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Wait, so we can't discuss this because some dude is on a vacation in the Caribbean?


I herby grant you permission to speak...



I never said don't talk about it haha.  I said I would avoid this thread until I saw the episode.  And what a great episode it was.  Todd needs to die a horrible death.


How long do you think Walts been in NH?  They never said but it would seem like 6 months is about right.

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I herby grant you permission to speak...



I never said don't talk about it haha.  I said I would avoid this thread until I saw the episode.  And what a great episode it was.  Todd needs to die a horrible death.


How long do you think Walts been in NH?  They never said but it would seem like 6 months is about right.



The old dude visits him once a month to drop of food and newspapers.  I think they showed him going twice or so. I think it is closer to 2- 3 months.  

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The old dude visits him once a month to drop of food and newspapers. I think they showed him going twice or so. I think it is closer to 2- 3 months.

Yeah but the conversation they had the 2nd time they showed him there made it sound like he'd been there a few times.

When he gave him the iv he commented on how he'd do better than before.

Interesting factoid - I can't remember the actors name but the guy who made Walt disappear is from Rochester. He was in Jackie Brown back in the 90s.

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Yeah but the conversation they had the 2nd time they showed him there made it sound like he'd been there a few times.

Interesting factoid - I can't remember the actors name but the guy who made Walt disappear is from Rochester. He was in Jackie Brown back in the 90s.



He does look familiar.  Nice pick up.  Sunday happy and sad. 

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Edit:  The following concerns are not relevant.   The final episode was great.


I'm feeling some trepidation about the final episode.  It's only 1 hour long.


Other than 'Ozmandyas', the last 6 episodes moved amazingly s-l-o-w-l-y. Each week I expected more than actually happened.


So tonight, in one hour, how can we expect closure on so many fronts:



-Walt's family's ultimate welfare

-The money's final owners

-Todd & Co


-The Grey Matter people

-Hank's Wife


It seems to me that (at the snail's pace of most recent episodes) we've only got time for:

-Get big gun

-Have shootout and die. e.g. 'Say hello to my little friend'.  I hope Vince Gilligan is above such a hack ending.

-Leave nothing about the other issues resolved



Really hope I'm wrong.


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Him standing next to the Meth Lab tank and the song they chose is just proof this was a one of a kind TV show. 



I couldn't believe it was ending exactly the way I wanted it to end. 


I loved his **** you phone call with Lydia. Loved that Jesse got to kill creepy Todd. Loved the way he made sure that Flynn would get his inheritance. Loved that we got to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time. Loved the Jesse told him to do it himself. 


Vince Gilligan didn't miss a single beat. 


It was so perfect I was almost disappointed at how perfect it was. 

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Maybe it's just me, but I was very impressed at the beginning when he was in the snow-covered car.


Watching the police lights in the reflection of his glasses, then seeing them slowly creep out of view in the rear of the car..  

I love when a director knows what you're thinking and lets you 'experience' a moment rather than just 'watch' it.

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I couldn't believe it was ending exactly the way I wanted it to end. 


I loved his **** you phone call with Lydia. Loved that Jesse got to kill creepy Todd. Loved the way he made sure that Flynn would get his inheritance. Loved that we got to see Badger and Skinny Pete one last time. Loved the Jesse told him to do it himself. 


Vince Gilligan didn't miss a single beat. 


It was so perfect I was almost disappointed at how perfect it was. 



Other than one of Todd's eyes popping out while Jesse choked that creep to death it was pretty spot on. Lydia looking gray with the atomizer behind her knowing she was gonna die slowly over a couple of days was perfect.  Does it bother you that nothing happen with the other 60 million?  It doens;t bother me because  think it shows that Walt accomplished exactly what he wanted to.


So... what do I start to watch next?

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