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Jets Trash Talk Continues


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What is wrong with Rex? This team is a bunch of loose cannons! He needs to get control. They need to stop talking crap in the media about how much the other team sucks and start doing their talking on the field. In Newsday yesterday, so many Jets were listed as talking trash:

Revis: "[Eli] is one of the best in the league..... .....You've got to respect a guy like Eli Manning."

WTF Revis! Shut up! Where were you when the Bills were in town? Didn't see you talking any crap about Stevie Johnson after that, did we?

Pouha: "[brandon Jacobs] is a hard runner, he's a great runner."

Shut up Pouha! Stop bragging!

Sanchez: "I think [Eli Manning] does a great job off the field and on the field."

Screw you Sanchez, who are you to be talking trash? What have you done all season?

Scott: [Eli Manning is elite] (Previously quoted.)

Oh of course Bart had to get involved. He's Rex's biggest yapper. Why don't you quit bragging and show up on Sat., Scott?

Rex: "I recognize the rich tradition of Giant football."

Wow, what is it with this loudmouth? Do your talking on the field! Stop bragging about how you are so much better than the Giants and they aren't even in your class, etc.


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I just cannot get used to supporting a team full of thug turds. It is bad enough that they run their mouths, but when they also do stupid stuff like getting 15 yard penalties for dancing in the end zone while way behind on the scoreboard, it just makes me shake my head. Rex keeps talking, but unless he wins he just looks like a dope. The one I will give props to is Burress, who has come to work, put effort in and kept his mouth shut.

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