WoodyPaige. I trust that he made a good call on Thor so I'm interested into what he has to say.

I will always be suspicious of CTM, in every game I ever play with him. I know how smart he is, and you never know how many layers of deception he might be using. Or, he could be brutally honest this time.

As to our friend WoodyPaige...

His stance on the Thor/RJF thing with regard to what he said, plus the timing of his votes for Thor, he's more active than ever, possibly because he's nearly been lynched for his inactivity in the past, and one post he made, which I'm sure no one else will read into, but I believe it's something...

He mentioned the game I screwed up by PM'ing the wrong person. And it was all in the phrasing of what he said:

'He screwed up the game the only time I was mafia.'

To me, this is small, but deliberate. There are dozens of ways to say this none of which are making a subtile and subconscious attempt to show that he's is innoncent now, because that was the only time he was mafia.

Take it for what it's worth, I think it was calculated.

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I will always be suspicious of CTM, in every game I ever play with him. I know how smart he is, and you never know how many layers of deception he might be using. Or, he could be brutally honest this time.

As to our friend WoodyPaige...

His stance on the Thor/RJF thing with regard to what he said, plus the timing of his votes for Thor, he's more active than ever, possibly because he's nearly been lynched for his inactivity in the past, and one post he made, which I'm sure no one else will read into, but I believe it's something...

He mentioned the game I screwed up by PM'ing the wrong person. And it was all in the phrasing of what he said:

'He screwed up the game the only time I was mafia.'

To me, this is small, but deliberate. There are dozens of ways to say this none of which are making a subtile and subconscious attempt to show that he's is innoncent now, because that was the only time he was mafia.

Take it for what it's worth, I think it was calculated.

Good points, I think you're on to something with WP.

After him I'm suspicious of Uart and CTM who like you said is simply impossible to trust in this game.

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come on jvor, pick smartly here ... let's nail mafia and take this in a route..

btw, if the dotor is anybody besides RJF/Thor they should definitely protect Jvor...

if Rjf or Thor has protection abilites, flip a coin to decide whether to protect your self of Jvor. If the mafia want to risk getting blocked they have a 50/50 chance of getting it right that way, much better for them to get 100% shot at a roleless townie I think..

Jvor, if you get an innocent result tonight do not reveal it unless that person is in danger of being lynched.

What do you call a song sung in an automobile?

A cartoon.

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come on jvor, pick smartly here ... let's nail mafia and take this in a route..

btw, if the dotor is anybody besides RJF/Thor they should definitely protect Jvor...

if Rjf or Thor has protection abilites, flip a coin to decide whether to protect your self of Jvor. If the mafia want to risk getting blocked they have a 50/50 chance of getting it right that way, much better for them to get 100% shot at a roleless townie I think..

Jvor, if you get an innocent result tonight do not reveal it unless that person is in danger of being lynched.

What do you call a song sung in an automobile?

A cartoon.

Let it be known that I'm following CTM's advice and randomly selecting between one of the 3 candidates he laid out. I'm also not posting anything unless I find a guilty result or can confirm an innocent that is in danger of getting lynched.

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Vicious would also like to point out the only other vote that has come against Vicious outside of CTM was... Norway. Once again, Vicious voted for Thor as Vicious felt that the JD thing came on too late and the town was in between two people. Vicious did not believe that JVoR was ultimately guilty and was playing n00bish.

Seeing some of the theories in here has led Vicious to a decision.

Vote: WoodyPaige

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We're in the night phase right now...no need for votes yet.

Exactly. Not even considering the fact that doggin is probably not even going to count any votes made until day two begins, there's also more info we will have before then. For example, if someone gets nightkilled, who that is and also what info we get about them. Also whether anyone else has any sort of night action that will come into play, such as a positive investigation from JVoR, etc.

Its good to get some discussion and thoughts out in the meantime, but I think people should also probably refrain from any definitive decisions until we have all the info that will be available to us for day two.

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Vote: WoodyPaige

Love the enthusiasm, but you can't vote at night :biggrin:

Right now, all that happens is people talk through the day's events, and if your role calls for you to do anything at night, then you must send me a PM telling me what you want to do before 7:00pm Monday

(remember, "night" means "game night", not actual days and nights)

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For hours and hours the town argued, and when the time came, the dividing lines were clear. Would it be Thor? Or JVoR? There was only one way to settle it, and everyone knew it.

"To the ring!" After it was all over, nobody could pinpoint the first person to raise the cry, but it was soon taken up by the entire group. "TO THE RING!"

Bloodlust awoken, the group herded the two combatants to a circle of stones just down the hill. Shoved into the ring, the fighters stood, ceremonial knives drawn, and the fight began.

If you could call it a fight. With high pitched shrieks - mingled adrenaline and terror - JVoR and Thor raced at each other, arms flailing. Until Thor tripped and fell, landed flat on his back, staring at the sky, waiting for a death that never came as JVoR, overexcited by the sight of his fallen foe, dove in for the kill.

And lost control of the knife.

Which sailed across the circle, burying itself in the stomach of Norway's Waddling Mamaloof


DAY 1 Has Ended. Norway, a Mafioso, has been Random Lynched (you lucky bastards better thank my wife, who picked "15" when I asked for a number between 1 and 16).

NIGHT 1 Has Begun.

Please PM me all night actions by 7:00pm Monday (it would be earlier, but I've got my niece's birthday party that day). For any Newbs with night actions (check your role PMs) just send me a PM telling me who you'd like to use your powers on.

Damn, dead before even one night kill! What a suckout. :bag:

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