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Jets Bring In Tom Moore, Offensive Guru, To Iron Out The Kinks

Lizard King

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When has Woody ever shown "a set," other than trying to be a hardliner on PSL gouging? He "fired" Mangini because Mangini's personality wasn't selling any tickets in the NMS.

I liked what this guy just wrote over on Twitter:


T0mShaneTom Shane

I'm sure that Tom Moore whispering in one ear and Schotty whispering in the other will do wonders for un-confusing Mark Sanchez.

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I always thought he took too much heat but enough is enough. Whether or not it's really his fault this offense has played some abysmal games. Sanchez is a mess, lazy route running, Holmes and Mason mouthing off, the running game sputtering... how much evidence does the team need? Keeping him next year is crazy talk.

good post-we know at least one thing: Schottenheimer isn't helping Sanchez at all and he clearly has regressed. Now a lot factors into that; crappy O-line play, inconsistent running attack, disgruntled WR's no #2 TE and a #1 TE who goes from all pro-like play to JAG from series to series but 1 thing always remains the same; the offensive coordinator.

Someone has to answer for it and we all know it isn't going to be Rex Ryan. It's also not going to be Mark Sanchez so the only other logical person's neck for the axe to land on is Schitty's.

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I liked what this guy just wrote over on Twitter:


T0mShaneTom Shane

I'm sure that Tom Moore whispering in one ear and Schotty whispering in the other will do wonders for un-confusing Mark Sanchez.

You mean this is not T0m Shane? photo-thumb-9582.gif

He must have a face for radio, and a voice for interwebz.

Why else would we not get his commentary anywhere else?

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You mean this is not T0m Shane? photo-thumb-9582.gif

He must have a face for radio, and a voice for interwebz.

Why else would we not get his commentary anywhere else?

I have a face for hi-def and the voice of James Earl Jones and Alec Baldwin's love-child. It's my brain that's not fit for public life.

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It sucks that every year under Rex the Jets are a work-in-progress.

Hopefully next year the Jets will be good out the gate and stay that way.

No kidding we're heading into game 12 and rex is still saying we need to improve. This team and most SB caliber teams should be firing on all cylinders right now but the Jets still cant get their heads out of their asses

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The pass defense was comical. He didnt get any better in Cleveland either. That article regarding the coaches and Colt Mccoy sounded like a Bear Braynt camp in the 50's.

I'm not saying Mangini was a great coach at all, but to say that Woody Johnson-in his vast and infinite wisdom--fired Mangini based on his personal evaluation of his ability to coach a football team is naive at best. Woody sells tickets. That's his primary objective.

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Other than the Pats going to another Super Bowl (I don't see them beating Pittsburgh or Baltimore), I agree with everything you said.

We're not good enough to go deep into the playoffs this year. So let's just tank the season and get Schotty out of here.

if you gave me the option of tanking the season on day 1 i would do it to get Shotty out of here because I know at some point in the playoffs he will do something totally ignorant to cost us a game.

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I'm not saying Mangini was a great coach at all, but to say that Woody Johnson-in his vast and infinite wisdom--fired Mangini based on his personal evaluation of his ability to coach a football team is naive at best. Woody sells tickets. That's his primary objective.

Welcome to professional sports.

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I'm not saying Mangini was a great coach at all, but to say that Woody Johnson-in his vast and infinite wisdom--fired Mangini based on his personal evaluation of his ability to coach a football team is naive at best. Woody sells tickets. That's his primary objective.

No but the one thing we did know about that night Tom is that Woody was pissed and kept Tannenbaum up all night and made him make the call to fire him at 3 in the morning. Now I know I keep going back to what me and Rich (SJ) talked about via PMs on Twitter that (according to JP Pelzman now) Woody is again pissed and his ire is aimed squarely at Scottenheimer. That's a good sign for those of us here who have been demanding change.

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if you gave me the option of tanking the season on day 1 i would do it to get Shotty out of here because I know at some point in the playoffs he will do something totally ignorant to cost us a game.

the sad part about it smash is that the Jets don't even HAVE to "tank" anything-the offense is bad enough as it is.

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No but the one thing we did know about that night Tom is that Woody was pissed and kept Tannenbaum up all night and made him make the call to fire him at 3 in the morning. Now I know I keep going back to what me and Rich (SJ) talked about via PMs on Twitter that (according to JP Pelzman now) Woody is again pissed and his ire is aimed squarely at Scottenheimer. That's a good sign for those of us here who have been demanding change.

We can only hope, my friend. I'd like to see a very aggressive off-season all around here, otherwise the Rex Era is going to end up looking a lot like the Herm era.

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the sad part about it smash is that the Jets don't even HAVE to "tank" anything-the offense is bad enough as it is.

True ....... but my biggest problem with Shotty is his lack of adapting to a situation and his lack of fixing issues in the offense on a weekly basis we have seen the same issues on this offense for years and Im not sure he knows how to change those issues.

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We can only hope, my friend. I'd like to see a very aggressive off-season all around here, otherwise the Rex Era is going to end up looking a lot like the Herm era.


I think Rex is zillion tme better than Edwards ever was.

Problem is Jets will be a decent team but never will win anything with this mouse they have for a QB.

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I have a face for hi-def and the voice of James Earl Jones and Alec Baldwin's love-child. It's my brain that's not fit for public life.

I'd still take you as my basement gimp, as per our twitter agreement...mental deficiencies and all.

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Other than the Pats going to another Super Bowl (I don't see them beating Pittsburgh or Baltimore), I agree with everything you said.

We're not good enough to go deep into the playoffs this year. So let's just tank the season and get Schotty out of here.

NE will beat Pitt and Balt.

Pitts game plan that was so successful last month has been spent. Tomlin won the battle, but hes going to lose the war. And, Baltimore has Flacco who is another 56% passing percentage Game Manager.http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/qb

NE will face GB in Indy and beat them.

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NE will beat Pitt and Balt.

Pitts game plan that was so successful last month has been spent. Tomlin won the battle, but hes going to lose the war. And, Baltimore has Flacco who is another 56% passing percentage Game Manager.http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/qb

NE will face GB in Indy and beat them.

A little sacrilege on my part but if that were to happen I'd be rooting for the Pats in the SB. F the Packers.

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