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Sox and Mets fans


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If your team were to win a ring in the next few years against a surprise small market team like the Rays or Brewers with the current state of the game, would you celebrate or would you feel sad because your payroll, while not nearly as big as the Yankees, would have given you a clear advantage?

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If your team were to win a ring in the next few years against a surprise small market team like the Rays or Brewers with the current state of the game, would you celebrate or would you feel sad because your payroll, while not nearly as big as the Yankees, would have given you a clear advantage?

I know that I wouldn't be "sad".

What I would feel is that they did what they were expected to do, given norm circumstances. I know this, because it is how I have felt (most recent) when they have had success.

Sport, by my definition should have some basis of expected fairness involved in its course of is outcome. Baseball doesn't have that level playing field.

Just my opinion.

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If your team were to win a ring in the next few years against a surprise small market team like the Rays or Brewers with the current state of the game, would you celebrate or would you feel sad because your payroll, while not nearly as big as the Yankees, would have given you a clear advantage?

The Sox have already done that...TWICE. They had a huge edge over SL and Colorado.

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The Sox have already done that...TWICE. They had a huge edge over SL and Colorado.

So I ask the Sox fans. When the Sox won their rings, did you celebrate or did you just kind of shrug and say "we had a clear advantage, no fun"?

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If your team were to win a ring in the next few years against a surprise small market team like the Rays or Brewers with the current state of the game, would you celebrate or would you feel sad because your payroll, while not nearly as big as the Yankees, would have given you a clear advantage?

Are Yankee fans still hung up on everyone ragging about their payroll?

Dude.. Give it up. Stop caring what fans of any other team think about the Yankees. You guys are the champs. Time for the fans to start acting like it.

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Are Yankee fans still hung up on everyone ragging about their payroll?

Dude.. Give it up. Stop caring what fans of any other team think about the Yankees. You guys are the champs. Time for the fans to start acting like it.

When the fans act like champs Scott yells at us.


Baffled in the Bronx

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Are Yankee fans still hung up on everyone ragging about their payroll?

Dude.. Give it up. Stop caring what fans of any other team think about the Yankees. You guys are the champs. Time for the fans to start acting like it.

I've said nothing about the payroll debate up to this point and all I did was ask a completely legit question. Funny how I knew before posting it that the only met fan I could count on to give a legit answer would be SD.

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If your team were to win a ring in the next few years against a surprise small market team like the Rays or Brewers with the current state of the game, would you celebrate or would you feel sad because your payroll, while not nearly as big as the Yankees, would have given you a clear advantage?

Moot point. Won't it be way too cold for them to celebrate or worr anyway, considering that hell has frozen over?

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If your team were to win a ring in the next few years against a surprise small market team like the Rays or Brewers with the current state of the game, would you celebrate or would you feel sad because your payroll, while not nearly as big as the Yankees, would have given you a clear advantage?

The Sox play the Yankees 19 times a year plus playoffs (if that occurs) so I wouldn't care if they beat the Pirates in the World Series.

Not sure how Mets fans feel.

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Maybe because we're the only fanbase who is apparently not allowed to enjoy watching their team win a championship due to the team's payroll.

who isnt allowing you?

Please. You people need to grow a backbone. Stop worrying what others are saying. No matter what Red Sox fans and pathetic Mets fans will always find something to complain about with the Yankees. If you're waiting for them to kneel down and kiss your rings you'll be waiting a long time. Enjoy the championship and your payroll. Be proud your owner does what it takes to be successful

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I've said nothing about the payroll debate up to this point and all I did was ask a completely legit question. Funny how I knew before posting it that the only met fan I could count on to give a legit answer would be SD.

Have I criticized the Yankees and their payroll? Nope.

Did I congratulate the Yanks on their win? yep.

You werent asking a legitimate question. You were looking for a way to justify the Yankees having the highest payroll and winning by trying to knock the Sox and Mets.

I gave you a real answer. Stop caring what Mets and Red Sox fans think. Yankee fans need to grow a backbone. Nobody is going to give them any credit ever. Your enjoyment of a championship shouldnt be tarnished because of Red Sox and Mets fans.

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who isnt allowing you?

Please. You people need to grow a backbone. Stop worrying what others are saying. No matter what Red Sox fans and pathetic Mets fans will always find something to complain about with the Yankees. If you're waiting for them to kneel down and kiss your rings you'll be waiting a long time. Enjoy the championship and your payroll. Be proud your owner does what it takes to be successful

Don't waste your time with Klecko. He is one of those "fans" who is only happy making fun of other teams and celebrating their losses.

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***** the Red Sox... I hope they enjoyed 2004-2008. Because the days of Red Sox rule in the AL is over.


For the first time in a decade the Yanks did not $hit the bed in FA.

Everything that could go wrong for the Sox did go wrong. Hitting. Pitching. Bullpen. Defense.

Yet, the Yanks only won the division by 8 games and we all know you wanted nothing to do with the Sox in the ALCS.

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For the first time in a decade the Yanks did not $hit the bed in FA.

Everything that could go wrong for the Sox did go wrong. Hitting. Pitching. Bullpen. Defense.

Yet, the Yanks only won the division by 8 games and we all know you wanted nothing to do with the Sox in the ALCS.

Only 8 games?

We beat the team you got swept by. We would of beat the Sox in 5.

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Have I criticized the Yankees and their payroll? Nope.

Did I congratulate the Yanks on their win? yep.

You werent asking a legitimate question. You were looking for a way to justify the Yankees having the highest payroll and winning by trying to knock the Sox and Mets.

I gave you a real answer. Stop caring what Mets and Red Sox fans think. Yankee fans need to grow a backbone. Nobody is going to give them any credit ever. Your enjoyment of a championship shouldnt be tarnished because of Red Sox and Mets fans.

Lil bit, I don't post on here much anymore because of all the disrespect and self proclaimed experts. There's very little to be discussed and it often turns in to childish bickering. Every single thread I've read since the Yanks won it all becomes a debate about payroll so I decided the best course of action would be to generate a discussion about how each team's fan base would allow payroll to dictate their feelings in the event they have a successful season. So, based on the fact that everything comes back to payroll anyway my question is 100% legitimate. How would a fan base feel if they won it all over a team which they had a clear competitive advantage. Not a lot of folks seem interested in answering that question. I fail to see how I need to "grow a backbone" because I'm trying to get some honest repsonses from folks in terms of how they'd feel if they were enjoying the same success the Yankees did this past season by beating a team with significantly fewer resources. I'm a fan. Been a fan for 22 years now and I don't really care how people feel about the Yankees success because all the Yankees have proven over the past ten years is that having the biggest payroll guarentees absolutely nothing. They've been beaten by teams with less than half their payroll and funny how back then the Yankee payroll was a big joke. Something for other fans to laugh at. Now that they won it again, they're ruining baseball.

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The Sox play the Yankees 19 times a year plus playoffs (if that occurs) so I wouldn't care if they beat the Pirates in the World Series.

Not sure how Mets fans feel.

I get that Gainzo. They'd have to beat the Yankees to get there but then they'd move on to the next round against a far weaker team in terms of resources (St. Louis, Colorado) so does that mean the real celebration was after winning the AL East and the rest of it was an example of what's wrong with baseball today, or was there a feeling of having done something meaningful after beating a couple of mid/small market teams with a enormous payroll advantage?

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So I ask the Sox fans. When the Sox won their rings, did you celebrate or did you just kind of shrug and say "we had a clear advantage, no fun"?

I would have to see what the third feels like. ;) Seriously.

The 1st was more of a blurr for me due to the epic ALCS. And after 86 years it could have been done against the Sister's of Mary Middle School and I would not have cared.

In 2007, I was deployed so it was not much more then a temporary distraction.

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Lil bit, I don't post on here much anymore because of all the disrespect and self proclaimed experts. There's very little to be discussed and it often turns in to childish bickering. Every single thread I've read since the Yanks won it all becomes a debate about payroll so I decided the best course of action would be to generate a discussion about how each team's fan base would allow payroll to dictate their feelings in the event they have a successful season. So, based on the fact that everything comes back to payroll anyway my question is 100% legitimate. How would a fan base feel if they won it all over a team which they had a clear competitive advantage. Not a lot of folks seem interested in answering that question. I fail to see how I need to "grow a backbone" because I'm trying to get some honest repsonses from folks in terms of how they'd feel if they were enjoying the same success the Yankees did this past season by beating a team with significantly fewer resources. I'm a fan. Been a fan for 22 years now and I don't really care how people feel about the Yankees success because all the Yankees have proven over the past ten years is that having the biggest payroll guarentees absolutely nothing. They've been beaten by teams with less than half their payroll and funny how back then the Yankee payroll was a big joke. Something for other fans to laugh at. Now that they won it again, they're ruining baseball.


Are you serious?

Its coming from a guy that thinks Wes Welker is better than Randy Moss. So, really...just ignore him.

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For the first time in a decade the Yanks did not $hit the bed in FA.

Everything that could go wrong for the Sox did go wrong. Hitting. Pitching. Bullpen. Defense.

Yet, the Yanks only won the division by 8 games and we all know you wanted nothing to do with the Sox in the ALCS.

"Only" 8 games? 8 games is a HUGE margin. We stunk in 2007 needimng a late charge to make the playoffs and you won the div by 2 games. Whene everything fell apart in '08 you were the WC team and only finished 6 games ahead of us.

No one feared the Sox, it would have been easier than beating Anaheim. Any fear of the Sox left when you traded Manny then when Schilling retired. You still have a good team but nothing to fear.

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Don't waste your time with Klecko. He is one of those "fans" who is only happy making fun of other teams and celebrating their losses.

You can cut that nonsensical BS right now. Don't think for a second that you know me.

I won't even point out the irony of a Pats fan making this ridiculous comment on a Jets message board. :rolleyes:

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"Only" 8 games? 8 games is a HUGE margin. We stunk in 2007 needimng a late charge to make the playoffs and you won the div by 2 games. Whene everything fell apart in '08 you were the WC team and only finished 6 games ahead of us.

No one feared the Sox, it would have been easier than beating Anaheim. Any fear of the Sox left when you traded Manny then when Schilling retired. You still have a good team but nothing to fear.

2008? :rl: Seriously?

That was a well oiled Sox machine that chugged through season? :rl: Seriously?

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You can cut that nonsensical BS right now. Don't think for a second that you know me.

I won't even point out the irony of a Pats fan making this ridiculous comment on a Jets message board. :rolleyes:

Can you please find a post from me where I make of the Jets, Jets fans or Jets players?

Do I know you? Not at all but I do read what you post and most of those posts contain disparaging remarks about Boston fans & Boston teams.

BTW: Not that I need to say this for the millionth time but I was invited to join JN.

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