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Paterno FINALLY retiring in 3....2....1.....


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I know ESPN's lack of integrity is low-hanging fruit, but seriously: the "expert" they tabbed to opine on this whole thing is Matt Millen, who is a) a former Penn State player; B) a close personal friend of Joe Paterno; c) a member of the board of directors of Jerry Sandusky's charity; and d) a ******* dunce.

LOL - you mean the living, breathing, reason for the Millen Man March?

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I know ESPN's lack of integrity is low-hanging fruit, but seriously: the "expert" they tabbed to opine on this whole thing is Matt Millen, who is a) a former Penn State player; B) a close personal friend of Joe Paterno; c) a member of the board of directors of Jerry Sandusky's charity; and d) a ******* dunce.

It's impossible to get anything resembling hard news out of ESPN on any topic, whether it be Penn State, steroids in baseball, etc. This is what happens when you're the de facto marketing arm for every league going. The best they can do is throw up some dire-looking backdrop and have some compromised "expert" come out and equivocate. It's truly pathetic.

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It's impossible to get anything resembling hard news out of ESPN on any topic, whether it be Penn State, steroids in baseball, etc. This is what happens when you're the de facto marketing arm for every league going. The best they can do is throw up some dire-looking backdrop and have some compromised "expert" come out and equivocate. It's truly pathetic.

They need to just start deferring to Whitlock.

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Just the cover up in itself just makes it seem we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of this story. This guy set up a non for profit for the sole intention of picking up little boys.

There are going to be some dark, dark details that come out on how all of this was covered up for so long.

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Millen crying on ESPN was pathetic. This whole thing is just pathetic. I don't understand how any PSU person has any reaction other than rage. If any of this sh*t happened at my alma mater I'd be debating about whether or not I should be burning my diploma.

Bro, it almost seems as though this is some kind of cult. ESPN has interviewed nothing but PSU apologist, its really sickening.

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Millen crying on ESPN was pathetic. This whole thing is just pathetic. I don't understand how any PSU person has any reaction other than rage. If any of this sh*t happened at my alma mater I'd be debating about whether or not I should be burning my diploma.

All I can do is speak for myself-I will not pretend to represent one else in my thoughts, as that is a dangerous thing.

Of course I feel rage. Out of all the crimes that can be committed, this is by far the most depraved and despicable. There is nothing that can ever confuse those facts, and those that willing covered up, or looked the other way deserve all the scorn and legal liabilities that can be handed down. Nothing is strong enough.

For those that are outside the PSU community, I will simply tell you that you don't "get" what the majority (and I am speaking to people that I know and associated with from there) feel about that place. I don't say that in any condescending tone, but you either have been there and get that, or you don't.

To put it simply, State College represents an ideal that was a simple version of shang-ra-la. A simplicity of live, an innocent time, and insulation from real life (turns out, that insulation may have been its undoing). I know that I am waxing poetic here, but there was a pristine and innocent quality about the place that was special. I know this is shared with many others that I have come in contact from that fraternity-Again, I will not say thiwas everyone's experience.

Penn State football and Paterno were a special piece of that. It was a program done the right way (hey, it was not perfect, I saw warts) and it was something we could hold on to. Paterno seemed the genuine article. There was not a bone in his body that appeared to self serving and "above it all". As an aside, from a Jet fan perspective, it was sure nice to have a football team you could be proud of, and prop up on a national level.

That is why this is so hard for many to wrap their head around this. Imagine if you came home one day and heard that your mom was a serial killer, and had murdered 12 people over the last decade. You had no idea. The person that nurtured you, loved you and that you cared for had blindsided you with something you never thought capable. That is what this is like.

Call it another case in life where you lose some more innocence and naivete. One that you thought you could possibly hold on to forever. It was that locked in.

As far as mention of people should be thinking of burning diplomas-That is a silly suggestion. People are not a byproduct of what they come from or where they come from-They are their own people. Because there are pedophile predators associated with an organization, does not make everyone so. We are not a product of what we come in contact with, more so we are a product of what we do and believe.

Don't get that confused.

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Bro, it almost seems as though this is some kind of cult. ESPN has interviewed nothing but PSU apologist, its really sickening.

If there's one thing, ONE thing that should make a grown adult toss aside the retarded utopian narrative and make them come to their senses, you'd think kids getting raped would be it.

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The whole regime will get dumped -I expect that with the board trustee meeting today.

All the good Joe has done for the community of Penn St will be negated by not taking the proper stnace to notify authorites and letting a beast continue to roam on Penn St campus

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The whole regime will get dumped -I expect that with the board trustee meeting today.

All the good Joe has done for the community of Penn St will be negated by not taking the proper stnace to notify authorites and letting a beast continue to roam on Penn St campus

That is a foregone conclusion.

All that is left will be the ability for those to speak to what they knew, how they reacted and how could they not follow up.

My only hope is that these can be communicated unfettered from legal deals on the side, or are muted.

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All I can do is speak for myself-I will not pretend to represent one else in my thoughts, as that is a dangerous thing.

Of course I feel rage. Out of all the crimes that can be committed, this is by far the most depraved and despicable. There is nothing that can ever confuse those facts, and those that willing covered up, or looked the other way deserve all the scorn and legal liabilities that can be handed down. Nothing is strong enough.

For those that are outside the PSU community, I will simply tell you that you don't "get" what the majority (and I am speaking to people that I know and associated with from there) feel about that place. I don't say that in any condescending tone, but you either have been there and get that, or you don't.

To put it simply, State College represents an ideal that was a simple version of shang-ra-la. A simplicity of live, an innocent time, and insulation from real life (turns out, that insulation may have been its undoing). I know that I am waxing poetic here, but there was a pristine and innocent quality about the place that was special. I know this is shared with many others that I have come in contact from that fraternity-Again, I will not say thiwas everyone's experience.

Penn State football and Paterno were a special piece of that. It was a program done the right way (hey, it was not perfect, I saw warts) and it was something we could hold on to. Paterno seemed the genuine article. There was not a bone in his body that appeared to self serving and "above it all". As an aside, from a Jet fan perspective, it was sure nice to have a football team you could be proud of, and prop up on a national level.

That is why this is so hard for many to wrap their head around this. Imagine if you came home one day and heard that your mom was a serial killer, and had murdered 12 people over the last decade. You had no idea. The person that nurtured you, loved you and that you cared for had blindsided you with something you never thought capable. That is what this is like.

Call it another case in life where you lose some more innocence and naivete. One that you thought you could possibly hold on to forever. It was that locked in.

As far as mention of people should be thinking of burning diplomas-That is a silly suggestion. People are not a byproduct of what they come from or where they come from-They are their own people. Because there are pedophile predators associated with an organization, does not make everyone so. We are not a product of what we come in contact with, more so we are a product of what we do and believe.

Don't get that confused.

I agree with everything you said, and I'll even add a bit. So many outsiders for years were saying Joe should hang it up, that PSU was not a winner anymore. They did not get or understand the community there. To be honest, my sentiment was that I could live with not being the big powerhouse year in and year out because I knew my team was doing it right. That was a sentiment that most people I knew shared at Penn State. To have this all come down under such evil pretense is shocking to say the least. I tell you, I feel like the boy at the end of 8 Men Out saying "Say it ain't so, Joe!". But the evidence is damning. I also am so disgusted with how this is being handled. Spanier should have been fired yesterday. There is no excuse that he is still employed. Paterno should be allowed to speak and then be relieved of his duties as coach. Actually, I agree with what Tony Kornheiser said last night. If Joe Paterno wants to speak, then he should go out on the street and start talking to the press. It shouldn't matter what Penn State says, and it REALLY shouldn't matter what Spanier says.

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Wouldn't surprise me if Penn St were paying players just like everyone else. If they can cover up something so terrible....nothing should make you think they weren't giving handouts either.

Generally when a person/institution likes to tell you they do things the right way...there's generally some skeletons behind it.

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Just from these posts from the Penn Staters, it seems a bit cultish. Just watching the video of Joe Pa in front of his house....it's bizarre.

You don't get it if you did not attend there. We don't expect you to get it.

Not trying to put anyone down, but it is different. You have to experience it and live there.

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You don't get it if you did not attend there. We don't expect you to get it.

Not trying to put anyone down, but it is different. You have to experience it and live there.

And that sounds cultish.

I mean college campuses are delusional and out of touch to begin with....but this situation gives it new meaning. Truman Showesque

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Wouldn't surprise me if Penn St were paying players just like everyone else. If they can cover up something so terrible....nothing should make you think they weren't giving handouts either.

Generally when a person/institution likes to tell you they do things the right way...there's generally some skeletons behind it.

Probably should start checking the endzones for bodies, too.

NCAA checks PSU like they do everyone else. If you want to say that PSU is checked differently, well that would be your opinion. Other schools don't just volunteer digressions to the NCAA, they are found.

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Millen crying on ESPN was pathetic. This whole thing is just pathetic. I don't understand how any PSU person has any reaction other than rage. If any of this sh*t happened at my alma mater I'd be debating about whether or not I should be burning my diploma.

As a Penn State Alum, that is nonsense. I am proud of my school and my degree. These people who covered this up are garbage, but the school has been around much longer than them and will be around. One thing has nothing to do with the other. You cannot condem the entire school for the acts of several people. Is the situation bad, absolutely. Should they all be fired, yes. Will this affect the school long term, no. No more so than the incidents that have happened over the years at Rutgers.

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As a Penn State Alum, that is nonsense. I am proud of my school and my degree. These people who covered this up are garbage, but the school has been around much longer than them and will be around. One thing has nothing to do with the other. You cannot condem the entire school for the acts of several people. Is the situation bad, absolutely. Should they all be fired, yes. Will this affect the school long term, no. No more so than the incidents that have happened over the years at Rutgers.

I agree...burning your diploma is absurd..however this scandal will probably linger. Joe Pa's legacy is done...the whole sanctity of the program from the "we do it the right way" to the plain uniforms is all tarnished. It will absolutely affect the school long term.

The fact that they're letting him finish the season is a PR disaster. Too bad they're not on the road this week....but I bet if that were the case, he wouldn't go.

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Too bad they're not on the road this week....but I bet if that were the case, he wouldn't go.

You don't know Joe well at all.

The program will survive because the resolve behind it (as well as money) are strong.

Regardless the current tarnish, the program is a great job for someone. It is Eastern Football supremacy, with a loyal, large spending fanbase, a rich recruiting base, and tradition.

Time heals all wounds. While this will take a while, there will be healing. We can not begin that though, until the truth is known. One step at a time. The future can be discussed once facts are known.

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There's already talk that Urban Meyer might be the guy next year. There will not be NCAA sanctions because this is a legal matter. By next year pretty much anyone related to the current regime in any way shape or form down to the water boys will be gone and there will be a fresh slate. The University will persevere, and honestly it will be an attractive place because all traces of this scandal will be gone.

Believe me, I am appalled with the actions and lack of actions that took place during this time. But as I think of it more and more, I am just enraged by Mike McQueary's actions that night. How do you not step in? i mean think about it, he left that building and the boy behind. Who drove that boy home?? I mean, you witness this horrible event and you LEAVE??? You make no effort to protect that child?? For god sakes he's a 28 year old man who is over 6'4" and weighs over 220 lbs!!! I hope his decision tortures his mind for the rest of his life.

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There's already talk that Urban Meyer might be the guy next year. There will not be NCAA sanctions because this is a legal matter. By next year pretty much anyone related to the current regime in any way shape or form down to the water boys will be gone and there will be a fresh slate. The University will persevere, and honestly it will be an attractive place because all traces of this scandal will be gone.

Believe me, I am appalled with the actions and lack of actions that took place during this time. But as I think of it more and more, I am just enraged by Mike McQueary's actions that night. How do you not step in? i mean think about it, he left that building and the boy behind. Who drove that boy home?? I mean, you witness this horrible event and you LEAVE??? You make no effort to protect that child?? For god sakes he's a 28 year old man who is over 6'4" and weighs over 220 lbs!!! I hope his decision tortures his mind for the rest of his life.

Never liked McQueary-I thought he was soft as a QB, never seemed to be able to deal with adversity, and these were all football aspects of him.

As I said earlier, I wondered aloud what ever made him assistant material in a program.

he is actually recruiting coordinator, which is a highly valued job.

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