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Movies We've Seen Thread

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Dark Knight was on TNT after the Kentucky game last night. It's been almost 10 years, I think the initial shock value has declined enough to where we can objectively say that Ledger is absolutely one of the greatest performances of all time.


Without a doubt.  



Speaking of awesome performances/performers, who saw the Trailer for the new MadMax? Love me some Tom Hardy and really hope they gave him a script worth his talent. Pretty stoked for that movie. 

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Without a doubt.  



Speaking of awesome performances/performers, who saw the Trailer for the new MadMax? Love me some Tom Hardy and really hope they gave him a script worth his talent. Pretty stoked for that movie. 


The whole thing looks fantastic. It's nice to see Miller pulled out all the stops considering how long it took to get it made and maybe not ever getting to make one again. IMO that flick is going to steal the summer. They did a screening of it earlier in the year and the reports were that it rocked everyone's balls off.

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so I saw malificent with my kids.  what a pile of crap.  why do directors feel such a need to go away from the original story ?  jackson butchered the best adventure book of all time, and how do you screw up sleeping beauty ?



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so a clockwork orange is on demand.  going to watch it tonight and enjoy some grown up entertainment for a change


I saw the unedited verison on HBO when I was 9 years old.  didn't warp me or anything.  I'm a normal person.  nothing to see here

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so I saw malificent with my kids. what a pile of crap. why do directors feel such a need to go away from the original story ? jackson butchered the best adventure book of all time, and how do you screw up sleeping beauty ?



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meh.  if they wanted to tell the story from her perspective and give her a motive give her a backstory, make her a "hero and a villian" great.  Just don't change the ending.  Disney movies are all about the ending

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so a clockwork orange is on demand. going to watch it tonight and enjoy some grown up entertainment for a change

I saw the unedited verison on HBO when I was 9 years old. didn't warp me or anything. I'm a normal person. nothing to see here

Here's how good that movie is: it makes reading the book pointless. Because all you wind up doing is picture the movie and McDowell's voice the whole time, which is pretty much word for word and scene for scene anyways.

The thing I have always found interesting about ACO from that aspect is that he did 2001 right before it, and with 2001 you need Clarke's book for the context, because they were made to go hand in hand with each other. I have never read if Kubrick created that dichotomy between the two films on purpose but me doth thinks he did.

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meh.  if they wanted to tell the story from her perspective and give her a motive give her a backstory, make her a "hero and a villian" great.  Just don't change the ending.  Disney movies are all about the ending



But the ending, a man rescuing a women, is exactly what they were looking to change.


Some writers were critical of Cinderella cause it was faithful (more or less) to the original tale

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But the ending, a man rescuing a women, is exactly what they were looking to change.


Some writers were critical of Cinderella cause it was faithful (more or less) to the original tale


than just write your own story !   argh !  leave the originals alone !  


my daughter saw cinderella with a mob of her 14 year old friends and they loved it, the only criticism she had was the mice didn't make the dress, lol to her it wasn't faithful enough....

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Here's how good that movie is: it makes reading the book pointless. Because all you wind up doing is picture the movie and McDowell's voice the whole time, which is pretty much word for word and scene for scene anyways.

The thing I have always found interesting about ACO from that aspect is that he did 2001 right before it, and with 2001 you need Clarke's book for the context, because they were made to go hand in hand with each other. I have never read if Kubrick created that dichotomy between the two films on purpose but me doth thinks he did.


I can't wait !  I am prepping with imdb trivia, lol


it wouldn't surprise me if the did that, weren't almost all of his works based on a novel ?

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I can't wait ! I am prepping with imdb trivia, lol

it wouldn't surprise me if the did that, weren't almost all of his works based on a novel ?

Some. Not all. The ones that are book related...2001 was a collaborative effort between him and Clarke, so it's not fair to say whether either is based on the other. Then you have The Shining where he kind of just did whatever he wanted with it and Stephen King is still pissed off about it.

For real though, King is still pissed. Google it. He was still bitching about it as recently as last year.

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Some. Not all. The ones that are book related...2001 was a collaborative effort between him and Clarke, so it's not fair to say whether either is based on the other. Then you have The Shining where he kind of just did whatever he wanted with it and Stephen King is still pissed off about it.

For real though, King is still pissed. Google it. He was still bitching about it as recently as last year.


watching the shining tonight !!   woot !!!


ok I haven't seen ACO all the way through, no interruptions in 20 years.  HOLY MOLY.  


The first thing that struck me was the music /score/ soundtrack !!!  The original "modern" synthesizer stuff is just so super creepy but in an amazingly satisfying way.  The opening scene really sets the mood, and I mean even before you see Alex in the famous stare.


The effect of the classical music playing during the violent scenes is unnerving yet it fits at the same time


I could go on for hours about the themes of prison as punishment or rehabilitation, psychiatry, religion and good and evil as a choice but that is something you do over beers not on a message board


They really edited the violence down to the point where Alex almost becomes too sympathetic too soon.  You don't really get a sense for how vile depraved and ultraviolent he is.  The rape scene in the surprise visit is 3 seconds long.  The rape scene he watches during the ludivoco experiment is 10 seconds long.  I remember the unedited verison being actually, literally, horrifying


The "hog the road" game scene is soo stinking cool even if the effect is cheesy.  That car is something


true story: when I was 17 back in 1984 I crashed my parents car on river road in nissequogue NY on LonG Island.  Its a quiet upscale community and a tight narrow windy road.  I turned it over on its roof and slid onto the river bank, 10 feet from the river.  I was ok, only injury was cuts on my arm from climbing out of the window.  It happened around midnight, 1 am on the weekend.  I was joyriding and just going too darn fast.


This was waaaay before cell phones. I went to the closest house and rang the bell needing to call a wrecker and my dad.  The person answers and I said, "sorry to bother you but I just had a crash and I need to use your phone"  something in the back of my head said "I've heard that somewhere before, I don't think they are going to let me in"




They politely declined and I turned and walked away.  Someone must have heard the crash and called the cops, as I walked down the driveway the cops already arrived and the lights on the cruiser went on and lit up the neighborhood.  The person I had spoken to saw it and came down and gave me her cordless phone.  I never got to ask her is she thought the same thing when I said that and thought of Alex and the boys playing surprise visit.  Good thing, she probably would have not seen the humor. 


amazing movie.

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Fincher's Girl With the Dragon Tattoo really is great. The third Hobbit movie is miserable. This is a post saying things that are easy to say.

Edit: Mara and Craig are clearly spies.

All the hobbit/LOTR movies are miserable. Long, boring pretentious and full of euro trash actors CGI'd to look like dwarves walking through marshes.

The only one that is remotely entertaining was the Desolation of Smaug only because of the dragon. The rest of those movies I fell asleep, woke up, then fell asleep again and then watched the 45 minute ending where fake midgets walk into a field.

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so I watched the shining last night.  watching it a few days after ACO I had to laugh at the synthesizer music playing over the opening credits, did kubrick have that left over and just used it ?  


I wonder if jacks transformation would have been more effective is he started out as a nicer guy.  he seemed like a giant phony during the job interview and then we hear he's a drunk who roughs up his kid.  might have worked better if he was a genuine nice guy.


the ending is so nice tho.  that final zoom in shot where you see jack in the picture from the 1920s is just super cool


jack also seemed to turn really fast, like at the end of the first act.  


danny lloyd was amazing.  I read he was never told it was a horror movie until he saw it for the first time many years later


shelley duvall was great too.  such a vulnerable sweetness that leads to sheer panic and desperation

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