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Much as I don't want to hear it - probably spot on


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Didn't like him as a Steeler ... less as a Gint .... would really love to be wrong but I think he's still a gutless punk


One man went to prison and learned from his mistakes. The other went to prison and may not have changed at all. Or very little. He still seems unaware of just how stupid he was.

I've seen Mike Vick. Interviewed him. Stood a few feet away and examined him. Vick committed acts of horror and went to Leavenworth, which is hell, not a prison. Yet it's obvious to anyone with a discerning eye, Vick is new human being. Prison made him a better man. It's as apparent as his foot speed.

But Plaxico Burress? I'm not so sure. Not after an interview he gave to HBO's "Real Sports," which airs this week in which he appeared to be the same old Plaxico.

"I don't take no [expletive] from nobody," Burress said about his perceived public image. "You got earn my respect as a person. You got love for me. I got love for you."

When told of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's hardened stance against him, Burress responded, 'Who is Mayor Bloomberg?'

"I don't take (expletive) from anyone either, unless my dumb a$ went to prison for shooting myself in a crowded nightclub. Then I might take some (expletive). I might need some humbling. I might not say to a legendary cable network and its legendary host that I don't take (expletive) from anyone because then it would seem I hadn't learned (expletive)."

You can see the differences between perhaps the most well-known ex-cons since O.J. -- and what each has learned.

Vick has learned humility. Now, confuse this with kowtowing. There's a difference. Neither Vick nor Burress should boot lick. But every interview I've seen Vick do, including those in which I've participated, Vick strikes the right balance between redemption and pride.

Burress is different. The HBO interview shows a player oblivious to the judicial system and world around him -- and more. He didn't even fake attempting to hide the fact he believed his celebrity would get him off the gun charge. Sure, Burress didn't deserve prison time and certainly the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, can be stupendously arrogant himself. The fact Burress spent two years in jail is a disgrace.

But Burress -- then and now -- made Bloomberg's job easy. Burress told HBO that when his lawyer informed him that of Bloomberg's hardened position was going to cause Burress serious problems, Burress responded, "Who's Mayor Bloomberg?"

Good God.

That type of ignorance continued throughout Burress' dealings with the judicial system. Burress didn't deserve prison, but I can understand why he did time. He never took what happened seriously, believing his name would shield him. He gave Bloomberg and the legal system his middle finger and the system bit back.

Fast forward to now and that HBO interview. There are glimpses of him maybe getting it. "To be living in that cell 16-17 hours a day, you go from being able to do just about anything that you want to do to basically putting you in a cage, putting you in a box," Burress said. "It'll get your attention."

But did it really? In other moments Burress doesn't seem nearly so contrite or that he's learned from those humiliating days.

"I don’t take [expletive] from nobody."

I get the feeling Burress would make the same type of mistakes today he made then. The kind of mistakes people make who think they are untouchable and I'm beginning to believe Burress still thinks he's untouchable.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it's difficult when we have Vick as a comparison. Vick and Burress are two freakish talents who once thought the rules didn't apply to them. Vick's transgressions were far more severe but so was the fall. The subsequent comeback is one of the great turnaround stories we've ever seen in sports.

Burress' story is still being written, but I'm concerned his ending won't be as tidy as Vick's appears so far. I'm worried we haven't seen the last of Burress not takin

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vick and plax are different people, different stories, different circumstances

unless you just want to boil it down to "black guy screws up and changes his ways" like the author did

vick faced enourmous national public backlash and hatred and venom for MONTHS

everyone did the facepalm for plax for a few days

very different, in every way

except one, of course

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What a horrible post. Just because you "see" Vick during interviews, doesn't mean you know his heart or what he's truly thinking inside of that sick mind of his. The only people that Burress hurt was himself and his family. That's it. One incident at a night club. He made a stupid decision, shot himself in the leg, and he's already been punished. What Vick did was pure evil. I could never lay a hand on an innocent animal, let alone drown a helpless dog, electrocute an innocent dog, slam an already wounded animals against the wall, beat the living sh*t out of them etc etc... What Mike Vick did was and is still disgusting. Vick is an EVIL person with a COLD heart. A normal person, with a good soul could never think to even imagine the types of stuff Vick did. He tortured them pitbulls. But yet, you're sticking up for this rotten person, All because he puts on a good public image for the media? You're gullible and naive when it comes to a sick person like Vick. You think going to prison for a little while changed this man? Clueless. If Vick could do that to an animal, just imagine what he could do to a little baby, child, kid or lady once he loses his temper. Two wrongs don't make a right, but lets no compare Burress to Vick. If anything, lets compare Roethlisberger to Vick. Both are sick freaks.

Go to hell Vick.

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I don't think Burress should have gone to prison for what he did. Prison is for evil people, not stupid people, if the same thing happened to me I would be pissed off too. Losing 2 years of my life because I accidentally shot myself and was ignorant of the gun laws of the state I was in which is what would have landed me 2 years in jail. Burress isn't a bad guy, he wasn't about to go rob a 7/11, or mug someone on the street, he was just stupid and didn't think enough to look up the new york state and city gun laws, but still I don't think it was just for him to be sent to prison for 2 years when he himself was the only victim of the crime.

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What a horrible post. Just because you "see" Vick during interviews, doesn't mean you know his heart or what he's truly thinking inside of that sick mind of his. The only people that Burress hurt was himself and his family. That's it. One incident at a night club. He made a stupid decision, shot himself in the leg, and he's already been punished. What Vick did was pure evil. I could never lay a hand on an innocent animal, let alone drown a helpless dog, electrocute an innocent dog, slam an already wounded animals against the wall, beat the living sh*t out of them etc etc... What Mike Vick did was and is still disgusting. Vick is an EVIL person with a COLD heart. But yet, you're sticking up for this rotten person, All because he puts on a good public image for the media? You're gullible and naive when it comes to a sick person like Vick. You think going to prison for a little while changed this man? Clueless. If Vick could do that to an animal, just imagine what he could do to a little baby, child, kid or lady once he loses his temper. Two wrongs don't make a right, but lets no compare Burress to Vick. If anything, lets compare Roethlisberger to Vick. Both are sick freaks.

Don't give a white rats azz about Mike Vick. What the article said, what the HBO special will highlight, and what I fear is that Burress is still talking and acting like "he da man" and he never was "da man" in my book. Hoping I'm wrong.

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Don't give a white rats azz about Mike Vick. What the article said, what the HBO special will highlight, and what I fear is that Burress is still talking and acting like "he da man" and he never was "da man" in my book. Hoping I'm wrong.

You don't give a rats a$$ about Mike Vick? What you posted says otherwise.

"One man went to prison and learned from his mistakes. The other went to prison and may not have changed at all. Or very little. He still seems unaware of just how stupid he was. I've seen Mike Vick. Interviewed him. Stood a few feet away and examined him. Vick committed acts of horror and went to Leavenworth, which is hell, not a prison. Yet it's obvious to anyone with a discerning eye, Vick is new human being. Prison made him a better man. It's as apparent as his foot speed."

You said one man went to prison and "learned from his mistakes"... Just because you've "seen" , "intervied" and even "stood a few feet away" from Mike Vick and even "examined him" since he's been released... doesn't mean that you know anything about him. He's a sick person. It's as simple as that. Going away for a little while doesn't change someone like that. He needs mental help, and not short term mental help either, mental help for the rest of his life. It's obvious that Vick is a "new human being" and prison made him a "better man"? Get real. He deserved to go to prison. He should still be in prison. That doesn't mean he's changed one bit as a person. I'm sure Casey Anthony is also a "new person" after killing her own innocent child too, after all... She's out of jail after doing 2 or 3 years leading up to the trial. Yeah, she's cured too. "Just like Vick". Being sick and evil is in his DNA... A good person would have never done sick crap like that. Never. Plaxico Burress made a stupid mistake. It's as simple as that. Everyone makes mistakes, we're all human, but not everyone commits acts of violence and torture. Thats the difference between Vick and Burress. One man made a mistake at a night club, drinking liquor and having a good time with friends... the other deserves to rot in hell for what he did to innocent dogs. Lets not sit here and say Burress didn't learn his lesson, all because of a little interview you read.

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You don't give a rats a$ about Mike Vick? What you posted says otherwise.

"One man went to prison and learned from his mistakes. The other went to prison and may not have changed at all. Or very little. He still seems unaware of just how stupid he was. I've seen Mike Vick. Interviewed him. Stood a few feet away and examined him. Vick committed acts of horror and went to Leavenworth, which is hell, not a prison. Yet it's obvious to anyone with a discerning eye, Vick is new human being. Prison made him a better man. It's as apparent as his foot speed."

You said one man went to prison and "learned from his mistakes"... Just because you've "seen" , "intervied" and even "stood a few feet away" from Mike Vick and even "examined him" since he's been released... doesn't mean that you know anything about him. He's a sick person. It's as simple as that. Going away for a little while doesn't change someone like that. He needs mental help, and not short term mental help either, mental help for the rest of his life. It's obvious that Vick is a "new human being" and prison made him a "better man"? Get real. He deserved to go to prison. He should still be in prison. That doesn't mean he's changed one bit as a person. I'm sure Casey Anthony is also a "new person" after killing her own innocent child too, after all... She's out of jail after doing 2 or 3 years leading up to the trial. Yeah, she's cured too. "Just like Vick". Being sick and evil is in his DNA... A good person would have never done sick crap like that. Never. Plaxico Burress made a stupid mistake. It's as simple as that. Everyone makes mistakes, we're all human, but not everyone commits acts of violence and torture. Thats the difference between Vick and Burress. One man made a mistake at a night club, drinking liquor and having a good time with friends... the other deserves to rot in hell for what he did to innocent dogs. Lets not sit here and say Burress didn't learn his lesson, all because of a little interview you read.

Archimedes ... you were reading Mike Freemans article on the Burress's HBO interview on CBS Sportsline (click on the link) Those aren't my words and the only thing I'm sadly agreeing with is that Plaxico Burress is still probably the same anal sphincter he was when I first saw him drop countless passes over the middle with the Steelers. I, like you, am just wanting the best for our Jets - and I love dogs ... btw

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vick and plax are different people, different stories, different circumstances

unless you just want to boil it down to "black guy screws up and changes his ways" like the author did

vick faced enourmous national public backlash and hatred and venom for MONTHS

everyone did the facepalm for plax for a few days

very different, in every way

except one, of course

Yeah Im not sure I see the similarity. Vick lost so much money going to jail. He was looked at as public enemy number 1. He went from being one of the 5 most popular and marketable athletes in the world to the most hated in the blink of an eye. He more or less had to beg for teams to give him an opportunity to play again and at a premium position ended up making about the same as Plaxico made in his first year out of prison. He dealt with protests at every turn. There are still alot of people that hate Vick. My in laws loved him from his college days (they are from Virginia) and would always follow him in Atlanta. They cant stand him anymore and that opinion will never change.

Plax is different. Hes looked at as "that dummy that shot himself with the gun". He was never anywhere near the level of a Mike Vick in the public eye on both the positive or negative scale. Plax has nothing to overcome except age.

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Archimedes ... you were reading Mike Freemans article on the Burress's HBO interview on CBS Sportsline (click on the link) Those aren't my words and the only thing I'm sadly agreeing with is that Plaxico Burress is still probably the same anal sphincter he was when I first saw him drop countless passes over the middle with the Steelers. I'm just wanting the best for our Jets - and I love dogs btw

K, sorry for the misunderstanding. I just feel it's wrong to compare Burress to a sick person such as Vick or anyone else who hurts people for a living. But you don't feel Burress learned from his mistakes, all because of an interview you read? I just find that a little silly myself. The man did prison time for hurting himself.

If Burress can return to form... Our offense will be sick. If Plaxico can return to form, Sanchez will have a playmaking beast on his team.

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K, sorry for the misunderstanding. I just feel it's wrong to compare Burress to a sick person such as Vick or anyone else who hurts people for a living. But you don't feel Burress learned from his mistakes, all because of an interview you read? I just find that a little silly myself. The man did prison time for hurting himself.

Burress went to prison for bringing an unlicensed gun into New York, maybe that flies in Arizona, but it doesn't here. He also went to prison for endangering the lives of others. He's lucky he only shot himself.

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I just added someone to my ignore list because I realized that person probably will never contribute any intelligent post while on JN. I'm not saying who, but this is the first time I've done this when I'm not even close to involved in a conversation! New record!

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Come on now. It's obvious to anyone that Burress became a scape goat for much more. Dude accidentally shot himself. Victimless. His crime was virtually nothing shy of stupidity. Vick on the other hand tortured dogs, which to me is far worse than being overly paranoid and shooting yourself. Yeah, the clown who wrote this article knows by looking him in the eye that he's a changed man. Shut da hell up. You don't know squat. You never did. Plax's punishment was unnecessarily harsh. Who cares if he's a "changed" man. He didn't really do anything wrong to begin with. It ain't like he caused tons of suffering to others or hurt someone in a DWI accident or anything remotely close.

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Burress went to prison for bringing an unlicensed gun into New York, maybe that flies in Arizona, but it doesn't here. He also went to prison for endangering the lives of others. He's lucky he only shot himself.

i'd just like to point out that a gun doesn't suddenly become less dangerous when it is registered. if you believe that burress deserved the jail time that's certainly your right to hold that opinion. saying he is lucky that h eonly shot himself is stupid though.....if thats the case then cops are lucky that the guns they carry aren't accidentally shooting people all the time

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"I don't take no [expletive] from nobody," Burress said about his perceived public image. "You got earn my respect as a person. You got love for me. I got love for you."

I don't care about the argument going on in thread - however, this quote stands out to me. The word "respect" has lost its meaning, and our society has lost the values that once drove young men and women to be respectful to each other, to their elders, etc... in order to gain respect. Instead young people, and even many middle-aged people, have deemed that they "deserve" respect, otherwise they will not give respect in return.

It doesn't work that way. I find that the people that talk about getting respect most, are often the most disrespectful I encounter on a daily basis, and typically what I'd consider trash.

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Yeah Im not sure I see the similarity. Vick lost so much money going to jail. He was looked at as public enemy number 1. He went from being one of the 5 most popular and marketable athletes in the world to the most hated in the blink of an eye. He more or less had to beg for teams to give him an opportunity to play again and at a premium position ended up making about the same as Plaxico made in his first year out of prison. He dealt with protests at every turn. There are still alot of people that hate Vick. My in laws loved him from his college days (they are from Virginia) and would always follow him in Atlanta. They cant stand him anymore and that opinion will never change.

Plax is different. Hes looked at as "that dummy that shot himself with the gun". He was never anywhere near the level of a Mike Vick in the public eye on both the positive or negative scale. Plax has nothing to overcome except age.

right, that's what I meant to say :D

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I don't care about the argument going on in thread - however, this quote stands out to me. The word "respect" has lost its meaning, and our society has lost the values that once drove young men and women to be respectful to each other, to their elders, etc... in order to gain respect. Instead young people, and even many middle-aged people, have deemed that they "deserve" respect, otherwise they will not give respect in return.

It doesn't work that way. I find that the people that talk about getting respect most, are often the most disrespectful I encounter on a daily basis, and typically what I'd consider trash.

Old people have been saying that every generation. Old people are just really cranky and generally don't want anyone to have a chance at their position in life.

Also, I think it is the height of stupidity to expect to be allowed to disrespect people but have them respect you for it. Anybody that does that isn't worth of respect, for both sides. If you're unwilling to show basic respect to others, you can cry all you want that they don't respect you, it really won't change anything. I have never had a problem getting respect from people in person.

You seem to try to belittle people even on the internet, and if that is an extension of your real life personality, that is the source of your problems.

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Old people have been saying that every generation. Old people are just really cranky and generally don't want anyone to have a chance at their position in life.

Also, I think it is the height of stupidity to expect to be allowed to disrespect people but have them respect you for it. Anybody that does that isn't worth of respect, for both sides. If you're unwilling to show basic respect to others, you can cry all you want that they don't respect you, it really won't change anything. I have never had a problem getting respect from people in person.

You seem to try to belittle people even on the internet, and if that is an extension of your real life personality, that is the source of your problems.

I think you misread the point of my post. I was commenting on the prevailing attitude in our country that respect doesn't need to be earned, rather just some people think they deserve it, and it is those people that usually end up being least deserving.

I don't have an issue gaining respect, because I work my a$$ off to gain it. But gaining respect isn't my highest priority, being respectful to others is... the rest works itself out.

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From a different perspective why would anyone bring a loaded gun into a club ? I could see if he shot himself on the street or in his backyard which would have also got him the same sentence (i think ) but bringing a gun into a crowded club where people are always looking for trouble is just as stupid as shooting himself. I mean what was he going to do with the gun in the club if trouble erupted ? Start firing ?

I think Burress is an idiot and I also think he had bad intentions.

I think Micheal Vick is a sick twisted bastard and I dont think his true feelings for Dogs has changed at all they are just animals to him, nothing else. Hes getting praise for basicly doing the simple task of staying away from the disgusting trade that got him thrown in jail and speaking to some kids now and then or showing up at an event when his agent tells him too. Trust me Micheal Vick is not leading the charge hes being told what to do to help his image nothing more.

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I think you misread the point of my post. I was commenting on the prevailing attitude in our country that respect doesn't need to be earned, rather just some people think they deserve it, and it is those people that usually end up being least deserving.

I don't have an issue gaining respect, because I work my a$$ off to gain it. But gaining respect isn't my highest priority, being respectful to others is... the rest works itself out.

Respect is easy to earn. Just have integrity and do what you say you're going to do. That's how you gain respect. You shouldn't have to work your a$$ off for that. Just treat people the way you'd like to be treated.

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I really don't give a sh*t if Burress has "changed" or not.

"Unchanged" with the Giants, he was a dynamic big game WR. That's all I want. He's on a 1 yr deal. He can shoot his leg again in 2012 for all I care. It's his life.

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Respect is easy to earn. Just have integrity and do what you say you're going to do. That's how you gain respect. You shouldn't have to work your a$$ off for that. Just treat people the way you'd like to be treated.

I work my a$$ off for it in my career, as in I bring it every day. In life it is as you say, but we're splitting hairs over 2 different types of respects. Respect as a human being... and respect amongst professional peers.

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From a different perspective why would anyone bring a loaded gun into a club ? I could see if he shot himself on the street or in his backyard which would have also got him the same sentence (i think ) but bringing a gun into a crowded club where people are always looking for trouble is just as stupid as shooting himself. I mean what was he going to do with the gun in the club if trouble erupted ? Start firing ?

I think Burress is an idiot and I also think he had bad intentions.

I think Micheal Vick is a sick twisted bastard and I dont think his true feelings for Dogs has changed at all they are just animals to him, nothing else. Hes getting praise for basicly doing the simple task of staying away from the disgusting trade that got him thrown in jail and speaking to some kids now and then or showing up at an event when his agent tells him too. Trust me Micheal Vick is not leading the charge hes being told what to do to help his image nothing more.

athletes get mugged for bling, and they get murdered for it. I'm not excusing it, just answering your question

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athletes get mugged for bling, and they get murdered for it. I'm not excusing it, just answering your question

I dont know of any athletes getting murdered for bling or even mugged for that matter. Might have heard of a few instances but its certainly not an epidemic that should compel you to bring a loaded gun into a crowded night club.

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I dont know of any athletes getting murdered for bling or even mugged for that matter. Might have heard of a few instances but its certainly not an epidemic that should compel you to bring a loaded gun into a crowded night club.

sean taylor is the most notorious

plax's team mate, steve smith was robbed at gunpoint.

rashard mendenhall robbed at gunpoint.

mardy gilyard robbed at gunpoint.

I heard the NFL offers a bodyguard program as well as the car service, so it's still really dumb, but these guys are targets, and he choose to carry. having a loaded gun in your pants is really really dumb, but I bet a lot of guys carry

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