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Quitting Facebook


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Has made life for me better. I swear it can be addictive and I was actually Jonesin' for it the first few days after disabling my account. Now I'm back to where I was before I was convinced to join by an old school friend. Back to talking about football here and spending more time fixing up my music and my personal website-even Twitter now gets a lot of the attention like it used to.

The other thing about FB was that competing musicians were going to my page and seeing where I was going and then trying to steal my gigs by undercutting me-that sucked and I'm glad I'm off of that site-for good. Oh yea, not to mention all of the Giants fans and (since 2000) Pats fans from NJ-well I don't have to read any more of that crap...life is better Facebook free-I swear it was kinda like a drug

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Miss you there=you can always contro; ypur friends and what other people see if you want to


We're both Italians Frank so you will know and understand what I mean when I say that I swear to God that it felt like someone was putting the moloique (the horns) on me. I had never had a worse stretch of 'luck' in my business as I had in the year and a half while I was on Facebook...Jif saying what he did above hits my feeling pretty much dead on...

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I'm very good at being wrong about technologies, so take this with a grain of salt...

It's a great rolodex, and I'd like to see it stick around just for that.

But I don't see how Facebook becomes one's 'portal to the world', and I wouldn't buy their stock. They could just as well have called the site "did-my-old-girlfriend-get-fatbook.com". Once you've found out your old friends drink good coffee and walk their dog, what do you do with it?

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I never joined despite so many people asking me to. I have walked thru what they have with a friend on her facebook page and what i find appaling is the lack of any spearation between family and friends.

I do not want my 12 year old niece knowing that i had a great time with a stripper last weekend. And for that matter the rest of family!

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I never joined despite so many people asking me to. I have walked thru what they have with a friend on her facebook page and what i find appaling is the lack of any spearation between family and friends.

I do not want my 12 year old niece knowing that i had a great time with a stripper last weekend. And for that matter the rest of family!

You choose who you want to see what... it is as seperate as you want it to be.

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Never had a page and don't want one. Unless you are trying to get a second chance at banging some chicks from your past, I don't get the point.

what I used it mostly for Craig was business. I would tell prospective bar owners and managers that " Hire me because I'm on Facebook and I do a lot of self promoting there" It was to try and get people to come in to the places I was playing but it seemed to change...what it came down to was the people who go to a certain bar go there because they like the bar and the best that I could hope to do is to not make them all leave because I sucked...yea it seemed to work at first but then didn't..so I quit and I'm a happier person for it...

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Had facebook for about 3 years, then deleted it last October. Feels like a huge weight has been lifted. Its cool because anyone you have had a bad relationship with theres no longer a worry about them trying to spy on my every move or me spying back at them. That is the shady part about facebook, you try not to spy, but thats what its for...just a nice way to stalk people. No thanks I prefer people wondering where the hell I went or what ever happened to me instead of looking me up and finding out. You actually get more female numbers this way as well. They ask."hey you got a facebook?" and I say nope, got a cell phone though. You get the idea. :)

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don't worry I'm still monitoring you over on Twitter where we get to see a whole other Maxman

If I had to rank my levels of boring I would say they are in this order (from most boring to least boring).

1. JetNation

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

At least on Twitter I screw around with the beat reporters, that is always amusing. :)

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If I had to rank my levels of boring I would say they are in this order (from most boring to least boring).

1. JetNation

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

At least on Twitter I screw around with the beat reporters, that is always amusing. :)

not trying to blow smoke up anywhere but at least here there is an exchange of ideas pretty much on a daily basis-Twitter you can't really have a football conversation with anyone for more than 2 or 3 posts back and forth. Sometimes someone will answer you a few days later and by then you have forgotten WTF you were even talking about

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not trying to blow smoke up anywhere but at least here there is an exchange of ideas pretty much on a daily basis-Twitter you can't really have a football conversation with anyone for more than 2 or 3 posts back and forth. Sometimes someone will answer you a few days later and by then you have forgotten WTF you were even talking about

I agree actually. The JN Twitter account is really used to promote our content and screw with people. Me might stop promoting our content soon though, the other stuff is just too much fun.

Blasted Manish Mehta the other night and got him to send a DM explaining himself. Except he doesn't follow us back so we couldn't respond to the DM. So I posted it publicly. Lots of fun...:)

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I'm very good at being wrong about technologies, so take this with a grain of salt...

It's a great rolodex, and I'd like to see it stick around just for that.

But I don't see how Facebook becomes one's 'portal to the world', and I wouldn't buy their stock. They could just as well have called the site "did-my-old-girlfriend-get-fatbook.com". Once you've found out your old friends drink good coffee and walk their dog, what do you do with it?

I agree, I also have no desire to become a facebook addict but remember this. The facebook IPO will make alot of early investors alot of cash. So.............if ya dont need any more money stay clear of it as you say you will. I think this IPO could come out at 100 and go to 800-1000 in 6 mos.

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If I had to rank my levels of boring I would say they are in this order (from most boring to least boring).

1. JetNation

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

At least on Twitter I screw around with the beat reporters, that is always amusing. :)

JN is very addictive. Its like getting caught in a world with a majority of JETS fans. Thats a world i like living in!

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I never got the idea of Facebook - it's a stalker's paradise. If people want to get in contact with me, they have my address, email address, or phone. If they don't it's because I don't want anything to do with them.

and that right there is another reason i was OK with breaking my FB addiction-anybody I REALLY want or HAVE wanted to stay in touch with I had been able to anyway

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Call me nuts, or just unfriendly...LOL

I joined facebook to stalk my niece and nephew. Now I use it to play Words with Friends. I think I've posted a status a total of five times. My best usage of facebook is booking hair appointments with my hair girl and facials with my skin girl. I've responded to some posts - mostly to bust gg's chops ;) . Anyway, I don't have many friends there and most of my real friends think Facebook is stupid....but, I need to know....is it really possible to have 679 friends? There appear to people out there that have hundreds of friends. Are these real friends? What is the definition of friend now anyway? Maybe I just suck at being a friend?

Also, why do people think other folks are interested in their work out regime, what's for dinner, how much weight they lost, their kid lost a tooth, what airport terminal they are in, what a jerk their ex-hisband is, how wonderful their current husband is, they bought a new car, a shopping cart dinged their car, they have a headache, God has blessed them, their dog is being crate trained. You see, my guess is that a "real" friend picks up the phone and chats with you about the mundane things that true friends can appreciate. Otherwise, I find it to be a cry for attention. It's always the same people that post over and over....are they certain that people actually give a sh*t that they can't sleep? Or that it's raining? Or that nothing is on tv? Seriously, get over yourself.

Sigh...so, I'm either old school or unfriendly. Maybe a little of both. That said, if your are going to use a medium to satisfy for narcisstic side - may as well do it in 140 characters or less ;) .....or vent at Jetnation. :)

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older and whiter....

It just cracks me up that people jump to be a cynic towards it. It's one of the most remarkable pieces of software ever created, yet people still bitch. Was saying in some other thread that I had a class full of undergrads a few weeks back coordinate an international project with students in Pretoria and Belfast through it, including video conferences and believe it or not they even incorporated some sh*t in Spotify through Facebook; I must say it was pretty damn cool.

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It just cracks me up that people jump to be a cynic towards it. It's one of the most remarkable pieces of software ever created, yet people still bitch. Was saying in some other thread that I had a class full of undergrads a few weeks back coordinate an international project with students in Pretoria and Belfast through it, including video conferences and believe it or not they even incorporated some sh*t in Spotify through Facebook; I must say it was pretty damn cool.

old white people tend to be cynical ;) I get your point though....still think it's too bad a bunch of old farts ruined it for the rest of you. Sorry!

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It just cracks me up that people jump to be a cynic towards it. It's one of the most remarkable pieces of software ever created, yet people still bitch. Was saying in some other thread that I had a class full of undergrads a few weeks back coordinate an international project with students in Pretoria and Belfast through it, including video conferences and believe it or not they even incorporated some sh*t in Spotify through Facebook; I must say it was pretty damn cool.

miss the original point of the thread much?

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old white people tend to be cynical ;) I get your point though....still think it's too bad a bunch of old farts ruined it for the rest of you. Sorry!

Zuckerberg's about to come close to having Buffet-levels of worth. I don't think you guys ruined it much. I do find it funny seeing older people tell each other they wish they could keep in touch more as they haul giant photo albums into restaurants to explain what they're up to.

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Love me some Facebook. I get to wish my dickhole cousins happy birthday without actually speaking to them, and I can keep track of which aging hot chicks are about to become embittered, lonely divorcees. It's like NORAD for my genitals.

I have that sh*t down to a science btw. Give it a few days once the relationship status changes, then start randomly liking a few statuses and photos, (but not photos that are too old, don't want to come off like a stalker), then once she starts clicking on some of your stuff, send her the "hey what r u up to?" message. sh*t is surgical.

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