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i'll take al toon and walker and shuler over holmes and burress and keller any day of the week and twice on sunday

i am not a computer guy,and could probably made some kinda quote,idfk, but when you said the 2011 sanchez leads the 2009 and 2010 jets to a title,i dont think you are far off
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Yeah yeah yeah, pseudo-intellectual, stirring the pot, ad hominem ad nauseum, derp. Hunter and Keller are terrible and I won't shed a tear when Schottenheimer's gone. None of those weak links happen to play the most important position on the field. Glad to see we can come full circle and equate recitation of facts with laziness though.

well said
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win the game = praise sanchez

lose the game = kill sanchez

pretty simple formula for pretty simple minds.....this site is only an small slice of borderline scary, fanatical Jets fans who will have you believe that they actually understand football.......if they weren't telling us how bad Sanchez sucked they would be waxing poetic on the virtues of C3PO vs Jar Jar Binks.....This guy is a winner, i don't see how anyone wants to bounce him after 3 years......if he was Aaron Rodgers he wouldn't have even started a game yet at this point of his career......

Really JoJo??? So you, and only those that think like you, actually UNDERSTAND football??? Brother, please. Go ahead and defend Sanchez, but don't act like he's Aaron Rodgers, or Matt Schaub, or Cam Newton. He's not. He can not throw accurately down field. He has the lowest amount of 20 yard (plus) passes in the NFL, and that's not just on the system or the receivers.

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T0m, Sanchez will never be 1/2 the player Kenny O was.

Kenny O was THE $HIT!!!!! If I'm not mistaken, the most yards ever thrown in one game was Kenny vs. Dan Marino and they rolled up like 950 yards in 1 GAME!!! Yeah, Kenny was one of the best QBs in Jets history!!! Don't even try to put Marky Mark there yet.

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The only way to analyze this is to analyze Sanchez's WRs, his TEs, and the backfield passing game. Also the performance of his OL.

Questions I would entertain -

Is Santonio Holmes really a bonafide #1 WR?

Is Dustin Keller, Mulligan, Baker - how good are they? If Keller has trouble getting open and catching balls when he is a highlight of the gameplan, how much value does he really have?

Kerley/Turner. How do they compare to Cotchery of 2009-2010?

How does Braylon Edwards elevate the 2010 Jets vertical and RZ game and how did we do in comparison this year?

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Why do I always have to hear that it is stupid to gives up on Sanchez every time I complain about something shotgun he does? That whiff to McKnight was borderline criminal. On the safety, not only shouldn't he have taken the sack, but he shouldn't have even dropped into the end zone. I am always hearing "BLAME SCHOTTY!" But the TD to Baker was all play call and no Sanchez and thinking Edwards would be better in the red zone than Burress is ridiculous.

Why do I always have to hear that it is stupid to gives up on Sanchez every time I complain about something stupid he does? That whiff to McKnight was borderline criminal. On the safety, not only shouldn't he have taken the sack, but he shouldn't have even dropped into the end zone. I am always hearing "BLAME SCHOTTY!" But the TD to Baker was all play call and no Sanchez and thinking Edwards would be better in the red zone than Burress is ridiculous.

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i really dont understand the mentality of jets fans, they all want to win now but they all want to dump their qb. does anyone realize that giving up on sanchez now after he has shown improvement (whether you like it or not he has) and has shown to be able to make plays in big playoff games is ludicrous.it will take a minimum of two to three years to get another qb even remotely ready for a run at the super bowl.

and all of this nonsense about sanchez's inability to complete a deep ball needs to cease already . did you guys just become jets fans this season???? ie last years games just a short list the texans game, the dolphins game,the steelers playoff game, the lions game, the bills game. etc etc etc. he completed some ridiculously nice deep balls for tds. the one against the colts to braylon, come on how many times do you think a qb could continuously hit a man downfield. i dont think sanchez is perfect he does make some ridiculous decisions, but his decision making isnt being helped by the coaching staff. schottys system is based on pre snap movement motion and misdirection. it is designed to confuse the defense. but what happens the defenses are not confused, the lines inability to block a pass rush and recievers routes which appear to take way to much time to develop, all winds up just confusing the qb who cant understand why the **** this system is even run in an nfl setting.

None of our QBs the last few years under schotty have looked comfortable enough to run the system, and honestly im not a big holmes supporter , but the guy has big gripes with schotty, (as evident in last years post game comments) because he knows the system is ridiculous.

so can we stop killing our QB hes not inept far from it, hes just setup to fail as long as schotty is the man calling the plays. i honestly cant be the only one to be able to see that this kid has something and its not all his fault.

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T0m, Sanchez will never be 1/2 the player Kenny O was.

Kenny O was the definition of JAG. What did he have 2 maybe 3 good seasons?

BTW, the outcry and sky is falling from Jets fans during the O'Brien era was much worse than what we see from the chicken little's now when it comes to Sanchez.

I love how Kenny O is now a fabled Jets QB.

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Does anybody honestly believe Tannenbaum is the guy studing college tape and forming the final opinion on draft selections?

This team was built by Eric Mangini, before Rex got here. Revis, Harris, Mangold, Dbrick - core players, all Mangini draft selections. Good job by Tannenbaum in trading up/selecting these players, but he's the not the mind behind the choices, he's just the guy who organizes the deals/turns in the card to the commissioner.

His free agency track record is unimpressive. Anybody can sign a guy like Alan Faneca or chase Favre. A great GM goes and finds the under the radar guys who fit their system and become more effective players (Randy Starks - Dolphins etc).

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Kenny O was the definition of JAG. What did he have 2 maybe 3 good seasons?

BTW, the outcry and sky is falling from Jets fans during the O'Brien era was much worse than what we see from the chicken little's now when it comes to Sanchez.

I love how Kenny O is now a fabled Jets QB.

Where did I say he was a fabled Jets QB? Thats your perception.

He was however very good. Look up some of his accomplishents. Will Sanchez ever be the top passer in the NFL? Have a game with a perfect passer rating? Be able to throw an accurate long pass?

Sanchez is a 4th rnd JAG that the Jets blew a 1st rnd pick on and doesnt posess the talent be 1/2 as good as Obrien.

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I think anyone that thinks that Mark Sanchez is going to magically become a good Football player because of a new offensive coordinator is more insane than those of us insane people that thinks he stinks so it wont matter.

Meh, i think there's two things working in this favor

1) He's young and had almost 0 college experience. If he keeps his head on straight, he should improve more from year 3 to 4 then another qb

2) If we hire an unknown, sometimes it takes awhile for opposing coaches to get tendencies down, Look how much more blitzes came home in 2009 versus 2011 with jets

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I agree with you but in the Mangini era Tanny was taking orders from Mangini on Presonnel . Mangini wanted to build the O-Line and the D-Line and the core for the team. His philosophy was good and he made some nice draftpicks. When it came to trading up and those type situations and dealing with Cap situations, I would say that was Tanny. In other words Mangini wanted Revis and Tanny traded up and mad it happen.

In the Rex Ryan regime I think Tanny had a little more say in who was actully drafted and honestly the players we have drafted have been nothing special. The players we lost, talking about players who are not in the spotlight like Richardson Woody Hartsock who were all pivotial in the running game are gone and were replaced by guys like Conner, Mulligan, and Hunter and thats laughable when you replace pro bowlers like woody and Rich with what we replaced them with. People wonder why we cant run the ball as we did in the past 2 years and you dont have to go far to find out why.

The way the Jets have handled Sanchez has been the usual NY Jet disgrace. We have changed personnel on him 3 years in a row and in year three we signed a slob in Holmes for 50 Mil which is once again another laughable personnel decision. We did Sign Plax but hes 34 and Im not sure how many years anyone thinks he can give us but he is clearly on the down side of his career. I think SG is a decent RB but hes not one of those types who can take over a game. And hes very inconsistent catching the football.

I keep seeing the Stupid arguement "Oh the Jets have to surround Sanchez with super talent or he cant win" and it really makes me laugh when you look at the talent around the league and compare it to ours. We DO NOT match up with the better offenses and it is a personnel issue. Our Skill players scare NO ONE and its really pretty obvious. Our OC is a moron who cant adjust to whats smacking him right in the face and they constantly put our young QB in horrible situations. HORRIBLE.

Rex is a good motivator, so it seems, but he is not a good head football coach. I think hes a very good defensive coordinator but his ignorance on offense is just plain scary. And Tannys personnel Moves the past few years have been nothing short of Insane leaving money on the table when we had so many glaring weaknesses especially on the O-Line. When your a so called SB contender you Should NEVER leave money on the table. We all talked about the O-Line in preseason and It concerned a lot of posters on this forum. Now granted we did not have the inside scoop and some gave the benifit of the doubt to Tanny and Rex and unfortunately they were wrong and worng in a big time way.

Sometimes Rex reminds me of a fan the way he talks about players its getting old and stupid to be honest.

I dont think Rex should go, I think the Jets should replace Tanny with Charlie Casserly and Let Casserly come in here and rebuild this team around Sanchez and also let him make the choice on the next OC because In no way do I trust Rex to make that call. No way in hell.

Its fine that some disagree on Sanchez but I think he deserves a shot with another OC who has a clue. Hes too young to give up on and I think a big part of the problem is our inept offensive staff.

I repped your post before reading you wanted Casserly...I'd pass on Charlie...agree with most of your other comments...Rex is beginning to look at more like Buddy...master motivator, great defensive mind and incrediblely obtuse when it comes creating offense...

I liked your point on Mangini helping with the player personnel decisions and would not mind seeing his return in a front office capacity...prolly not realistic...but maybe he'd prefer that instead of the chair over at ESPN...

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I repped your post before reading you wanted Casserly...I'd pass on Charlie...agree with most of your other comments...Rex is beginning to look at more like Buddy...master motivator, great defensive mind and incrediblely obtuse when it comes creating offense...

I liked your point on Mangini helping with the player personnel decisions and would not mind seeing his return in a front office capacity...prolly not realistic...but maybe he'd prefer that instead of the chair over at ESPN...

JC if we do decide to change GM's Im fine with you disagreeing on Casserly but he did a nice job in Houston and he didnt let media dictate his picks like our GM did with Gholston which im sure Mangini has to take some blame as well. But either way Tanny should not be running a draft.

When it comes to OC I dont like anyone on the Jets currently. I did suggest Callahan early in the year but that was only because I figured if you fire a guy mid season you should probably not try and overhaul the offense with an outsider and Callahan was and is familar with the system so it would not have been drastic and we could have still contended.

You bring up Mangini as well and I think he would make a fantastic GM as long as he does not push the bend but dont break philosophy or the prevent :) . Which would never work with Rex anyway

Looking at all of that I think the Jets are in need of a small rebuild. It would nott be a complete rebuild because we have a pretty young core but the LB, S, RT, LG, WR (we need a true #1) need to be addressed and having a threat at RB would not hurt either. It all comes down to who is available in FA and how good we handle our next draft but I dotn want Tanny handling either unless he has a calculator in his hands

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Meh, i think there's two things working in this favor

1) He's young and had almost 0 college experience. If he keeps his head on straight, he should improve more from year 3 to 4 then another qb

2) If we hire an unknown, sometimes it takes awhile for opposing coaches to get tendencies down, Look how much more blitzes came home in 2009 versus 2011 with jets

The ceiling is really low. Maybe a new OC does come in an he improves but my fear is the mistakes he makes are very hard to coach. I'm coming away from this season thinking that he's not overcoming a bunch of issues that are hard to coach, some of these things should be natural the others you are told from day 1 as a Qb.

He guides the ball. He doesnt throw it. He tries to place the ball and he misses all the time. He cant throw to a spot and he's too scared to throw through a window (even though he's does it occasionally). Has to throw to an open man and cant throw a player open. Throws to the back shoulder constantly. He looks for pressure, stares it down. I watched him look over his shoulder for pressure twice on Sat. He had his eyes closed on the second over turned fumble. Happy feet, even when he has time. Batted passes at the LOS, lots of them. Doesnt manipulate the pocket to find passing lanes. Checks down way to fast and doesnt let the play develop even when there is no pressure. Stupid decisions like he doesnt know where he is on the field or at what point in the game.

Thats a laundry list. I understand he's young, but he's been playing Football for long enough to over come some of the simplest concepts of the Qb position. I could even break those down with examples, but I know you see it too. I'm just curious how you think coaching can overcome it.

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Rex complaining about the offensive strategy AFTER the game accomplishings nothing. A competent HC adjusts and takes control of either unit during a game if he sees things need to change.

Ever think Rex takes control of the offense during a game? Haha.

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Thats a laundry list. I understand he's young, but he's been playing Football for long enough to over come some of the simplest concepts of the Qb position. I could even break those down with examples, but I know you see it too. I'm just curious how you think coaching can overcome it.

I think there's a chance that a new guy comes in, opposing defenses don't have a book on his tendancies and you see an uptick in performance. Plus I'm sure sanchez will improve on his own, and the jets will upgrade RT... And probably run the ball more. In 2009 when he had those good games towards end of the season, it wasn't cause he was a good qb, it was cause shonn greene was running like Jim Brown and opposing teas had like 9 players in the box to stop him (also due to no respect for sanchez)

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I think there's a chance that a new guy comes in, opposing defenses don't have a book on his tendancies and you see an uptick in performance. Plus I'm sure sanchez will improve on his own, and the jets will upgrade RT... And probably run the ball more. In 2009 when he had those good games towards end of the season, it wasn't cause he was a good qb, it was cause shonn greene was running like Jim Brown and opposing teas had like 9 players in the box to stop him (also due to no respect for sanchez)

He's shown me no reason to think he'll improve. Some of the tendencies are basic.

I hope you're right cuz he aint going anywhere...but I'm not as confident as you Schotty will be fired.

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He's shown me no reason to think he'll improve. Some of the tendencies are basic.

I hope you're right cuz he aint going anywhere...but I'm not as confident as you Schotty will be fired.

schotty' gone.. the only chance he has is to sneak into playoffs, get the predictable win against Houston.. and beat NE (or atleast a good game by offense)

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JC if we do decide to change GM's Im fine with you disagreeing on Casserly but he did a nice job in Houston and he didnt let media dictate his picks like our GM did with Gholston which im sure Mangini has to take some blame as well. But either way Tanny should not be running a draft.

When it comes to OC I dont like anyone on the Jets currently. I did suggest Callahan early in the year but that was only because I figured if you fire a guy mid season you should probably not try and overhaul the offense with an outsider and Callahan was and is familar with the system so it would not have been drastic and we could have still contended.

You bring up Mangini as well and I think he would make a fantastic GM as long as he does not push the bend but dont break philosophy or the prevent :) . Which would never work with Rex anyway

Looking at all of that I think the Jets are in need of a small rebuild. It would nott be a complete rebuild because we have a pretty young core but the LB, S, RT, LG, WR (we need a true #1) need to be addressed and having a threat at RB would not hurt either. It all comes down to who is available in FA and how good we handle our next draft but I dotn want Tanny handling either unless he has a calculator in his hands

I'm not sure Tanny needs to go...many different types can be successful and he does do the math...hiring Mangini may bring another voice he can listen to as far as the draft and other players around the league...I know he'd basically be shopping for Rex's groceries but it has to be better than what Tanny/Rex have done together...I just don't see Mangini getting another HC gig in NFL until he either a) HC at college level or B) takes a position or DC gig for another NFL team. From some of the stuff I've heard him say at ESPN he appears less than anxious to put in the long hours (he has two or three young kids). Casserly was only mildly succesful with the Texans...he avoided the Reggie Bush/Vince Young hoopla and chose wisely in Mario but by that time it was already determined he was not coming back...easier to make that decision when you do not have to live with the results.

As far as the OC...as long as Schitty is gone I can live with Callahan but also like Norv (if fired from SD). Your player needs list is close to mine. I would put the OL ahead of the LBs/S. Critical year this rebuild...by my account we had two great drafts in 06/07 combined with one putrid (08) and the last three nothing to write home about...we need a strong draft and free agency year...not necessarily the high profile but the solid "fits" we've been missing.

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Anybody really think Sanchez is getting great coaching lessons from this offensive staff? Not to mention a Head Coach who has no input.

Hes getting horrible coaching IMO . When you see an offensive team that continously makes the same mistakes game in and game out what should make anyone think they are coaching up a young QB properly. For most of the year they could not even figure out how to do basic substitutions. They have shown no ability to adjust and the offense is horribly predictable. But hey our QB should make all that go away just by having a little pocket presence or throwing WR's open HEH. Funny whenever the camera is panned up field and Sanchez is getting chased or hammered in the pocket I always see WR's backs still running longer patterns than they should be especially when the pressure is intense. This is something I have seen numerous times this year and I would be willing to bet if we had access to NFL film you would see it in much greater detail since some analysts have pointed this out. People who continiously blame Sanchez take the easy lazy way out.

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Hes getting horrible coaching IMO . When you see an offensive team that continously makes the same mistakes game in and game out what should make anyone think they are coaching up a young QB properly. For most of the year they could not even figure out how to do basic substitutions. They have shown no ability to adjust and the offense is horribly predictable.But hey our QB should make all that go away just by having a little pocket presence or throwing WR's open HEH. Funny whenever the camera is panned up field and Sanchez is getting chased or hammered in the pocket I always see WR's backs still running longer patterns than they should be especially when the pressure is intense. This is something I have seen numerous times this year and I would be willing to bet if we had access to NFL film you would see it in much greater detail since some analysts have pointed this out. People who continiously blame Sanchez take the easy lazy way out.

For as many times as you say that about our WR's, I can say that Sanchez missed one, didnt see one or didnt let the play develop. And you realize that you final comment of people blaming Sanchez are lazy and taking the easy way out can easily be flipped to coaching and my position would probably be better support simply by the amount of coaches who are fired because of poor play of their teams but go onto have success with more talented teams.

I think you for some reason, similar to your obsession with Pennington, cant face the fact that our Qb sucks.

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what do you blame him for yesterday. serious question.

I'm glad you posted this thread, i'm a bit late to join but was thinking this exact question during the game.

No way I can blame Sanchez for this loss. Everyone wants to think the game happens in a vacum and that with the third down drops of Holmes and Keller that had they been made, the Jets would have not continued their drives. Had the receivers helped him even just a little, those drives would have continued and who knows, maybe the Jets punt after that, maybe a field goal, or maybe a TD. As the game played out, the drops happened, and the Jets punted. it looks on the stat sheet like Sanchez accumlated an additional 0 for 2 on third downs when any sensible person watching the game would have seen the receivers' faults.

Sanchez is not great. He will probably never be Drew Brees but he is a decent player and has proven to be clutch. So many QB's are the exact opposite, they put up numbers in the first three quarters but tank in the final period.

I fully expect Sanchez to improve his first three quarters of play as his career progresses, but holy crap...how bad are the receivers and running backs (greene) at actually catching the ball? Sanchez doesn't need Jerry Rice (although it would be nice) and Randy Moss to be a good player, he just needs players that look back for the ball on a blitz and guys that take pride in not make big drops throughout a game.

I like Mark, I think he'll be a good player but probably will never be a great player.

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I'm not sure Tanny needs to go...many different types can be successful and he does do the math...hiring Mangini may bring another voice he can listen to as far as the draft and other players around the league...I know he'd basically be shopping for Rex's groceries but it has to be better than what Tanny/Rex have done together...I just don't see Mangini getting another HC gig in NFL until he either a) HC at college level or B) takes a position or DC gig for another NFL team. From some of the stuff I've heard him say at ESPN he appears less than anxious to put in the long hours (he has two or three young kids). Casserly was only mildly succesful with the Texans...he avoided the Reggie Bush/Vince Young hoopla and chose wisely in Mario but by that time it was already determined he was not coming back...easier to make that decision when you do not have to live with the results.

As far as the OC...as long as Schitty is gone I can live with Callahan but also like Norv (if fired from SD). Your player needs list is close to mine. I would put the OL ahead of the LBs/S. Critical year this rebuild...by my account we had two great drafts in 06/07 combined with one putrid (08) and the last three nothing to write home about...we need a strong draft and free agency year...not necessarily the high profile but the solid "fits" we've been missing.

Nice post JC

We pretty much agree I can deal with Callahan......Norv, if fired, may not be so quick to jump in another job he may just take a year or 2 off rather than jump into a OC situation. Tell ya who I would like to see but dont think it would happen is Brian Billick but just like any candidate there will be issues and Billick has had them with QB's

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Hes getting horrible coaching IMO . When you see an offensive team that continously makes the same mistakes game in and game out what should make anyone think they are coaching up a young QB properly. For most of the year they could not even figure out how to do basic substitutions. They have shown no ability to adjust and the offense is horribly predictable. But hey our QB should make all that go away just by having a little pocket presence or throwing WR's open HEH. Funny whenever the camera is panned up field and Sanchez is getting chased or hammered in the pocket I always see WR's backs still running longer patterns than they should be especially when the pressure is intense. This is something I have seen numerous times this year and I would be willing to bet if we had access to NFL film you would see it in much greater detail since some analysts have pointed this out. People who continiously blame Sanchez take the easy lazy way out.

FWIW, I think the QB makes the OC not the other way around. Shoot, MS can even run a basic WCO and you want him to take on more?? Also, dont hear Tom Moore mentioned in these threads much any more and if you could give him truth serum Id bet he would say you cant make a porterhouse out of hamburger.

Bottom line? The good ones dont need to be coached up.

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For as many times as you say that about our WR's, I can say that Sanchez missed one, didnt see one or didnt let the play develop. And you realize that you final comment of people blaming Sanchez are lazy and taking the easy way out can easily be flipped to coaching and my position would probably be better support simply by the amount of coaches who are fired because of poor play of their teams but go onto have success with more talented teams.

I think you for some reason, similar to your obsession with Pennington, cant face the fact that our Qb sucks.

No JIF I just think the situations are very similar. The Jets do not have good talent on Offense and they have not had it for years. I think players we do have that make the occasional great play are overrated and inconsistent. You can disagree with that but I feel its the root cause ALONG with the fact Sanchez is young and still learning. Im well aware of the fact Sanchez has bad games but I rarely see the kid get the easy throw hes always throwing to contested WR's and I think thats due to bad offensive design and predictability you add the mess that our o-line has been and you have a huge problem yet some how Sanchez numbers have improved each of the three years hes been here. The Jets also lack speed which allows defenses to play them a little closer to the vest than teams who can burn you if you miss a tackle. The Jets scare no one, and they do not have dynamic players and I think this hurts the offense as a whole. Holmes can be Dynamic but hes better with a true number one on the other side who can stretch the field. Last year Braylon was a good complement and Holmes made some plays, this year teams simply shut him down and hes not good enough, smart enough, or big enough to fight through the double teams hes not in that class, not by a long shot .

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