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Sanchez "Romances" Two Women in Same Night

Lizard King

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Via People Magazine

Mark Sanchez reportedly romanced two women within a few hours at the Moderne Hotel on West 55th st. Sources say he checked in with “Spanish-looking brunette” around 3:00 a.m. and walked her downstairs at 8:30a.m.. Then two hours later was joined by a pretty blonde who stayed for just 45 minutes. /NYP22

Can anyone else corroborate? My gf works in media and shot this over. She gets these in real time, quick updates.

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What's with the super hot dogs thing? Is that code for Sanchez's toys?

No, they are the reason our front office is better, they are the reason, we are the next Packers!!!

It was probably Tom Moore's idea, but Woody and Tanny are getting it done!

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Sanchez is a pimp, I'd gladly turn over my rainbow card for one night with him, So I can teach him how to accurately throw the deep ball, or ball deep, which ever the case may be :biggrin:

Both of you would have to turn in your rainbow card. That said, I would gladly volunteer to play Mark Sanchez.

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Via People Magazine

Mark Sanchez reportedly romanced two women within a few hours at the Moderne Hotel on West 55th st. Sources say he checked in with “Spanish-looking brunette” around 3:00 a.m. and walked her downstairs at 8:30a.m.. Then two hours later was joined by a pretty blonde who stayed for just 45 minutes. /NYP22

Can anyone else corroborate? My gf works in media and shot this over. She gets these in real time, quick updates.

I think Sanchez is getting the jump now to compete for the Chamberlin record.

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