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The 2011 season as seen by Jets fans... do you afree?


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I see the Jet season as one of disappointment just because we have regressed in several areas....QB, OL and Defense....throw in the Coaching...hence 8-7 and hoping for the stars to align properly for a 6th seed.....But even at 8-7 and the regression in several areas...just imagine if we lived up to the hype of Rex.

Hopefully...Manning will change all of this next year.

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I think there are internal struggles we do not know about. Look at Rex's conference yesterday, he looks beaten and humbled. But he is telling you flat out that he allowed this crap to go on. I think major shakeups are in order. Sanchez is not wholly to blame for the O-line woes. though his reads and his accuracy are still that of a rookie. Manning in our locker room would be a game changer for sure... but at what cost? I think it's time for a fresh OC and a little faith.

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I think there are internal struggles we do not know about. Look at Rex's conference yesterday, he looks beaten and humbled. But he is telling you flat out that he allowed this crap to go on. I think major shakeups are in order. Sanchez is not wholly to blame for the O-line woes. though his reads and his accuracy are still that of a rookie. Manning in our locker room would be a game changer for sure... but at what cost? I think it's time for a fresh OC and a little faith.

For one, take a look at the Raiders game and the Denver game....we gave those games away. There was absolutely nothing done to prevent us from losing that game. Those two games I directly blame Rex for losing. He should be beaten and humbled.....he was made to eat his words in more than one way.....

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Do teams occasionally just have a bad season and it doesnt really mean that everything is as bad as it seems?

Not even remotely possible. Why after this debacle it's abundantly clear the only option the Jets have is to destroy and rebuild. 8-7? I can't even look my mudda in de eye.

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I see the Jet season as one of disappointment just because we have regressed in several areas....QB, OL and Defense....throw in the Coaching...hence 8-7 and hoping for the stars to align properly for a 6th seed.....But even at 8-7 and the regression in several areas...just imagine if we lived up to the hype of Rex.

Hopefully...Manning will change all of this next year.

Don't forget, because of our weak offense, we're giving the opponent 2 minutes more of TOP a game. That's going to relate to points. We've scored 4 more TDs than last year on offense though, and only allowed 2 more. The biggest killer? We were +9 in turnovers last year, and we're -2 this year. Last year, we allowed 1 defensive TD. This year? 7. That shows that we've actually allowed 4 less TDs this year.

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Do teams occasionally just have a bad season and it doesnt really mean that everything is as bad as it seems?

Bad seasons sandwiched between Super Bowl wins every few years (Patriots, Packers, Steelers) or even a decade (Giants) don't hurt so much. But for Jets fans, its a matter of bad seasons sandwiched between other bad seasons or seasons where we came oh-so-close to a Super Bowl.

At least the Lions have always sucked and didn't get their fans' hopes up. Maybe now that they're competitive they'll begin to know our pain. They'll also have to deal with bandwagoners.

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Bad seasons sandwiched between Super Bowl wins every few years (Patriots, Packers, Steelers) or even a decade (Giants) don't hurt so much. But for Jets fans, its a matter of bad seasons sandwiched between other bad seasons or seasons where we came oh-so-close to a Super Bowl.

At least the Lions have always sucked and didn't get their fans' hopes up. Maybe now that they're competitive they'll begin to know our pain. They'll also have to deal with bandwagoners.

It always could be worse...

Like being a Browns fan.

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Bad seasons sandwiched between Super Bowl wins every few years (Patriots, Packers, Steelers) or even a decade (Giants) don't hurt so much. But for Jets fans, its a matter of bad seasons sandwiched between other bad seasons or seasons where we came oh-so-close to a Super Bowl.

At least the Lions have always sucked and didn't get their fans' hopes up. Maybe now that they're competitive they'll begin to know our pain. They'll also have to deal with bandwagoners.

Nobody cares. No one is obligated to overreact simply because there's a "but" for Jets fans according to some Jet fans. I could not POSSIBLY care less about this franchise's embarrassing past that occurred before I survived the wars to not become a stain somewhere.

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Nobody cares. No one is obligated to overreact simply because there's a "but" for Jets fans according to some Jet fans. I could not POSSIBLY care less about this franchise's embarrassing past that occurred before I survived the wars to not become a stain somewhere.

Certainly you don't care, but I'd hazard a guess that you don't speak for the Jets fans who grew up in the 70's. Just a cursory glance at this board would suggest that people DO invest enough emotion in this team to be hurt when they lose.

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Certainly you don't care, but I'd hazard a guess that you don't speak for the Jets fans who grew up in the 70's. Just a cursory glance at this board would suggest that people DO invest enough emotion in this team to be hurt when they lose.

Your 40 year old demons with a football team should be your own, because there's nothing that can be done about those years.

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Don't forget, because of our weak offense, we're giving the opponent 2 minutes more of TOP a game. That's going to relate to points. We've scored 4 more TDs than last year on offense though, and only allowed 2 more. The biggest killer? We were +9 in turnovers last year, and we're -2 this year. Last year, we allowed 1 defensive TD. This year? 7. That shows that we've actually allowed 4 less TDs this year.

Nicely stated...

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For one, take a look at the Raiders game and the Denver game....we gave those games away. There was absolutely nothing done to prevent us from losing that game. Those two games I directly blame Rex for losing. He should be beaten and humbled.....he was made to eat his words in more than one way.....

Have to agree there and both wound up being very importiant losses....

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Certainly you don't care, but I'd hazard a guess that you don't speak for the Jets fans who grew up in the 70's. Just a cursory glance at this board would suggest that people DO invest enough emotion in this team to be hurt when they lose.

go to facebook and look up a green team is a mean team... there are friends there that a jets loss kills their week. literally. I myself feel the sting, but have chops thanks to them losing year after year..

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No they don't.

See that's what makes us Jet fans come back for more, its like that beautiful girl back in the day, that everyone wanted but you couldnt have....and then when you finally have her...she breaks your freakin heart.....

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I have found this season to be a disappointment. The games, to me, have been less than stimulating. I have just felt a general sense of annoyance and frustration--mostly at the offense, but the defense has suffered their share of serious lapses as well. It has not been fun at all. Right fromt he start, with that toothache of a cowboys' game.

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I think the disappointment of this season can be tied to 3 things:

1. The offensive line took a step backwards this year ... especially in pass protection.

2. The offensive coordinator is a "bells and whistles" coach ... he wants to run an offense that looks "pretty" and "dynamic" as opposed to what they should be under Rex, which is a smashmouth, ball control offense.

3. Rex Ryan needs to stop coaching the team like he's the "player's coach" coordinator, and start acting like the head coach by holding players and coaches accountable for instilling some discipline in his team. Too many mental mistakes, too many penalties, too many turnovers.

Some will put lot of blame on Sanchez. I disagree. True he hasn't played well. But Sanchez is what he is. A third year QB who has shown he can win with the right offensive philosophy, in a system that suits his abilities. The Jets tried to accelerate his development by asking him to do something he is not yet ready for. We can debate whether he'll ever be ready until the cows come home. But the one thing that we do know is that this team came one game away from a Super Bowl two years in a row because they ran an offense that suits the QB at THIS stage of his career, and it was the coaches that changed that this year ... not Sanchez.

Just one man's opinion.

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Hey guys. Finally got out of bed today. So much put into this team. I called out sick of work because I couldn't get myself up in the mornings. Too damn hard to live life being a Jets fan. When the lose I just want to die. I feel like a little piece of me just dies on the inside and I'll never get it back. Don't they know how important they are to me? I buy jersey after jersey, shirt after shirt, and watch every game. I skip family events just to watch the Jets. I don't think I can continuing living like this. What more is there to life but Jets football? Seems like this cruel world has no use for me now that the Jets have sucked and have always sucked. Damn you cruel world, damn you.

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